Chapter 180 Hexiang is obedient
"what's the situation?"

"I don't know what's going on. That silly girl has been standing outside, and she doesn't answer when I talk to her. At first I thought she was waiting for someone outside, but just now when I heard the voice and went out to see, she had passed out. I also I don't know what to do, so I have to inform Mr.

The concierge is quite old, and he is honest.

After Jiang Ling heard this, he didn't hesitate, and ran out of the gate in the rain.

The porter shouted and chased after him: "Sir, you can take the umbrella, it will not be comfortable in the rain."

at the door,

Jiang Linguo saw He Xiang lying on the ground by the corner of the wall, shrinking his body, he had already lost consciousness.

Pale cheeks, cold all over, curled up like an abandoned kitten.


Jiang Ling called her, but she couldn't answer.

After touching her, she was still a little conscious, and her body moved slightly.

Jiang Ling frowned, quickly picked her up and went inside.

The concierge quickly followed, holding an umbrella with him.

"Uncle, can you help me boil some water?"

"of course can."

There is still an old woman in the mansion, Jiangling is the honored guest that the old lady personally told her to treat her well.Since he has ordered, of course he must obey.

The uncle of the concierge accompanied him for a while, then ran to ask the mother-in-law to boil water and prepare ginger soup.

After Jiang Ling carried He Xiang back to the room, he sighed, took off all the wet clothes on her body, put her on the bed and covered her with a quilt.

Then rub her hands and feet to warm her up a little.

After a while, the porter brought a bowl of ginger soup from the kitchen and put it on the table.

After taking a look at He Xiang's situation from a distance, he also sighed.

Then he said: "If the master wants to punish her, he shouldn't let her be exposed to the rain like this. This girl is weak, so I don't know if she can hold on."

Jiang Ling felt puzzled: "Should I punish her?"

The concierge said: "If Mr. hadn't punished her, why would she stand outside and refuse to come in or answer? Fortunately, I just heard the noise. If I found out later, this girl, I'm afraid..."

It turned out that, in his opinion, Hexiang was promised to Jiangling by the old lady.

That is the people of Jiangling.

Only when Jiang Ling wants to punish He Xiang, He Xiang will do so.

Also because of this conjecture, after seeing He Xiang fainted, he, the porter, did not make any claims, but first came to inform him of the situation.

At this time, seeing that Jiang Ling was still willing to save her, he also expressed his innermost thoughts.

Jiang Ling said: "I never punished her. It's just that she went to the yamen to register in the afternoon, and she is already a good citizen. I gave her some money and asked her to find relatives and friends, but she just stood there foolishly." Did not leave."

"Looking for relatives and friends?"

The concierge shook his head and sighed: "Girl, where are the relatives and friends? The two sisters were born at home, and their parents died early due to illness. Later, her sister..."

Speaking of this, thinking of the taboo, she shook her head slightly and said, "Left and right, this girl has no relatives outside."

After speaking, he went out to serve hot water.

Jiang Ling held He Xiang's hand and rubbed it for a while, she seemed to feel a little warm in the blanket.

People also gradually become conscious,
Those eyes, although they haven't opened yet, but the corners of the eyes have long been unable to stop crying.

After the porter uncle brought the hot water, he closed the door for Jiang Ling.

Jiang Ling adjusted the temperature of the water, carried her off the bed, and put her in the water to keep warm.

After a while, He Xiang finally had some blood on his face.

People gradually woke up.

Jiang Ling stood by the side, and when he saw this, he brought ginger soup.

When He Xiang saw him and the furnishings in the room, he was at a loss for a moment.

Jiang Ling patted her forehead lightly, and said: "Don't move, it's easy to soak, drink this bowl of ginger soup first."

He Xiang kept looking at him with her wet eyes open, her mouth was also cute, as long as she was fed, she would drink it.

After the ginger soup was finished, Jiang Ling said to her again: "Why are you so stupid? You know it's raining, but you still stand outside and drench?"

It's okay if you don't say it, but when you say it, tears welled up in He Xiang's eyes again.

She just hung her head and said nothing.

Jiang Ling smiled and said, "What's the matter? You're all right, have you become dumb?"


He Xiang was silent for a long time, finally opened his dry throat.

The man also raised his head, but his voice became choked with sobs: "I don't know where I'm going..."

What she said about her wish in the carriage in the morning was really unintentional.

To be a slave girl, in fact, everyone has the wish to get rid of slavery in their hearts.

But wishes come true,

When the day comes when it will be realized, they will feel a sense of hesitation and loneliness in their hearts.

He Xiang has been working as a maid for her master in the mansion since she was a child.

Everything he knows is how to serve people.

And over the years, this kind of life has long become a habit.

This suddenly rehabilitated her,

It was tantamount to cutting her off from the past.

At this time, she was just a lost child, standing at the cross street, full of helplessness, hesitation, and fear of the unknown future.

She originally thought that she would follow Jiangling after she got rid of her slave status.At least, that's what the old lady said.

In this way, it can be regarded as a good home.

But who would have thought that after Jiang Ling read her document, he actually returned it to her, and gave her a sum of money.

At that time, she panicked.

So, she dared not pick it up.

She was afraid that if she picked it up, she would become an abandoned person.

But Jiang Ling finally stuffed the documents and bank notes into her hands.

At that moment, she only felt that her world was about to collapse.

In my heart, I am full of confusion and bewilderment about the future.

Seeing Jiang Ling enter the Duan Mansion, she did not dare to follow.Because she is already a good citizen, what status should she go in again?

I can only stand outside foolishly,

Even though it was raining, she didn't move a bit, the world was so vast, it seemed that there was no place to belong to at this moment.


Jiang Ling put down the bowl of ginger soup and asked her softly.

He Xiang nodded first, then shook his head.

"What happened in the afternoon was because I didn't think carefully, and it was my fault."

Jiang Ling apologized, and went to call the porter to prepare some food.

The concierge uncle was also considerate, he probably watched He Xiang grow up and couldn't bear it, so after bringing hot water, he boiled some millet porridge and brought it over.

Jiang Ling took the innocent rice porridge and fed it to her.

He Xiang didn't dare to accept it and kept shaking her head.

Jiang Ling demanded domineeringly: "Be obedient, eat something and don't move around."

Feed her a spoonful, and she finally obeyed and ate it all.

After eating, she didn't know whether it was sleepiness or fatigue, her eyelids were as heavy as a thousand weights, and she couldn't hold on anymore after blinking.

Jiang Ling carried her out of the water, wiped her body clean, put on her own clothes and put her in the quilt.

Touching her forehead again, she already had a fever.

(End of this chapter)

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