Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 616 Preparation before the war: All armies gather

Chapter 616 Preparation before the war: All armies gather

Although he had made up his mind, Murphy was in no hurry to start the ceremony.

You only have one chance, so you must prepare everything.

"System, tell me the relevant details of this Doomsday Judgment script. The more detailed the better."

[System prompt: The outline of this script is set by the game designer. It does not have a fixed plot, but is generated by me based on the existing plot background and the story of the identity of the person who started the Doomsday Judgment. 】

"So who will be the people who finally come to attack the Pillar of Creation? Are they just players?"

[System prompt: It is possible for everyone who meets the plot conditions, mainly concentrated in the four official camps. All heroes and adventurers will receive tasks given by the gods, and the final strength gathered will ensure that under any circumstances Block you. 】

Murphy suddenly had a whim, "What if I destroy all four camps before starting the ceremony? Although adventurers cannot be killed, heroes can always kill them all, right?"

With Mofei's current strength, it is not impossible to do this. There are relevant standards for the establishment of an official camp. The number of participating races, the number of cities, and the population size. An official camp must have at least three main cities.

If you destroy all the cities in the four major camps, wouldn't there be no official camp?

He knows better than Emperor Shenwu what this means.

At least this way, he only has to deal with the adventurers and heroes from the four major camps.

The 5,000-strong Winterfell Guard, led by Razdanan, has been stationed in Winterfell. Because they have to deal with the powerful monsters in Northrend, their strength is still stronger than the average garrison.

All together, there were about 250,000 troops.

Not to mention that given the relationship between the two of them, Murphy would never treat him badly.

The dragon-man legions affiliated to the five major dragon clans number more than 20,000. The dragon-men are very powerful in combat and are a terrifying force.

And adventurers have three lives in the story campaign.

Murphy smiled to himself, it was really not that easy to exploit loopholes.

The five dragon legions, forget about baby dragons, if they are young dragons and above, the five dragon clans can gather more than 5,000 dragons of various colors to participate in the battle, of which there are more than 500 adult dragons alone.

The Centaur Legion successfully joined the reinforcement sequence

The Royal Guards of Lordaeron join the reinforcements.

Murphy carefully took stock of the power he could mobilize in his hands.

The first person Mo Fei invited was Emperor Shenwu.

If they were just heroes and adventurers from the four major camps, at least their combat power would not be too exaggerated. With the forces they currently control, they might not be able to fight without one.

He is now regarded as the public enemy of the universe. Even if he does not initiate the Doomsday Judgment, he will be targeted by each of the six forces. Sooner or later, the six camps will besiege the Sky City.

Not enough, far from enough!

Although the 24-strong army is quite large, it would be absolutely useless for these troops to withstand the entire game's adventurers for hours.

The third inviter was Ba Dao Qingwu. The relationship between this guy and Mo Fei was not that good. However, Mo Fei directly used money to clear the way and angrily spent one billion to ask him to help. Ba Dao Qingqing decisively accepted the employment agreement. As for footing the bill, Naturally, Emperor Shenwu was responsible for the matter. This small amount of money was nothing to him.

In this case, it would be better to start the Doomsday Judgment in advance before the conflict escalates to that level, and seize the power of creation in one fell swoop.

Fortunately, he has many friends. At this time, it is time for someone to help.

Then there is the Dragon Sorrow Knights, with a total of more than 5,000 people, all extraordinary soldiers, and they are also a powerful fighting force.

[System prompt: If the official camp is destroyed, the system will expand the screening scope of plot characters. Wilderness Demigod, Holy Light Naaru, Death Monarch, Void Lord, Pantheon Gods... may all be included in the script.

Thinking about it, I have really offended a lot of people during this time.

Emperor Shenwu agreed to Mo Fei's invitation without saying a word. After seeing Mo Fei's divine power, Emperor Shenwu naturally knew what it meant. No matter how much wealth there is in the game, how can it compare to the power in reality, especially when Life, just let Murphy transform his body and it would be worth the price.

In addition, there are countless NPC armies from the four major camps, as well as a large number of heroes and lords.

You must know that the number of adventurers in the game currently exceeds tens of millions, especially after the price of gaming helmets is reduced, there are simply not too many.

The 250,000 'army' seemed very insignificant in comparison.

There are 5,000 people in the Pinewood City Guards. Pinewood Town is the earliest territory of Murphy. Under the management of a few old fishing men, it has developed well. The level has also been upgraded to the town level. The combat effectiveness of the army is slightly weaker, but it is still usable. , Murphy rarely asked about it before, but now it finally comes in handy.

The second inviter was Godwin, and Godwin also immediately accepted the invitation, especially after seeing Murphy's powerful strength in defeating the Will of the Void, he hugged Murphy to death.

The Storm Dragon King's fleet has 3,000 people. Although the combat effectiveness of the sailors ashore is a bit weak, they can still be used.

However, the troops he has now are much smaller than those of Emperor Shenwu. Although some of the corrupted Lordaeron troops have been successfully purified, a large number of troops were exhausted in the civil war in the previous Void War, and Murphy also Some are worried that his Holy Light faction troops may become enemies after the war begins, but his Royal Legion of Lordaeron is more reliable.

As the king of centaurs, he has the entire centaur clan firmly under his control, so this force is also the most reliable and can be fully deployed on the battlefield.

The first is the Ancient Dragon Legion, which is also his most powerful family, twenty-eight ancient dragons. They used to follow him to kill gods and demons. Although they only played support, they still gained a lot of plot points. Among them, Neltharion, Alec Strassar, Nozdormu, and Lysajes have all been upgraded to world-destroying BOSS.

There are also monster servants they enslaved, all kinds of messy monsters, with more than 100,000 hubs. However, the combat effectiveness of these monsters is uneven. They are completely a mixed army. On average, they cannot even defeat the Dragonmaw Orcs, so they can only be used as cannon fodder. used.

In the following time, he must gather a strong enough force before starting the ceremony.

There are more than 50,000 members of the Dragon Worship Cult. Their strength is acceptable, and they are weaker than the Dragon Maw Orcs. Among them, the most valuable ones to Murphy are the Dragon Worship Priests. They can greatly assist in improving the strength of the Dragon Legion. combat effectiveness.

And because of your record of destroying the four official camps, the new enemies will be more powerful to ensure that they can stop you. 】

The other ancient dragon rulers are also the top level five bosses in the world. This power alone is enough to make adventurers litter the land with corpses.

This is destined to be a protracted war, and the more reinforcements (cannon fodder) the better.

Even other small clans under his command may be attracted by the system and become enemies. The most reliable one is the Ba Dao Clan directly managed by Ba Dao Qing Wu. This clan has become the most powerful among the tribes due to Ba Dao Qing Wu’s continuous investment. One of the clans capable of mobilizing more than 100,000 troops.

Like Godwin, Ba Dao Wuqing's control over the tribe is also limited. Only the clans directly under him can be mobilized. Other Black Stone, Blood Ring and others will not buy his account at all.

The Dragonmaw Orc Army has a total of more than 50,000 orcs. Their strength is much weaker than that of the Dragon Sword Knight, which is the average level of the tribe.

The Ba Dao clan joins the reinforcement sequence.

The fourth person invited was Varian. Since he was an NPC, Murphy personally flew to Northrend to find Varian.

The Death Covenant was now an enemy of him, but fortunately Varian was still his good brother. Murphy told him his invitation, and Varian agreed without hesitation.

However, Varian's situation is worse than that of Ruthless Blade and Godwin. Since the Crown of Dominance was completely broken, his control over the Undead Covenant has plummeted. Those undead who have gained free will are now in full control with the fall of the God of Death. They are all Mo Fei's sworn enemies, and they will definitely become enemies after the war begins.

On the contrary, Varian can use Frostmourne to drive the remnants of the Scourge who do not have a complete will to fight. Although these undead are a little weaker, they are better in numbers and are perfect as cannon fodder.

The remnants of the Scourge joined the reinforcements.

Then there were a few cheap brothers who also accepted the invitation, but they all had families and families. Although the brothers were embarrassed to ask, Murphy still gave each of them a settling-in allowance.

The kingdom's army is completely under the command of the direct lord. Thanks to the original cleansing of the mountain nobles and plain nobles, the troops of the five principalities of Alterac are now almost all in the hands of the five brothers. There are no issues of factions and camps to consider. .

Alterac Alliance forces join the reinforcements.

In addition to the army, Murphy also contacted many heroes and bosses he knew.

Morgan Lisa, Jian Wuhen, Tianxiu, Sigret, Darabengba, Kaya Windrunner... If you want to win this war, every strength is precious.

Murphy greeted all these past friends. He did not tell them everything. He just told them that they needed to help in a war. If they were willing to help, they would be rewarded. As for how much they would receive at that time. He was not sure how many people would join the war, how many would stand idly by, or even how many would become enemies.

However, just these, Mo Fei still felt that it was not enough.

According to the system, the system will arrange the enemies he will face based on the plot events that have happened in the past of the person doing the Doomsday Judgment.

These friends of mine, except for Ba Dao Qingqing who were temporarily bought with money, all the others can be regarded as acquaintances in the game plot, which means that these people will be included in the calculation of the system.

Therefore, we must find some allies outside of the plot. Only by adding such unknown variables can we win the battle.

As for where to look, Murphy already had a plan - of course he would go to another dimension. When Murphy was traveling in time and space, he discovered that the system had very little control over parallel time and space, and had almost no impact on the cognition of plot characters. Even his game backpack could surprise those plot characters.

Moreover, there is an invisible light in parallel time and space. In other words, the system of parallel time and space does not yet exist.

And this is one of Murphy's biggest sources of confidence.


Parallel Time and Space—The Ruins of Lordaeron:

Arthas sat on the broken throne, thinking about the future of the Scourge. The Burning Legion had already gone to the continent of Kalimdor. They had taken away a large number of undead armies. Now the demon's control over Lordaeron was very weak, and he Is it still necessary to continue to obey those fear demon kings?

But what if the Legion were victorious?

He couldn't help but feel anxious in his heart, power! He longs for more power! I also long to break free from the shackles and control on my body, whether it is the Burning Legion or the Lich King...

But he was still confused about how to proceed.

Silently, a figure appeared in front of him.

"Hello Arthas, do you want to gain power? Do you want to become a true king? Do you want to reveal your future destiny?"

Arthas raised his head in horror and looked at the mysterious uninvited guest in front of him. The powerful aura exuding from the other party made him dare not act rashly. Even Archimonde had never given him such a terrifying feeling, but for some reason, he was in awe. At the same time, that person made him feel a hint of intimacy, as if the two of them knew each other secretly.

"I don't know you, but I don't know why, but you make me feel familiar - who are you?"

"Haha, this is a bond that transcends time and space. Come on, Alsace, let me give you some answers. Let me tell you where your destiny will take you."

He pressed Alsace's forehead fiercely, and a wave of memories suddenly flooded into Alsace's mind.

An extremely shocked expression flashed in Alsace's eyes.

Will the Burning Legion be defeated? Will Sylvanas betray me? Will the Frozen Throne be under attack? The Lich King will recall him to rescue——

The vision came suddenly, but just the revealed future made Alsace's mind sway.

The mysterious man in front of him looked at him with a smile.

"Serve me and fight a cruel and difficult war for me. I will tell you how to replace the Lich King and how to become the true master of the Frozen Throne. I can even tell you that when you become the Lich King, you will be defeated. If you know who your destiny is, you can control everything, so tell me your choice, Alsace."

Alsace stood up suddenly, "I accept."

Parallel Time and Space—Stormwind City:

Varian looked at Countess Katrana who was confronting him, his face full of anger.

"Do you think I will believe you? Onyxia, I already know your identity!"

"What I said is true, otherwise why would I restore you? All of this is God's test, and I just do it according to God's will. Do you dare to say that the adventurers in Kalimdor didn't let you Become more powerful? Do you dare to say that my conspiracy has not allowed you to grow? "

As Onyxia explained, she couldn't help but feel annoyed. If Lord Dragon God hadn't kept you alive, you would have died a long time ago.

It's your turn to be wild with me here.

But Salameni in Varian's hands still made her feel faintly afraid. This Varian had become so powerful after going through some adventures.

Varian was furious for a while. How could he be so justified after having deceived himself?

"What she said is true Varian." A voice made Varian stunned for a moment, but Onyxia turned her head in surprise.

A mysterious man appeared in the palace.

"Who are you? Why do I have the guts-"

"It feels familiar, right? Haha, I come from another world. In that world, we are the best friends and brothers who live and die together.

Onyxia is right, I asked her to tear your soul apart, and I asked her to restore you. All of this is to make you stronger, to protect this kingdom, and to face the future. Threat, you must be strong.

It looks like my plan worked, you've become powerful enough now, and now I need your help. "

Varian hesitated, "Why should I trust you?"

"You don't need to believe me, you just need to believe in your heart - brother." Murphy said, stretching out a hand, Varian took a deep breath and held the hand tightly.

Parallel time and space - somewhere in Kalimdor:

"Warchief, our troops are separated. The storm caused us heavy losses. Grom is also missing. The ship his Warsong clan is on has drifted to nowhere."

"I know, eat something and take a rest."

After appeasing his orc infantry, Thrall looked at the messy coast in front of him, feeling worried in his heart. He followed the guidance of the mysterious prophet and came to this continent, and he didn't know whether it was right or wrong.

He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't even notice a mysterious black figure appearing behind him.

"I can help you find your lost troops, and I can also guide you in the future, Thrall, son of Durotan."

Sal looked at the mysterious man who suddenly appeared in surprise, feeling a little helpless. He was such a nagging guy again.

"Mysterious man, I already have the guidance of a prophet. You are late."

"Are you talking about the Crow Prophet? Haha, let me guess, he just asked you to come to Kalimdor, but never told you what to do, right? I am different from him, the guidance I gave you It will be more specific and more useful."

"who are you?"

"The person who reveals the future for you." Murphy pointed lightly at Sal's forehead, and a wave of memories suddenly flooded into his mind.

Again, this memory is incomplete. Thrall saw himself leading the orcs to fight humans, saw himself fighting demons, and saw Grom Hellscream once again controlled by demon blood - and then the scene suddenly disappeared. .

Thrall was anxious for a moment. What happened after that? Did Hellscream break away from the demon's control?

"Do you want to know the answer? I will tell you. I can even personally help you purify the curse on the orcs and free you from this abominable fate. But before that, you need to help me fight a war as a deposit - —”

Evil power—evil power seizes it!

Thrall felt a sudden relief in his body, and his green skin turned into the original brown.

The vague bloodthirsty impulse in my heart disappeared.

"You purified the evil power from me?"

"Yes, I can give this spell to you. When you see Hellscream next time, you can personally help him purify it. What about Thrall? What are the conditions?"

A determined expression appeared on Sal's face, "I accept your conditions."


One after another, Murphy kept visiting those potential helpers he could find.

After half a month of busy work, Mo Feicai finally ended this long journey.

This should be enough.

He silently took stock of what he had gained during this period of time.

However, it still feels a little lacking. Although these people are very powerful, they still lack a guaranteed power that can make a decisive decision.

Fortunately, I already have a suitable candidate.

Parallel World - Dragonbone Wilderness - Wyrmrest Temple:

Murphy was walking in the icy wilderness. Snow covered the ground, but it could not block Murphy's perception. He felt some powerful power buried deep in the ground, and a smile appeared on his lips.

He raised his hand towards the cold and empty wilderness, as if to lift something.

Galakrond, the endless devourer, the former king of ancient dragons, it’s time to wake up, rise up, great ancient dragon Galakrond, rise up, my faithful servant! "

Boom! In the horrified eyes of the dragons stationed at Longmian Temple, the earth is churning, and some ancient and terrifying existence has awakened...

(End of this chapter)

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