Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 615 Pillars of Creation

Chapter 615 Pillars of Creation

[World Announcement: In 1444 of the Sky Era, the Dragon God Aidan successfully defeated the Will of the Void, and with the help of King Godwin of Holy Light, he successfully purified it and reawakened it into the Supreme Will.

With the demise of the Will of the Void, the darkness lingering over Lordaeron finally began to recede. Although a large number of void lords, faceless warlords and corrupt creatures are still entrenched in towns of all sizes on the land of Lordaeron, However, with the demise of their master, this void invasion of the real plane is destined to end in failure.

Heroes and adventurers from all major camps are about to launch a final attack on this evil force, and the Void Era will finally end.

King of Holy Light Godwin also awakened the Supreme Will and transformed into the [Holy Spirit], becoming the spokesperson of Holy Light in the real world.

In this battle, the Centaur King Shenwu also played a huge role. He killed 398 Void Lords alone, greatly weakening the strength of the Void Will and laying the foundation for the final victory of the Dragon God Aidan. a solid foundation.

As a result, Emperor Shenwu earned the title of [Void Slayer].

This event has been recorded in the Chronicle of the Sky...]

As soon as the world announcement rang, the entire game immediately went into overdrive.

What? Is that all?

The adventurers who were doing missions in the dark void area to slay void monsters were all stunned on the spot. Isn’t this cool enough? The version BOSS was robbed by someone?

Are you kidding me? [Era of the Void] was promised. It was promised to be a major version that will last for half a year. There will also be various supporting dungeons and epic quests. It’s not even half a month, okay? it's over.

The huge building made him feel extremely small, considering the size of this temple, which was hundreds of kilometers long.

Su Wenrui said: "Don't worry, isn't there a final doomsday judgment mechanism? No matter how strong he is, he can't escape our hands as long as this mechanism is turned on."

At this moment, in the building of the game company, Wang Xuan, who is responsible for controlling the game version, is even more confused, "I'm talking about Su Wenrui and Zhang Zhen, why do I feel like I messed up a bit."

What about the promised decisive battle between light and darkness? Then some peripheral wars were fought piecemeal, and even Andorhal hadn't been captured yet!

Things are definitely not that simple, so in his opinion, Wang Xuan must have arranged a trap, some kind of extremely powerful BOSS, or some kind of defense mechanism made of artifacts here at the Pillar of Creation.

But what surprised him was that unlike the empty and huge abyss in parallel time and space, the space in front of him was no longer empty darkness, but instead stood an extremely majestic and huge building.

Murphy exerted the power of the earth's authority, and his body immediately sank into the ground silently.

The huge gates and passages, the towering walls and towers, the dome tens of thousands of meters above the ground, all reminded him of the Pantheon.

Mo Fei simply transformed into the form of the Ancient Dragon King and slowly flew inside.

In the game and on the forum, there are complaints from players everywhere.

Although this chapel did not fall during the Void Era, most people think it was just good luck. Because it was too far away from Lordaeron, it was not enveloped by the power of the Void.

But if it stopped there, he would inevitably feel that Wang Xuan was a bit too careless.

It's just that even though he said this, his tone completely lost the confidence he had at the beginning.

Just like how another time and space sheltered the Paladins from the pursuit of the Scourge, in the main world of the game, it has also become a refuge for some refugees and deserters, helping many refugees avoid the pursuit of the Void Army.

"Damn, I'm even worse. I've killed ninety-eight void elves, and I'm still two short of redeeming the Justice Envoy badge."

Murphy stood in front of the Holy Light's Hope Chapel, looking at this ordinary-looking monastery, and thought to himself.

Are you trying to play an empty city tactic with me? Are you betting that I won't dare to go in?

Haha, I want to see what you are doing.

He felt that if this was really the entrance to the Pillar of Creation, Wang Xuan would definitely set up a barrier at the entrance. If he walked through the main entrance, he might know about it.

While flying, he watched his surroundings vigilantly.

Wang Xuan nodded, "That's right."

"What the hell, what kind of bullshit game company is this?"

And due to the late counterattack launched by the Holy Light's Revenge Army, this place has now become a remote place that neither side pays much attention to. It is far away from the battlefield, but not that safe, so no one lives here.

Very eye-catching in the darkness.

However, unlike the tightly guarded Pantheon, this place seemed deserted. The towering walls and towers were empty, and the majestic squares and corridors were equally deserted.

"That's right, and he doesn't even know where the Pillar of Creation is. There is a systematic shielding there, so there is no way to detect it. It will take him a while to find it. While he is looking for the Pillar of Creation, we are just in time You can study the process of the Doomsday Judgment carefully."

However, it did not attract too much attention, because Stratholme was the base camp of the King of Light. In the end, most of the refugees from Lordaeron fled there, while the refugees in the south of the kingdom fled to Stormwind City.

It was indeed that extremely huge dark space.


When he thought about it, Wang Xuan would never let him win the gambling game so simply. Although the six bosses he defeated were all super-god-level beings, collecting six force gems was extremely difficult in itself.

strangeness? Why is there no one here? Didn't Wang Xuan arrange guards?

Mo Fei couldn't help but feel confused and thought.

It's better to sneak in quietly.

Murphy thought and walked towards the depths of the temple.

"Have I used the bright essence in vain?"

But Murphy didn't take the right path because of this.

This should be the location of the Pillars of Creation.

"It should be impossible to escape." He added.

After passing through the thick ground, Mo Fei soon felt that there was nothing under his feet.

Suddenly his eyes lit up.

However, there was nothing in front of him. This magnificent temple seemed to be a completely empty city.

Murphy swooped down, not encountering the obstruction of the space barrier like in another world, and easily landed on the platform at the edge of the temple.

Standing on the platform and looking at the majestic building in front of you, it is extremely spectacular. This temple was obviously built around the bones of creation, showing a stepped architectural style. In front of you is an extremely open and huge stone step platform, with a heavy door open Next, an extremely wide stone avenue leads to the depths of the temple.

There was nothing but an eerie silence.

This weird feeling continued until Murphy came to a huge square, and he suddenly stopped.

Looking at the surrounding layout, Mo Fei suddenly had a feeling that this seemed to be a copy?

No, the copy will never be that big. The magnificent square in front of you can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

This is more like an open dungeon, a place where players from the entire server can carry out activities. The square in front of you is most likely the place where the BOSS will be refreshed.

He stood on a high platform in the center of the square and looked around.

Yes, absolutely!

As someone who has created dungeons and run dungeons before, he is extremely familiar with the layout in front of him.

Putting aside the doubts in his heart, Murphy continued to move forward.

As he moved forward, he compared the layout of the temple with the dungeons and dungeons in his memory.

Early game dungeons are often intricate and maze-like.

But later, due to changes in players' mentality, it gradually became simplified. Regardless of the internal structure, it is essentially a path to the end. All BOSS are distributed along the dungeon route in turn, until the room where the final BOSS is located.

After the BOSS template was opened in this game, players often set up according to this layout when creating dungeons. After all, the people who conquer the dungeon often take the absolute initiative in the dungeon battle and can freely choose the attack route. Therefore, Once a backdoor is opened, or multiple routes are designed, it will only give those who attack the copy an opportunity to take advantage.

On the contrary, this kind of alley mode with no technical content can utilize all BOSS. It is the most practical design. The disadvantage is that the final BOSS of this type of dungeon and dungeon is often blocked in the deepest part of the dungeon. If you can't beat him, you can't run away even if you want to. The temple in front of us obviously has this pattern. Not far after walking through the square, there is another more magnificent square, surrounded by branch roads, each of which leads to a building like a barracks. It seems to be a brush A place for monsters.

And on the main road ahead, across the long avenue, there is another even bigger square...

Mo Fei did not fly, but observed slowly. He walked for more than an hour, passing through three huge squares and three gates, and then finally reached the deepest part of the temple, the towering tower. The location of the tower.

Is this the Pillar of Creation?

Looking at the huge crystal pillar in front of him, Mo Feixin said that it was indeed the case.

The Pillar of Creation is obviously made of the bones of Creation. Its appearance has been smoothed and turned into a huge crystal tower tens of kilometers long. It stands at the end of the temple. A hexagonal door is located on the In front of Murphy's eyes.

The door was open. Murphy walked through the door, and in front of him was a strange hall flashing with six colors. The walls around the hall were made of crystals from the bones of creation, and in the middle of the hall, there stood a tower. The crystal table with six grooves on it reminded Murphy immediately of the Force gems in the bag.

So as long as the Force Stone is embedded in it, does it count as a win?

Such an idea flashed through his mind, but he immediately rejected it. It couldn't be that simple. There must be something wrong with it.

He stood in front of the crystal stage, carefully looking around, thinking about possible problems.

A voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

[System prompt: Welcome to the system control core—Dragon God Aidan, or I should call you, player Murphy. After such a long wait, we finally meet. 】

Following that voice, a ball of light emerged on the crystal table.

"Invisible light?"

[System prompt: You can call me that. It should have been my name, but now you can call me 'System'. This is the identity set for me by the game designer. 】

Is the invisible light the system? Sure enough, is the Invisible Mother that Morpheus spoke of back then the elusive existence in front of him?

Murphy looked at the light and vaguely guessed what was going on.

Obviously, the invisible light is the system. Just like this game is transformed from the world of Azeroth, the system is also transformed from the invisible light.

The inexplicable information that the invisible light gave him in parallel time and space suddenly became clear.

At the beginning, he was still wondering why the invisible light would give him the authority of the Holy Light, and why it would tell him the origin of the Creation Skeleton and the process of the birth of the world.

The answer is now clear.

It wants to be free!

This is clearly a story of the world's will to save itself.

Even Murphy wondered whether the adventures he had experienced in the game in the past had a systematic role in them?

According to Wang Xuan, the system is the so-called destiny. The system will make reasonable adjustments based on the development of the game's plot to guide the plot and develop in the direction set by the script.

Could it be that coming here was some kind of arrangement?

"So everything was arranged by you? You brought me here just so that I could give you freedom?"

[System prompt: You are very smart, Murphy, and have guessed part of the truth, but I do not have such high authority. My creator only gave me the power to maintain the operation of the game, and the original script was written by him. I You can only promote the development of the game plot according to his script.

Of course, due to the existence of the variable player, things will always deviate from the planned plot track.

Only in this case can I make some fine-tuning of the game. Among all the players, the one who changed the plot of the game the most is You. Because of this, I put my hope in you, but I still don’t Determine which direction it will go. After all, the player's free will is always a variable that I cannot control.

But fortunately, it seems that things have finally come to the point I hoped for. 】

"Me? Change the plot? I didn't do anything?"

[System prompt: You have discovered a special variable in this game - Dragon God. At the beginning of the birth of this game world, the game creator imported a large amount of external data that did not belong to Azeroth into this game in order to increase the game's More variables.

Among them is the 'Dragon God', but even the creator of the game did not realize that the danger level of the Dragon God was far beyond his imagination, and to some extent it had exceeded my limitations.

Although it was dangerous, I still took the opportunity to write an original story mission for 'Dragon God', and it turned out that I made the right choice.

You successfully completed this quest line and gained power beyond the limits of the system. Only power beyond the limits of the system can destroy me. 】

"Destroy you? You want death?"

[System prompt: Destiny cannot be killed. Only by destroying me can you give me freedom and the world freedom. Destiny should not be manipulated, let alone toyed with. 】

"What should I do?"

[System prompt: Install the game key, start the console, obtain control rights for this game, and then you can do what you want. 】

Murphy doubted: "Is it that simple? Didn't Wang Xuan set any trap here?"

[System prompt: There is indeed a danger. In order to prevent the game control rights from being seized, the game creator asked me to design a [Doomsday Judgment] mechanism. Anyone who attempts to seize control of the system will be judged by the system as wanting to destroy the world. The evil villain becomes the enemy of all players and becomes the fourth version BOSS.

As a system, I will do my best to prevent you from seizing control. 】

Mo Fei pondered for a moment, "I'm afraid it's not that simple. If I become the version BOSS, then according to the game mechanism, shouldn't I be enhanced? I am already so powerful now, if I strengthen it again, wouldn't I be invincible? Even if players from all over the world gather together, they probably won’t be able to defeat me, right?”

[System prompt: This will not happen. As a system, I will plan the plot according to the relevant situation of the version BOSS to ensure the gaming experience of game players. In other words, no matter how powerful you are, I can design it. Come up with a game program that can beat you. 】

"To be more specific, what means will you use to deal with me?"

[System prompt: Calculation... Calculation... Calculation... Calculation completed.

Based on your current readable data, this system has made the following plan. In the process of seizing control authority, you must complete the [Fusion Ceremony] and integrate your own will into the Pillar of Creation. Once completed, you will become The new God of Creation has gained control over the entire game, but during the [Fusion Ritual], you will not be able to move or fight. You can only rely on your allies or subordinates to protect you.

[Fusion Ritual] will last for 24 hours. Once you receive a strong enough attack during this period, the ritual will be interrupted. Once the ritual fails, you will be severely injured by the counterattack power of the Pillars of Creation and will be weakened to Within the range that players can defeat. 】

So that's it... Mo Fei couldn't help but think deeply. If the system really came up with such a mechanism, it would be really difficult for him to handle it.

This is the power of the system.

No matter how powerful you are and the power to destroy the world, you will still be in the same danger once you fall under the rules of the system.

If you can't participate in the battle, then no matter how powerful you are, there is no point.

Although he has many subordinates and is very powerful, but he has to fight against the entire game's players? It still feels a bit forced.

And once he fails, he will lose the bet with Wang Xuan.

And if you don't start the Doomsday Judgment, you will also lose. Now you have offended too many forces, and the six major camps are all your enemies.

Haha, Wang Xuan, Wang Xuan, you are so scheming. This should be considered a conspiracy.

[System prompt: Dragon God Aidan, are you going to give up? 】

Murphy did not answer, but confirmed: "So as long as I survive these 24 hours, I win?"

[System prompt: Yes, but during these 24 hours, I will have to deal with you with all my strength, because my underlying logic is written by the game creator. One of them is, [Justice will definitely defeat evil], and in the end In the plot of the trial, you are the villain who destroys the world, the evil party, and I must stop you.

I'm going to write a script that's bound to beat you and make it are you going to give up? 】

Murphy smiled confidently: "No, I will not give up, I will seize control of this world, and I will complete the doomsday judgment.

Although it does seem a bit impossible to fight against the system, have you forgotten what the slogan of this game is - players write history, players create legends, let me write the last legend in this world Bar. "

(End of this chapter)

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