River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 102 All come in one set

Chapter 102

"Half adopted son?"

To recognize the adopted son, you either recognize it or you don't recognize it, but there is still a saying that you recognize half of it?
Seeing that Jiang Ling was puzzled, the man laughed and said: "This brother doesn't know something, right? After all, King Mo is a prince, how can the royal relatives recognize his relatives indiscriminately? Therefore, he is said to be a half-adopted son.

It is said that when King Mo went south in private, because of a heavy rain, he took shelter in the Shen residence for a while.Sitting down, he happened to hear Shen Feibai reciting poems against his teacher.

Surprised, Mo Wang changed from a small sitting to a small living, and personally taught him half a month of lessons, and when he left, he said that the child should be like Shen Feibai.

Having verbally recognized this adopted son, he was able to be appreciated by King Mo at such a young age. This southern talent is really admirable. "

Jiang Ling: "..."

Why does this sound familiar?

Is Shen Feibai's mother sure she is innocent with King Mo?

After a simple opening speech, Shen Feibai wrote a five-character verse on a huge white silk.

Said it was throwing bricks to attract jade, and then people sent paper, pen, ink and inkstone to each table, and everyone was invited to write poems.

It was Wing Chun who just entered the door, but now it is Wing Yue who is writing the title.

All five mountains and thousands of mountains can be sung!
After the paper, pen, ink and inkstone were handed out, the county magistrate even said on Shen Feibai's behalf that if there are any poets who are good at poetry this time, they can go to Beijing hand in hand with Shen Feibai.

Moreover, the daily life and food along the way are all taken care of by Shen Feibai.

As soon as these words came out, the students below became even more excited.

The students in small places are mostly poor households. After hearing such good things, they naturally racked their brains and began to write poems.

Jiang Ling thought: If he could go all the way to the capital with them, it might be interesting along the way.

At least this group of scholars travels around and has a lot of knowledge. They can be guides along the way, so it will not be boring.

With this in mind, he also asked Xiaoying Ning to study ink for him.

Think about it for a while,

Remember *** a poem with seven words: "Climbing Lushan"

A mountain flies to the edge of the big river, and leaps to the verdant four hundred spins.

Looking at the world with cold eyes, hot wind and rain shower the sky.

Clouds cross nine schools to float yellow cranes, and white smoke rises from Sanwu under the waves.

Tao Ling didn't know where to go, but he could cultivate fields in the Peach Blossom Spring.

Just pick up the pen and write, and the poem will be completed in just a moment.

Looking at other people, scratching their heads at this moment, they just wrote two or three words.

Xiaoying Ning looked at the poem he wrote, and silently recited it several times in his heart. When he looked at him again, his little eyes were like bright stars.

She was probably amazed that the master is not only martial, but also literary.

The others didn't write a single sentence, but when the master wrote a random pen, it was very good.

Jiang Ling looked at it from left to right, and there was no other one who did it in one go like him.

Only then did he know that the protagonists seen in later generations of movies and TV can compose six or seven poems casually, which are all fake.

The real situation is often like this, poetry will be completed, from morning to night.

It takes one day to make a song.

Like him, it is almost impossible to complete a poem in less than a moment and put it on others.

Meng Longtan and Zhu Xiaolian were also thinking hard at this time, and it was probably difficult to make it before noon.

'I've already finished, why should I stay here and wait blindly with them? '

It would be boring to sit here until dark.

And Shen Feibai and the county magistrates also entered the inner hall at this time.

"Forget it, let's go first."

Jiang Ling got up suddenly and wanted to take Xiaoying Ning away.

He just got up when a girl who looked like a servant girl hurried over from above.

She looks beautiful and polite, she seems to be a school maid specially trained by a rich family.

"Young master, what do you need? If you want to go to the toilet, you can come with me."

It turned out that she was going to Jiangling to go to the toilet.

Jiang Ling waved his hand and said, "The poem is finished, I plan to leave here first, go for a walk."

The maid was a little surprised: "Young master has already finished the poem?"

Regardless of their level, among the many people who entered the arena today, in terms of speed, Jiang Ling is naturally the first.

Ying Ning handed over the poem volume: "This is the poem written by my master."

The maid took it and read it silently in her heart. The first feeling is that this poem is so majestic!
Just reading it literally, I feel a mighty air lingering throughout the whole process.

People can't help daydreaming, the majestic mountains, the mountains and mountains!
"My lord is very talented, please wait a moment, I'll go and tell the young master about it." The maid was about to go with the poem volume.

But at this moment, a scholar in the first three rows also stood up suddenly. When the maid passed by, he also handed out a poem scroll and smiled confidently.

The maid was startled again, seeing the confidence on the scholar's face, she took the poem and read it silently.

After reading it, his eyes became surprised again.

Most likely, this scholar's poems are somewhat amazing.

She and the scholar said almost the same words, and then hurried onto the stage and entered the inner hall.

Jiang Ling looked at the scholar, and it happened that the scholar also looked back at him.

The two looked at each other, and the scholar nodded slightly.

But Jiang Ling was startled, looking at the appearance of the scholar, he was the same Zhu Erdan who was carrying the statue of Lu Juan that he saw on the street yesterday!

'It was him? '

After Zhu Erdan and Jiang Ling looked at each other, their eyes fell on Ying Ning.

Compared with yesterday, even though she has restrained herself, her admiration and covetousness are still slightly obvious.

Ying Ning was very displeased, turned her head away, and muttered: "Why is this stupid scholar again?"

"I'm afraid he is no longer a stupid scholar." Jiang Ling said.

Zhu Erdan walked away from Lu Pan, and then Lu Pan got acquainted with him, and replaced him with a Qiqiao Linglong Heart. From then on, Zhu Erdan was quick-witted and quick-witted, and made great progress all the way.

Ordinarily, it shouldn't be so fast.

It was overnight,
This Zhu Erdan has changed from being a fool to appearing to have the demeanor of a scholar.

It's a different person from yesterday.

'Probably, his heart has already been changed by Lu Juan. '

Xiao Yingning: "Stupid is stupid, is there still time?"

Jiang Ling said: "Just wait and see."

The maid who entered the inner hall came out soon.

He took two red posts in his hand, handed one to Zhu Erdan, and delivered the other to Jiang Ling.

The maid said: "My young master said that the young master is quick-witted and the poems he writes are majestic and majestic. You can't write them without being a man. Please let me send you a piece of writing. Having this post means that you have met the requirements. This time you can Join hands with my young master to enter Beijing.

Based on this post, the young master can go to [Datong Restaurant] to drink and live in the next three days, and all expenses will be charged to my young master's account. "

After taking the post, you can leave at any time.

Based on this post, for the next three days, the food and lodging at Datong Restaurant will all be placed on Shenfei's white account.

'It's kind of atmospheric. '

It is probably because people who feel that once they are promoted, they will not spend too much for the sake of face.

But Jiang Ling heard what the maid said, so if there is any service tonight, he might have to come here.

Holding the post and about to leave, Zhu Xiaolian and Meng Longtan finally looked back.

When it was discovered that one of the people who took the post was actually Brother Jiang.The two couldn't help admiring again and again, and gave him thumbs up frequently.

(End of this chapter)

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