Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 621 The 4th Natural Disaster: Burning Comes

Chapter 621 The Fourth Natural Disaster: Burning Comes

But Kalecgos immediately opened a second portal, and this time an army of centaurs poured in, rushing towards the battlefield in a steady stream.

"Eh, Emperor Shenwu? Can you even bribe him?"

"No, Emperor Shenwu is my friend. Friends don't need to talk about money."

"Tch, that's because he's not short of money. You must have given him something else, right? Let me guess, he's almost running away from me now. Life? Health? Strength? Haha, it's probably something like this. Bar."

Murphy did not answer, and stared at the battle intently. Although he acted very calmly, his heart was still inevitably affected by the battle.

The Centaur Legion's participation in the war immediately reversed the situation. The Centaur Empire had too many troops. The entire Alterac only gathered less than 70,000 people. A Centaur Kingdom had millions of troops, which was not the same magnitude at all.

The number of top-level troops alone is almost the same as that of Alterac.

The cannon fodder is endless.

Moreover, Centaurs are natural cavalry, and their frontal charge is extremely powerful. After several waves of charges, they actually pushed the battle line back.

Uther (Great Lord of the Holy Light): "Godwin, you betrayed the Alliance! You betrayed the Holy Light! As a king, this is a shame."

Ba Dao Qingqing: "That Aidan, it's not that I went back on my word, but you turned me into a monster? This little money is not enough."

Varian (Lich King): "Lothar!? Do you want to join in? Then let's go together. I don't want to explain anything more, but as long as I'm here, you can't even think about passing through here."

The melee continues.

Murphy frowned, "The support army is depleted faster than expected. The Holy Light is too restrained to the undead. We must find an army that is not afraid of the Holy Light."

The painting style suddenly became weird.

Skeletons, zombies, ghouls, abominations, troggs.


Aidan: "I'll add another billion."

The portal opened again, Godwin took the lead and rushed out, followed by the mighty Royal Knights of Lordaeron.

While the stalemate was ongoing, the Knights of the Ebon Blade launched an attack from the flank, but the attack was stopped by a group of skeleton knights. The leader was none other than Lich King Varian, holding Frostmourne. One person stopped the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

The Shenwu Emperor fought his way through countless adventurers, swept through thousands of armies and cut down a group of enemies with one move, and returned to the back of the line to let the priests add blood to him.

Varian (Lich King): "I saved you from Gul'dan's curse. Is this how you repay me?"

Godwin (King of Holy Light): "I am the Holy Spirit, and my Holy Light is the Holy Light. You remnants of the God of Light are all heretics."

Aidan (Dragon God): "It doesn't matter, you have done a good job."

This powerful knights rushed through the gate without stopping, adjusted their formation slightly and immediately blew the attack horn, and the gorgeous golden knights launched a charge.

Lothar's face was full of sadness and determination, "Okay, I taught you how to fight, then let me end your life!"

Uther (Great Lord of Holy Light): "Holy Light, destroy those evil and filthy despicable undead souls."

"Varian, the time has come when we need you, Kalecgos - open the portal to Northrend!"

Murphy is still dispatching reinforcements.

"Godwin, get ready, it's your turn."

This million-strong army took four hours.

Uther (Great Lord of Holy Light): "The Holy Light is my true allegiance."

However, the brutality of the war was still escalating. By the eighteenth hour, the Centaur army had suffered all casualties and could no longer support them.

Emperor Shenwu (Centaur Emperor): "No, brother Aidan, I have sent the last wave of troops."

Two powerful knights collided.

Lothar (Regent of Stormwind City): "Varian, my son, you have lost yourself. It is time to turn back."

A new portal opened, and the undead poured in like a tide.

The Silver Hand immediately abandoned the slaughtering undead and launched a counterattack head on.

But the effect is really powerful. The holy light shines down from the sky, and the undead continue to smoke and fall down.

"King Jean, are you crazy?"

Kargath Bladefist (Death Knight): "Hey, what are you talking about." The Ebon Blade Knights made dissatisfied sounds.

Emperor Shenwu even came to the battlefield in person. At this moment, he had turned into a BOSS template again. With the strength of a world-destroying BOSS, he finally enjoyed the feeling of defeating ten thousand with one.

"I am no longer a king. From the moment I was rescued by Varian, I swore to be loyal to him forever. I don't know why he joined the Dragon God's camp, but I am willing to die for him!"


The two torrents of steel collided, causing people to fall on their backs.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are so loyal." Wang Xuan sighed, not knowing whether he was talking about Jean or Varian.


Mograine (War Knight): "Varian, stop being so stubborn!"

Aidan: "Ba Dao Qing Wu - it's your turn!"

He launched a sudden charge, but was stopped by a death knight. It's Genn Greymane.

Godwin (King of Holy Light): "Bullshit, you still know that I am the king, and Uther is such a bastard that he didn't even listen to the king's orders. Now that I am disbanding the Knights of the Silver Hand as the king, you all will do it." I’ll go home and dig potatoes!”

Ba Dao Qingqing: "Happy, today I will pack up these two hundred kilograms and sell them to you. Old roar, little roar, come with me!"

The portal opened, and the orc army of the Ba Dao clan rushed towards the battlefield. While charging, they drank the allotted demon blood potion, roared towards the enemy, and stabilized the battle situation again.

Young Wolf Lord (Frostwolf Chief): "Ba Dao is ruthless, you are not worthy of being the chief, just let me end you!"

Ba Dao Qingqing laughed angrily, "Damn, you idiot, you have the nerve to accuse me! Come on, come on, I will let you know how powerful the chief of the tribe is today. Damn, I didn't dare to go there before because I was afraid of losing my rank. , I have made enough money today, let’s have some fun with you - Makgra!"

The Young Wolf Lord sneered, but did not respond. Behind Ba Dao Qing Wu, a black shadow suddenly appeared out of thin air and slashed at the back of Ba Dao Qing Wu's head.

Bang, Samuro's sword blade was blocked by Grom.

"Hellscream? Do you still want to serve this guy?" "Samuro, you are no match for me, get out of the way!" Grom said as he swung his axe.

Samuro dodged the blow sideways. The sword master did not wear armor and his fighting style was mainly light. He really didn't dare to fight Lao Hou, "I am not fighting alone!"

ah! A black-faced orc rushed over wielding a big ax, bang! The violent attack made Hellscream take a step back in shock.

"Saurfang? You're here too!"

"Hahaha, how could such a great war be without me? I have always wanted to compete with you in Hell Roar. They all say that you are the most powerful warrior among the orcs, but I don't think so."

Grom snorted, "Then come on!"

The orcs immediately fell into a massacre.


With the addition of the Royal Knights of Lordaeron and the Saber Legion, the battlefield has become more balanced again.

But Murphy knows that this equilibrium can only last for a period of time. The number of adventurers is endless. If the fight continues, sooner or later it will be destroyed.

Wang Xuan obviously knew this, "Haha, it seems that you have really gathered a lot of troops, but unfortunately, they are all in vain in the face of the real power of the fourth natural disaster."

Mo Fei said calmly, "Adventurers are nothing more than that." From the beginning of the war to now, adventurers have been killed continuously, and a large number of dead and weak adventurers have been mixed into the army of adventurers. It still looks endless, but the quality It is no longer the same as before.

"But - it's almost time to get out of school and get off work."

What! Murphy immediately realized that most of the players in the game were students and office workers. Although some people would take time off to play games during the day, it was still impossible for most people to skip school and work just to play games.

Therefore, strictly speaking, daytime is not the peak period for adventurers. As the time reaches evening, students and office workers get off work. They will inevitably enter the game as soon as possible to participate in this unprecedented battle. Enemies are about to appear on a large scale.

Sure enough, it seemed that suddenly, the originally sparse tide of adventurers suddenly became turbulent again.

A large number of adventurers without any weakness poured into the battlefield from the gate, and they were obviously more tightly organized.

The battle line that was struggling to hold on was instantly squeezed and retreated towards the edge of the battlefield.

Sir Roland: "Lord Dragon God, we can't resist anymore, there are too many enemies!"

Murphy looked at the screen. There was an endless stream of adventurers, constantly attacking the front line.

The authority of the four great disaster dragons has been exerted to its limit, but they are still completely unable to kill them all.

The overwhelming firepower also put huge pressure on Alexstrasza, who was in charge of treatment. He could no longer lift up his health, and everyone was in a hurry.

Rays of sacred light descended from the sky, indicating that the gods were performing miracles on their believers and people.

The holy light shines, and the God of light sends down gifts.

War songs echoed, and Odin, the god of war, boosted the morale of the warriors.

Mother Earth, God of the Sun, God of the Moon...

More and more miracles are appearing in the coalition formation.

Murphy's face looked a little ugly. The gods did not participate in the war, but it was not surprising to respond to the prayers of believers.

Seeing that the time has reached the twenty-first hour, the battle line has been pushed back to the third gate.

"Lord Dragon God, Sir Roland died in battle! He was killed by the enemy's assassin."

"Varian, you take over as commander!"

"Lord Dragon God, there are enemy infiltration troops in Hope Square!"


"Understood Master Aidan, I will handle it!"

A series of explosions sounded outside, and the trio easily wiped out all the invading enemies.

But this did not make Murphy happy. The infiltration troops reached the Hope Hall, which meant that the frontline troops could no longer form an impeccable defense line.

Wang Xuan's face showed the joy of victory, "You lost to Mo Fei, give up. It's still too late to admit defeat. If you take the initiative to disconnect from the Pillar of Creation now, you won't suffer much backlash, but if you If it is interrupted by someone, it will be different. Your spirit and will will be severely traumatized, and you may even lose part of your soul."

Listening to Wang Xuan's proud voice, Murphy suddenly smiled, "Do you think so? Do you think you won?"

Wang Xuan suddenly felt a little weak, but he still insisted, "Of course, your cards have been played out. What reinforcements can you dispatch? Studio? Mercenaries? Monster servants?"

At this time, the remaining troops of the defensive army had retreated to Hope Square. The coalition forces continued to pursue them without any pause. The two sides launched a fierce battle at the entrance of the gate.

boom! A ball of flames rose from the ground. Under Thrall's summons, a Fire Demon Lord appeared on the battlefield. The flames were like a tide and drowned a group of adventurers pouring out of the gate.

Laglios (King of Fire): "Who summoned me, who awakened me, die, little bugs!"

"Hey, even this guy Laglios was found. Hey, this guy also gained the power of origin. Yes, I remember you guys knew each other before, right? But a mere Fire Demon Lord can't change anything. situation."

Murphy looked at the burning fire and smiled, but that was not necessarily the case.

"Illidan, start executing?"

Illidan, who had been offline with Shadow Escape, nodded silently. He slowly raised the Fel Energy Orb in his hand. As the power of the Chaos Artifact was linked to it, the powerful Fel Energy power suddenly enveloped his whole body. He His feet turned into hooves, horns sprouted from his head, wings sprouted from his back, and he evolved into the form of a great demon!

Illidan (Devil incarnate): "Hahahaha, such a powerful force!"

Aidan: Stop looking concave and do it quickly.

Illidan: Got it.

He gathered the power of chaos and slammed towards the ground.

The ultimate devil's door!

A huge evil energy beam rose into the sky. On the ground, two door pillars made of evil energy crystals slowly rose up, forming a huge door frame. Powerful chaotic energy gathered in it, forming a huge demon door. !

The next second, the demons of the Burning Legion poured out like a tide.

Wang Xuan was immediately shocked, "Burning Legion? How could they obey your orders? You killed -"

Murphy looked at Wang Xuan, "Sargeras? Who told you that I killed Sargeras!"

boom! A huge hoof stepped over from the Devil's Gate, and a terrifying demon over a hundred meters tall, with his body burning with flames, walked out of the Devil's Gate.

Sargeras has arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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