Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 620: Endless Fight: Reinforcements Arrive

Chapter 620: Endless Fight: Reinforcements Arrive

"Die - ant!"

Neltharion roared and passed over the battlefield, flames flying in his path, burning up the sky, covering everything with lava and fire.

The power of destruction—catastrophe!

A corridor of flames burned the adventurers' formation directly into a path of ashes.

Countless adventurers cried out and were reduced to ashes in the flames.

Deathwing killed thousands of adventurers with one blow, shocking the entire audience.

However, as time went by, a large number of adventurers came online. Although the losses of these thousands of adventurers were huge, they were quickly filled with new adventurers, and in the flame corridor, even more Golden and red protective shields emerged to protect the people below from the flames.

"Hold on, everyone, the enemy won't be able to hold on anymore!"

"For Azeroth!"

Young Wolf Lord (Frostwolf Chief): "Look, new troops have arrived."

Then came the dwarf legions of Ironforge. They received the oracle from the god of war Odin and came to join the battle.

Uther (Great Lord of Holy Light): "Mograine, I didn't expect you to come too. Where is Varian?"

Tyrande (Moon Priest): "Although you are the cursed dead, I am happy to fight alongside you..."

Shouts were heard one after another, and the 100,000 monster army guarding the Doomsday Square had all been wiped out. There were not many 50,000 Dragon Worshipers left.

Prince Kael'thas of Quel'Thalas led the Magister Legion, and the three Windrunner sisters led a large number of ranger legions. The Sun God issued an oracle for a decisive battle with the Dragon God, and the Storm God also issued an order to the Windrunner family. After receiving the order, except for Kaya Windrunner, the others chose to join the battle.

This time, the army of the Death Covenant, filled with the aura of death, arrived. Mograine, Kargath Bladefist, Conan the Barbarian, Winter is Coming, and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse all arrived.

Although they captured the first square, the heroes of the major forces were not very happy. There were three squares leading to the Pillar of Creation, namely Doomsday Square, Creation Square, and Hope Square. They only completed One third, there is still a hard fight ahead.

Uther (Great Lord of Holy Light): "It doesn't matter. As long as the landing point is opened, our reinforcements will continue to join in. This time Dragon God Aidan will face the power of the entire Azeroth!"

Reinforcements from the Alliance also continued to arrive, and the troops from the Kingdom of Storm, led by Regent Lothar, all arrived, along with Varian's two brothers.

Malfurion Stormrage (Arch Druid): "We suffered heavy casualties, many wild demigods died in battle!"

"For the Holy Light!"

Mograine (War Knight): "Varian refuses to be an enemy of Aidan, and the Knights of the Ebon Blade will no longer obey the Lich King's orders! King Zeon insists on being with Varian and has been kicked out of Apocalypse The sequence of knights.”

"No, I can still fight!" Neltharion roared unwillingly.

"Retreat, don't let me say it a third time!" Murphy's cold voice sounded in Neltharion's ears. Neltharion was unwilling to blast out a dragon's wrath, and then led the dragon group to fly over the second There is a gate, and at the entrance of the gate, dwarf artillery has begun to bombard the approaching adventurers.

Without the ground troops on the battlefield, countless adventurers began to pour into the square, shooting wildly in the air. Under the attack of overwhelming firepower, the Dragon Clan of the Dragon Legion also began to suffer casualties.

"Look, new troops have arrived..."

"For the equipment!"

"Retreat to Creation Square!" Murphy ordered. Ten hours had passed and the task of the first square had been overfulfilled.

Queen Catherine of Stromgarde, King Daelin of Kul Tiras, and Chancellor Antonidas of Dalaran even came to the battlefield in person.

The Wildhammer clan in Eagle's Nest Mountain dispatched powerful Storm Griffin Knights to the battlefield.

Even the Watch Legion stationed at Watch Keep to monitor the orcs came to join the battle under the leadership of Turalyon.

Reinforcements arrived on the battlefield in waves, and the entire Doomsday Square was crowded with troops and adventurers from the four major camps.

The heroes from the four major camps gathered together to discuss how to proceed with the next battle.

As a demigod, Cenarius became the chief talker.

Cenarius (Guardian of the Forest): "Everyone, we only have less than a day. According to the oracles issued by the gods, the Dragon God Aidan is trying to control the Pillars of Creation with the intention of destroying the entire world and returning it to its original state. form, we must stop him!

We must have a strict plan, the major kingdoms and clans must unite, we should establish a unified command system, and then..."

"Leaders, the adventurers have been killed."


The heroes looked towards the second gate, and saw adventurers rushing towards the gate blocked by the city wall like a tide. The cannons on the city wall rang out like thunder, and the war had broken out again.

All the heroes shook their heads helplessly.

King Magni roared angrily, "Damn it, these undisciplined adventurers! It's like this again, it seems we must join the battle!"

"So what's the battle plan?"

"The plan is - fight!"

"Let's go, may the Holy Light be with you."

"Elune will protect us."

“Mother Earth will be with us!”

"Blood and glory!" "For Khaz Modan!"

"For the glory of Quel'Thalas! The Sun God gives us power!"

Amidst the thundering slogans, the heroes of the four camps led their armies to launch an attack at the same time.

The wall that blocked the city wall only lasted for less than half an hour before being breached. When the tide of troops poured into the Creation Square, what awaited them was the Dragonmaw Orc Legion, the Dragonsorrow Knights, and the Dragon Guards who were waiting for them. Legion.

Behind the melee troops are various magic troops such as the Blue Dragon's vassal Spellweaver Legion and the Storm Dragon God Priests Group.

On the two wings are the Winterfell Guard and the Pinewood Guard.

In the sky are a group of dragons that cover the sky and the sun, and a huge ancient dragon.

Murphy gathered all the elites here.

The battle then resumed.

But this time, both sides stopped retreating.


Murphy looked at the battle scene in the picture, looking at the adventurers and soldiers who died like ants, with his heart still and his face calm.

This war was an unprecedented one since the launch of the game. All forces were affected, and the ancient dragons summoned dragon thunder storms that filled the sky.

The Dragonmaw Orcs and Dragonsorrow Knights drank the divine water mixed with the Dragon God's blood. The power of the Dragon God's blood caused the warriors to grow dragon scales on their bodies, making them extremely powerful.

The orcs roared, the undead kept falling and getting up, the humans shouted slogans of justice, and the elves swept across the battlefield like a rushing wind.

Those wilderness demigods fought to the death for revenge, fighting fiercely with the ancient dragon.

The dragons attacked the mixed air force composed of griffins, horned eagles, dragon eagles, and wyverns.

Lysajes once again summoned the storm of destruction, Willanoz covered the sky with the power of shadow, confusing the enemy's sight, and Philek summoned the rain of chaos, and the chaotic flames filled the sky mercilessly burning the mortal bodies.

What a heroic scene.

"It's spectacular, isn't it?" A playful voice sounded beside him, making Murphy snort coldly.

It's Wang Xuan.

"You're here. What, are you planning to take action yourself?"

Wang Xuan shook his head, "Don't be nervous, I won't make any fouls. When playing chess, how can a player leave the field personally?"

He walked to Murphy's side and looked at the battlefield scene in the magical phantom with a proud look on his face. "How about it? The effect of my oracle is not bad, the whole game's forces have joined in."

Murphy smiled calmly, "Haha, so what, they haven't even passed the second square now, and thirteen hours have passed, and you are almost running out of time."

"What you said is a bit false. My troops are endless, and your troops are almost exhausted. Don't think I don't know. I hope there is no troop curse in the square. As long as you defeat this wave of troops, you will There’s nothing left to sing.”

"Then let's wait and see how things get better."

As expected, the battle situation is gradually developing in the direction Wang Xuan said. There is no way, there are too many adventurers and it is impossible to kill them all.

Those powerful heroes used their powerful hero skills to support the battle, preventing them from being defeated by Gu Long. Although the battle suffered heavy casualties, the defenders' strength was also constantly being consumed. When the time came to fifteen hours , the ground troops had suffered more than half of their casualties, and could no longer maintain a complete front line, and had to begin to gradually retreat.

However, the coalition forces took the opportunity to send more adventurers into Genesis Square and began to double-team attacks from both sides.

Aidan (Dragon God): "Let's begin, Kalecgos! The time has come!"

Upon hearing Murphy's order, Kalecgos immediately opened the portal.

Groups of Alterac United Kingdom troops continued to pass through the portal and enter the Hall of Hope.

After a little reorganization, they immediately headed towards the Creation Hall, threw themselves into the battle, and joined the defensive sequence.

The 50,000 Alterac Kingdom troops immediately stabilized the occupation.

Wang Xuan said in surprise, "Hey, your brothers really regard you as a brother, and they will use their old money to support you."

Murphy said calmly, "I gave each of them 100 million, so of course I'm willing to spend the money."

"Haha, it's true, but how long can these tens of thousands of soldiers last? The quality of Alterac's army is not very high."

Indeed, compared with the Dragonmaw Orc warriors and Dragonsorrow Knights who drank the blood of the Dragon God, the strength of these Alterac armies was much weaker, and the casualty rate increased sharply in a single encounter.

Zhu Genbao and Darkseid were killed by the coalition heroes in the melee.

Zhu Genbao: Brother, I’ll try my best.

Darkseid: Sorry, brother, the opponent is too fierce, and the strength of my golden hero is not enough.

Aidan: Don't leave yet. I'll let Fresanx pull you up for another fight.

(End of this chapter)

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