Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 614 Awakening the Holy Light

Chapter 614 Awakening the Holy Light

what's the situation?

At this moment, Void Will, who was fighting against the Dragon God, suddenly felt horrified. He felt that his power was losing. Although the power lost each time was not too much, it happened unusually frequently and continuously.

In the blink of an eye, its powerful void power was reduced by a large amount.

Usually, the void lords under him are also surrounded and killed by adventurers led by heroes. Whenever that happens, it can also feel the loss of power, but it usually only loses one at a time, but this time, it lost all at once. Lots of void lords.

After the first wave of killings, Emperor Shenwu waved his hand and continued!

Soon another forty void lords appeared.


"No, what did you do!" Void Will felt the constant loss of power, with anger and fear in his heart.

"It's nothing, I just gave you some blood." Murphy said with a smile. This time it was Void Will's turn to become anxious and launch an attack with all his strength.

But Murphy had no intention of accepting the challenge and continued to lead the dragon group in circles.

At the same time, he also became more deeply aware of the power of the system.

No matter you have the ability to reach the sky, the power to destroy the world, or even control the will of the shadow void, as long as you jump into the framework of the game, you must act according to the rules of the game. When the rules of the game give you benefits, naturally As the icing on the cake, the various buffs of the version BOSS make the Will of the Void even more powerful than Sargeras and almost impossible to kill.

But all free products have been marked with prices secretly. While the game mechanism gives them powerful power, it also arranges the way of destruction. It is as powerful as the will of the void. Under the money offensive launched by Murphy using the system rules, There is only one way to die.

Eighty, one hundred and twenty, one hundred and sixty, two hundred...

The void lords were continuously killed, killing a total of 280 void lords and smashing more than 700 million. The blood bar of the will of the void was finally revealed.


Ten million HP, tsk tsk tsk, is really powerful. This is still in a weakened state.

It seems that the maximum blood volume of monsters in this game is 10 million, and beyond this number, they cannot be revealed.

Although the health bar was revealed, Mo Fei did not let Emperor Shenwu stop.

The Will of the Void at this time is still very powerful, with the increase of the version BOSS. If you fight head-on, it may take you several days to wear it out, and Murphy's own power also has an upper limit. It's hard to say who will have the last laugh in the end. .

But with Emperor Shenwu's money-throwing offensive, it was different. Victory was almost guaranteed.

However, I will try harder.

The authority of the Holy Light—God’s punishment comes from heaven!

A hole was punched through the shadow clouds over Lordaeron by the powerful holy light. The dazzling holy light shone on the Will of the Void, constantly consuming the shadow energy around him. This time, the Will of the Void was no longer as arrogant as before. .

"No, you can't defeat me, I still have the Void Tree! I have completely corrupted it, and it can give me power back!"

"Oh, I almost forgot about this."

Authority of Chaos - Rain of Chaos!

Hellfire rained through the clouds and hit the tree of the void.

Chaos Authority—Chaos Fire Storm!

The flames ignited the tree crowns, and the chaotic flames, a power that even the gods feared, once again showed its destructive power.

Among the six forces, the power of chaos is undoubtedly the most powerful, because it is the original form of the universe. Even the power of shadow is differentiated from chaos. At this time, under the burning flames of chaos, , the Void Tree was also quickly ignited, the fire spread rapidly, and the green firelight reflected the sky in a miserable green.

The power is constantly being lost, the origin is cut off, and the immortal essence has been lost. The defeat of the Will of the Void is almost a foregone conclusion.

It was still struggling, trying to summon his servants to delay the destruction, but the ancient dragons were not just decorations, they spread out and defeated the approaching void monsters one by one.

Mo Fei used chaos and holy light to continuously consume the blood and strength of the Void Will, and used powerful divine power to attack it. Every collision of powerful forces made the Void Will become weaker.

When the blood volume dropped to less than one million, its body had already taken on a translucent tone, and the pitch-black figure gradually turned gray, and the color continued to fade, just like a landscape painting that had run out of ink. .

When its blood volume returned to zero, the dark figure completely turned into a transparent figure, suspended in the air.

Of course, strictly speaking, the Will of the Void did not die, it just ran out of energy, or it could be said that this kind of creature has no concept of death.

Even if this form is completely destroyed, soon, in the depths of the Shadow Void, where the shadow energy is thickest, the energy will gather again and a new Will of the Void will be born.

Fortunately, from a game perspective, it has indeed been killed. At least the white light that can be picked up from the corpse has emerged.

Mo Fei clicked to pick it up. He glanced past the pile of dropped items and looked directly at the shadow gem at the bottom. He nodded with satisfaction. He got the fifth gem. All he had to do next was to get the Holy Light Gem and everything would be fine.

"It's your turn to get on Godwin, use your mission skills to purify it, and awaken the Holy Light!"

Godwin watched the excitement for a long time, and now he could finally take action.

"Holy Light, restore your will, restore your spirit, and purify your evil in the name of Holy Light!"

Awaken the Holy Light!

However, even if it has been put into stasis, the will of the void is still not something Godwin can easily purify. According to the instructions given by the mission, five holy light relics need to be collected and purified by five powerful holy light users.

In fact, Godwin has even arranged the candidates. There are many powerful priests and paladins in the Holy Light's Revenge Army. It is very simple to gather five. On the contrary, it is difficult to find the Holy Light relics. Of course, this meeting is obviously in vain.

When Mo Fei saw it, he directly blasted his holy light authority into the blank core of the void will.

The authority of the Holy Light - the purification of light!

His ultimate move directly matched the effectiveness of five holy light relics.

On the 'corpse' of the Void Will, the remaining shadow power was continuously purified, and the luminous human form was infused with energy by the holy light and gradually awakened.

When the human form gradually became transparent and the darkness finally disappeared, a trace of light appeared in the transparent human form. Then the light quickly filled the human form and was released toward the surroundings, forming a huge holy light force field. The blood volume also began to rise crazily, rising to more than one million in the blink of an eye, and then slowed down.

A luminous human figure emitting soft holy light appeared in front of Murphy and Godwin.

Godwin listened to the system prompts in his ears with a look of surprise.

[System prompt: You have completed the original plot mission [Awakening the Holy Light], and you have obtained the mission reward, [Holy Spirit Will]. Although your body is still human, by purifying the Supreme Will, your heart has merged with the Holy Light. For one, your soul has been fully sublimated...]

A gentle voice came from the glowing human figure.

Supreme Will (Incarnation of Holy Light): "My child, you have done well. In the darkest and most hopeless moment, you still maintained your inner firmness and piety. You dispelled the shadows and shadows in my heart. Darkness has awakened my lost consciousness, and I will grant you the power of the Holy Spirit as a token of my gratitude and reward."

A beam of pure golden light enveloped Godwin. Godwin felt as if his body and mind were immersed in warm water, and all the darkness, jealousy, resentment, unwillingness, greed and other emotions in his soul were washed away. this what it feels like to become the Holy Spirit? Godwin felt the Holy Light filling his body, and he was the Holy Light itself. The supreme will in front of him is extremely kind, as kind as a biological father.

It turns out that I was so ugly and hateful in the past, but now I am completely different. I want to...

"How's it going? Have you completed the mission? Did you receive the reward?" Aidan's voice woke Godwin out of his immersion.

"It's done. The Supreme Will has rewarded me. I am no longer the person I used to be. I..."

"Just finish it. Since you have completed the mission reward, I will kill the mission monster."

"Well, tell me...wait a minute, what did you say?" Godwin was shocked and wanted to ask again.

But Dragon God Aidan has already blasted a powerful shadow energy towards the Supreme Will.

Unfortunately, the supreme will that had just completed the transformation was still extremely weak and had no time to recover. He was no match for the Dragon God. He barely fought with Murphy for a few waves, but was overwhelmed by the overwhelming chaos + shadow power and various evil forbidden spells. He blasted at it crazily and was blown apart in an instant.

As the power of the Holy Light was exhausted, the luminous human form once again turned into a transparent human silhouette.

There was also a white light that could be picked up on his body again.

Mo Fei directly clicked to pick it up. This time, only one item was revealed - the Holy Light Gem and a large number of Holy Light Crystals, an extremely precious material.

Murphy guessed that it had something to do with the timing of it being killed, before it had time to stuff things into the loot pool.

And the Supreme Will that has just been purified is just a world-destroying first-level BOSS...

Godwin was dumbfounded.

"Boss, why did you kill the Supreme Will again?"

"Nothing, I just need to kill it for a mission."

Godwin simply couldn't complain anymore. The Supreme Will is a mission monster...

"Then what should we do now? If we don't care about it, it will turn back into the Will of the Void soon, right?"

Murphy nodded, "It's almost the same, but it doesn't matter, we just need to go through the previous process again.

Sure enough, just as the two were talking, the transparent human form turned dark again, emitting shadow energy fluctuations, but compared with the previous Void Will, it was obviously weaker.

He couldn't even maintain the world-destroying level, he was just a world-level third-level BOSS.

Void Will (Void Agent): "What just happened, I..."

The authority of the Holy Light - the light of divine punishment!

A few minutes later, Murphy clicked on the corpse again to pick it up. Unfortunately, nothing dropped this time...

Well, I guess the system won’t leave such a loophole for players to repeatedly whip corpses and buy equipment.

Aidan (Dragon God): "Godwin, do you still have that mission skill?"

Godwin nodded numbly.

"Then continue and awaken the Holy Light."

Godwin (Holy Spirit): "Holy Light..."

This time, there was no help from Murphy. Maybe the void will that was killed was too weak and the remaining shadow energy was too little. Godwin completed the purification by himself.

The supreme will that was reawakened looked a little bad. The light emitted by the human figure was pale white and faint, like an incandescent lamp with insufficient power, and it could not be seen after only shining a few tens of meters away. The blood volume is only tens of thousands.

Supreme Will (Spirit of Holy Light): "Dragon God, I think we can have a good talk about what makes your heart so twisted, what fills your heart with such anger... Let us not give in easily. Is the force good..."

Aidan (Dragon God): "No need, I have something else to do, please take your time and chat, we'll see you later."

After saying that, Mo Fei flew away with the dragons.

Only the burning golden tree was left, as well as the supreme will that was about to be completely dissipated, and Godwin who didn't know how to explain it.

A few rays of sunlight shone down from the dissipating clouds, making the majestic city of Lordaeron look a little meaningless.

(End of this chapter)

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