Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 612 Star of Annihilation

Chapter 612 Star of Annihilation

"Keep fighting warriors, for the Alliance, for Azeroth! Drive these evil void creatures back into the darkness!" Godwin shouted, waving the Blade of Holy Light, cutting a void elf in half, but he He did not continue to rush forward to fight, but encouraged the adventurers to fight against the void elves.

With the gradual development of the Battle of Lordaeron, the Void Elves have now become the largest force in the Void camp, with millions of Void Elves being born in an endless stream.

Fight on various battlefields with the Holy Light's Revenge Army - the latter is an organization established by Godwin to specifically fight against the void.

Even with the support of reinforcements from various kingdoms and other camps, the Holy Light's Revenge Army is still difficult to fight against the increasingly large Void Elf troops. The Void Elves are not only powerful in combat and numerous in number, but also possess powerful transformation capabilities. Many heroic soldiers have been transformed. Became a member of the void camp.

Fortunately, there are adventurers supporting the official camp. Today's battle for Andorhal City is dominated by adventurers.

"Charge, kill, the Holy Light is with you!" Godwin shouted, and at the other end of the city, Morgan Lisa also led the mage troops to fight, but Morgan Lisa did not obey Godwin's command. Instead, they competed with him for territory everywhere.

Relying on her status as the princess of Lordaeron and the support of Dalaran, Morgan Lisa has now occupied several cities in southern Lordaeron, and all of these cities have been taken over by Dalaran without exception.

Godwin was also impatient. If he could not quickly attack the city, Morgan Lisa's territory might expand again. If Morgan Lisa became the biggest contributor to the recovery of Lordaeron, would he still be the king of Lordaeron?

Just thinking about it.

"Wocao, Dragon God Aidan and Sargeras are fighting." An adventurer suddenly shouted excitedly.

"what's the situation?"

"what happens?"

Other adventurers asked.

"I have a friend from the Burning Legion. He told me that today they and Mr. Sa went to attack the Pantheon. The Dragon God Aidan also went. The Pantheon has been captured and the Father of the Gods has been killed. .

As a result, Dragon God and Sargeras are now going to fight one on one, and they may start fighting. My friend has started a live broadcast. If you want to watch it, hurry up and go. "

"What? It's real or fake, you're just kidding."

"I wonder, is today April Fool's Day? You must have made a big joke."

"It's true!" shouted another adventurer, who also received the news, "My friend also told me about this. I'm going to go offline to watch the live broadcast. You guys should take your time."

After saying that, he immediately logged off and disappeared.

"Fuck, I'm going too!"

"Hey, hey, hey, don't go offline, we haven't captured this city yet."

"If we don't fight, we won't be able to fight this ruined city any day. We won't be able to see such a big scene like the dragon god and the demon king fighting each other after passing through this village."

"That's right. I've fought against this ruined city many times, and this one is no different."

People continue to quit the game, and the number of adventurers on the battlefield continues to decrease at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Godwin looked at the dwindling number of adventurers and couldn't help but cursed, "Damn it, I'm leading you to conquer Lordaeron and fight for the glory of the alliance, but just to watch a live broadcast and ignore it?

Do you have any sense of responsibility? "

It's a pity that no one pays attention to him, the King of Lordaeron. When it is beneficial, he calls you His Majesty Godwin. When it is not beneficial, you are just a loser.

When Godwin saw that this battle could no longer be fought, he thought to himself, go ahead and watch the live broadcast.

He was also very curious, is this Aidan so awesome? Are you going to challenge Sargeras?

"Retreat, retreat, everyone, retreat for me."

Uther looked shocked, "Your Majesty? Aren't you going to continue the attack?"

"Why fight? If there are no adventurers, we will just rely on our soldiers. Escape, retreat, and come back another day."

Godwin led the army to withdraw from the battlefield, returned to the safe zone, and immediately logged off and logged into the video website of the game's official forum.

At this moment, the Internet is once again in a frenzy. Compared to the last time when the goddess of life and the god of death fell silently, the news this time is even more explosive.

After all, the Goddess of Life and the God of Death used to be characters that only existed on the background board. If there are no accidents, several versions may not appear in the player's field of vision.

But Sargeras is completely different. Among the villains in the entire game, it can be said that Sargeras is the ultimate demon king.

The Orc Horde was driven by the Burning Legion to invade Azeroth.

The Scourge and the Lich King were created by Kil'jaeden.

The boss behind the Burning Legion is Sargeras.

Now everyone hasn't even seen Kil'jaeden yet, and Aidan is already going to fight Sargeras alone. What the hell is going on.

Moreover, there are a lot of players in the Burning Legion, and a large number of live broadcast rooms have been opened, which is much more intuitive than the sudden news.

You can witness this historic moment with your own eyes.

It's a pity that when the players logged into the forum and opened the video, they found that in all the live videos, they could only see the magnificent gate of the Pantheon, as well as the demon army and the ancient dragon clan outside the gate.

"What's going on? Where's the Dragon God? Where's Mr. Sa?"

"They're all fighting inside the door."

"Why is there no movement?"

boom! The violent explosion shook the entire Pantheon.

"Let's do it, let's do it." The demon guard who was live broadcasting shouted excitedly.

"Damn, I really want to go in and take a look."

"Someone open the door for me. I'll use soul mode to go in and watch."

"You can't get in. The Pantheon was built by Titans. The various magic barriers are simply too outrageous. Not to mention the soul, even your ghost can't get in."

So the players could only stare at the magnificent temple door, listening to the constant explosions coming from inside, all kinds of indescribable roars, the sound of burning flames, the roar of the storm, and all kinds of things that were even incomprehensible. the sound of.

The fighting inside was so fierce that everyone could only imagine what happened.

Boom boom boom!

"Let me go, it must be the Dragon God using Dragon Thunder Storm!"


"Is this thunder? It doesn't sound like it."

Thump, thump, thump—kack, thump, thump!

"Hey, this should be Star Storm! Aman'Thul has used this trick before. Who do you think used it?"

"It must be Mr. Sa. The Dragon God doesn't know how to use star magic. Mr. Sa is also a Titan after all, so he might have learned it."

"This Dragon God is a little embarrassed to be able to fight with Mr. Sa for such a long time."

"Damn, I think this Dragon God Aidan must be pretending to be GM. This kind of thing happened a lot before."

"It may also be that the game company is looking for a support. Such a big battle must be to build momentum for the subsequent release of the god template. Think about it, even Sargeras can be defeated. How fun it is to play with this god template. "

"That makes sense. By the way, how much do you think this god template costs to buy?"

"It must be several hundred million anyway."

"A few hundred million to play games?"

"Damn, this game is not an ordinary game. If you become a god, you will really enjoy the feeling of becoming a god! It's so exciting just thinking about it. I don't think I can play it for hundreds of millions."

Boom - rumble - rumble - rumble!

A series of extremely shocking explosions directly interrupted everyone's discussion, and everyone looked towards the door in the video.

I saw that there was no sound anymore in the door of the Pantheon.

what's the situation? Is it over?


Who won this?

boom! The door suddenly shattered, and a figure suddenly flew out from the door.

It's Sargeras! The ancient dragons suddenly became colder.

But the next second.

"This is impossible!" Kil'jaeden roared in anger and fear.

A huge hole was penetrated through Sargeras's chest, and the blood of evil energy was flowing wildly. His expression was extremely ferocious, and the great sword of Dark Boiler in his hand was blazing with flames.

Looked badly beaten.

Another figure flew out right after him, it was Dragon God Aidan!

He stood in the void and waved his hand violently at Sargeras. A black ball of light flew towards Sargeras, rapidly expanding as it flew. When it hit Sargeras, the black ball of light had already expanded. It's as big as an asteroid.

It was a huge black hole, falling on Sargeras. A huge suction force was released from the black hole, and Sargeras' huge body was instantly twisted and sucked towards the black hole.

Sargeras (Demon King): "No, Dragon God Aidan, I will never lose to you! I will never die here!" Sargeras roared and struggled hard, but the black hole I don’t know what kind of magic it was, but the attraction was almost as strong as a real black hole. Sargeras’ huge body was eventually sucked in, gradually sinking into it like an abstract painting, and finally disappeared. Only the black hole is left floating quietly in the void.

Until the Dragon God snapped his fingers, the black hole instantly collapsed inward and disappeared, leaving no trace.

The players in front of the screen were all dumbfounded at this time.

"Wocao, is it real or fake?"

"What kind of ultimate move was that just now? It can even kill Sargeras!"

"Didn't I see a ghost?"

"Damn it, Dragon God Aidan is pretending to be the GM!"

Murphy didn't know that all this had been broadcast live. He glanced coldly at the demon army below and said, "Get out!"

Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw!

Kil'jaeden was so frightened that he turned around and ran away. The demon army fled in panic. Although there were millions of people, no one dared to stay and fight.

Fortunately, this dragon god didn't seem to be interested in demons like them. He allowed the demon army to open one portal after another and fled the battlefield in a hurry.

The live broadcast also ended.

In the end, only the ancient dragon clan remained.

The ancient dragons gathered around Murphy, all of them extremely excited.

This is even more true for Neltharion. This is the god of the dragon clan, and this is the master worthy of his allegiance.

"Lord Dragon God, is our expedition over?"

Murphy shook his head indifferently, "No, our expedition has just begun."

[World Announcement: In 1444 of the Sky Era, the Dragon God Aidandron and the Demon King Sargeras jointly led the Burning Legion and the Ancient Dragon Legion to attack the Pantheon, defeated Aman'Thul, the father of the gods, and successfully killed him.

Subsequently, the Dragon God Aidan and Sargeras had a duel. In the end, Sargeras was defeated. The Dragon God Aidan successfully occupied the Pantheon and became the new master of the Pantheon.

Aidan shut down the Pantheon completely, and the remaining Titans escaped from the Pantheon under the protection of Norgannon and fled to the unknown depths of the universe.

With the fall of the Father of the Gods and the defeat of Sargeras, the war between the Burning Legion and the Titans came to an end. This magnificent war that lasted for tens of thousands of years finally came to an end with the defeat of one side.

With the collapse of the Pantheon, the order established by the Titans in the universe also collapsed, and a new era arrived.

This event has been recorded in Sky Chronicles - The Final Chapter of Titan Wars]

Godwin felt completely stupid.

Before, he vowed to share the world and build an alliance with Aidan. Now it seems that he has left him far away. Even Sargeras was killed, and the father of the gods was in the hands of this guy. I'm afraid I have to accumulate a bunch of artifacts, and my strength is already incredible.

Wait a minute, if he also has such power in reality, wouldn't it mean that his power in reality can be called God?

The nest grass can't be real, right? Although the logic is this and the principle is the same, why does it feel so unreal? If you can play a game and become a god, then how awesome is the game company?

No, you have to hug this thigh quickly!

Godwin is also a very decisive leader. He and Aidan were allies before, but now they find that their strengths have changed dramatically, and they immediately decide to embrace each other and treat others as younger brothers without being shy. Are they all for the pursuit of power?

He sent a private message to the other party, Murphy, again.

To his surprise, this time Murphy finally got a reply.

Aidan: You are so anxious to find something to do with me.

Godwin: Boss, Brother Aidan, you are my brother. I just saw the video of you defeating Sargeras. You are so awesome. Can you do me a favor and help me complete the original plot mission?

Aidan: Okay, I still have some things to deal with here. Go to Dalaran and wait for me at 12 noon tomorrow. Don’t be late if you still want to complete the task.

Godwin: Guaranteed.

Godwin vaguely guessed what Aidan was going to do. Could this guy be going to kill the Will of the Void next?

Yes, that must be the case. If anyone else had said this, Godwin would have just taken it as a boast, but with the four previous announcements in front of him, he did not dare to neglect it at all.

Which one is stronger, Will of the Void or Sargeras?

It's hard to say this. Sargeras is invincible from the front and can explode a planet with one sword.

The Will of the Void is so disgustingly strong that it cannot be killed. It is also particularly good at corruption and erosion, and it has no body. I am afraid that even if Azeroth is exploded, the Will of the Void will not really die.

But since Aidan has already single-played Sargeras, it doesn't seem like a big deal to play Will of the Void again.

He had a feeling that if he didn't seize the opportunity this time, his original plot mission would be completely lost.

At noon the next day, Godwin entered the game early and ran to the tavern in Dalaran to wait.

Time passed minute by minute, and when the clock struck twelve noon, the other party indeed appeared.

Godwin immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the figure appearing out of thin air on the seat next to him.

"Boss Aidan, you are finally here. What is going on? You are too scary. Are you really going to blow up the Pantheon?"

No wonder Godwin was in disbelief. It was as if he was still playing version 2.0 of the game, and others had already reached version 12.0.

This is not the content of the same version at all. Even the Pantheon has been destroyed, so what else is left to play in this game? You can't break out of the universe.

Everyone has to clear the level. This is an online game. I have never heard of an online game that can be cleared.

Murphy smiled, "Of course, didn't you watch the video?"

Although he already knew the answer, Godwin still took a breath when he heard Murphy's admission.

"Si, what kind of equipment did Aman'Thul and Sargeras use? Can you give me some eyesight?"

"Haha, of course, it's not a big deal, it's just a few pieces of equipment."

Murphy directly displayed several pieces of equipment in the form of an exhibition.

Godwin directly skipped the few pieces of martial arts and looked directly at the introduction of the last artifact.

[Crown of the King of the Gods (super-grade artifact/helmet)

Plot Equipment: Unique

Armor +655.

Intelligence +88.

Spirit +69.

Perception +54.

Stamina +122.

Constitution +105.

Charm +284.

Equipment special effect 1: The majesty of the father of the gods. Aman'Thul has created images of gods in countless worlds, and seems to be carrying out a great plan. This crown appears on the images of the Father God in all myths. It is a symbol of the Supreme Father God in the hearts of mortals. Those who wear this crown , will be worshiped by all mortals.

Equipment special effect 2: Will of the Titan King. As the King of the Titans, Aman'Thul's will is extremely powerful. Even if his body has been destroyed, his soul will never die. As long as the crown remains, one day, Aman'Thul will be reborn again in an unknown corner of the universe. At that time, You will hear Aman'Thul's voice ring in your ears.

Equipment special effect 3: The power of consecrating the gods. Use: Give a target the title of god. However, strength is the reason for becoming a god. Having the title of god cannot change a person's strength. But mortals are greedy for fame. When facing gods, they will eventually choose Keep your head down.

Item introduction: The crown of Aman'Thul, the King of the Gods, is a symbol of the divine power and paternal authority in charge of the physical universe. It is said that Aman'Thul is the first Titan and the first god born in the physical universe, so he knows It is said that before the emergence of the Pantheon, Aman'Thul signed a contract with the Unspeakable Man, and he will rule the universe as the father of the gods until eternity. 】

"Wocao, you're awesome! Wait a minute, can this thing really enthrone the gods?" Godwin asked, with a look of yearning on his face.

Murphy smiled slightly, and he naturally understood what Godwin was thinking, "Of course, but it must reach a certain level of power, otherwise it is just a title, which is not only useless but harmful. Don't think about it now. Wait until the original plot is finished." After all the tasks are completed, maybe it can be done.”

Hearing what Murphy said, Godwin suddenly felt happy. Although it was just a casual word, it was already a promise. After all, it was the word of God, and it must be a promise worth ten thousand yuan.

"But according to the equipment special effect 2, Aman'Thul is not really dead?"

"That's natural. After all, he is the father of the gods. Creatures like Titan are transformed from star souls, so they are not easy to kill."

"What about Sargeras? What equipment did he explode?"

Murphy shook his head, "Nothing exploded. In order to defeat him, I had to create an ultimate forbidden spell. I gathered the six forces to create a black hole that can annihilate all matter. I called it the 'Annihilation Star'." This move not only killed him, but also swallowed up his body. Unfortunately, this guy can definitely explode into a divine weapon, and his sword looks quite powerful."

Godwin thought to himself that it was for sure, after all, it was a weapon that could explode the planet.

It seems to be called the Dark Boiler, what a pity, what a pity!

Godwin also felt regretful for a while, how nice it would be if this was given to me.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, let's set off and help you complete the task quickly."

"Yes, yes, let's do the mission first." Godwin said quickly, and he also came to his senses. No matter how powerful the artifact is, it is still someone else's thing. Awakening the Holy Light is his career.

(End of this chapter)

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