River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 183 Bad Luck

Chapter 183 Bad Luck
Half an hour ago.

The man in the coir raincoat is called Lu Nian.

To make a living is to solicit passengers on a ferry.

Following the Haihe River, he sometimes goes up and sometimes goes down.

Every time a passenger crosses, he collects twelve cash.

I went from Jinmenkou this morning, took seven people back to the village, and collected 84 Wen.

When they returned, there was no one to carry them, so the empty boat went down the river.

But halfway there, I saw an old man with white hair fishing.

Lu Nian was outgoing and good at talking to others, so he asked casually, "Old man, how did you get it?"

The white-haired old man also replied to him - "It's just a tail."

Before he could reply, the old man looked at him a few times, and then asked him again: "I only caught one carp, and I'm tired of eating it, do you want it?"

When Lu Nian heard this, he became interested.

Just asking casually, is there such a benefit?
"Okay, if the old man gives you a gift, I will definitely not refuse."

The white-haired old man pointed to the fish basket beside him: "You take it yourself."

Lu Nian rowed over to get the fish from the bamboo basket.

As soon as I took it out, I saw that the fish was so big, it was as big as a one-year-old child.

"Good guy, it's so big."

After a few glances, the fish has golden scales and four beards and four noses on its mouth, which is obviously different from ordinary carp.

When Lu Nian was young, he traveled all over the country with his family, so he recognized this fish, it was the Yellow River carp.

However, the Jinmen Haihe River is hundreds of miles away from the Yellow River.

And carp is a freshwater fish, how come it came to the Haihe River?

He was curious, so he said: "Old man, if I'm not mistaken, this is the Yellow River carp, and this kind of carp popped out of the Hai River?"

But the old man was not surprised: "It's more strange than you see. Since there are fish in the water, if the Yellow River can have them, why can't the Haihe River have them?"

Listening to this, it seems to be true.

The Yellow River carp should be in the Yellow River, but no one can prove that only the Yellow River has it.

The old man said again: "Let's take the fish away, but it's best to eat it as soon as possible. It won't be fresh after a long time, meat."

"I'll go back and get some soup." Lu Nian nodded with a smile.

I don't bother to care whether there are such carp in the Haihe River, anyway, they are given away for free, so don't don't want them for nothing.

He took a rope, pierced the gills of the carp, hung it on the boat and took it away.

As soon as he left, a huge fish head appeared on the water where the old man was.

That's a black fish,
It was splashing with water, and suddenly a human voice came out of its mouth: "Why did the ancestor give the golden scales to the boatman?"

The old man said indifferently: "The spirit of the golden scales is still there, and whoever dies will fall on him. I think that the boatman's brows are black, which means that bad luck is coming. Or this doom should be on his side. body."

"But what if Jinlin escapes from his grasp?"

The old man flicked his finger lightly towards the distant ship.

The black fish in the water already understood it: "Understood."

It dived into the water like a torrent, dived underwater, and followed the boat.

Following the Haihe River out of the port, Hei Yu watched Lu Nian come ashore with the carp.

It just turned around and returned.

Lu Nian was carrying the big carp, and his original idea was to take it back and cook it in soup.

Everyone knows that the meat of Yellow River carp is fresh and tender, and the soup is even more delicious.

But just after landing, many people came to watch.

Xu is rare to see such a golden carp, and it grows so big.

Someone asked him if he sold it or not.

As soon as he heard that someone wanted to buy it, Lu Nian immediately changed his mind. If he could sell it for money, then of course it would be best to sell it for money.

"Sell, sell if you have money."

Until, he sold the carp to Jiangling for a tael of silver.

"It's still this young gentleman who knows the goods, the Yellow River carp, it's rare to come across here. I really lost money by selling it for a tael of silver."

With a look of reluctance on his face, he was already happy in his heart.

The free carp was sold for a high price of one tael of silver.

You should know that one tael of silver is equal to one thousand Wen, and he has to go back and forth on the Haihe River many times to earn this money.

'Today is luck. '

Holding the money, he happily put it in his arms.

Jiang Ling didn't say anything, just took the fish and left with He Xiang.

At this time, some villagers came over and asked Lu Nian, "Old Lu, are you still leaving?"

When Lu Nian saw the business, he smiled all over his face, "Let's go, of course, if you have money, go."

"Then let's go, eight of us, to Hetou Village. Our nephew is marrying a daughter-in-law, so we have to go to a banquet."

A group of people took things and boarded the boat.

Lu Nian thought that since it was a banquet, he would go back and forth, and this would be another big deal.

I feel better.

"Sit down, everyone, and we'll set off. Hetou Village, right? Today is indeed a good day."

Lu Nian jumped on board the boat with his coir raincoat on, rowed his oars, and the boat set off from the pier again.

Thinking of earning so much money early this morning, Lu Nian's hands are quite strong, and the speed of rowing has also increased.

Across the coast, just into the river,
A woman on the boat suddenly pointed into the water and said, "Look, it's a big black fish."

Black fish, also called snake fish, mostly live in lakes and ponds.

"Tsk, it's really big."

Some other villagers also saw that the figure weighed several hundred catties.

But in a flash, it disappeared.

The woman on the boat stared around, trying to find it.

But before he knew it, a shadow emerged from the water and climbed up from the woman's back.

The woman trembled like an electric shock, and then her eyes seemed to be lost.

There is also a hala in the mouth,

He also started talking: "Old Lu, you just brought up a golden carp, where is that fish now?"

Lu Nian smiled at the front: "I wanted to take it back to make soup, but a young man fell in love with it and insisted on buying it for a tael of silver. I saw that he sincerely wanted to buy it and couldn't refuse, so I sold it to him."

When the others heard this, they also sighed.

Some people were even more jealous: "How dare you sell a carp for a tael of silver? You are really earning black-hearted money."

Lu Nian's smile didn't fade, they were all familiar people, they were joking with each other, so they didn't have to take it to heart, and said, "How can this be called black-hearted money, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, the young man is willing to buy it, don't I?" Still not selling?"

The woman's body trembled again, and she asked again: "In other words, the golden carp is still alive?"

Lu Nian thought for a while, and suddenly said strangely: "It's strange to say, I brought that carp all the way here, and it's been a long time. When I sold it to others just now, it was still alive and kicking. Ordinary fish, dehydrated for a long time, should have died long ago. Yes. But that fish is really weird."

"Why did you sell it?" the woman suddenly asked angrily.

As soon as she raised her head, her mouth was dripping, and her clothes were all wet.

When her relatives and friends saw her, they were also surprised and asked her what was wrong.

But the woman seemed to be possessed, her body trembling violently: "I told you to kill it as soon as possible, who told you to sell it?"

Seeing the woman like this, Lu Nian was also taken aback, pointed at her and said, "She...what is she doing?"

As soon as the words were spoken, ripples suddenly appeared on the vast water surface.

The big black fish that had disappeared reappeared again, carrying a huge wave and slamming into the boat, knocking the boat over in the water.

Everyone in the boat fell into the water,
Struggling desperately in the water.

The water quality is good, and I want to swim to the shore.

But in just a moment, their feet seemed to be dragged by something, dragging them, and they sank into the water little by little.

In a blink of an eye, one boat, nine lives, all disappeared in Shibali.

(End of this chapter)

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