River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 177 Want to

Chapter 177 Want to
Take a bowl of chicken blood,

The Qi of Yuanyang in chicken blood travels and disperses the limbs.

The little devil pinched and pinched, and felt uncomfortable in his hands.As if touching a red-hot pot lid, she hastily withdrew her hand.

After several attempts, it was impossible.

It had no choice but to turn its eyes for help to Steward Lin.

Manager Lin gestured with it to make it back away, and it was also very obedient, as soon as it jumped off the bed, it disappeared into the wooden wall behind.

Jiang Ling took some of the yin energy from Mrs. Duan's body by feeling the pulse.

Old Madam Duan was relieved, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

When the two cloudy old eyes regained their clarity, she saw Jiang Ling in front of her, and she was extremely grateful: "This time, it's thanks to Mr. again."

Jiang Ling said: "I came all the way from the south, and I have been treated very well by the Duan family. It's just a little effort, old lady, don't be too polite."

The old lady said embarrassingly: "This old woman has a wind disease, and she has it again and again. Could it be that it really cannot be cured?"

Jiang Ling said: "Supposedly, after the last diagnosis and treatment, it wouldn't happen so soon. Where did the old lady get sick this time?"

This time Du Juan said for her: "The old lady was offering sacrifices to her ancestors in the ancestral hall, and just after she reprimanded Steward Lin, she started to have a headache."

Training forest stewards?

Jiang Ling glanced back at Steward Lin,
Except for him, the rest of the people in this room probably couldn't see the existence of that brat just now.

However, before the little ghost left, Jiang Ling followed the direction of the inquiring look he sent him, and he already knew it in his heart.

However, Steward Lin suddenly fell to his knees and said with a guilty face: "Returning to the old lady, it's not that there are no people to clean the ancestral hall, it's just that strange things happen there frequently, and now, no one dares to go there."

It turned out that the reason why the old lady wanted to reprimand him before.It is because today I suddenly have to worship the ancestors. When I arrived at the ancestral hall, I saw that there was a lot of dust there.So he called Steward Lin and reprimanded him a few words.

Steward Lin didn't say anything at the time.
In the past, even if the Duan family passed through Jinmen, they seldom returned to the old house.

Officer Duan hasn't been back for several years.

Normally, Mrs. Duan would at most let a maid come back instead of her, burn a stick of incense, and burn some paper money.

When Steward Lin first took over the Yifu, he maintained it meticulously for the first two years and maintained it very well.

But later, she gradually got used to being lazy, so she didn't go to check in person anymore, and Mrs. Sansao gradually became lazy, and she became more casual and perfunctory.

It's really nothing to say about being caught by the old lady today.

He didn't shirk his responsibility either, the woman who cleaned the house didn't clean it up, and he didn't fulfill his duty of inspection.He still has to take care of it.

"A strange thing? What a strange thing? Aren't you able to suppress a strange thing? Didn't the high officials let you look at this house because of your ability?" Seeing that the old lady was still breathing, Du Juan questioned her.

When the old lady just fell ill, she still didn't dare to talk to Guanshi Lin like this.

But now that the old lady's illness has been cured, she can take advantage of the situation and talk to him.

Steward Lin gave Du Juan a disgusted look, and still smiled apologetically, "Old madam, you also know that although I can keep this house under control, I can't keep around every corner all the time.

Besides, this old house is also thanks to the small township, otherwise, it is really unknown what it will be like now. "

Before Guanshi Lin came to the Duan Mansion, strange things happened frequently in the Duan Mansion.

For example, when a maid fetches water from a well, she gets a disheveled head.

And the livestock raised in this family also died from time to time inexplicably.

The most important thing is that in the old lady's room, at night, there used to be a shadow hanging on the beam and shaking.

For such a strange thing, it is useless to ask monks and Taoists to do it.

Later, after Steward Lin was invited, these strange incidents died down.

After that, it was quiet for a year or two, and no strange things happened again.Because of this, senior officials paid more and more attention to Steward Lin.

But since then, although there have been fewer strange things, the old lady's heart disease has become serious.

In the end, the Duan family moved out from here.

At this time, the old lady was silent for a while, and sighed: "But no matter what, the ancestral hall is the place where the spiritual seats of the ancestors and clans are placed, and the spiritual seats of the ancestors and clans must not be dusted."

"Old lady, please rest assured that this matter will never be an exception. I will drive out the sweeping woman and find another diligent and capable one. If the strange thing still happens, then I will clean it myself, and I will definitely not let it go." The spiritual positions of the ancestors and ancestors are dusty."

With steward Lin's guarantee, the old lady didn't pursue anything in the end.

Maybe she has done too many bad things, and she herself is not so peaceful.

At this time, she supported her forehead, even if she was still feeling a little uncomfortable, she didn't want to stay in this old house for a moment.

Ask Du Juan to help him up, and he will leave here.

When going out, he once again asked Steward Lin to take care of the old house.

Steward Lin fully agreed.

Later, she thought of Jiang Ling again, and asked him if he had a good rest here last night?

Jiangling answered not bad.

This answer surprised the old lady.

She thought for a while, and then said to Steward Lin: "Mr. Jiang is a distinguished guest of our Duan Mansion, you must treat him well, don't neglect him."

"Don't worry, old lady, the young ones will definitely entertain you well. I will definitely not neglect you." Steward Lin kept talking.

Du Juan suddenly asked Jiang Ling: "Mr. Jiang, does the old lady need to prescribe some medicine to recuperate?"

Jiang Ling said: "Madam's cold air is still there, so there is no need to prescribe medicine. Just cook soup with a big rooster and treat it a few times, and it should improve. You can try it first. If you still feel unwell, you can come to me at any time."

When the old lady heard this, she was very relieved: "Mr. Jiang is very skilled in medicine after all. The old lady can't believe others, but the old lady believes what Mr. Jiang alone says."

As he said that, he asked Du Juan to bring the consultation money to Jiangling.

There are still a few doctors outside the house who have not left, hearing this at this time, I feel quite uncomfortable.

Jiang Ling never refused the consultation fee.

But he never cared about money and things.

At this time, he suddenly said: "I don't want the consultation fee this time. I want to ask the old lady for something else. I wonder if I can agree?"

The old lady was also open-minded, and said: "Whatever you want, sir, please tell me."

Jiang Ling pointed to He Xiang and said: "I want to get rid of my slavery for He Xiang, but I don't know if it is possible or not. If I still need money, I can scrape together some money."

The old lady laughed when she heard the words, looked at him, and then at He Xiang, "What is it for? This is what I said? Since He Xiang is in the favor of the husband, the husband doesn't need to say anything. From now on, you can use He Xiang Just follow the master. As for the slave status, in the afternoon, I will have someone take you to the Yamen, and you can take it off after going through a formality."

To get rid of slavery, you have to go to the government to register.

With the Duan family's relationship, it's easy to do these things.

"So, thank you, old lady."

The old lady smiled and was helped down.

He Xiang was at the side, her fingers pinching each other tightly.Looking at Jiangling silently, for a moment, his heart was also confused.

(End of this chapter)

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