River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 182 Big Fish

Chapter 182 Big Fish

give obituary notice.

Under the guidance of the concierge, Jiang Ling came out from the side door with lotus fragrance.

He Xiang slept all night, and gradually regained her energy. Seeing that the porter was mysterious, she couldn't help asking him what happened.

The concierge sighed, and said: "It's early in the morning, let's not talk about this unlucky thing. Mr. is a distinguished guest, so you can't be in bad luck."

Jiang Ling was also curious, so he asked: "Uncle, please be frank, I have no taboos, and there is nothing to avoid."

Seeing what he said, the concierge confessed, saying that Manager Lin in the front yard died suddenly last night.The death was particularly tragic.

It has been reported to the government just now, and there are many people in the front yard.

"Since the government is here, don't we people need to be interrogated?"

"Sir, what did you say? You are a distinguished guest of the Duan Mansion, and no one can interrogate you. Besides, the death of Manager Lin seems to be an act of selfishness."

Seeing that both Jiang Ling and He Xiang were curious, the uncle concierge continued, "It's probably because Steward Lin drank too much wine last night, and then did some stupid things. He put himself in a daughter's makeup, very enchanting, and then He put a white silk on the beam and hanged himself.

This morning, the sweeping lady was sweeping around as usual, and happened to see that the door of Steward Lin's room was not closed. She walked over and saw that Steward Lin's tongue was sticking out of his mouth for such a long time.It's scary. "

He gestured that it was half an arm long.

He Xiang was terrified and regretted listening.

"Just now the messenger from the yamen came over and checked the room, and found eight jars from under Steward Lin's bed. And do you know what is in those eight jars?"

Uncle concierge made a fool of himself.

He Xiang covered her ears, not daring to listen anymore.

Jiang Ling said the same way: "Could it be gold, silver and jewels?"

The porter uncle let out a snort, and said: "Where are the gold, silver and jewels? They are filled with human bones and skulls. Some people say that Manager Lin may have harmed many people. Now that he has ended up like this, it is all the same. It's your fault."

Jiang Ling: "The old lady, do you know about this?"

"It has already been reported. The old lady only said that it should be handled in a low-key manner, so there is no need to make a fuss. When the government finishes it later, it is probably time to ask someone to wrap him with some bark and carry it out to bury him."

People with no special status are dead when they die.It won't cause much trouble.

"By the way, the old lady also said that if something like this happened in the old house, it might be inconvenient for Mr. Liu to stay. Over at Mingyue Building, a room has been reserved for him, and he can come over at any time."

Jiang Ling nodded, "Okay."

At the port in the early morning, fishing boats line up.

Today most of the laborers have found jobs, and it is said that except one of them, they want to throw a big feast with sea fish as the feast.

Sixteen ships were sent out, and three hundred and two people were invited.

Coming out mightily, it's very impressive.

In the morning, there are also a lot of stalls on the street, selling noodle tea and fried cakes.

He Xiang looked at it, seemed to be hungry, but dared not say anything.

Jiang Ling smiled and said, "Are you hungry?"

He Xiang shyly said: "No..."

"Hungry is hungry, nothing to be ashamed of. What do you want to eat?"

He Xiang blushed: "Noodle tea..."

Jiang Ling bought two copies from the street, which was cheap, only four Wen.

Even the steamed stuffed buns with meat cost three pennies each.

It just tastes too fishy.

This also reminded Jiang Ling that pork in this era had not been castrated and had a strong fishy smell.

If there is no special treatment method, its meat is not very delicious.

He bought three steamed stuffed buns, and he ate half of the buns and found it hard to swallow.

He Xiang has a good appetite, whether it's noodle tea or steamed buns, he eats everything cleanly.

It is indeed a good feed.

After eating, she looked at the stalls along the street and suddenly laughed too.

Said like a dream: "I once heard from my father that when my grandmother was young, she also set up a stall by this pier. Her steamed stuffed buns were delicious, but unfortunately, my sister and I didn't eat them. .

If my grandfather hadn't been addicted to gambling, maybe our family would have been fine. "

"Then do you want to open a bun shop?"

"Nu'er... I really want to, but... I don't know how to do it." He Xiang hung her head.

She has been making soup since elementary school, and every maid learns differently.

"You are a good citizen now, don't call yourself a slave anymore."

When He Xiang heard this, she looked at him in panic again.

Jiang Ling also hurriedly comforted him: "I restored your good status for you without your consent before. I didn't think carefully about it. But now that you have recovered your good status, you don't have to be a slave or a handmaid. .”

Seeing that He Xiang's eyes turned red again, he patted her forehead and said, "In my hometown, girls can be self-reliant and live a good life without depending on anyone. And you, what are you doing?" Can't it?"

He Xiang said with tears in his eyes: "I...I can do a lot of things, sir...can you not chase He Xiang away?"

Jiang Ling originally wanted to open a shop for her, so she could be self-reliant.

But look at her weak, helpless and pitiful appearance, plus she is only fifteen years old.It is indeed too small.

"Okay, I won't chase He Xiang away. If one day you have any thoughts, you can tell me anytime."

He Xiang shook her head: "As long as I can follow my husband, He Xiang has no other ideas."

Jiang Ling patted her head, and he could only do so for the time being.

Suddenly a ship comes from the sea,

A man in a coir raincoat carried a big red carp and went ashore with a smile.

Those with discerning eyes can tell at a glance that the big red carp is the Yellow River carp.

Can't help asking: "Tsk, where did you catch such a big Yellow River carp?"

The coir raincoat chuckled: "How can I tell you where I caught it?"

"Do you want to sell this fish?"

"Sell, of course sell, and you bid." The coir raincoat held up the carp.

"Will it be sold for thirty pennies?"

The coir raincoat snorted, "Such a big Yellow River carp, thirty renminbi? Dream on you."

"Then how much did you say?"

The coir raincoat said, "At least it costs a tael of silver."

"One tael of silver, why don't you go grab it?" The onlookers dispersed immediately.

Jiang Ling passed by with He Xiang, He Xiang was also surprised and said: "Sir, what a big red carp."

"Well, it's really big."

The fish was about the size of a one-year-old child, with bright eyes and a golden line on its body.

Jiang Ling took another look, and suddenly felt that the carp had an aura of aura.

He couldn't help opening his Dharma Eye, and looked at it again, and saw that the carp was bound with magic spells, one after another, like five flowers bound together.

He walked over, took out a tael of silver and handed it to the coir raincoat guest.

When the coir raincoat saw the money, his eyes lit up, and when he took the money, he handed over the fish.

"It's still this young gentleman who knows the goods, the Yellow River carp, it's rare to come across here. I really lost money by selling it for a tael of silver."

(End of this chapter)

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