River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 179 Rakshahai City

Chapter 179 Rakshahai City
The man rose from the fog and climbed the mountain from Haishi.Jiang Ling thought to himself that he couldn't do that kind of trick.

"That person should be a man of profound morals and deeds!" '

"Little brother, can you bring me a letter?"

Ma Ji suddenly handed a letter to Jiangling.

Jiang Ling said: "I don't plan to go to sea for the time being, if you give it to me, I'm afraid I can't bring it for you."

Ma Ji said calmly: "I see that you are different from ordinary people, maybe one day, you and that Haishi are destined. If you can really go, please give this letter to my wife, okay?"

His eyes are sincere and sincere.

Maybe his eyes are really different from others, and he can really see the difference between Jiang Ling and ordinary people.

Seeing that he didn't express his opinion, Ma Ji took out a picture book from his body and handed it to him: "Now mine is penniless, and I can't talk about how to repay it. And this picture book is what I relied on when I entered the sea. It was drawn by the city's memory. No one else believed it, and thought I was a demon. If you believe me, little brother, you can accept it, and it may benefit you in the future."

Jiang Ling took over the painting book, which contains rich pictures and texts, and the paintings are exquisite.

Judging by Ma Ji's eyes at this time, he thinks this is definitely not a crazy person.

Perhaps Ma Ji entered the Haishi Gate by accident and had an extraordinary experience.

Ordinary people can't imagine it, so they naturally think he is crazy.

"Okay, if by chance I meet Mrs. Sister-in-law, I will definitely send this letter to her."

"Thank you." Ma Ji looked at the sea again, infatuated and happy.

Jiang Ling took the storybook and letters and wandered around for a while,
It took about a quarter of an hour for the sea market to appear in the mist, and then the white mist dissipated, and everything was invisible.

Back to Duan Mansion, He Xiang has returned.

She was waiting outside the gate, holding a document in her hand, happily waiting for Jiang Ling to come back.

When the two met, she happily called out to Mr., and then handed over the document in her hand to Jiang Ling.

"Have you completed your registration?"


On the document, there is a seal of the government.Based on this, she will no longer be a servant girl in the future.

It can stand on its own and survive independently.

Jiang Ling smiled softly: "Does this count as a wish fulfilled?"

He Xiang hung her head, her face could not hide her joy, she tapped lightly, and hummed.

After Jiang Ling finished reading it, he handed the document to her again: "Then, what are your plans from now on?"

He Xiang looked at the document handed over, and his face was full of joy.Hearing Jiang Ling ask her about her future plans, her beautiful eyes were suddenly filled with bewilderment.

But Jiang Ling took out a few banknotes from his body, handed them in front of her, and said: "Since you received this document, you are no longer a servant girl. Now you have regained your freedom.

In the future, you can do whatever you want. You and I met because of fate. With the money, you can find relatives and friends, and you can also do what you want.In any case, in the future, try to make yourself happy. "

He Xiang's hands drooped, her beautiful eyes only looked at the documents and bank notes that Jiang Ling handed over, she didn't go to pick them up.

"Take it." Jiang Ling handed over some more.

Instead, He Xiang took a step back, put her hands behind her back, bit her lip and shook her head.

Jiang Ling was puzzled: "What's the matter?"

He Xiang lowered her head, and after a while, she raised it up.

The beautiful eyes were already lingering with mist, and the eyelashes were already wet.

She didn't speak, and her hands were still hidden behind her back, refusing to take them out.

"But what else is there to wish for?"

Jiang Ling thought for a while, then said: "Could it be your sister's business? Your sister has been buried for many years, and she will be relocated if she feels unwell. From now on, you just need to follow what I said, no matter where you are, as long as you think about her, With her in mind, she can receive your incense and paper. Therefore, you don't have to worry about it. The dead are gone, and the living should continue. Live each day well, so that time is not wasted. "

"Take it."

He took He Xiang's hand, and gave her the document and the bank note.

"Don't be sad, today is a good day, you should be happier."

He Xiang lowered her head and never raised it again.

Jiang Ling thought that she still couldn't let go of her sister's matter, so he patted her on the forehead lightly, comforting others, he is not good at it.

He had to go one step ahead and entered the gate of Duan Mansion.

He Xiang originally wanted to follow up on conditioned reflex, but when she saw the documents and bank notes in her hand, she realized that she was no longer the maid of the Duan Mansion.

It is not appropriate to enter this door again.

He just stood there blankly...

When night fell, it rained suddenly.

The rain in the north is slightly gentler than that in the south.

But the deeper the night, the deeper the coolness.

After dinner, Jiang Ling was in his room looking at the picture book.

The painting book records Ma Ji's two extraordinary experiences in Haishi.

Once, it was in the Raksha country.

It was a country completely different from the mortal world.

There, people regard ugliness as beauty, and the more ugly a person is, the more they are promoted and sought after.

Ma Ji was not used to being here, so he wanted to leave.

One day, I saw red birds flying around in the sea.The Raksha people said that another sea city gate will open in seven days.

Seven days later, there was indeed another sea market on the seashore of the Raksha country.

Ma Ji went in with him, and happened to meet the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea.

The Dragon King saw that he was a native of the East, and invited him as a guest. He also rose up and wrote a thousand-word poem for the Dragon King.

The Dragon King was overjoyed, praised him for his profound talents and knowledge, and married his beloved daughter to him.

Since then, in this country, Ma Ji's talents and learning can be displayed, and wealth and glory are not a problem.

But he always missed his old mother at home, and his thoughts became more and more serious.

One day, I went to bid farewell to the Dragon King, and the Dragon King didn't say anything, so I agreed.

But the dragon girl told him that if they didn't go back, they could stay together forever.If they go back, their relationship as husband and wife will come to an end.

Ma Ji thought his wife was joking, so he didn't care.

The next day, the Dragon King sent someone to take him back. When he got home, he didn't know that his mother had died of a serious illness a few days ago.

Because he didn't return, he was left and right neighbors who helped him into the coffin and carried him to burial.

When Ma Ji was sad, he thought of his wife.

Then he thought about going back to Haishi, and lived there from then on, never coming back again.

But he personally went to sea again, following the track he traveled last time, but he could no longer find the sea market road.

One day when the waves came, he capsized in the waves and nearly died.

It was the passing fishing boat who saw him and rescued him.

After that, he tried several times, but he couldn't find the road to the sea market.

At this time, he also remembered what his wife said at the beginning. Perhaps, his fate with that place was already doomed as early as the day he was about to leave.

The content in the picture book is the final chapter so far, and the overall is relatively brief.

But Jiang Ling still felt the author's yearning from it.

Youshi is coming, and the rain outside is getting heavier.

The spring thunder moved secretly, and the lightning flashed.

The raindrops under the eaves are like broken beads, falling endlessly.

Jiang Ling shrank suddenly, feeling a chill.

Compared with the south, the north is still much colder in the end.

Suddenly the concierge of Duan's mansion came with an umbrella and shouted into the room.

Jiang Ling opened the door and asked him what's the matter?
The porter said under the umbrella: "Sir, He Xiang is outside the gate and passed out."

(End of this chapter)

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