Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 618 Limited Time Event: Battle of Creation

Chapter 618 Limited Time Event: Battle of Creation

"Don't worry, Lord Dragon God, I will make good use of this artifact!" Neltharion said confidently.

"Alexstrasza, your mission is equally important. This war will be a protracted war. We will face endless enemies. Even hundreds of thousands of troops are not enough to support the whole field. There will definitely be soldiers. Casualties, what you have to do is to treat those seriously injured and dying soldiers and let them return to the battlefield.

Fresanks, your mission is similar to Alexstrasza. You hold the power of death. Those warriors who are killed and cannot be resurrected, you resurrect them as undead and rejoin the battle. In order to win, we must Make the best use of everything and don't waste any available combat power.

Kalecgos, your mission is also very important. I have contacted all parties and found a large number of allies. After the war begins, you will be responsible for opening the portal and pulling these reinforcements over.

Remember, the teleportation must be carried out in strict accordance with the order I arranged. Our enemy will increase the intensity of the attack according to the number of our troops, so we cannot pull all the troops over at once.

Ysera, your task is also very important. Your soul authority can communicate with everyone's hearts. You are responsible for building a spiritual network to facilitate everyone's communication and deliver my instructions.

At the same time, if you encounter too many enemies or too powerful, you have to use the power of nightmare to trap them in the Emerald Dream, divide the battlefield, and then let others defeat them one by one.

Nozdormu, your mission is more important. I have found a large number of allies in other parallel times and spaces. After the war begins, you will go to another world and bring these allies over. Remember, follow the time arranged by me. Not early or late.

Lysajes, Iludicon, Philek, and Willanoz, the four of you have only one mission. Use your powerful dragon thunder power and the power of authority I gave you to destroy all enemies who dare to invade. Launch an attack on the assembled enemy army and defeat the enemy's main force. Other ancient dragons will follow you to fight.

Jaina (Eternal): "The entrance to the Creation Hall is safe..."

The mythical version of the mission [Battle of Creation] is now available for collection. Assemble your team, go to the Temple of Creation, defeat the evil dragon god Aidandron, and save the world. Complete this mission and you will receive extremely generous mission rewards. This mission It is a limited-time mission, and the mission period is within 24 hours after the world announcement is released.

At one o'clock in the morning, most players have gone offline to sleep. Even the players who are still online must be in a very sleepy state.

Time continued to pass, and everyone was preparing for battle. Anvilmar directed the craftsmen to build towers and walls in front of each gate, and placed dwarf artillery.

Kalecgos (Elder Dragon Archon): "The portal is ready."

[System prompt: All codes have been loaded, and you are about to obtain the highest authority of the game system - system error, you triggered the Doomsday Judgment process. Congratulations to your player [Aidan], you have been appointed as the leader of the latest expansion pack [Doomsday Storm] Chapter] version BOSS. 】

Aidan Delon (Dragon God): "Each unit reports on its preparation status."

System prompt: Start executing game code I50321.

"Master, the spiritual network has been constructed, please give the order."

Anvilmar (High Craftsman): "The city gate garrison is ready."

When midnight came, Murphy suddenly opened his eyes.

Standing in front of the crystal stage, Mo Fei felt that his will was invading the Pillars of Creation. The infrastructure of the sky world and the source code were presented one by one in front of his eyes. His spirit began to rise to a completely different dimension, as if Observing everything from a third-person perspective, there is a wonderful feeling of mystery and mystery.

it has started!

System prompt: Start executing game code I31579.

System prompt: Start executing game code U20098.

Vivian Nightsong (Ancient Magister): "The Spellweaver Legion is ready."

Go my 'Duwaqin' and get ready for battle, I will begin the ritual at midnight.

There are only 24 hours in total, and every hour of delay is precious.

Neltharion (Elder Dragon Archon): "The dragon army is ready."

Everything was ready, it was time. He looked at the crystal platform in front of him, and Ysera's voice came to his mind.

[World Announcement: The evil dragon god Aidandron conquered the six realms, defeated the gods of all realms, gathered six force gems, and found the legendary starting point of the birth of the universe in the depths of Azeroth. ——Pillars of Creation.

It was one o'clock sharp at midnight, and Murphy had carefully considered choosing this time to start the ceremony.

Murphy took out six Force gems from his backpack and embedded them one by one.

A world announcement instantly spreads throughout the game world.

Now he has activated the Pillars of Creation and opened the Doomsday Storm to transform the world back into its most primitive form. At that time, all life will perish. In that primitive era of primitive ignorance, only the ancient dragon family can survive.

This way at least the first few hours can be easily dragged through.

The dragons were ready to move, and the soldiers entered the position at the urging of the commander.

System prompt: Start executing game code M49834.

System prompt: Start executing game code H10096.

As the gems were lit up one by one, the sound of the system continued to sound.

Angus (High Priest of the Dragon Worship Cult): "The Dragon God Priest Group is ready..."

System prompt: Start executing game code E60110.

On the ground, troops also gathered around the gate, preparing to use door-blocking tactics.

Murphy was agitated, but his thoughts were extremely clear.

The ancient dragons left one after another. They gathered in the Doomsday Square, the first square of the Temple of Creation, and formed a horseshoe formation in front of the gate. When the adventurers rush into the first gate, they will be greeted by Incomparably terrifying firepower.

Aidandron (Dragon God): "Okay everyone, let's get started!"

Even if players receive the news, they may not be able to get up and go online in the middle of the night. Therefore, there will be relatively few players online before dawn, and it is impossible to form a strong offensive.

However, due to the grand scale of the Creation Temple, the entrance to the gate is thousands of meters wide, so it is not that easy to block it.

In order to prevent this terrible disaster from happening, heroes and adventurers of Azeroth, fight for your homeland!

Defeat the evil dragon god Aidandron and save your world!

The new expansion pack game version 2.5 [Doomsday Storm] is officially launched. Players are requested to come online in time.

Sir Roland (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "The ground troops have been prepared."

Also, tell the descendants of the five major dragon clans that all dragon clans that perform outstandingly in this battle will be promoted to ancient dragons and gain eternal life.

Brand new version mechanism:

Game Mechanism 1: Sanctuary of Creation. A new map [Creation Temple] is opened. This is the starting point of the birth of the universe and the core of controlling the six realms. Dragon God Aidan and his minions are entrenched in this temple, performing their evil rituals. He must be stopped or the world will end.

Game Mechanism 2: Enemies of the World. The relationship between all official factions and the Dragon God Aidandron and the Dragon Sacred Domain was immediately changed to - mortal enemies.

Game Mechanism 3: Savior Points. All heroes and adventurers can obtain rewards from the gods by killing Dragon God Aidan and his minions. Depending on the strength of the minions, the points earned are different. The minimum is 1 point and the maximum is 1000000 points.

Players can use savior points to go to the temples of the gods to redeem various rare props, up to and including artifacts corresponding to the gods.

Game Mechanism 4: Doomsday Judgment. The doomsday bell has sounded. After 24 hours, the world will be completely destroyed. If the player cannot defeat the Dragon God Aidan within 24 hours and interrupt his evil ritual to control the world, all player archives in the entire game will be destroyed. Clear it, reset the world, and start everything again.


Didi didi! Didi didi!

A loud ringing of the phone woke Li Qiang from his sleep.

I picked up the phone and took a look. It was the guild president. I was stunned. What was the guild president doing in the middle of the night?

" something wrong?" He rubbed his sleepy eyes and said angrily.

"Hurry up, go online, hurry up, go online, the new version has been announced, hurry up and go online!" The president's voice roared at the top of his lungs.

Li Qiang had a headache from the noise, "Why, what's the rush? Let's talk about it tomorrow."

"I can't wait for tomorrow. The new expansion pack event only lasts for 24 hours. Hurry up and go online. If the event fails, everyone will delete their accounts. If you don't go online, you will regret it."

Although Li Qiang was deeply sleepy, he suddenly woke up after hearing these words.

Will the account be deleted if the activity fails? Are you kidding me? His first reaction was that the president was fooling him, but after thinking about it, he still didn't dare to gamble. He had just reached level 50 and was wearing a purple outfit.

He quickly got up, picked up the gaming helmet, and put it on his head.

After a moment of dizziness, Li Qiang appeared in the hotel in Stormwind City.

Walking out of the hotel, under the dark night, you can see groups of adventurers running towards the teleportation tower. "what happened?"

"You'll know just by reading the announcement."

Li Qiang hurriedly opened the announcement and read it.

[World Announcement: Dragon God Aidandron has collected six force gems...]

Nest grass! Li Qiang was shocked and thought it was true.

Savior points? Can it be exchanged for artifacts? Deleted all accounts after losing? Damn it, game companies have gone too far.

He didn't care much and followed the crowd towards the teleportation tower.

The closer you get to the teleportation tower, the more players there are. There are adventurers everywhere, all running towards the teleportation tower. The auctions, weapon shops, and pharmacies are all crowded with people.

Li Qiang had plenty of supplies in his backpack, but he didn't need supplies. When he ran to the teleportation tower, he found that the teleportation tower couldn't be entered due to too many people. The mages opened hundreds of teleportation circles around the teleportation tower.

Whoosh! The white light of teleportation spells kept flashing, teleporting groups of adventurers to unknown places.

"Here here!" someone in the crowd shouted to him.

Li Qiang saw several guild friends greeting him at a glance.

He ran over quickly.

"Why are there only so few people?"

"I'm all sleeping. I don't know what's going on with this expansion pack. It has to be turned on in the middle of the night."

"Continue to wait?"

"Wait a minute, rush over now and occupy the position first. This is a world event. Players from the four major camps will rush over to join the battle. How many people will there be? I don't know how many monsters can be killed. I'm late. Can’t catch it.”

"It's probably to warm up the new expansion pack. You're right, I'm right. For this kind of 24-hour short-term event, the rewards will definitely be huge, so you must be the first to get it."

"If the activity fails, the account will not be deleted, right?"

"How is it possible? The game company is not crazy, it must be a gimmick."

"Is there any danger?"

"What are you afraid of? There are now 80,000 or not 100,000 players in the past. It's hard to say whether we can grab the monsters."

Li Qiang glanced at the surging adventurers around him and said to himself, there are so many people in Stormwind City alone. There are dozens of main cities in the four major camps in the entire game. Think about how many people there are.

If you go there too late, you won't get anything.

"Okay, then let's set off, get the buffs up, drink the medicine when it's time, and set the scrolls within the set."

After a while, the buffs were set, and more than a dozen people lined up neatly in the teleportation circle. As expected, there was a new teleportation coordinate point in the teleportation list - the Temple of Creation.

It's actually possible to get there directly, which is very convenient.

Li Qiang chose to teleport.

[System prompt: The Temple of Creation has been occupied by the evil Dragon God Aidandron and his minions. It is currently a high-risk area. Do you want to teleport immediately? It is recommended that you and your team be prepared before entering. 】

"Start teleportation!"

Phew, a dozen people were all shrouded in the white light of the teleportation technique.

Liu Fei was ready to fight, but the next encounter still caught him off guard.

Everyone was teleported directly outside the gate of a magnificent temple. The open stone steps were densely packed with adventurers of all races. Humans, elves, orcs, and even undead were all crowded together without distinguishing each other.

And everyone turns out to be allied colors.

Inside the gate, the sky was filled with roaring dragons and ancient dragons, and monsters blocked the entrance of the gate like a tide. The adventurers rushing at the front collided with the monsters, leaving no room for maneuver.

Knife against knife, sword against sword, spear against spear, metal collided, flesh and blood flew everywhere.

However, the real threat comes from the sky. Dragons swoop down, and the sky is filled with flames, lightning, frost, poisonous mist, and magma, turning all flesh and blood into a mosaic, making adventurers melt and disintegrate like snow in boiling oil.

The most terrifying ones are those ancient dragons with scales like ancient rocks. They swoop down, their huge bodies bring up hurricanes, and the destructive dragon thunder shatters everything. What kind of shield technique, what kind of thick skin technique, what kind of petrified skin, what kind of biological armor. , all useless, killed instantly.

Moreover, this dragon thunder still does AOE damage. Once the dragon thunder hits, dozens of people near the impact point will fall to death.

Dozens of dragon thunders crashed down, and hundreds of people were turned into ashes in an instant, and screams filled the sky.

"Wocaowocao, retreat quickly!"

"Don't squeeze in the back!"

"Back up, back up, there are monsters in front of you!"

"Treat, heal, give me some blood quickly - ah, I'm burping!"

Li Qiang was stunned. This was completely different from what he had promised.

The adventurers who were blocked at the door were being massacred one-sidedly.

This is not a way to gain points, this is clearly sending someone to death.

"Back up! Back up!" Li Qiang also shouted, but it was useless. New adventurers were constantly being teleported over, and the stone steps behind were already crowded with people. Every time someone new was teleported in, they... People were pushed forward.

The druid was better off, flying into the sky to observe the situation, while the others could only move forward passively, heading towards the line of death and destruction.

Li Qiang took out his precious teleportation scroll and prepared to run away. He couldn't lose this equipment yet.

"Holy crap, why can't the teleportation scroll be used?"

"Fuck, can you enter or exit this ghost map? This is a dead game company!"

"Fuck it! Get ready to fight!" the president shouted from the side.

Li Qiang raised his heart and raised the arcane shield and the magic fang battle axe.

Boom boom boom!



As the battle line advanced, explosions, shouts of death, and roars instantly fell into our ears.

In front of him was a battlefield of blood and fire, where countless adventurers were fighting with countless monsters.

Li Qiang's blood surged - charge! Heroic strike! A thunderous strike! Whirlwind Slash - The battle ax in his hand rotated and swung, puff, puff, the touch of metal chopping gold and flesh made him excited. However, just halfway through the rotation, a dragon thunder crashed down, and an electric shock-like pain came from the place before his eyes. It's black and white.

And a familiar option box [Release soul or not, yes/no. 】

Li Qiang...what the hell is this?

Looking at the tragic scene, he felt like crying, but it was okay, he finally chopped down two goblins.

A purple shield on the ground looked particularly familiar. Damn it, the shield exploded.

However, he was not in a hurry to release his soul, but observed the battlefield from the perspective of his soul. It was too chaotic before, but when he looked carefully, he was startled by the dense group of dragons in the sky.

There are dozens of world-level BOSSs alone, and there are also several world-destroying level BOSSs. How can this be ignored?

The adventurers were still rushing towards the door, being bombarded in groups and dazzled by the equipment that exploded all over the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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