Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 613: Brushing the Will of the Void

Chapter 613: Brushing the Will of the Void

Murphy said: "Your original mission is to awaken the Holy Light, right? So you just need to kill the Will of the Void and turn it back into the Supreme Will, right?"

Godwin hesitated for a moment, "Well, that's true in theory, but the completion method given in my mission information is to first eliminate the Void Lord, destroy the small Void Tree, and weaken the power of the Will of the Void.

At the same time, we need to collect five holy light relics, wait until the Will of the Void lights up its health bar, and then gather hundreds of thousands of adventurers to fight a war of attrition with it. Wait until the Will of the Void's health is about to bottom out, and when it is at its weakest, then Combine five powerful heroes and use the Holy Light Relic to purify it at the same time..."

Murphy nodded. This was in line with the usual style of missions in the original plot. They were usually gradual and would not give an impossible mission all at once.

"How many holy light relics have you collected?"


"How many of the Little Void Tree and Void Lords have been killed?"

"We have killed a few, but the current mission progress shows 0."

"Hmm! Why is this happening?"

"Because new Void Lords will continue to be born, and new Void Trees will grow." Godwin said helplessly: "According to my speculation, this should be related to the overall power of the Void camp. The Will of the Void is the entire Shadow Void. The incarnation of the void camp, so the stronger the void camp is, the stronger it itself is.

I don’t know what happened recently. A large number of players have gone to play the Void camp, causing the Will of the Void to become stronger and stronger. Now I can barely rely on adventurers to fight a war of attrition. I can’t push forward even if I want to. move. "

Mo Feixin said, could it be because of the idea he gave to Void Will?

"So a large number of void lords must be killed and a large number of void trees must be destroyed in a short period of time, so that the will of the void will not have time to recover, right?"

Godwin nodded, "That's true, but the weakest Void Lord is also a disaster-level BOSS, and they are scattered all over the place. How can they be killed in large numbers so easily?

As for the Void Trees, they also grow scatteredly. They are everywhere in Lordaeron, and each tree is heavily guarded. If you want to destroy one, you have to gather an army to take it down. "

"Don't worry. Now that I'm here, there's no need to go to such trouble. Let's go. Let's leave now. Leave early and come back early. I have something to do in the afternoon, so don't delay for too long."

Um... Godwin thought to himself, are you taking the trumpet on a mission? Said so casually.

But he didn't dare to have any objections, and followed Murphy out of the tavern honestly.

They teleported to Stratholme first, and then flew towards Lordaeron together.

Mo Fei transformed into the form of an ancient dragon, while Godwin rode a light-forged young dragon. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to Lordaeron, the towering giant tree in the void came into view.

The sky was pitch black, flashing with an ominous light. There were no stars, only weird void mayflies, shadow dragons, and corrupted griffons patrolling the sky.

Huge void creatures shuttled between the shadow clouds, and countless flesh and blood monsters squirmed and crawled on the ground. The originally magnificent buildings in Lordaeron were also corrupted by the power of the void, exuding a deep and dark atmosphere.

Godwin couldn't help but feel a little frightened, the scene in front of him was like falling into a devil's cave.

"Boss Aidan, should we become invisible and sneak in quietly?"

"Haha, there is no need. The more enemies you kill, the better it will be. Besides, you also said that the power of the Will of the Void comes from the entire force of the Void. Killing more soldiers may also weaken some of the strength of the Will of the Void."

"But there are only two of us, so it's a bit dangerous."

"Who said there are only two of us?"

Murphy said, raising his hand, the portal opened out of thin air, and a group of ancient dragons swarmed out of it, accompanying Murphy around him.

Aidandron (Dragon God): "Fly, my retinue, fight, my servants, and completely destroy this golden tree corrupted by the power of the void, in the name of my Dragon God."

Roar! The roar of the dragon shook the sky, its momentum was astonishing.

Godwin screamed in his heart, and sure enough, in the next second, void monsters hiding in the sky, in the clouds, in the buildings, and in the woods suddenly emerged.

All those who could fly rushed towards this group of dragons.

Like a dark cloud, it came overwhelmingly.

"Be careful, these void creatures have the power of corruption!" Godwin hurriedly reminded that void creatures, regardless of their strength, have this characteristic, which is particularly disgusting. Even epic heroes may be corrupted if they kill too many mobs, and void creatures The biological vitality is particularly tenacious and has extremely high resistance and defense against most magic and physical attacks.

Murphy didn't care at all.

"Let's try it!"

The dragon thunder spat out like crazy, and crimson thunder and lightning intertwined in the sky. No matter how high the resistance of the void creature was, it was meaningless to the dragon thunder. The real damage was so outrageous.

An empty space was cleared in an instant.

Getting closer and closer to the golden tree, it seemed that the target of the dragon group was felt. Countless corrupted giant birds and corrupted heroic spirits flew out from the tree crown. They flapped their dark wings, emitted a shrill roar, and intercepted them head-on.

There was even a ball of dark energy that flew out from the Void Tree and stood in the air between the Void Trees.

Who else could it be if it wasn't the Will of the Void.

Will of the Void (????): "Dragon God Aidan, you have indeed appeared again. I have to thank you even more. It was your reminder that gave me such power. No one can resist me now. Not even you!"

Super Cologne Thunder!

A red thunderbolt streaked across the sky, hitting the dark figure, but the dragon thunder was blocked by the shadow force field. The dragon thunder continued to consume each other with the power of the shadow, but could not get close.

When the dragon thunder stopped, the dispersed shadow power quickly returned to its original state.

"It's useless. Your dragon thunder power is indeed powerful, but you are no match for me. I am the void, and I am eternity!" The will of the void issued a strange whisper with echoes, and at the same time, a wave of void darkness struck in the opposite direction. come over.

The authority of the Holy Light - the Holy Star!

The golden ball of light enveloped the dragons and Godwin, neutralizing the shadow energy.

"The power of Holy Light? It seems that you have become stronger, Dragon God Aidan, so this is what you rely on? Yes, the power of Holy Light does restrain the power of shadow, just like water can extinguish flames, but the prerequisite It is your power of holy light that must be stronger than my power of shadow, otherwise, the flames can also burn up the water."

Another void wave of darkness came over, this time the power was instantly increased several times. The will of the void is the incarnation of the shadow void, which means that it can control its own energy at will. For him, the output power Open as much as you want.

At this moment, the sacred form was constantly being consumed and decomposed, gradually disintegrating and dissolving, and it was about to become irresistible.

Godwin looked anxiously: "Boss!"

Arcane power - group flash!

call out!

A flash of white light flashed, and Murphy led the dragon group directly to teleport hundreds of meters away, just in time to avoid subsequent attacks.

Dragon thunder storm!

A cloud of thunder clouds instantly enveloped the Void Will, and dozens of dragon thunder fell one after another, but they were still ineffective.

The blood bar has no intention of showing up at all.

"It's really a bit difficult to deal with..."

Murphy said to himself that the strength of the Will of the Void is probably no weaker than that of Sargeras. Although its frontal destructive power is incomparable to that of Sargeras, it is a special life that is integrated with the void and has no flaws. It is extremely difficult to defeat him.

But... just use up your energy, right? Fortunately, I have already made arrangements.

As Mo Fei thought about it, he sent a private message to Emperor Shenwu.

Aidan: Brother Shenwu, it’s time to start.


Go back to one day ago.

Emperor Shenwu lay on the massage table, enjoying the service of the professional masseur. The force was even and powerful, and every muscle on his body was kneaded just right.

Feeling the soreness and relief in his muscles, Emperor Shenwu sighed.

Although the game was very enjoyable to play, lying in the game warehouse for more than ten hours every day was still too much for him, a middle-aged uncle who had already entered the fifth grade.

I didn't pay much attention to it at first. Recently, every time I come out of the game room, my muscles are very weak and my bones are very stiff.

So there was a scene in front of him. He hired a professional masseur to give massages every day.

Alas, I am still old. Emperor Shenwu touched his arm. It was incomparable to the majestic body of the Centaur King in the game. The muscles were as solid as rocks, and the strong body was blessed by the Mother Earth.

Every time he returned to reality, he felt a deep sense of disparity.

"Wang Haotian Wang Haotian, don't get too obsessed. Games and reality are different after all."

Emperor Shenwu warned himself secretly. While he was reflecting on himself, a voice suddenly sounded in the room, breaking the silence.

"Brother Shenwu, it's so enjoyable."

Um? who!

Emperor Shenwu was surprised. There were obviously only him and the masseur in the room. When he turned his head, he saw a familiar figure sitting on a chair nearby, looking at him with a smile on his shoulders.

"Brother Aidan? Why are you did you get in?"

The masseur was also startled and looked at Emperor Shenwu at a loss.

"Can we talk alone?" Murphy said.

Emperor Shenwu nodded, waved for the masseur to leave, and sat up while stretching his muscles.

Brother Shenwu looks very tired.

"There's nothing I can do about it. I'm getting older and my whole body feels uncomfortable after lying in the game room for a long time. Alas, it's better for you young people to have fun as you want."

"Brother Shenwu wants to look younger?"

"Of course, who doesn't want to do this?" Emperor Shenwu said, still feeling a little weird about the sudden appearance of Murphy.

However, he and Murphy were considered friends, and he felt that the other party would not have any ill intentions, so he was not too nervous.

"Then I'm sure Brother Shenwu won't mind if I do this."

As Mo Fei spoke, he waved his hand, and a powerful force of life instantly enveloped Emperor Shenwu. Emperor Shenwu felt that his blood was boiling, and his muscles and bones were numb, as if there were countless electric currents conducting energy in his body. His body began to change at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His belly disappeared in an instant, and the muscles on his arms expanded. This wonderful feeling made him so comfortable that he was speechless.

After more than ten seconds, the change stopped.

"What happened? What did you do?"

Emperor Shenwu looked at his arms and belly in surprise, feeling that his whole body was full of energy.

He vaguely guessed something, and hurriedly walked to the mirror. He looked in full energy, as if he had suddenly become ten or twenty years younger.

"Brother Aidan, you did this? Oh my God!"

He was so excited that he couldn't speak for a moment, "How did you do it?"

"It's not a big deal, it's just a little life magic. I just killed the goddess of life yesterday and took away the power of life authority. Didn't you hear the world announcement?"

"Of course I heard it, but it was in the game! You couldn't tell me that you can use the abilities in the game, right?"

"Yes, I can indeed use the abilities in the game."

Emperor Shenwu was stunned for a moment, with a look of disbelief on his face, but the changes that had just occurred on his body were not fake. He murmured to himself, "You are a god in the game. Could it be that..."

Murphy didn't answer him, just smiled.

"It's not that exaggerated. Although I have indeed become very powerful now, there are still some things that I cannot do. Speaking of which, I came to you for help today."

"What's the deal?"

"I need you to do something for me. It might cost you some money."

"Ha, money is nothing. This big gift you gave me is much more practical than money. By the way, this transformation is permanent, right? It won't change back when you wake up, right?"

"Of course not. I have adjusted your vitality to the level of about thirty years old. Your physique and cell vitality are basically equivalent to returning to thirty years old. If necessary in the future, I can adjust it for you. If you If necessary, I can even make some more adjustments for you, adding a little more strength, agility, endurance and other effects to you in addition to lifespan."

"That's no need. I'll be satisfied if I can live a few more years." Emperor Shenwu was quite content.

"Tell me what you need me to do."

Mo Fei smiled slightly and told what he wanted Emperor Shenwu to do, "The cost may be a bit high, but I think with Brother Shenwu's wealth, it shouldn't be a problem.

"No problem, it's a joke." Emperor Shenwu agreed.

Time returns to the present——

Aidan: Brother Shenwu, it’s time to start.

Emperor Shenwu: Got it.

He turned around and nodded to the secretary beside him, "Let's get started."

The secretary was still a little uneasy, "Boss, if you really want to do this, it's not a small sum. It might cost billions!"

"What are you afraid of? It's my money. I'm happy to start!"

The secretary turned around helplessly and gave the order.

With an order, forty employees who had already prepared entered the game together. Everyone clicked on the Void camp and chose to create a new character - BOSS template - Void camp - Void Lord (disaster level first-level BOSS) .

It's not that I don't want to create a higher-level BOSS account, it's mainly that the player's new BOSS account can only be disaster level one at best.

The starting cost is 250 million each.

Forty Void Lords burned 100 million in an instant.

All forty people chose to be born near the northernmost Void Tree.

In an instant, a group of void lords appeared in this inconspicuous town.

Most of the void creatures in this town have been cleared out long ago, and the remaining ones are employees of Yishui's Haotian Group.

But in front of these void creatures, stood a powerful Centaur King.

Looking at the forty Void Lords in front of him, Emperor Shenwu felt somewhat uneasy. Although they were all only at level one, they were disaster-level BOSSs after all, and their strength was not weak. Forty of them piled together made the scene spectacular.

Temporary Worker 250 (Lord of the Void): "Boss, everyone is here. You can be smarter. Even though it's a game, it still hurts to be hacked to death."

As he spoke, the Void Lord puffed up his chest. The Void Lord was a pure energy creature. He did not have a heart or head, but he had an energy core, which also played a vital role.

Emperor Shenwu nodded, raised his halberd, and charged from a distance.

Pfft, kill instantly with one shot! Killed a new void lord in an instant.

Without hesitation, he turned around and charged again.

Poof, another void lord was penetrated through the core and dissipated in the air.

Forty Void Lords lined up in four neat columns, allowing the Shenwu Emperor to execute them one after another like skewers of meat.

In less than three minutes, all forty void lords were wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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