Chapter 195
Under the horrific picture, He Xiang suddenly vomited while eating.

Jiang Ling also lost his mood, so he left the restaurant together with the disturbed diners with the fragrance of lotus.

The two servants of the Song family hesitated for a long time before rushing to report the news with anxiety.

After leaving the restaurant, He Xiang didn't regain consciousness for a long time, only the words Jiang Ling said and the scene of the two vicious dogs rushing into the restaurant and biting Song Ya Nei repeatedly appeared in his mind.


"Is there anything you want to ask?"

"Those two vicious dogs..."

Jiang Ling smiled and said: "We don't easily deceive others, but we also can't easily deceive others. Do you think so?"

He Xiang took a deep look at him and nodded in surprise.

Although he didn't ask what he wanted to ask, and Jiang Ling answered irrelevant questions, but the answer is already obvious.

"You don't have to be too restrained in the future. With me here, others can't bully you. No matter who it is, it's the same."


Passing the busy city, I suddenly saw some scholars gathered in front of me and started making noise.

Some people say that the barbarians in the south are ignorant, while others say that the barbarians in the north are superficial.

If there is a disagreement, they move their hands and feet.Under the pushing and shoving, someone bumped into the plum vase in front of the building. When it fell, the exposed porcelain slice pierced the person's abdomen, and blood flowed all over the place on the spot.



Shouting, all the scholars gave up.

The two camps that were filled with righteous indignation just now retreated one after another, not wanting to be troubled, and no one went to help.

"Call the doctor, call the doctor!"

The wounded friend hurriedly lifted him up from the tiles and shouted: "Who will help, call the doctor."

But no one around responded.

Jiang Ling looked at that person, suddenly felt familiar, so he took a closer look.Seeing him, isn't it the Menglong Lake in Nanjiang?
Then he walked over and called him.

Meng Longtan was also surprised to see Jiang Ling, but at this moment there was no time to exchange greetings, he hurriedly shouted: "Brother Jiang, quickly call a doctor, this little brother is also a student of mine in the south, his life cannot be lost."

The wounded had a puncture in the abdomen and was bleeding profusely.It's no wonder that other people dare not touch their body. With such a serious injury, even if they call for a doctor, it will be difficult to save their lives.

The wounded man himself was also worried at this time. Looking at the porcelain plate piercing through his abdomen, he also burst into tears, fearing that he would die.

Jiang Ling went to his side and said to Meng Longtan: "I also understand a little about Qihuang's technique, just lay him flat, and I'll come and see it with him."

Meng Longtan heard it and put the injured person down on the ground.

Jiang Ling touched the tile on his abdomen, after a little observation, he was about to pull it out.

But at this time, a bystander yelled: "It can't be pulled out, such a wound must not be pulled out randomly, and the person who pulls it out will die."

As soon as this remark came out, some people echoed: "Yes, this is similar to Jin Chuang's injury. If you pull it out rashly, the blood will not stop. If you attack this person indiscriminately, it will definitely kill him. Do you know medicine or not?"

Jiang Ling only chuckled, but didn't pay attention, clamped the tile with two fingers, and pulled it out decisively.

The tiles were separated from the body, and the wounded were indeed bleeding profusely.

But Jiang Ling remained calm, took out the needles from his body, and sewed up the wounded man as if no one was there.

The incision is about three inches,
As for suturing, he has already practiced perfectly, the crochet needle went back and forth longitudinally, and after more than [-] stitches, he sewed up the wound.

Then put away the needle and thread, and said to the wounded: "You are lucky, you didn't hurt your internal organs, and there is no serious problem. You just need to rest for ten and a half days, and you should be able to recover. Remember, don't drink alcohol during this period."

The injured only felt severe pain, and did not dare to open their eyes to see the abdominal injury.

Hearing Jiang Ling's words at this moment, enduring the pain, he looked at his abdomen, and saw that the blood had stopped flowing, and the wound was stitched up like a piece of clothing.

Meng Longtan was also dumbfounded, this okay?

"Brother Jiang, this enough?"

Jiang Ling: "Of course not. He can't move rashly now, and he has to go back to lie down and recuperate. In addition, he has to take medicine to reduce inflammation. When the wound is completely scabbed, the problem will not be serious."

"Take medicine to reduce inflammation?"

Jiang Ling took out a box of antibiotics and told him how to take them.

The wounded was suspicious, took the medicine, but still felt something was wrong in his heart, and still wanted to find a doctor and see him again.

At this time, someone had already invited the doctor over.

The man was handsome and dressed in fine clothes. He walked over, bowed first to apologize, and then said: "This was a verbal dispute, and I didn't intend to have such a result. Brother Tang's injury, and the medical expenses, I, Zhang, will bear it all. Another gift of 50 taels is considered an apology to brother Tang."

Although the injured person was upset, he still gave this person face.Received money.

Meng Longtan snorted coldly, he didn't think much of this handsome young man.

The doctor walked over with the medicine box on his back, looked at the injured man's wounds, and asked: "This injury has been treated, who caused it?"

Others hurriedly pointed to Jiang Ling and shouted: "It was him, he did it, I saw it with my own eyes."

"This person pretended to understand. He said that the abdominal tile could not be pulled out easily. He pulled it out as soon as he said it. After pulling it out, he took the wound as a hole in his clothes and sewed it up with a needle and thread."

"How can there be such a cure in this world? It's just nonsense."

Others say what you say to me, and make accusations.

The doctor looked at Jiang Ling in surprise, and asked: "I have never seen such a method before, but if it is treated like this, how will the sore be cured?"

The so-called sores in the ancients were probably inflammations.

If the wound is not handled properly, inflammation will inevitably occur.Once a large area is infected, the wounded will die.

These are the things that doctors fear most when treating Jinchuang's wounds.

"It's just a sore, as long as he takes the medicine on time, he will be fine. If you are worried, you can also prescribe medicine for him. You can decide what to do."

Jiang Ling didn't say much, he greeted Meng Longtan and said goodbye.

But Meng Longtan took him by the hand, took him aside, and said, "Brother Jiang, it's rare for us to see each other, you can't just leave like this. Now they are bullying me in the north, and there is no one in the south. Since you are here, you have to go Give us a boost."

Jiang Ling: "When did you arrive in the capital? Where is Brother Zhu?"

Meng Longtan sighed: "Zhu Xiaolian drank too much, he hasn't gotten up today, he's still lying on the bed."

"Who was that elegant scholar just now? Looking at his extraordinary demeanor, Brother Meng doesn't seem to like him much either?"

Meng Longtan said: "He is Zhang Yuebin."

Among the young people of this year, there has been a saying that goes, "In the south there is the talented Shen Feibai, and in the north there is the handsome Zhang Yuebin."

"Although I really don't like him very much, I have to admit that this man is indeed very talented and beat me by a lot. In the two literary battles yesterday, none of my southern students was his opponent.

It's so embarrassing that our faces are dull. Brother Xiaolian just drank too much wine last night, so he still hasn't woken up. "

Jiang Ling: "What about Shen Feibai?"

Meng Longtan sighed again, and said: "Don't mention it, brother Feibai, since he landed on the boat, he said he was not feeling well and went back to his hometown. After we separated from him, brother Xiaolian and I decided to go straight to the capital. We were also a few days ago I just came here. As soon as I came, I got angry with these northerners. Brother Jiang, you are also very talented, and now that you come, you will definitely help our southern camp."

 Recently, the plot has been slightly adjusted, and the update is a little slow, please bear with me.But old readers must know that the author may be slower, but he never stops updating.There are more tonight, there should be two more chapters, it will be later.Don't worry, see you tomorrow.

  In addition, I would also like to thank my friend [I want face or face] for the reward.If you are willing to give a reward, you must like this book, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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