Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 610 Evil Alliance

Chapter 610 Evil Alliance

Aidan (Dragon God): "Death? Haha, Sargeras, you are as reckless and impulsive as ever. Don't you want to know why I came to you?"

Sargeras (Demon King): "Huh, I've already had enough of your sweet talk, and I'm even more tired of your double-dealing. Tell me your purpose before I take action, so that I can crush you completely." broken."

Murphy smiled slightly. As long as Sargeras was willing to talk, it would be no problem. Although the soul fragment that possessed Medivh was not the real Sargeras, there was obviously a connection in personality. At least now Sargeras gave him He felt exactly the same as before.

Murphy was very confident at this time that he could convince (fool) the other party.

"Actually, I'm not looking for you to fight, but to form an alliance with you. Now Azeroth is facing a huge threat, an unprecedented enemy. Even I can't defeat him. Maybe only you can help. I solve this problem.

"I'm curious, little Dragon God, what makes you think I would be willing to help you?"

Mo Fei smiled confidently, "Because the enemy I am fighting is exactly the goal you have been pursuing to defeat in your life, the will of the void from the Shadow Void. Back then, you rebelled against the Pantheon, broke away from the Titans, and gathered an army of demons to create the Burning Legion. Isn’t it about fighting against the forces of the void?

In order to prevent the physical universe from being corrupted and polluted by the void, you led the Burning Legion to conquer and destroy countless worlds, and even wanted to completely destroy the entire universe, because in your opinion, as long as you destroy the physical universe first, then the void cannot be corrupted. this universe.

But Azeroth is the key to everything. No matter how many worlds you destroy or how many planets you destroy, Azeroth is the most important one.

In the past, I didn't understand why you worked tirelessly to invade Azeroth, but now I know..."

Murphy didn't say that reason. In the past, he always thought that Sargeras and the Will of the Void were competing for the star soul of Azeroth, because that's what the chronicles said, and the star soul of Azeroth was unprecedentedly powerful. Star Soul, once born, will become the most powerful Titan.

If the Void corrupts Azeroth's star soul, then the entire universe will be destroyed...

And if the star soul is not corrupted, it can completely destroy the will of the void...

That's why the Pantheon wants to protect Azeroth to the death, and has set up a powerful barrier around Azeroth. This barrier can prevent overly powerful entities from entering Azeroth, so whether it is the Will of the Void or Sargeras , cannot directly contact Azeroth, and can only rely on the help of his younger brother to open the door and summon.

This triggered a series of events such as the invasion of the Old Gods and Sargeras possessing Medivh.

Now that I think about it, this theory is really flawed. The universe is so big, how do they know that there won't be other more powerful star souls appearing?

Besides, no matter how powerful this star soul is, how can the corruption of just one star soul cause the entire physical universe to be swallowed up by the void?

This thing hasn't even been born yet.

But now Murphy understands that whether it is the Void or Sargeras, the target they are fighting for is not the star soul at all, but the Pillars of Creation. The Pillars of Creation are the control center of the physical universe, and they have mastered the power of creation. Pillar means mastering the possibility of controlling the physical universe.

Of course, they may not know this. Maybe they really came for the Star Soul and it was an instinctive reaction influenced by the plot of the game.

Murphy wasn't sure, so he just spoke vaguely.

But Sargeras was obviously touched. Speaking of which, he has also been fighting to save the universe over the years.

Although in the eyes of the world Sargeras is the great devil who wants to destroy the world, Sargeras himself regards himself as the savior of the universe. It is a pity that those stupid mortals cannot understand his greatness at all, and they are unwilling to be honest. Let yourself be destroyed...

At this time, I couldn't help but feel a little emotional when I heard Murphy tell his true goal.

It turned out to be this guy who understood his philosophy.

"Yes, I created the Burning Legion just to save this universe. I didn't expect you to understand my thoughts.

Haha, it’s really ironic, but so what? After destroying you, it won’t be too late for me to destroy Azeroth. Don’t forget that it was you who stopped Archimonde’s actions before…”

Mo Fei shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it's too late. The Will of the Void has already arrived. It has corrupted the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron, and the power of the Void is still growing. The Will of the Void has sent its tentacles deep into the ground and kept digging. You know what it's looking for, right?

Once you make it work, it's too late. "

"What!" Sargeras' eyes widened in anger after hearing this. Evil energy flames burned on his body, and even the void was illuminated, like a human-shaped sun.

"Those damn useless guardians, I was right as expected. The guardians created by the Titans are useless at all. They can't even stand up to a few half-dead ancient gods. They are really useless at all.

I have long told that old guy in Aman'Thul that Azeroth must be destroyed. Those damn Old Gods will corrupt the entire planet sooner or later.

At that time, it will definitely threaten the safety of the entire universe. That short-sighted old waste rejected my proposal. Now all this will be irreversible. Aidan, you are even more guilty. If you did not stop Archimonde's actions, None of this would have happened. "

Murphy shrugged, "Yes, yes, everything you said is right. I'm wrong. I'm sorry. I understand you are right now, but now is not the time to argue about who is right and who is wrong. We must unite." , resolve this crisis, otherwise once the will of the void succeeds, the entire universe will turn into a shadow void."

"Hmph, it's very simple to solve this matter. Go to Azeroth, open a portal for me, summon me there, and I will completely purify that world with the flames of chaos.

At that time, the Titans of the Pantheon set up a powerful barrier in Azeroth to prevent beings that were too powerful from entering. Therefore, my body was inaccessible, but as long as there was enough power, I might be able to be summoned. "

Murphy shook his head helplessly, "I'm afraid I can't do it. I have already explored Azeroth's planetary protective barrier. This powerful barrier is indeed impossible to break, but I have an idea. Since this barrier It was built jointly by the Titans of the Pantheon, so there must be a way to break the barrier in the Pantheon."

Sargeras' expression was ferocious: "You think I don't know, I have been fighting the Pantheon for tens of thousands of years, just to get the Taitas to lift their barriers.

My Burning Legion is constantly at war with the Order group controlled by the Pantheon. I have led the demon army to attack the Pantheon several times. Those weak Titans are no match for me at all, but they are so numerous that I alone cannot defeat them.

Although my demonic servants are large in number, most of them are useless. Of course, they are no problem against ordinary planet natives, but facing the threat of Titans, they can only be said to be better than nothing. "

Murphy nodded, "You're right, the power of Titan cannot be defeated by ordinary creatures, but now you are not alone, I can help you, for Azeroth, to save the universe, I am willing to work with you Fight side by side and attack the Pantheon together.

As long as we defeat the Pantheon and find a way to enter Azeroth, it will be easy to completely purify the entire planet with your powerful Chaos Flame.

You and I join forces, the Ancient Dragon Legion and the Burning Legion, the forces of the void will not be a concern, and we will rule this universe together..."

Sargeras looked at Murphy with disdain. The huge size difference made the Dragon God so small.

"You? A small planet god dares to discuss cooperation with me?"

"Haha, don't be too arrogant, Sargeras. I respect your power, but you obviously think too highly of yourself, and you underestimate me too much, Planet God? Is this what you think of me?

Long before the birth of Azeroth - no, long before the birth of this universe you are in, I existed. I am a god that transcends time and space. I am an ancient life beyond the reincarnation of the universe. I control everything. The power is beyond your imagination. You should be glad that I chose to cooperate with you, otherwise I could just sit back and watch the fall and destruction of this universe. The birth and destruction of a universe is just a moment in my life..."

Sargeras also didn't know how to answer what Murphy said.

There was a moment of silence.

"Really, insignificant Dragon God, if you really have that kind of power, then take my sword. If you are really as great as you say, then we can indeed form an alliance, and if you are not that powerful ...Hmph, then turn into dust in the most twisted void."

Sargeras didn't talk nonsense. He raised his hand and slashed down Murphy's head with the giant sword 'Dark Boiler' in his hand.

The giant sword in his hand was an unknown number of tens of thousands of meters long. It was so huge that it could split the planet. The blade of the sword cut through the void. Because the blade was so big, when the sword edge cut through the void at ten times the speed of sound, But it's like slow motion.

The giant sword struck at Murphy head-on with an indomitable momentum.

So strong!

Murphy looked at the sword blade getting closer and closer, feeling shocked in his heart.

He wasn't surprised that Sargeras would take action against him. It would be strange if Sargeras didn't do so. The powerful Dark Titan would not cooperate with the weak. At this time, Murphy felt solemn in his heart. In terms of destructive power alone, Sargeras would definitely explode his strength.

The authority of the earth - the guidance of all things from heaven!

The broken pieces of earth floating in the void converged towards one point. Dozens of pieces of broken earth collided and attracted together, forming a huge floating continent, blocking Mo Fei's face.

boom! This sword directly shattered the condensed floating continent, and countless broken pieces of earth collapsed and disintegrated into fragments.

Even just a flat A, the damage is enough to destroy a small planet.

Mo Fei didn't dare to be careless, and the Dragon God's authority was fully activated.

Time authority - time stands still!

For a moment, the sword blade seemed to be frozen in the void, and even the broken earth fragments stopped flying.

But the range where time stops is not infinite after all. Outside the range, Sargeras struggled to press down, and the huge force even distorted the surrounding gravity and light.

Click, even the time force field was shattered.

"Hmph, as long as the power is strong enough, time can also be distorted. The power of time you control is indeed a powerful force, but it is not enough."

So strong!

Murphy was a little awe-struck, actually relying on powerful power to shatter time.

Watching the sword blade continue to slash downward.

Murphy once again exerted his power of authority.

The authority of the Holy Light - the Holy Star!

A huge golden sphere completely surrounded Mo Fei. The holy light was like substance, and the golden light was as dazzling as a sun.

clang! The blade of the sword struck the sphere of Holy Light, and the energy of Chaos and Holy Light collided together, creating a huge energy wave, boom boom boom!

The huge energy wave formed a golden-green ring, shattering everything in its path and instantly clearing a large area of ​​void.

And Sargeras's sword was blocked abruptly.

"The power of the Holy Light!? I have to say, you are more powerful than I expected." Sargeras was also a little surprised when he faced Murphy's new ability.

His sword seemed casual, but it was also a blow that focused all his strength.

The power of this Dragon God has grown quite astonishingly.

At that moment, Sargeras even had murderous intentions, but when he thought that he still had two mortal enemies, the Pantheon and the Void Camp, he had to let go of this idea.

Huh, let me just let you live for a while. Once you deal with those two enemies, you will die.

"Okay, I accept your cooperation. Let's kill the Pantheon together and let those ignorant Titans understand that only I, Sargeras, can save this universe."

"Hahahaha, well said Sargeras, the Burning Legion and the Ancient Dragon Legion, the King of Demons and the God of Dragons, who can resist such power."


Beyond the Void—The Pantheon—

This huge temple built on an artificial star is a majestic fortress standing between the twisted void and the physical universe.

Its main body is forged from collapsed stars, and its magnificent temple is extremely majestic. It is also the most powerful fortress of the Titan family.

It is here that Aman'Thul, the Father of the Gods, issues orders and directs the Titans to cover most of the physical universe with order and rule.

Civilizations and orders led by Titans were born on countless planets, and countless images of gods were created, becoming the objects of worship for the intelligent races on these planets.

Many of these gods are played by Titans, and some are played by guardians created by Titans. The father of the gods can be said to be over-the-top. The more mortals who believe in the gods, the more powerful the power of faith they gain. Coupled with the powerful power of the Titans themselves, the Pantheon has become an existence with absolute dominance in the physical universe.

If Sargeras hadn't rebelled against the Pantheon, formed the Burning Legion, and fought with the Pantheon, the Pantheon's rule would have been eternal and unshakable.

However, even Sargeras cannot compete with the entire Pantheon. With the advantage of the top combat power, the Titans firmly hold their position and guard the boundaries of the physical universe. As long as the Titans gather here, they will not be afraid of Sargeras. Glass' challenge.

Sargeras attacked the Pantheon several times, but was ultimately defeated by the siege of the Titans.

For ten thousand years, Sargeras seemed to have given up on the idea of ​​storming the Pantheon, and instead sent the Burning Legion to conquer the planets controlled by the Titans and eliminate the intelligent races that believed in the Titans, in order to weaken the power of the Titans.

However, on this day, the Burning Legion once again attacked the door of the Pantheon.

"Father God! Sargeras' demon army has breached the first gate. His evil warships have dropped countless demon servants onto the second floor of the Pantheon. The Star Saints and Holy Guards are fighting with them. The guardians have been captured. Awakening, struggling to rush to the battlefield.”

In addition to the Titans in the Pantheon, there are also guardians, star saints created by the Titans, and powerful warriors selected from various planets. Titans have always existed as gods in the history of various planets, and they have great influence on the lives of different planets. For an intelligent race, becoming a Titan warrior is an unprecedented honor.

Therefore, the Pantheon never lacks mortal troops.

"Where's Sargeras?"

"He hasn't shown up yet."


"Father God, Sargeras has appeared. He destroyed the second door and has already reached the atrium."

"Hmph, you really can't help but take action personally. After all these years, Sargeras still hasn't made much progress. Gather the Titans and we will fight him in the atrium and let Aggramar come as soon as possible."

Aggramar was once the lieutenant of Sargeras and the most powerful warrior among the Titans after Sargeras.

Although Aman'Thul possesses the powerful power of order, Aggramar is stronger in hand-to-hand combat.

Aggramar resisted Sargeras' attack head-on, and the other Titans used their divine power to support him. This was how Sargeras was defeated in the previous battles.

Soon a dozen Titans were gathered.

Aman'Thul, Father of the Gods, Aggramar the Avenger, Eonar the Life-Binder, Gorg'nath, Lord of the Sea and Sky, Khaz'goroth the Shaper and Forger of Worlds, Keeper of Celestial Magic and Knowledge Norgannon...the powerful lineup can be called luxurious.

Looking at the Titans, Aman'Thul nodded, "Come on, Titans, today we will make Sargeras understand that the majesty of the Pantheon is inviolable."

(End of this chapter)

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