Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 617 Preparation before war: strategic arrangements

Chapter 617 Preparation before war: strategic arrangements

Temple of Creation——

Huge portals spread out all over Hope Square, and countless troops came in continuously from the gates. Troops from various organizations such as the Dragon Worship Cult, the Dragon Legion, the Dragonmaw Orc Legion, and the Dragon Death Knights, all of them. Come for one purpose - to fight for the dragon god Aidandron.

However, there are also some people who know nothing about the purpose of the trip. They are all hero lords who were rescued from the players by Mo Fei, or friends who were invited by the Dragon God to visit the Sky City.

Arthas, Thrall, Jaina, Illidan, Lord Andrew, Duke Bolvar, Duke Ravenholdt, Milhouse Manastorm...

At this moment, they all gathered around Murphy, waiting for the Dragon God to explain what this place was.

Murphy looked at the people around him solemnly.

"Everyone, welcome to the Creation Temple. You must be curious about where this place is, where I have been and what I have done during this time.

In fact, I have been investigating the recent disasters that have occurred in Azeroth. Most of you were rescued by me and brought to the Sky City in critical moments. So have you ever thought about why all of you have been... Everyone has encountered such danger? "

Everyone looked inquiringly, but Mo Fei didn't show off.

Murphy nodded with satisfaction, "Very good, now I'm going to start assigning tasks.

Dragon Warlord Zakaar, you come to command the monster army and form the first line of defense in Doomsday Square...

Murphy said and threw a list to everyone.

Rexxar, you lead the Dragonmaw Orcs as the main force of the second line of defense.

Vivian Nightsong, you will lead the blue dragon spellweavers to suppress the enemy with firepower.

But now, all the threads of fate have been cut off, which means that everyone will face the fate of violent death. Sooner or later, 99% of the heroes will die within a year. The list in your hands It foreshadows this. "

"Arthas, Jaina, and Thrall, you three have the most important mission. You will be my last line of defense and guard the entrance of the Creation Hall for me. If the enemy reaches the entrance of the Creation Hall, it will all depend on you. Come to protect me.

"Yes, it is the thread of fate. Destiny controls everyone's future. Everyone has his or her own destiny. Some people are destined to write legends and achieve great things, while some people are destined to be mediocre and live an ordinary life. .

Everyone looked stunned, the thread of fate? This sounds a bit too mysterious.

Jaina was the first to stand up, "Give the order, Lord Aidan, we are all willing to fight for you."

Everyone couldn't believe it, but they had to believe that the number of deaths on the list definitely exceeded 30% of the number of hero lords in each major camp.

The system will block any abnormal perception of the player by the plot character hero, so he must not tell the truth, because it will only make these people confused, but this does not prevent him from taking advantage of this.

"Then, join the Dragon Sacred Domain and let us save the world together."

Angus, you lead the Dragon Cult's priest army to provide auxiliary buffs to the legion, especially to support the dragon clan.

Although the head-on confrontation between armies is very important, in the final analysis the tone of this world is that heroes create legends, and what truly determines the outcome of a war is cutting-edge combat power.

Soon everyone joined the Dragon Sacred Domain organization.

Murphy arranged the tasks one by one, and soon all the leading hero lords had arranged their tasks.

Everyone looked at the list in their hands and were all shocked and speechless.

The heroes all agreed. Faced with the Dragon God who saved their lives, and faced with the danger of the world, no one would shrink back.

"Because the end has come, the world is about to be completely destroyed, and bad luck will happen to each of you. You are lucky because you met me, but more people are not so lucky."

Murphy looked at everyone's confused faces and resisted the urge to tell the truth.

Sir Roland, you will serve as the commander-in-chief of the ground forces and the commander of the Dragon Knights. Your task is very simple. Lead the ground forces to firmly control the ground battlefield and block the enemy's advance. Then my dragon army will and the ancient dragon's retinue will fight side by side with you and provide you with air support.

"Alsace, I hand over to you this Void Shattering Blade, which is an artifact I obtained from the Will of the Void, as well as this fused scale armor of Aelastraz. Wearing it can protect your safety. .”

However, to do this, I will suffer the backlash of fate, which will control all intelligent races to prevent this from happening. In order to save the world, I must become the enemy of the entire world. It will be an unprecedented war. I must Put all your strength into this battle, so you must make a choice, leave here and find a place to hide, or join me and fight for me. "

Duke of Beauval: "How come so many people were killed? What happened?"

"Because of fate, the fate of everyone in this world has been cut off."

"Fortunately, I have found a solution. I have found a way to control my destiny. Do you see the huge crystal bead pillar behind me? It is the Pillar of Creation. I will start a ceremony. When I control Creation, The Pillar of the World will also have the power to sort out destiny. Then the world will be saved and everyone will be spared.

Arthas also said loudly, "You are right, brother. As a member of the Alliance, it is our duty to save the world."

Mo Fei directly sent the invitations to everyone. Joining verbally was not reliable enough. He had to be determined by the system to become a subordinate before he could rest assured.

Jaina, Illidan, Arthas, and Thrall, these four are his main aces. They have a bit of a protagonist aura around them, and they are top-notch in terms of strength.

Murphy did not force everyone to join, but gave them two choices. Of course, with his understanding of 'heroes', everyone's answer was self-evident.

"Yeah yeah!"

Prince Anvilmar, I give you all the craftsmen and farmers to build a defense line in the Temple of Creation as a basis for defense.

"Go ahead, assemble your troops and garrison your defense areas. Be ready for battle before midnight."

Bolvar: "Your Excellency Dragon God, we are willing to fight for you."

"This is in the past three short months. The fallen heroes and lords are not just the Alliance, but cover all camps, including the Night Elves, the Undead Covenant, and even the Horde."

Of course, there is another reason. Murphy activated the Master of Deception, and at the same time he was wearing the Crown of the King of Gods. This artifact added 284 charm points to him, making his deception effect almost reach full value.

At this rate, within a year, there may not be a few people left.

Lord Andrew and Duke Bolvar, you will cooperate with Sir Roland in commanding.

After these people left, Murphy called several of the most powerful heroes to his side.

Arthas looked at the strange sword in his hand in disbelief. This sword exuding the power of shadow made him feel unimaginable power.

Arthas has the potential to cultivate the Holy Light, but the negative emotions in his heart make it difficult for him to fully control the Holy Light. However, this makes him understand the power of shadow. As the so-called twins of light and shadow, at this moment, this artifact It gave him an indescribable sense of compatibility.

"Thall, I hand over to you this Wind King's Divine Sword, which is the weapon of Al'Akir, the King of Wind Elements, and this Lethon's Embrace of Nature, which can make you invisible on the battlefield. Protected from enemy fire."

Thrall's profession is the Apocalypse, and he can use the abilities of many different professions, but probably due to his talent, he is best at the shaman's elemental magic, and the Wind King's Sword, as the weapon of the King of Wind Elements, is just right for him. use.

He took the Wind King Divine Sword, felt the surging power of the elements, and nodded solemnly. "Jaina, my most valued apprentice, you are the most talented mage I have ever seen. I still remember the scene when you came to me and wanted to adventure with me. Now you have finally grown up. You are the person I rely on most in this battle.

I grant you this Death Scepter, the weapon of Naraku, the ancient god of death.

There is also this crystal teardrop of the goddess of life, which can protect you from the threat of death.

There is also the Cursed Crown of Nalis, which allows you to learn dragon language and master the unique magic of the black dragon clan. There is still some time before the war begins. If you are interested, you can go to Neltharion.

Don't let me down, I'm counting on you. "Murphy said and winked at Gianna.

Jaina's face turned red, feeling both excited and worried.

"Lord Aidan, can I really do this?"

"you can!"

As he spoke, Murphy put the two artifacts into Jaina's hands.

Feeling the two completely different powerful powers of life and death conveyed by the artifact, Jaina's expression became solemn.

"I will not let anyone disturb you, Lord Aidan."

Murphy looked at the trio in front of him and nodded with satisfaction. These three are all existences with the aura of the protagonists, and after being refined by the Well of Eternity, their potential has been fully developed, and their strength is extremely powerful. At this time, they can Paired with artifacts, the combat power is absolutely explosive.

"Cough cough cough." Illidan suddenly coughed.

Seeing the four people turn their eyes to him, showing embarrassed expressions.

"Your Excellency Dragon God, don't you have any mission for me?"

Of course he didn't care about the mission, but if he could get one of these artifacts, it would be a real pleasure.

Mo Fei naturally understood what Illidan was thinking, "Haha, Illidan, in fact, I have the most important task for you. Do you think you have mastered the chaos magic in Archimonde's Skull?"

"That's right, but my power is not strong enough. There are some advanced chaos magics that I cannot fully cast yet, but if I use them with powerful artifacts, it should be fine..."

"Haha, don't worry, I've prepared it for you, take this." Murphy handed a huge green orb to Illidan.

This orb is about the size of a basketball. The green orb looks like an eyeball. When you look directly at it, you feel like you are being watched. It is very magical.

Illidan took it excitedly, and he could already feel the powerful evil energy emanating from the eyeballs even before he touched it.

"Your mission is the most important. When our army cannot withstand the attack, I want you to do this..." Murphy whispered in Illidan's ear.

Illidan was dumbfounded, "Are you sure you want me to do this?"

"Yes, this is my already planned plan."

"But... I have a problem with that guy!" Illidan said uneasily, "Is it too dangerous to do this? Are you sure you can control it? That guy is not a good person."

"Don't worry, everything is under my control, you just have to do what I say.

Illidan nodded helplessly, "Okay, but you'd better know what you're doing."


After arranging the heroes' tasks, Murphy called the ancient dragons together again.

This is the most important force in this war. No matter how many troops there are on the ground, they can only serve as human shields. In front of millions of adventurers, no matter how many troops there are, they will not be enough.

What really makes Murphy feel confident are these powerful ancient dragon relatives. Each of them is weakest and has the strength of a world-class BOSS. Twenty-eight super powerful BOSSs are enough to crush the attacks of all adventurers.

They will become the main force on the battlefield to deal damage and clean up enemies.

Murphy looked at the ancient dragons in front of him. For the convenience of conversation, all the ancient dragons had turned into human forms, but their powerful momentum remained the same.

There is no need for him to talk about those lofty aspirations and great ideals with these ancient dragons, he just speaks openly.

Aidandron (Dragon God): "My loyal relatives, my brave warriors, my noble people.

The time has come. Maybe you are wondering what I am looking for when I lead you to conquer the six realms. Now the answer will be revealed to you. I have discovered the secret of creation. Have you seen the Pillar of Creation behind me? Then It is the core of the physical universe, the starting point of creation, and the key to controlling the six forces.

What I am about to start is not a ritual to control my destiny, but a ritual to control the entire universe. But I have not deceived those mortals. When the universe is at my disposal, my destiny will naturally be controlled by me.

As long as I complete the ritual, I will become the 'Creation Dragon God' and the master of all things.

The ancient dragon clan will rise again and dominate the entire universe, and the twelve main gods will be replaced by the Creation Dragon God and his ten ancient dragon gods.

My people, my 'Duwakein', fight with me and control the laws of the universe and the power of the gods together! "

Listening to Mo Fei's words, all the ancient dragons' eyes shone with excitement, especially Gu Long Shi's expressions of shock and expectation.

Who doesn't want to go one step further and create a god to block it?

Lysajes (Gu Long Archon): "Lord Dragon God, please give the order, we are willing to do everything for your goal!"

Neltharion (Elder Dragon Archon): "All members of the dragon army are in place, ready to be dispatched at any time."

Aidan Delon (Dragon God): "Very good, this battle will determine the ownership of the universe and the rise and fall of the dragon clan. Each of you must go all out and shoulder the heavy responsibility.

Neltharion - my most powerful kinsman, your reputation of destruction and violence once made mortals fearful. They called you 'Deathwing'. This time, bring death to them for me.

I appoint you as the supreme commander of the dragon army, and lead the five dragon clans to face the invading enemies head-on. I will arrange ground troops to stand for you. Your mission is to pour dragon breath from the sky and kill as much as you want. "

Neltharion bowed his head and said, "Don't worry, Lord Dragon God, I will never let those insignificant mortals break through my defenses."

"Take this, I think you must miss it."

Murphy threw something like a rock dragon scale to Neltharion.

"This is - the Dragon Soul!" Neltharion looked excited at the Dragon Soul in his hand.

"Yes, it is the Dragon Soul. This artifact was crafted by your own hands. Now is the time to unleash its true power."

(End of this chapter)

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