Chapter 103

Outside the gate of the county school.

Just as Jiang Ling and Ying Ning left, Zhu Erdan followed.

"Brother, please stay."

With one hand on his chest and the other behind his back, Zhu Erdan walked with a scholarly step, looking vigorous.

Jiangling Nafa looked at him, from top to bottom, there was no abnormality, it can be seen that Lu Juan's method was very extraordinary, it was just a change of heart, it was like Zhu Erdan had a different person.

"Any advice?"

"If I remember correctly, you and I met on the street yesterday."

Zhu Erdan said, looking at Ying Ning again: "When I first saw this girl, I was astonished. I couldn't bear to lose my composure. I hope you can forgive me. But this also shows that I fell in love with this girl at first sight.

It seems that this girl is my brother's maid. I don't know if I want to take her as my concubine, can I give up my love? "

In times like these, maidservants have a low status.It is still common for rich families to exchange concubines, and it is not uncommon for classmates to give each other daughters.

Jiang Ling: "She's not a maid."

Zhu Erdan: "Could it be the sister of a dear brother? If so, it would be offensive. If it is the sister of a dear brother, I would like to marry her as my wife. I don't know what to do?"

He was so straight-forward, married wives and took concubines as soon as they met, he didn't feel blushed, Jiang Ling couldn't bear to listen to it anymore.

Maybe it was the fashion of the times, but for him, he was not used to it.

Jiang Ling said, "You should already be married?"

In the Liaozhai book, Zhu Erdan's parents betrothed him early because of his dull aptitude.

Although the woman is not beautiful, she is a virtuous and virtuous person who is hardworking and willing to work.

Zhu Erdan took out a folding fan, opened it and fanned it and said, "My wife, you can divorce at any time. As long as the girl is willing to marry me, I, Zhu Erdan, will agree to any conditions."

After changing Qiqiao Linglong's heart, she no longer looks down on her poor wife.

'It's no wonder that destiny is predestined, this Zhu Erdan is destined not to be a blessed person, this forced change of heart can't change his nature of a villain. '

Before Jiang Ling could express his opinion, Ying Ning already showed disgust: "I don't want to marry you, so don't think too much about it."

Jiang Ling said: "Have you heard that too?"

Zhu Erdan didn't care, it didn't matter if Ying Ning hated her, he only cared about Jiang Ling's attitude: "As the saying goes, the elder brother is the father, if the elder brother agrees, the younger sister's opinion is not important. If she marries me, I will also agree, Treat her well."

Jiang Ling: "Why can't you understand? I don't want to scold you, so you just have the cheek to be polite? You alone deserve to marry my sister?"

Zhu Erdan was agitated by these words, and also became a little arrogant, and hummed slightly: "Could it be that you don't look down on me?"

Jiang Ling: "I really look down on you."

Zhu Erdan said seriously: "Let's talk about which aspect makes you look down on?"

In just two or three sentences, his title changed three times.

At the beginning it was "Dear Brother", but because of Jiang Ling's contemptuous tone, he immediately changed to "One Step" when he spoke again, and now he got angry and called him "You".

Jiang Ling pointed at him from head to toe: "No matter your appearance, family background, or talent, I look down on you."

Zhu Erdan snorted. Seeing Jiangling's luxurious clothes, he thought he came from a rich family, so he said, "Compared with you, I may not be as good as you in terms of family background. But you must know that the general has no kindred, and a man should be self-reliant. Knowing that 30 years in the east of the river and 30 years in the west of the river, Don't bully the young and poor. You don't look down on me now, but at that time, hmph, even if you want to look up on me, you may not have the chance again."

30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi?
Jiang Ling smiled and said: "I didn't see that, you don't seem to have the qualifications."

Being looked down upon so much, Zhu Erdan also trembled with anger.

Suddenly he flung his sleeves away and said with a cold snort: "Then you should keep your eyes open and watch, and wait for me to become famous all over the world."

Watching him leave, Ying Ning frowned and said, "Master, this person is really annoying."

Jiang Ling agreed: "That's right, it's really annoying."

"But compared to yesterday, he seems to be a different person. Although he is still so annoying, his words and deeds are no longer stupid."

Jiang Ling nodded and said: "This man is boastful, but he still wants to become famous in one fell swoop. Let's just watch and see how he becomes famous in one fell swoop."

While walking on the road, suddenly two or three masked men appeared in an alley.

They seemed to be waiting here for a long time,

One person rushed out, raised the wooden stick in his hand, and smashed it to the back of Jiangling's head.

The other two had a clear goal, holding a cloth bag, they were about to put it on Ying Ning's head.

Seeing this, before Jiang Ling could move, Ying Ning suddenly reacted, she took out the fishing rod that she was reluctant to throw away again, and with a swipe, knocked a masked man to the ground.

The two masked men who were going to arrest her were also pulled down by her two sticks, and they both fell to the ground, holding their legs and gasping for air in pain.

"It's strange. In broad daylight, at the gate of the county school, you dare to do such a thing. I want to see how holy you are!"

Jiang Ling tore off the veil from one of them,
As soon as he took it off, he recognized its identity—a city guard!

When I first entered the city that day, I met him once.

Although there is only one side, Jiang Ling has a good memory and will not admit mistakes.

"It's you?"

In broad daylight, if city guards can be sent to do this kind of thing, the mastermind behind it is obvious.

Hearing his tone, the city guard seemed to have been recognized, so he simply stiffened his tone: "You are so bold, you dare to attack me, if you don't take you to prison now, my surname will not be Liu."

They came here with their faces covered, they just didn't want to make a big noise.

But since he was recognized, it doesn't matter that much.

We'll do it in secret, if you don't cooperate, then just do it in the open.

As soon as your identity is revealed, you, a commoner, dare to fight with officials?

The left and right still have to cooperate and admit cowardice!
"Surname Liu?"

Jiang Ling laughed, suddenly grabbed his hair, and smashed his head directly on the bluestone slab.

Hearing a muffled sound, blood gushed out of the man's orifices and his limbs twitched.

When he looked at the other two.

Those two people were about to say a few harsh words, trying to scare them.

But suddenly seeing their companions end, the two of them suddenly felt hairy.

The originally seemingly weak Ying Ning showed such skill that they were greatly astonished.

After seeing Jiang Ling make a move, their astonishment turned into shock in an instant.

This girl is fierce, and this young man is ruthless, and his attack is deadly!
It must be known that they are all city guards and have the status of official posts, how dare he kill them on the street?

"What do you want?"

"We are officials. If you dare to kill officials, you will be punished."

However, both feet were severely whipped by the fishing rod, so they couldn't stand up now, if they could stand up, the two of them would run away without talking nonsense.

Jiang Ling gave a "hmm" and said, "Killing the officials and killing the three clans is fine, as long as no one knows about it, it's not a crime."

After speaking, he grabbed the two officials who were crawling on the ground and tried to escape, and forcibly dragged them back.

Afterwards they clasped the heads of the two of them and touched each other, there was another crisp sound, the heads of the two were also shattered, and blood burst out from the seven orifices.

(End of this chapter)

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