River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 178 The Immortal Guiding the Way

Chapter 178 The Immortal Guiding the Way
"Mr. Jiang is so young, he is really good at medicine."

After Mrs. Wang left, Steward Lin said something with a smile on his face.

Then he said: "There are so many doctors present, all helpless, but Mr. Jiang was the only one who cured his illness with the medicine. In my opinion, this old lady's headache is related to Mr. Jiang."

These words are yin and yang, and the implication is that the old lady's illness may be caused by your hands and feet, so other doctors and doctors are helpless, only you will be cured immediately when you come.

Jiang Ling was not used to him either, so he just said lightly: "There is no such thing as [destiny] and [no predestined relationship] in healing and healing, there are only distinctions of [wants to save] and [doesn't want to save]. If I devote myself to saving people, the medicine will come naturally." Get rid of the disease; some people, who have no intention of saving others, are naturally powerless."

This remark is a pun, not only to satirize the incompetence of those doctors, but also to point out that Manager Lin does not really want to save the old lady.

Although Guanshi Lin is a rough man, he is also a smart man, his face darkened suddenly: "Sir, what do you mean by this? Could it be that your husband is dissatisfied with us?"

Jiang Ling only called He Xiang and left the inner house.

As soon as he went out, he replied again - "There is no such thing as good or bad, but people call themselves, so it's better for Manager Lin to do it for himself."

Leaving Duan Mansion again, seeing that it was still early, Jiang Ling planned to go around again.

The Hexiang girl followed silently, without saying a word, her head was lowered, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Jiang Ling suddenly said to her: "In the afternoon, I will walk around by myself. The old lady said that later, someone will take you to the government to register and register. Once you are registered, you will be a good citizen in the future. You can Waiting for someone to come over in Duanfu."

"Yeah." He Xiang replied softly, and stayed in the Duan Mansion obediently.

Jiang Ling went out alone, and walked near the North Pier without knowing it.

When they came back last night, they got off the boat at the South Pier.

This side is close to the bay, and there are a lot of aquatic products sold.

Jiang Ling took a few glances and saw that although there are many types of seafood, the size of many seafood is not as big as the later generations.

In this era, fishing technology is still relatively backward. Although the marine products are rich, ordinary people still earn very little by relying on manpower.

On the road, a caravan suddenly came across, carrying white salt in a horse-drawn cart, and left from here.

I heard people say that if you go further north, there is a salt field there.

The salt used in the capital, including some surrounding areas, comes from this place.

Smelling the salty sea breeze, I suddenly heard someone shouting loudly by the pier.

At first, only one person shouted,
Soon there were dozens or dozens of people shouting.

Jiangling followed the sound and saw thick fog rising from the sea.

In the thick fog, a mountain appeared faintly.

The mountain is grand, majestic and precipitous.

Several cranes flew back and forth, making the sound of chirping.


"It's Haishi!"

"There's a sea market again."

Looking at it from a distance, Jiangling is also amazed.

It was the first time he saw such a spectacle with his own eyes.If you don't know that there is the sea over there, looking at the picture at this time, it really looks like there is a mountain over there, only a few miles away.

The laborers and traders at the wharf were very happy.

Some people say it is Xianshan Penglai, while others say it is Yingzhou Xiandao.

In addition to the excitement, some people were happy and some were crying.

The crying person is a middle-aged man, described as sloppy, with unkempt hair and beard, sitting on a rock, looking at the sea market, and weeping.

The bystanders either expressed emotion or ridiculed.

The grandson of an old fish seller made fun of him, but the old man stopped him, saying that he was also a poor man, so why laugh?

Jiang Ling was curious for a moment, so he asked: "Old man, why did that man look at Haishi and cry so sadly?"

The old fish seller snorted and said, "That man's name is Ma Ji, and he was a talented scholar. He used to be favored by villages from ten miles and eight villages, thinking that with his talent, he might be an official in a certain place in the future. Who knows? As good as it is, this man suffered from hysteria at a young age, and he has been crazy for several years.

He guards the pier every day, just to guard the appearance of the sea market.Every time a sea market appeared, he would cry and make noise.

In the past, he foolishly wanted to row a boat to find it, and almost drowned several times.

It's good now, I'm not that stupid anymore, I just cry and cry every day, and always say some inexplicable things. "

"What did you say?"

"He always told people that he had been to the sea market, and that there was another world on the other side of the sea market. His lover lived there. In fact, he was knocked over by the waves when he went out to sea that year. He disappeared for a few days. Later, he was rescued by the people of the nearby village at the seaside, and he fell ill as soon as he came back."

Jiang Ling walked towards the rock, and saw that there were still many letter papers beside Ma Ji.

There are new ones and there are old ones.

Still writing.

A worker with nothing to do saw that Jiang Ling seemed to be curious about this matter, so he said to him: "The letters are all written by him. In the past, he always asked those who went to sea to help him carry a letter. Go, say that if anyone goes to the world in Haishi, he will help him deliver the letter to his lover. At first, he will give a few pennies in return to those who help him carry the letter; later, he ran out of money After that, no one is willing to help him with it anymore.

In fact, it is still leucorrhea, and a sea market is a sea market. Even if there is another world, how can we mere mortals go there? "

While talking, someone suddenly shouted again.

"Look, what is moving in that white mist?"

"I can't see clearly, it's probably a bird."

Ma Ji on the reef, suddenly his eyes lit up, trembling all over, he shouted: "Immortal, it's an immortal."

Everyone laughed when they heard him shout.

In broad daylight, see a fairy?

Only a lunatic like you can tell.

The sea is shrouded in white mist, and there is a black spot wriggling in the depths of the white mist.

Ordinary people's naked eyes can't see clearly, because the distance is too far.

Jiang Ling glanced casually, but his vision was blurred, but when Yuan Chi's spiritual power covered his eyes, he looked at the black spot again.With his eyesight soaring, he finally saw the black spot clearly!

——In the thick white mist, there was a man with a black shirt and a big belly, waving his long sleeves, stepping on the steps of the white mist, climbing step by step towards the fairy mountain.

The higher he went, the smaller his figure became, until he disappeared on the fairy mountain.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Ling was horrified.

There, it really is a person!
You can walk on the white mist, and you can climb the fairy mountain in Haishi from the sea.

At the same time, he was also amazed at Ma Ji's eyesight.

It should be noted that his eyes can only see vaguely after the Dharma Eye is opened.

And Ma Ji, with only a mortal body, can actually see that he is a person?

Jiang Ling suddenly went to Ma Ji's side and asked him: "Brother, did you see a fairy?"

Ma Ji glanced at him, and said incoherently, "Immortal...is really an immortal..."

Jiang Ling asked again: "Brother, what does that immortal look like?"

Ma Ji said: "He has a big belly, wears a black shirt, and has long sleeves fluttering. He went up...he really went up."

Sure enough, he really saw it!

(End of this chapter)

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