River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 196 Misty Rain Pavilion

Chapter 196 Misty Rain Pavilion

At the beginning, Huang Xian was warned by Jiang Ling, and should have left Shen Feibai afterwards.

Without Huang Xian's help, Shen Feibai returned to mediocrity. Since he had no confidence to come to the capital again, he simply excused his illness and returned to his hometown.

"Brother Jiang, did you just come to the capital?"

"It's been less than half an hour since we entered the city."

"Very good, very good, brother Xiaolian and I are staying at the [Hongxia Inn] in front, how about brother Jiang also come here?"

Seeing his gracious invitation, Jiang Ling couldn't easily refuse, and lived wherever he lived, so he agreed.

"Brother Jiang, let's go there first. Brother Tang, I have to take care of you. I will come over later."

Jiang Ling nodded, and went first with the lotus fragrance.

He Xiang was curious, and after saying goodbye to Meng Longtan, she asked Jiang Ling: "It turns out that sir, did you also come to Beijing to gain fame?"

Since Jiang Ling knew these students well, it is said that birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups, so they must all have come to take the Chunwei exam.

Jiang Ling smiled and said, "Acquisition for fame? I'm not qualified enough."

The original owner of this body has only read books for a few years.

Not every scholar can take part in the Spring Exam.First, you have to take the provincial test.Only those who have won the Juren are eligible to come to the capital to participate in Chunwei.

As for Jiang Ling, let alone juren, even if he has the status of a scholar, how dare his brother and sister-in-law send him to sacrifice to the river god?

In the end, the Jiang family was too poor to afford a single scholar.

Being able to study in a private school for a few days is due to Jiang's father's obsession with hoping to have a scholar in his family when he was still alive.

He Xiang: "I heard from senior officials that you can actually buy an official with some money."

Jiang Ling asked with a smile: "Do you want me to be an official?"

He Xiang thought for a while, "Sir, whatever you want, whether you are an official or not, it doesn't matter."

Jiang Ling: "Being an official is too messy. I can't stand the restraint and the hypocrisy in the officialdom. Compared with being an official, it's more comfortable to be a leisurely person."

When we arrived at the Hongxia Inn, we booked a room. There were so many guests here that there was only the last room left.

After paying, the two went to the room and took a rest.

Half an hour later, Meng Longtan really came back and woke up Zhu Xiaolian to look for him together.

Reunited in a different place, Jiang Ling knew that they had to get drunk again, so he asked He Xiang to wait for him in the room, or went out to buy some favorite things.

He Xiang agreed, and stayed in the room obediently.

Zhu and Meng took Jiang Ling downstairs, but they went straight to [Yanyu Pavilion].

The place where they fought with the talented scholars of the Northland before was in front of the [Yanyu Pavilion].

And [Yanyu Pavilion] is also a famous place for fireworks in the capital.

If you put this in later generations, if you go to this kind of place, you will definitely be pointed out, saying that you live indiscreetly.

But at this time, they are angry with books and wandering around brothels, but they will be regarded as chic and romantic young people.

Countless legends of gifted scholars and beauties are also passed down from this Fireworks Willow Lane.

Many times, talented students can get the favor of beauties and recommend themselves as pillows with just one poem.

Especially the young oiran, who competes with talented scholars, all of whom are favored by him.

One poem can cost you a few nights of whoring for nothing.

Such good deeds naturally make people flock to them, and they can't stop.

"Brother Jiang, you should have come to the capital with us in the first place. If you were here yesterday, perhaps our southern students would not have lost so ugly. Thinking of yesterday, it is really annoying." Zhu Xiaolian slapped his thigh painfully.

He just woke up after sleeping until now, and when he opened his eyes, he was still thinking about what happened last night.

"You two think highly of me. The little ink in my stomach may not be worth it."

"No, don't be humble. Back in Linzhou County, we all saw Brother Jiang's talent. Now with your help, we will definitely sweep away the decline and counter pressure the northerners."

"Yes, this venue tonight must be found."

Meng Longtan and Zhu Xiaolian were on the left and the right, holding Jiangling's arm, it looked like Jiangling was being carried upstairs by the two of them.

When I got upstairs, I saw that singing and dancing had already been performed here.

Many young women are dancing in the hall.

Contrary to Jiang Ling's imagination, these women's clothes were not revealing, but well-groomed, just like Miss Dahu.

It's just that the clothes are more colorful. Ordinary women don't dress up like this.

Singing and dancing, it was very lively.

The student camp is divided into two,
North is on the left, South is on the right.

On the north side, Zhang Yuebin was surrounded by stars and moons.And he is also graceful and graceful, and he has a good manner, even when he talks and laughs, he shows his youthful spirit and is respected by others.

As for the South side,

Although there are many people, there is no leader among the dragons.

Watching the beauties singing and dancing, everyone's faces were not happy, but sad.

Jiang Ling was pulled into the crowd and introduced by Zhu and Meng.

Zhu and Meng also had a lot of beautiful words in their mouths, saying that Jiangling is something that exists in the sky, but there is no such thing on earth.

With such a compliment from the two of them, the talented scholars in the southern region immediately complimented him, regardless of whether it was true or not.

What a long-awaited, fortunate meeting, an endless stream.

Anyway, few people dared to fight tonight. Since Zhu and Meng had found a master, it doesn't matter whether he is a master or a low hand.

"Last night we had a poetry comparison, and tonight, the north man said that we should compare the rhyme and rhythm. Brother Jiang, how is your rhythm?"

Jiang Ling: "It's kind of understanding."

Zhu and Meng looked at each other, since they understood a little, then forget it.

"Then in the game of pairing, please brother Jiang to contribute more, and the rhythm behind will be handed over to Brother Meng." Zhu Xiaolian said.

Hearing what he said, Jiang Ling knew that Meng Longtan was quite accomplished in rhythm.

After the arrangements were made, everyone ate and drank.

From never time, it's time to eat Shen time.

At the end of the Shen Dynasty, the prostitutes singing and dancing left the stage, and several tea tables were placed in the hall, covered with white paper, and supplemented by pens and inkstones.

In the northern camp, a student stepped out, full of arrogance: "Recite poetry last night, do it right tonight, and then have a temperament test. All of you in the south, are you ready?"

"Let the horse come here!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

Let's not talk about whether we can fight or not, first of all, this momentum cannot be weak.

"Okay, then on the northern side, I will take the lead. I will go to the upper company. Please, everyone, to the second line."

As the student said, he walked in the hall, danced with a pen, and wrote the first couplet - [Spring Reading Autumn Reading Spring Autumn Reading Spring Autumn Reading Reading Spring and Autumn]

As soon as this couplet came out, the students in the Northland applauded one after another.

On the Southland side, they whispered to each other, thinking hard.For a while, no one showed up.

It's not that they can't match up, it's just that they are right and quick-witted.If you can't be quick-witted, you have to think carefully.

It's normal to not be able to figure it out for a while.

Just when they were racking their brains and thinking hard, Jiang Ling suddenly gestured to Zhu Xiaolian, asking him to write in the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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