Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 611 Ragnarok

Chapter 611 Ragnarok

At this moment, the war taking place in the atrium has reached a fever pitch.

The endless army of demons attacked the defense line of the Star Saints one after another. These energy creatures composed of pure starlight released dazzling star energy rays, mowing down the demons layer by layer like divine punishment.

The holy guards formed a continuous line of defense, shouting and fighting to the death for their gods.

The powerful guardian is like a giant, fighting to the death against the tide of demons.

However, the forces of the Burning Legion still have the upper hand, with demonic tribes gathered from countless conquered worlds and countless demonic armies raised from the Twisting Nether.

Under the whipping and driving of the demon lords, they rushed forward one after another.

Whether it is a demon or a demonized creature, the blood of evil energy flows in the body, releasing the power of evil energy. This is a terrifying magic that even the gods are afraid of.

The two sides were fighting, and the corpses of fallen warriors were stacked higher and higher on the ground. Occasionally, demons would use magic such as corpse manipulation and evil explosion to reuse these corpses.

The defenders of the Pantheon had to begin using arcane magic to annihilate the corpses together with the demons who stepped on them to prevent these corpses from being used again.

The entire Pantheon, as its name suggests, is a palace in the true sense, but because it was a hall built for the Titans, its scale is enlarged countless times.

Powerful demons that are several meters or even tens of meters tall are truly like ants here.

Sargeras stood in the void behind the door, watching the millions of armies from both sides fighting continuously in the hall of the palace. The battle lines kept changing, pushing forward for a while, and then pushed back again.

There was growing impatience on his face.

Sargeras (Demon King): "That's enough. You guys are useless trash. You can't even defeat a few servants of the Titans. If you hadn't dragged me down, how could I have been unable to take over the physical universe for so long? Get out of the way." --I come!"

Sargeras finally couldn't help but take action. The great sword of the Dark Boiler in his hand suddenly swung out, and the chaotic blade set off a shock wave of evil energy. Everything in its path was burned in the green evil fire.

With just one strike, he killed more than a dozen Star Saints, guardians, and tens of thousands of holy guards, blasting a huge gap in the middle of the defense line like a tsunami.

"Now, my servants, rush through the gap and divide the enemy's line!"

"For Sargeras!"

An Abyss Demon King roared and took the lead in charging forward. His huge body was nearly a hundred meters tall, and he was unstoppable with the blessing of evil energy.

Countless demons followed closely behind and rushed towards the gap. They were about to penetrate the defenders' line, but suddenly, countless dazzling stars fell from the sky, and violent explosions and shock waves continued. The gap was instantly blocked, and the demons rushing at the front disappeared in the light as if they had evaporated, including the very powerful Abyss Demon King.

Immediately, Aman'Thul led a group of Titans to teleport to the two armies in the atrium, and appeared in a burst of dazzling white light.

The Star Storm move just now was Aman'Thul's unique skill.

Aman'Thul looked at the Demon King majestically.

Aman'Thul (Father of the Gods): "Sargeras, I thought your failure in the Doomsday War had taught you a lesson. Unexpectedly, you launched another war. Look at the corpses of those who died in vain around you, their destruction. They all died because of your arrogance.”

Sargeras (Demon King): "Hahaha, stupid Titans, you are too naive. The retreat from the Doomsday War is only temporary. Sargeras cannot be defeated. As long as my purpose has not been achieved, the war will continue." Never stops.

As for those lowly servants? I don't care about their lives at all. No matter how many they die, it's no big deal. It's their honor to die for my great plan, Sargeras.

As for the mortal warriors you found... Humph, stop pretending to be sanctimonious. You don't care about the life and death of those mortals at all. The reason why you show kindness is just to show them.

Your hypocrisy really makes me sick. I have already seen through you, old guy, and you, the ignorant Titans..."

This is a bit like firing a map gun.

Aman'Thul hadn't reacted much, but Aggramar couldn't stand it anymore.

Aggramar (Titan Avenger): "Enough, Sargeras, you have betrayed your compatriots, and now you are going to tarnish the honor of the Titans with these evil words? I will personally cut off your head to stop Your evil deeds.”

Sargeras (Demon King): "Akrama, you really don't know the heights of heaven and earth. You dare to face me. What benefits did that old guy Aman'Thul give you to become the first warrior of the Titan clan? '?Don't forget that position once belonged to me. I know very well the sacrifices that have to be made behind that false name.

Believe me, it's not worth the price of your life. In the last war, you relied on the support of those who were hiding behind you to barely draw a tie with me. But this time it will no longer be the same, because I also have it. A new ally. "

New allies?

All the Titans were very surprised. With Sargeras' pretentiousness and arrogance, he never made so-called allies, only servants and subordinates.

What kind of person can be recognized by Sargeras as an 'ally'.

The next second, the answer appeared.

A huge portal appeared in the sky of the Pantheon, and all the Titans were surprised. It was the light of arcane magic, which was completely different from the evil magic used by the demons.

When did demons start playing arcane magic too?

Immediately afterwards, I saw a strange dragon with a wingspan of more than 200 meters flying out of the portal. It had rock-like scales and body, four thick dragon wings, and rock-front-like dragon horns. The expressions of all the Titans changed greatly.

Immediately afterwards, other ancient dragons also flew out.

Compared with the towering bodies of the Titans, the group of ancient dragons in front of them was undoubtedly small, but the Titans did not dare to be careless at all, because they had already recognized the leading dragon.

Lord of Ancient Dragons! Dragon God!

Looking at this group of ancient creatures that had long been submerged in history, the Titans showed solemn expressions.

Gorganes (Lord of Sea and Sky): "Impossible, the Dragon God has long since fallen, and all the ancient dragon clan has died out - Alexstrasza? Ysera? Nozdormu? Neltharion? You have been You accepted the mission we gave you and transformed into a noble guardian dragon. Why do you appear here? Why do you change back to your ugly appearance? And you actually dance with the devil? "

Gorgones scolded, and his powerful divine power made his voice ring through the entire hall.

Faced with the Titan's questioning, the former guardian dragons were indeed a little timid, but Lysajes and the other disaster dragons didn't care, and even looked at them with gloating eyes.

Murphy did not embarrass Alexstrasza and the others. Not everyone can face a super god-level existence like Titan with ease.

Aidandron (Dragon God): "Don't be afraid of my followers. Sargeras and I will naturally deal with the Titans. You only need to deal with those Star Saints and Guardians. Gorganes, Lord of the Sea and Sky, let Let me answer your question. Once upon a time, the Dragon Clan was deceived by the lies of your Titans and had to accept a harsh contract. However, they have protected Azeroth for tens of thousands of years and have fulfilled their obligation to protect it.

The agreement in the past is meaningless now, because the Will of the Void has descended on Azeroth and is about to complete the corruption of the entire planet. Your plan has failed. Now only the complete destruction of Azeroth can prevent an even greater disaster from happening. .

And the only one who can do this is Sargeras, so you lift the enchantment around Azeroth, otherwise - I will have no choice but to end you here. "

Aman'Thul (Father of the Gods): "Presumptuous, newborn dragon god, don't think that you can be so arrogant because you have experienced the reincarnation of the universe. That's right - I know your origin, but this is our universe, and only It is only we who have the power to decide its fate.

Azeroth will not fall. I have already made an agreement with the Unspeakable. He will prevent the end of the universe. Your words cannot scare me.

Get out of my palace now and give up on being with Sargeras. I can pretend that this never happened. Maybe after Sargeras is dealt with, we can sign a new contract. You only have one chance to choose. , accept my conditions, otherwise you will perish with Sargeras. "

The unspeakable? Are you talking about Wang Xuan? This guy really has something to do with the Titans.

Aidandron (Dragon God): "No need, I would rather trust my own judgment - why are you waiting for Sargeras, let's start the war!"

Sargeras: Kill!

Aggramar: Kill!

Eonar: Kill!

Gorgones: Kill!

Kazgros: Kill! …

With that angry roar, the war started again.

But this time, the scale of the war was completely different.

Aggramar, wielding the Titan's sword, the Flame Tearer, rushed forward and collided with the Dark Boiler wielded by Sargeras.

The shock wave caused by the collision killed a large number of demons and holy guards around the two people.

Aggramar was decisively repelled by Sargeras, but then, the other Titans each controlled the authority of arcane magic and the power of faith, bombarding Sargeras with various terrifying miracles, arcane forbidden spells, or blessings with powerful divine spells. When it came to Aggramar, the sky was full of flaming meteors, meteorite storms, subspace energy waves, and even explosive nebulae, blasting Sargeras back.

Every time he took a step back, hundreds of demons would die at his feet.

The splash damage of those forbidden spells caused countless deaths and injuries to the surrounding demons.

Damn it, it happens again! Sargeras was also furious. None of these Titans could be his opponent individually, but together they gave him a huge headache.

Sargeras (Demon King): "Aidan! Support me!"

The two of them had previously decided on a strategy for Sargeras to play forward, while Murphy was naturally responsible for assisting.

In this kind of titan-level battle, even Archimonde and Kil'jaeden can only provide a little support. The other demon lords are completely unable to intervene, and Sargeras is worried about his two powerful men. His men were killed by the Titans, so the two of them were usually not allowed to participate in the battle. This resulted in him picking a group every time a battle started.

But this time, it was finally different.

Aidan (Dragon God): "Receive - the radiance of arcane magic, turn it into a barrier of magic and a barrier of energy, protect the people in front of you!"

Barrier of order!

Powerful arcane energy continued to gather around Sargeras, turning into huge force field shields, each of which was dozens of kilometers in diameter.

Pieces floated around Sargeras.

Boom boom boom! These shields immediately blocked part of the attack.

The pressure on Sargeras was greatly reduced, and he finally stopped retreating, but this was not enough.

Aidan (Dragon God): "The energy of life, turn into boiling blood, strengthen his body!"

The blood of God's wrath!

In an instant, Sargeras' blood boiled, and evil flames ignited wildly on his body, and his momentum instantly increased to a new level.

Although it is just a BUFF skill, the BUFF that can affect the Titan can only be done by a powerful god of Murphy's level.

"Hahahaha! Wake up now!"

Sargeras laughed and rushed towards Aggramar. After fighting the Titan War for tens of thousands of years, he finally felt the feeling of being buffed.

Eonar also added a similar BUFF to Aggramar, but with the same BUFF, Aggramar was no match for Sargeras and was forced back by several sword strikes.

This time it was the cannon fodder of the defenders who suffered disaster, and countless of them were trampled to death by Aggramar.

Aman'Thul (Father of the Gods): "Quick, Aggramar and I will hold off Sargeras first, and you guys will deal with the Dragon God first!"

Murphy had expected this.

Aidan (Dragon God): "The shadow of death awakens the sleeping dead and the broken undead. Gather the undead souls who were buried in this war. Answer my call and transform into the storm of death!"

Countless dead souls gathered into a huge undead storm under Murphy's call, wailing and crying, and the dark storm enveloped the battlefield, and Murphy hid among these undead souls.

The body of the ancient dragon is already unpredictable, and now it is even more difficult to search.

Murphy was not prepared to fight so many Titans head-on. While hiding, continue to buff Sargeras.

But these Titans not only hold powerful arcane powers, but also each have different powers of faith. It is not for nothing that they play gods on various planets.

Eonar released the divine power of life, constantly driving away the undead spirits flying around.

Golganes summoned the power of sky and sea to calm the raging storm.

But Murphy didn't only have this ability. Seeing that the death storm was dispersed, he entered the rift of time to escape and wander.

But there are also strong men among the Titans who can use time magic. Norgannon, the guardian of the magic and knowledge of the gods, used an artifact, the Mirror of Time, to shine at the shadow of Mo Fei left in his own plane, and actually directly pulled him out of the rift. Made a prototype.

When Kazgoros, the Shaper of the World and the Forger, saw him, he immediately swung the giant hammer in his hand - Vollais Earth Crusher, and struck at Murphy.

Murphy once again used the power of the Holy Light to transform into a sacred star.

boom! The hammer hit the sacred star made of holy light, sputtering out a golden shock wave, but Kaz'goroth's power was completely incomparable to Sargeras, and there was not even a mark on the sacred star when the hammer hit it.

Kazgross waved the hammer furiously, boom! boom! boom!

Cracks gradually appeared in the sacred star under the violent impact.

So strong! As expected of a Titan, every one of them is a super-god-level being.

Murphy looked at the cracks spreading on the surrounding shields and sighed in his heart.

boom! The sacred star was finally destroyed, and several Titans gathered around Murphy, their huge bodies towering into the clouds filled with a sense of oppression.

When they were about to join forces for the final attack, Murphy smiled.

"Dragon God, prepare to accept the fate of destruction!"

"I should be the one who said that - look behind you."

ah! A scream made all the Titans change their expressions.

Just behind them, Sargeras slashed Aggramar away with his sword. He knocked down a giant pillar, crushed tens of thousands of holy guards to death, and buried them in a pile of ruins.

Aman'Thul, the father of the gods, hurriedly created countless stars and blasted them at Sargeras, knocking Sargeras away.

Sargeras angrily threw the Dark Boiler in his hand.

The great sword spun and plunged into Aman'Thul's chest.

ah! The scream came just right.


"Father God!"

"Quick, stop him!"

How could Murphy let them escape? He was about to stop them, but suddenly he smiled and did not take action.

Only those who kill the target with his own hands can seize authority. The power of authority held by the Father of the Gods cannot be wasted.

He allowed the Titans to rush toward Sargeras and Aman'Thul.

As soon as Sargeras rushed towards Aman'Thul, he was staggered by Khaz'goroth wielding the Earth Crusher, and he was immediately furious.

"Get away you idiot!" Sargeras slapped Kaz'goros in the face.

Kazgoros is not a professional warrior. He is more like a craftsman and creator among the Titans. Although he has brute strength, he does not have much fighting skills.

But at this time, for the sake of Father God, he hugged Sargeras's body desperately, and did not flinch even if he was seriously injured by the evil flames on Sargeras' body.

Then several other titans also launched another attack on Sargeras, and the opportunity to kill the father of the gods was about to be missed.

At this moment, a 'tiny' Dragon God flew silently above Aman'Thul's head.

The authority of the Dragon God - fission of the force!

In an instant, the six energies of life, death, shadow, holy light, evil energy, and arcane energy formed a strange and unpredictable sphere around Mo Fei's body.

This is a special technique he mastered when he cracked the system. Combined with the power of the six forces, he can return all matter to its original form.

Even the gods cannot resist such power.

Of course, such an attack must be released at close range, so what he will use next is——

Dragon combat skill - Destroying dragon falling and breaking the sky!

The Dragon God turned into a colorful meteor and fell straight down. The target was clearly between the eyebrows of the father of the gods.

Compared with the huge body of the Father of the Gods, the Dragon God with a wingspan of two hundred meters is as small as a flying insect.

But at this time, Aman'Thul seemed to see the shadow of death approaching.

He tried to stand up, but the Dark Seeker thrust into his chest, preventing him from moving.

He could only raise his hand to summon dozens of stars and blast them towards the opponent.

But when those stars collided with the falling Dragon God, they were instantly and silently annihilated and erased.

There was a look of fear in Aman'Thul's eyes, that was...


A bloody hole was punched out on the father of the gods' forehead.

His eyes widened, and the Titan's powerful vitality made him struggle to spit out a few words.

Aman'Thul (Father of the Gods): "It's all... over... run away..."

For a moment, there was silence in the Pantheon. There was no sound, only the words "Run away" echoed in the temple.


"Father God!"

"Dragon God Aidan, I want to kill you..."

The Titans were hardly confident, and even Sargeras had an expression of disbelief on his face, even with a hint of anger.

He does want to defeat the Titans, defeat Aman'Thul, and defeat the Father of the Gods, but that should be his glory, not death at the hands of other beings.

"Get out of here quickly." Norgannon was the first to react.

"I want revenge." Aggramar was so angry that he wanted to fight again.

But the other two Titans held him back. Once the father of the gods died, they had completely lost hope of victory. If they continued to fight, their entire army would be destroyed. "

Norgannon was very decisive.

"Don't be carried away by anger, the Pantheon has been lost, you must leave here! O Symmetra, obey my call, Father of the Gods, let the power of the universe flow through my body again, Star Saints , take these mortals away! This war is over."

Titan's holy power - group astral teleportation!

The dazzling white light instantly enveloped the Titans and shot towards the distant starry sky.

Those Star Saints also used astral teleportation to teleport a large number of holy guards away, but after all, it was impossible for everyone to be sent away. Most of the holy guards were still abandoned and became the targets of massacre.

"Huh, what a bunch of cowards."

Watching the demonic army of the Burning Legion massacre the holy guards who had lost their fighting spirit, watching the Titans retreating away.

Sargeras did not pursue him. He turned around and looked at Aman'Thul's gradually cold body. His expression changed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Murphy flew out of the hole in Aman'Thul's head.

Sargeras also pulled the Darkboiler from the corpse.

The Dark Titan and the Dragon God looked at each other, a subtle emotion gradually fermenting.

Sargeras (Demon King): "Dragon God Aidan, although you helped me win this battle, I am not grateful to you in my heart. The noble Titan should not die in the hands of a villain like you, and I Still angry about your past betrayals.”

Aidan (Dragon God): "Hehehe, I can understand. To be honest, I am also a little dissatisfied with the conditions you offered before. Although this universe is very big, the supreme being of the universe, the six major forces, There is destined to be only one person in control, and that person will never be you."

Sargeras couldn't help but have a ferocious expression on his face after hearing this.

"Is this what you think? You do have some strength, but don't think that killing an old and dying Titan is something worth bragging about. If I hadn't seriously injured the old guy, you would have had no chance to kill him.

I am still willing to give you a chance Aidan, now swear to surrender to me, you will become the second person in this universe. "

Aidan (Dragon God): "Haha, I have to say that you have disappointed me a little. It seems that your level has ended here. You want to give me a chance? Unfortunately, I don't intend to give you a chance. From now on You were already a dead person in my plan from the beginning. You were just a stepping stone for me to destroy the Pantheon and take control of the physical universe.

But now your use value is gone, so don’t waste any more time and end it with me like a Titan. It seems that for the sake of old friends, I will let you die a more heroic death. "

These arrogant words immediately stunned Sargeras. Sargeras was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

"I have to say that I still underestimated you Aidan, and underestimated your ambition. Your ambition is countless times bigger than your tiny body. So be it, let us decide who is the leader in this universe. The Supreme."

One God and One Titan no longer concealed themselves, and began to gather strength at the same time.

The evil energy around Sargeras was filled with raging flames. The powerful evil could melt the ground of the Pantheon. The ground made of the collapsed core of the star could not withstand the high temperature of the Chaos Fire.

Around Murphy, the six forces and the ten powers were all activated to the limit. He was originally a little unsure about challenging Sargeras alone. After all, the power of chaos is a terrifying energy that kills all, but just from Amansu The great arcane authority and natal artifact captured from you gave him a little more confidence.

Aidan (Dragon God): "Neltharion, Lesajes, take the ancient dragons to leave the Pantheon. It will be a little hot here next."

Sargeras (Demon King): "Kil'jaeden, take my legion and leave here. You will expand my territory for me in the future and conquer the entire universe. Although you are all useless trash, I will not I hope you will all perish here."

The two of them gave orders each, and the surrounding demon army fled towards the outside of the Pantheon like they were waking up from a dream. Many of the defeated holy guards also took the opportunity to escape.

The ancient dragons also flew out of the Pantheon under Murphy's order.

boom! The heavy door slammed shut, shutting in the demons and holy guards who had not yet had time to escape, and also leaving the figures of Sargeras and the Dragon God inside.

In the void outside the Pantheon, the ancient dragon and the demon were on guard against each other, but neither attacked the other. The battle at this time was meaningless. Only Sargeras and the Dragon God could decide everything.

(End of this chapter)

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