Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 609: The Consequences of Killing Gods and the Demon King

Chapter 609: The Consequences of Killing Gods and the Demon King

(I was in a hurry to finish the book, and some readers always complained, so the last two chapters were written in a hurry, and many unimportant details were omitted, such as dropped equipment, world announcements, and player reactions. Wait, the result is bad pacing.

I was reminded by a book friend today that after thinking about it, I should finish writing in a down-to-earth manner, with all the details that should be included, so the next step will not be so hurried, but there will definitely be people who will criticize it, but there is no way around it. , it is impossible to satisfy everyone.

Fortunately, the book is almost finished, so if you want to like it, feel free to like it, please do it and cherish it. )


Mo Fei didn't hesitate. After finishing dealing with the God of Death, he immediately led the ancient dragon army into the sky and flew in the direction they came from.

As for those old acquaintances who had lost control of the Death Lords, Murphy didn't bother to pay attention to them.

While flying, the sound of the world announcement suddenly rang.

[World Announcement: In 1444 of the Sky Era, the dragon god Aidan led the ancient dragon clan into the wilderness of life and killed the goddess of life Nuodina. With the fall of the goddess of life, the wilderness of life entered an era of decline, and its influence will spread throughout the entire universe.

All natural life in Azeroth will be threatened by disease and plague.

Opens the world event: Strange Plague. All beasts, spirits, plants, and humanoid biomes have a certain chance of triggering [plague events] every month.

Start the world event: Revenge of the Wilds. All the wilderness demigods fell into grief and madness with the fall of the goddess of life, and the ancient dragon family became the mortal enemy of the nature and life camp.

Out of hatred for the ancient dragon clan, the crazy wilderness demigods began to enter the main material plane continuously to retaliate against all the dragon clan. Due to the crazy hatred in their hearts, these wilderness demigods gradually became distorted, and also caused huge harm to other life forms. threaten.

A certain number of wilderness demigod world bosses are randomly refreshed on the world map every month. When adventurers kill such bosses, they can gain a large amount of reputation in the sky city of Kamyatra, as well as a large number of rare plot equipment. 】

[World Announcement: In 1444 of the Sky Era, the Dragon God led the ancient dragon clan deep into the abyss of death in the underworld and killed Naraku, the ancient god of death. With the fall of the god of death, the death monarchs in the underworld lost the control of the god of death, and their ambitions and desires began to grow. , now these dead monarchs have become a new crisis that is causing trouble in the world.

Start the world event: Invasion of the Undead. As the passage to the underworld was opened, a large amount of negative energy began to invade the main material world, and all undead creatures gained a 10% attribute gain.

The refresh and growth rates of all undead monster communities have been increased by 30%. Some out-of-control spirits have also entered the main material world and will immediately possess undead creatures. The possessed undead will automatically advance to BOSS template.

Open the world event: the arrival of the Death Lord. Some death monarchs began to try to invade the main material world and establish their own undead empire in the real world.

A certain number of death monarchs are refreshed on the world map every month. Each death monarch will lead his own undead army and launch an attack on the nearest city around the arrival point. Once the city is occupied by the death monarch, the residents in the city will be transformed. For undead creatures.

Lord-type players can gain a large amount of camp reputation and command points after defeating the Death Lord, and the Death Lord will drop exclusive building blueprints for the production of undead units. 】

Um! what's the situation?

Hearing the sound of the world announcement, Murphy was suddenly a little surprised. He was still wondering why there was no world announcement after killing the goddess of life?

Unexpectedly, both of them would pop out at once.

He vaguely felt that this was probably related to Wang Xuan. For some purpose, Wang Xuan delayed the release of the first announcement.

The answer came quickly.

[System prompt: Your reputation in the Dark Night Alliance has dropped by 15000 points, and it is now hatred. 】

[System prompt: Your reputation among all furbolg forces has dropped by 15000 points, and you are now a mortal enemy. 】

[System prompt: Your reputation in the Cenarion Circle has dropped by 15000 points, and you are now a mortal enemy. 】

[System prompt: Your reputation in the Wilderness Covenant has dropped by 15000 points, and you are now a mortal enemy. 】

[System prompt: Your reputation in the Undead Alliance has dropped by 15000 points, and it is now hatred. 】

[System prompt: Your reputation in the Curse Sect has dropped by 15000 points, and you are now a mortal enemy. 】

[System prompt: Your reputation in the Knights of the Black Blade has dropped by 15000 points, and you are now a mortal enemy. 】

[System prompt: Your reputation among the remnants of the Scourge has dropped by 15000 points, and you are now a mortal enemy...]

A series of system prompts made Murphy stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly laughed.

He already understood Wang Xuan's thoughts.

The twelve main gods are inextricably linked to various forces in the real world. They are definitely not ordinary demigods. If you kill them, you will kill them.

Killing gods will not only lead to various terrible disasters, but also cause the reputation of many organizations related to the gods to decline.

If he only killed the goddess of life, the hatred caused might not be too much, and there would still be room to deal with it. With the power of the ancient dragon clan, he could still contend.

Now reducing the reputation of two camps and a bunch of forces to hatred or even mortal enemies at the same time means that there is basically no way to turn back.

I can't even think about continuing. Just this mess of forces will give me a headache.

In this way, for normal people, it would probably be a dead end.

Haha, Wang Xuan really likes to play tricks. Is he afraid that he will give up halfway?

Murphy smiled helplessly. This kind of thing could never affect his determination.

But it seems that I have to be more serious.

Although he provoked a lot of enemies, the rewards were huge.

Now Murphy's authority over life and death has reached great authority.

The plot points directly pushed his BOSS level to the fourth level of world destruction.

Of course, it doesn't mean much to him who has a god template. Anyway, in real fights, he directly turns on the god mode and uses the power of authority to fight.

But the plot points are different for his dependents. Although Gu Long Shi was only an assist in the two beheading operations, after all, it was also a god-killing incident, so the plot points given will definitely not be less.

Moreover, they are already common in worlds four and five, and Neltharion is even more world-destroying. He gained a wave of plot points when he transformed into an ancient dragon, and now he has raised a wave of points by killing gods twice.

Among them, Alexstrasza and Lesa Jess directly reached the world-destruction level because of their relatively high participation.

The remaining few have also reached the fifth level of the world and are close to the peak. After two more battles, they will probably be able to reach the world-destroying level.

Thinking about leading a group of world-destroying bosses as juniors in the future, this lineup is not bad compared to the Burning Legion.

In addition to the enhanced power of his men, there are also equipments released by the two gods.

The gods' equipment is naturally all of the highest quality.

There were seven or eight pieces of legendary equipment alone, but what really concerned Mo Fei was the natal artifact that the two main gods revealed.

Even for him, this thing is a great enhancement.

[Crystal Teardrop of the Goddess of Life (Necklace/High-level Artifact)

Plot Item: Unique.

Equipment special effect 1: real life. Your health limit is increased by 100%, and you are immune to instant death effects.

Equipment special effect 2: endless life. Your health regeneration rate is increased by 500%. Dispels a poison, disease, bleeding, or curse effect every 60 seconds.

Equipment special effect 3: Nautina's favor. All friendly units around you receive a buff equal to 30% of your first two equipment effects.

Equipment special effect 4: Rebirth. When your health drops to 0, you will immediately recover 50000 health points and resurrect. Health points that exceed the upper limit of health will gradually decline within 24 hours (this effect can only be triggered once per plot event).

Item introduction: The goddess of life, Nautina, deeply mourned for those who died in vain. Her inner sorrow caused the divine power of life to condense into pure crystals from teardrops. Nautina used this crystal to create this artifact, and its chain used It is woven from the branches of Esindora, the tree of the first born. Esindora is the first life in the universe and a tree of symbiotic life and divine power. It is said that people surrounded by the branches of Esindora can... Freedom from the threat of death. 】

This artifact will undoubtedly greatly enhance Murphy's survivability. This equipment increases the upper limit of health by a percentage. The higher the health, the more obvious the effect.

Moreover, it can also exert effects on surrounding subordinates. It is indeed an artifact of the Goddess of Life.

On the contrary, the special effect of rebirth is a magical skill for ordinary people, but it is a bit useless for Murphy. Fifty thousand blood volume seems to be a lot, but for gods with millions of blood volume, it is really useless. It's better than nothing. The key is that this thing is automatically activated. If you are completely drained of your health bar during a decisive battle with other gods, you will only be resurrected for a few more seconds. This is the case with the one who killed Nuodina.

The second artifact was the third of the three artifacts of death that Mo Fei had imagined.

[Death Scepter (Staff/Higher Artifact)

Plot Item: Unique.

Attack power 0-144.

Spell power +144.

Weapon Effect 1: Touch of Death. When you make a melee attack, an instant death check will be made on the target hit. If the check fails, 455 points of shadow damage will be caused to the target.

Weapon Effect 2: Finger of Death. Release Finger of Death on the target. If you have mastered this magic, the instant death level of your Finger of Death will be +1. Cooling time 1 second.

Weapon Effect 3: Death Ritual. Summon a death ritual bird to serve you. The death ritual bird is a special existence made up of thousands of dead souls. It possesses powerful death magic and lives by devouring souls. You can only summon one death ritual bird at the same time.

Weapon Effect 4: Destined Death. All your attacks come with a certain probability of killing, and the killing power of your killing skills is doubled.

Weapon Effect 5: Seal Death. Death is sealed in this staff, so the effectiveness of all your necromancy spells is increased by 100%. When this staff is destroyed, the seal will be lifted, and something terrible will happen.

Item introduction: The scepter of Naraku, the ancient god of death. Naraku was the first deceased in the universe, so he understood the true meaning of death and mastered the power of death. He used his own bones to forge this artifact to control the underworld. All the dead in it.

It is said that the power of immortality can awaken the souls of the old world, but the souls are too terrifying and no one can see them. ] The effect of this thing on Mo Fei is not that great, mainly because his damage skills are not lacking at all.

Of course, it's not completely unusable. It's not bad to use it as a off-hand item to increase the probability of killing.

Very helpful for the target to be dealt with next.

"Lord Aidan, where should we go next?" Neltharion asked eagerly. Killing gods may be psychologically stressful for other guardian dragons, but for Neltharion, it is a real pleasure. direction.

"Go to the Twisting Void. There is an old friend I need to meet."

What Murphy was talking about was Sargeras.

The goddess of life and the god of death should be said to be relatively weak among the six targets.

The next ones to deal with are the Demon King Sargeras and the Father of the Gods Aman'Thul.

Both are behemoths. Not only are their physical strength super strong, but the power they control is even more astonishing. The Burning Legion and the Pantheon are not that easy to deal with. If they really want to fight hard, it is really difficult to win.

Mo Fei was naturally not a stubborn guy, so he came up with a plan to defeat them one by one.

The Burning Legion and the Pantheon are sworn enemies. In this case, it is better to fight against each other. As for where to cooperate, considering that I have been with the remnant soul of Sargeras for a long time, I am relatively familiar with it, so Murphy felt that it would be better to cooperate with Sargeras.

At least you can understand some of the other person's way of thinking.

However, it is very simple to summon demons from the Twisting Nether, but it is not easy to go to the Twisting Nether in the opposite direction. Just when Murphy is trying to find a way to go to the Twisting Nether, at this moment, the players of Azeroth are already in a panic .

Wocao, what the hell? Even gods can kill.

Are you kidding me? How much money did Aidan charge? How could he still play like this?

I don’t accept it. If there is a shady story, there must be a shady story.

If you can kill even gods like this, and kill two at once, what will Aidan do next? Are you going to kill the Pantheon and kill the Father of the Gods as well? Or go and kill Sargeras?

People who knew Murphy frantically sent private messages to Murphy, trying to figure out what happened.

Godwin no longer even had the mood to fight against the Will of the Void.

Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, this big brother must be recognized, even the gods have been defeated. If there is this help in fighting the Will of the Void, then there is hope.

Ba Dao Qingqing was stunned, damn it, how wonderful it would be to give me such power.

Emperor Shenwu couldn't help but feel speechless when he looked at the ancient dragon clan in the hostile camp list and the name of the hostile leader Dragon God Aidan.

What the hell is going on?

Fortunately, it's not the Earth Mother Goddess, otherwise I still wouldn't be able to get up.

This Aidan, I must have a good chat with him later.


"Okay, that should be enough."

Murphy muttered to himself and sent the demon in front of him back to the twisted void.

He has already thought of a way to get to the Twisting Nether.

The method is also very simple. First summon a demon, attach a space-time beacon to it, send it back to the twisted void, and then teleport to a fixed point.

With Mo Fei's powerful arcane authority, interstellar teleportation is just a routine operation.

Feeling that the target had disappeared from the material world, Murphy suddenly activated the time and space beacon on the other party.

It's a bit far, but that's okay.

The gate of time and space!

The huge portal slowly opened, and Murphy looked at the scene on the other side of the portal. The dim planet, broken earth, colored clouds and bright ribbons blended together to form a beautiful and terrifying scene. .

He was the first to pass through the portal, and the ancient dragons who had been waiting closely followed him and passed through together.

Three days later——Twisting Nether:

The broken earth is suspended in the endless Twisting Nether. These broken territories are the main habitat of the demons in the Twisting Nether.

There are not many complete planets in the Twisting Nether, and most of the territories exist in this weird form.

Sargeras led the Burning Legion across the universe and conquered world after world. Many worlds were destroyed in the war and became part of the Twisting Nether.

The remains of these planets have also become a paradise for demons.

At this moment, Mo Feizheng is leading the ancient dragon clan, occupying a relatively complete fragment of the earth and fighting with nearby demons.

For beings like the Ancient Dragon Clan that are incompatible with the Twisting Void, the demons would attack almost instinctively.

And more and more demons were beaten, and the demons came like a tide, but they fell like wheat in front of Murphy's powerful power.

After exploring the Twisting Nether for three full days and killing countless demons, Murphy still couldn't find the location of Sargeras.

However, he could feel that he should be very close to the Demon King. The number of demons he encountered recently was increasing and becoming more and more powerful.

There were even powerful eredar lords. The eredar clan were the elite commanders under Sargeras, which meant that this place was at least close to the core territory of the Burning Legion.

A group of doomsday guards were summoned by nearby eredar warlocks. These powerful demons with huge wings are the most dangerous enemies of the ancient dragons. Adult doomsday guards are as powerful as dragons and possess powerful evil spells. Even if they are Ancient dragons are also unable to save.

The ancient dragons were spitting dragon thunder like crazy, but they still couldn't stop the enemy from approaching.

"Lord Aidan!"

Don't worry--

The Wrath of the Holy Light!

The sky-wide beams of light locked the doomsday guards one by one.

Star storm!

Countless arcane energy-gathered meteors hit the doomsday guards like raindrops, blasting them into pieces.

Demons can be resurrected if they are killed in the main material plane, but if they are killed in the Twisting Nether, they are truly dead.

Aidan (Dragon God): "Demon bastards, I suggest you don't continue to die. I'm tired of killing you. Stop wasting my time and let your master come to see me."

An eredar lord looked at the powerful god suspended in the void with anger and fear. Such a powerful power made him dare not show up easily. Just when he was about to continue summoning demons, his expression suddenly changed, and he quietly Exit the battlefield.

At this moment, a huge, indescribable figure was rising slowly from behind the broken land.

The huge body blocked the surrounding starlight, and the burning beard and huge horns reflected the light of the flames.

Murphy felt the terrifying aura coming from behind him, and felt the energy fluctuations of fire and chaos. His heart beat violently, and the strong pressure made him slowly turn around.

A demon as huge as a planet appeared in front of him, Sargeras - the Demon King!

That terrifying figure seemed to be able to hold the land occupied by the dragons in the palm of its hand with just one hand and crush it easily.

It was as if just one breath could set off a storm in the void.

Looking at the monster as huge as a planet in front of him, Murphy also put away his arrogance.

It is also a great authority, but just from the momentum, Sargeras completely destroyed the two guys he killed before.

He is indeed the most powerful warrior among the Titans.

He is worthy of being the god that thousands of demons swear allegiance to.

Sargeras (Demon King): "Aidan! We meet again."

The sound shook the void, and all the demons were so frightened that they knelt on the ground, not daring to make the slightest move.

Even the ancient dragons did not dare to make a sound, they just guarded behind their gods.

Only Murphy remained calm.

The opponent is indeed powerful, and the towering body like a planet is full of oppression, but it is not for nothing. He has obtained the great authority of life and death, coupled with the great authority of the Holy Light, even the King of Demons, he has the confidence to fight with In a battle, even if you can't win, you can still escape.

Aidandron (Dragon God): "What a surprise. Do you know me?"

Sargeras (Demon King): "Of course I know you. Don't think you can escape my notice. That ring you made with my soul fragments, do you think you can avoid my attention? I can Hearing your voice, I can detect your inner thoughts, and I can feel your power.

You tore up the agreement with my clone, and now you dare to appear in front of me again. I have to say that your courage surprised me. Tell me Dragon God Aidan, how do you plan to die? "

(End of this chapter)

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