Chapter 176
Jinmen is actually a sea city.

In this city, fresh seafood can be seen everywhere, and the price is very cheap.

At the same time, it also serves as a shipping hub, and there are a lot of tourists coming and going in this city.

Compared with Linzhou County in the south, it is at least four or five times more lively.

Walking through the streets and alleys here, even if the usual flow of people is seen, it is like a market in a small county, crowded with people and coming and going endlessly.

He Xiang took Jiang Ling out, and specially ordered a carriage.

Jiang Ling said it was unnecessary, but He Xiang smiled and told him that if he didn't need a carriage, he might not be able to travel very far with only his legs.

At first, Jiangling didn't notice it; but after walking around for a few points, he realized that Jinmen City is indeed quite big.

And the spots they visited can only be regarded as a corner of Jinmen.

In this city, the most people are not high-ranking officials and dignitaries, but those thinly clothed and skinny laborers.

Many people came from the countryside and wanted to make a living here.

The worse the famine was, the harder it would be to live in the village.

In Jinmen, there is a huge demand for labor.

Trackers can find work almost every day.Not to mention getting rich, it's still okay to have a full stomach.

The carriage they were riding in belonged to Duanfu's own family.

The horses and people who drive the carriage are hired, and with only ten Wen, there are several people rushing to pick up the work.

Along the way, He Xiang also talked about her grandfather, who also came from the countryside to work in Jinmen.But because he likes to gamble and lose money, he goes to Duan's mansion to sell himself as a slave.

Since then, it has been a generation of slaves and generations of slaves.

But being a slave in a big family is actually much better than these ordinary people.

At least, you don't have to worry about food and clothing.

There are a lot of people sitting by the pier during the day, and they are all waiting for work.

Those who look like the old man are actually the lucky ones.

If it weren't for being valued by high officials, people like them would probably be in the same situation.

"Miss Hexiang, what dreams do you have?"

"A dream? You can only think about it when you are dreaming?" She smiled.

The carriage was driving on the bluestone road, and the people and shops on both sides of the street were flashing one by one.

She giggled with a smile, her eyes suddenly became distant, and she said: "When my sister was still alive, she once said that she had a dream. She thought that one day she would get rid of slavery, find a good family to marry, and live in peace of mind."

"If we talk about dreams, my sister's unfulfilled dream is probably my dream."

"Then why did she become the concubine of High Official Duan again?"

"As a slave, you can't help yourself. As long as the old lady likes you, you can't help her."

"Then how can I get rid of slavery?"

He Xiang was stunned for a while, but finally smiled and shook her head slightly.

Most likely there is no way.

The status of the daughter's family is already low, and since they have become slaves, they can only accept the fate of being slaves for generations.

"Actually, being a concubine with a high-ranking official is also a way to get rid of slavery. If you are strong enough, if you give birth to a son for him, you may still be a wife. If that is the case, you will fly on a branch and become a phoenix. "

Speaking of this, she lowered her voice and said quietly: "Actually, many of our maids want to accompany the high officials to bed."

Although she had a smile on her face, Jiang Ling could see the bitterness in the smile.

"Have you ever thought about it?" he asked.

He Xiang was not shy about this question, she just shook her head lightly, "The old lady doesn't like me."

Jiang Ling: "Why?"

He Xiang bowed her head in a low self-esteem and said: "Small girls like Nu'er are said to be difficult to give birth to. Only... big ones like Du Juan are suitable for the old lady's eyes."


Jiang Ling suddenly remembered the girl who was on the boat that day and was going to accompany her in bed.

She is really big.

Compared with her, He Xiang is only 1.5 meters [-] tall and looks slimmer.In this way, nature has nothing to do with "good fertility".

Since the old lady looked down on her, her final outcome as a maid would probably be to be betrothed to a certain slave in the Duan Mansion in the future.

A slave regenerates a slave, and becomes a slave from generation to generation.

When I was shopping until noon, I wanted to find a restaurant for dinner, and then I went shopping in the afternoon.

But when he was found suddenly, he asked Jiangling to go back to Duan's mansion quickly.

It was Du Juan who came, and she came with a servant.

After seeing Jiang Ling, he told the whole story.

It turned out that the old lady had a headache again, and she had a splitting headache.

Fortunately, knowing that Jiangling was still in Jinmen, he searched all over the city with his servants and found this place.

Jiang Ling returned with her, and when they arrived at Duan's mansion, seeing the old lady Duan's face pale with pain, she shivered on the bed.

Many people were waiting inside and outside the room, and local doctors were also invited.

But after reading it, they all shook their heads at a loss.

"Mr. Jiang is back, everyone please make way."

Du Juan asked everyone to leave the room, even Manager Lin was invited out.

Jiang Ling went forward, still in the same old way, and asked Du Juan to prepare chicken blood.

As soon as Du Juan heard it, he went immediately.

In fact, after the doctor saw that he was at a loss, she suggested that it might be used with chicken blood.

Because she remembered that Jiang Ling said that chicken blood was pure yang, when the old lady was in pain, if she drank chicken blood, she would feel better and not feel uncomfortable.

But as soon as this proposal was made, it was rejected by Ichiro.

Saying that she doesn't know how to pretend to understand, if there is a problem with drinking, how can she take responsibility?

As a maid, of course she can't do it.

Therefore, this proposal was shelved.

Now, after seeing it in person, Jiang Ling also said that she wanted chicken blood, and she immediately felt that she must have had the foresight, but was interrupted by that quack doctor, otherwise, the old lady might not have suffered so much.

"Wait, chicken blood? The old lady is like this, you want to feed her chicken blood? Can drinking chicken blood cure a headache? I have never heard of it. This Mr. Jiang really knows medical skills?"

Manager Lin also called Du Juan to stop, and questioned Jiang Ling's identity.

Du Juan didn't even bother to explain to him,
But the senior officials are not here now, and in this old house, only the steward Lin is the most important.

I can only patiently say to him: "You don't know, Manager Lin. On the way back, the old lady's headache was cured by Mr. Jiang. Nice to entertain Mr. Jiang.

This wind disease is difficult to be cured by other quack doctors, and only Mr. Jiang can cure it.Last time on the boat, the old lady just drank chicken blood, and her headache stopped. "

After she finished speaking, she ran out without waiting for Manager Lin to react.

Steward Lin frowned and asked Jiang Ling: "It turns out that Mr. Jiang knows medical skills, but, can you explain why chicken blood can cure headache?"

Jiang Ling said: "I didn't say that chicken blood can cure headaches, but I think the old lady caught cold on the road, and chicken blood belongs to yang, drinking it can make her feel better."

"So that's the case." Steward Lin nodded slightly.

Soon, the cuckoo brought chicken blood.It was she who fed the old lady herself.

Jiang Ling also pretended to feel the pulse again, feeling the old lady's pulse.

At the same time, his eyes were fixed on the old lady's pillow.

There, there was a ghost child with black eyes and a blue and white body huddled there.grinned at him.

A pair of ghost claws are grabbing the old lady's head and scratching fiercely!
(End of this chapter)

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