Chapter 104

'I thought that the soldier would just let it go, but unexpectedly, he still has a wicked heart. '

Three city guards were killed, and as soon as their souls floated out, they were swallowed by Nie Qian who was in the luggage.

"In fact, the master doesn't have to do it himself to kill the three of them. Xiaoqian can do it for her. This way, the master can save the burden of cause and effect."

Although Yuanhun is a great benefit to her, she is also worried that killing three people in a row will bring follow-up karma to Jiangling.

She herself is not afraid, there are ghosts left and right, no matter how many causes and effects, she can bear it.

Jiang Ling said indifferently: "My Dao is as long as it is in line with what I want. Those who come to me like this, if they are lenient because they care about cause and effect, it will make the Dao heart unsmooth and difficult to understand. The three killed If he is killed, he will be killed, as well as the leader of the army, since he is the one who caused the figurines, then he must not be kept."

Shaking his sleeves, Jiang Ling walked out of the alley with Ying Ning as if nothing had happened.

Ying Ning looked back at the three dead bodies several times, and suddenly made a decision in her heart.

'The master is right. Bad people cannot be lenient.Sister Xiaoqian can be decisive, which is probably why the master prefers her.If I can be like her, the master will not favor one person over another. '

After walking a few steps, Jiang Ling and Ying Ning suddenly turned their heads at the same time.

Looking towards a wall, I saw a white phantom suspended in the air.

With a straight face and angry eyes.

Jiang Ling saw it familiarly, the official uniform on that ghost was clearly the attire of a Japanese god of wandering.

It's just that this day tour god is not the day tour god of Linzhou County.

Just the same clothes.

People were killed here, and the original soul was gone. As a Japanese wandering god, he should take care of it.

However, just when Jiang Ling met his eyes, he suddenly let out a shout.

The sound is like a lion's roar, covering all directions.

Ye just shook that day wandering god away from that wall.

Xiao Yingning's expression was startled, she could see that the "human" had an aura of incense on him, it must belong to a god.

But Jiang Ling didn't even give him any face, a Buddhist lion's roar repelled him!
Nie Qian was also surprised and said: "Master, that's a Japanese wandering god, I'm afraid this move is a bit inappropriate?"

Jiang Ling used to have a certain respect for the City God's Secretary and even the whole underworld.
However, now with the matter of Lu Pan and Zhu Erdan, it also let him know that no matter in the underworld or in the yang world, what he does is still sloppy.

That being the case, why should we be in awe?
"Don't worry about him." Jiang Ling didn't seem to care.


At this time, in the inner hall of the county school.

Shen Feibai, a talented student from the south, was chatting and drinking with all the county magistrates.

In front of him, even the county magistrate condescends three points. The son before the son and the son after the son, use the honorific title more often.

With such an attitude, he is not respecting the other party's talent, but respecting the other party's identity.

No matter what, he is the half adopted son of King Mo.

After a few glasses of wine, those sitting there became drunk one by one, and fell unconscious on the table.

Shen Fei smiled calmly, and suddenly let out a furry thing from the sleeve.

The thing fell on the table, and it stood upright like a human being.

Walking in front of each drunk, and taking a deep breath on the top of his head with his nose, the drunk seemed to have a purple breath, which was sucked away by that thing.

Shen Feibai played with the wine glass, and when the thing sucked up all the drunks, he asked, "How about the amount?"

The thing swayed towards him, upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a yellow fairy.

The small pupils were shimmering mischievously, and at this moment, a human voice came out of his mouth: "These people have rather shallow talents, and they don't have much talent."

After speaking, it opened its mouth to the cup, and spit out three drops of purple liquid.

"That's all?" Shen Feibai frowned slightly.

Looking at the one in the first seat, after all, he is a county magistrate, but he is only so talented?
It turned out that this Shen Feibai actually raised Huang Xian'er to suck up other people's strength for him.

Huang Xian'er sucked away other people's talent, and then transformed it into a purple liquid, which was fed back to him.

If he drinks the purple liquid, he can increase his talents.

"From this point of view, the officials in this county are also the generation of rich people."

Huang Xian'er sneered and said: "Talent is inborn, but not everyone has it, let alone all the time. When one's spirits are high, the talent can increase; when the will fades, the talent can die.

No matter who it is, as long as they sit in this official position for a few years, even if they have a lot of talent, they will fade away six or seven times. "

"Now, with me like this, how do you feel about taking the leader of Chunwei?"

Huang Xian'er said: "It's not enough, your qualifications are mediocre, and you are forced to make up for it with talent, and now you are only considered as an upper-middle class. If you want to be the leader, you need to be more talented."

Hearing the word mediocrity, a look of displeasure flashed across Shen Feibai's face.

This was a fact, but to him, it was a kind of ridicule.

Shen Feibai, he was born to be extraordinary.

"Then how much talent do I need to go further?"

"The two who wrote the first poems today seem to have a lot of talent. In the next two days, if you gather some more talented people in one place, it will help you become a top talent. It's not a big problem."

Shen Feibai frowned and said, "I've already absorbed a lot of talents during this journey, how could it take so much to become a top-notch person?"

Since he was 12 years old, he traveled around to study.

Wherever he went, everyone who was close to him was adopted by him to support himself with his talents.

When he was a teenager, he used other people's poems as his own, and won the name of a child prodigy.

Now, after several years, Huang Xian'er said he was only a middle-class talent.

You should know that spring is coming,

If you only take the exam with above-average qualifications, you can imagine how it will be ranked.

Over the years, all readers know that "there is a talented man Shen Feibai in the south, and Zhang Yuebin, a handsome man in the north".

The more famous this name is, the more he can't lose this reputation.

After all, he was also going to take the test for his adoptive father who was far away in Kyoto.

Huang Xian'er said: "It is inevitable to draw people's talents. Most of them draw three out of ten. Over the past few years, although the number of people drawn has been large, the total amount is not that much.

Up to now, it is not too late to make you have the upper-middle capital. "

Shen Feibai said: "Now that the spring is coming, I can't afford to delay it. I don't want middle-class talents, and I don't want top-notch talents. I want top-notch talents."

"Difficult." Huang Xian'er thought about it for a while, and said a word.

"Could it be that there is no other way? I give you every day, and I have never neglected it. This spring is my greatest wish. If it is not fulfilled, then what I have done in the past will be meaningless. Please help me. This time, the spring will be the leader." !"

Huang Xian'er pondered for a moment, and said: "If you want to take the leader, it's not impossible, but in that case, you need to absorb more talents.

It's just that if you smoke too much, it will hurt the peace.

For example, if the county magistrate drains all his talents, then he will lose half of his talents in the future, and it will be difficult to write an article.

The cause and effect of this is not small.Would you like to bear it? "

Shen Feibai: "Cause and effect are cause and effect, I'll just take care of it."

(End of this chapter)

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