River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 203 1 Nuo Jin

Chapter 203

The alley was extremely dirty, and I walked more than ten steps on the muddy road to a private house.

When I went inside, I saw a man lying on the bed, with his wife and children at home.Even the doctor Jiang Ling met on the street yesterday was here.

The two met again, and the doctor bowed his hands to him with a smile on his face.

And the little boy who followed Qianhu also came to Lang Zhong's side to pack the medical equipment for him.

Seeing this, Jiang Ling understood.

The reason why Luo Qianhu was able to find him was probably because of the doctor's recommendation!
"I'm looking for you today because Dr. Qiu said that you may have a cure. If you can really cure my soldier's wounds, I dare not say anything else in the capital in the future. As long as I, Luo Jinpeng, are there, no one will be there." It can hurt you. Of course, the premise is that you don’t commit crimes.”

As soon as Luo Qianhu finished speaking, Dr. Qiu also apologized to Jiang Ling: "My little friend, please don't blame me. I saw you practice medicine yesterday, and your method is unique. Afterwards, I also observed the condition of the injured. From yesterday to today, he is in extremely bad condition. Good. I also heard that little friend is not afraid of sores, so I thought of this affliction, maybe little friend can get rid of it."

The student's abdominal injury yesterday looked serious, but in fact he didn't hurt his internal organs. As long as the wound is debrided and sutured, and the inflammation is reduced, resting will be fine.

It's just that most of the doctors in this era don't know how to suture, so it's just amazing to see it.

In addition, from yesterday to today, the injured person did not show any signs of fever. This is what surprised Dr. Qiu the most.

Looking at the wounded, Jiang Ling said, "Then how is his condition?"

The wounded was lying on the bed, seemingly unconscious.

Luo Qianhu said: "This person is a soldier under my command. He fought with the rebels with me a month ago and blocked an arrow for me. Since he came back, his condition is not very good. In the past few days, he has been suffering from high fever. No matter what, I hope you two will save his life."

Doctor Qiu lifted the quilt for the wounded,

Jiang Ling saw that his back was wrapped with gauze, the gauze was jet black, the original color could not be seen for a long time.

Dr. Qiu: "I have asked him to apply externally and take internally the medicine for suppressing sores, but it is still useless. In the final analysis, it may be because I am a solitary and ignorant person, and my level is not good enough. It depends on my little friend, whether I can find a way."

Jiang Ling went to the bedside, took a closer look, shook his head and said, "If you have a sore, don't bandage it up. The more you bandage it up, the harder it will be to heal."

As he spoke, he cut the gauze with scissors.

Only then did I realize that the area that could be covered with medicinal powder had already swelled like a drum.

And quite a lot of carrion is already emitting thick yellow juice.

'With such an injury, I can still carry it for more than a month. This physique is really not ordinary. '

Immediately, he took out a small medical box from his body.

He took a scalpel and cut off all the carrion on the injured man's back.

He Xiang and the family members of the patient couldn't bear to look at it.
Luo Qianhu was puzzled: "Why use a knife?"

Jiang Ling said: "If you don't understand, then don't ask."

Luo Qianhu frowned, slightly displeased.

Doctor Qiu explained from the side: "I have heard that the ancient Hua Tuo used the same method of scraping the bones of Guan Yu to cure poison. Scrape off the rotten flesh and grow new flesh."

Luo Qianhu: "Since you know this, why didn't you do it earlier?"

Dr. Qiu looked ashamed: "It's one thing to know, but it's another thing when it's your turn to do it. I have diagnosed many patients, but I have no experience in performing surgery on patients. So I dare not act recklessly, otherwise I will be alone." If you miss, I'm afraid..."

While they were talking, Jiang Ling had already cut off the patient's rotten flesh. Apart from being inflamed and rotten, the surrounding flesh had become scorched.

From this, it can be seen that the patient must have used the [soldering iron method] to treat the wound in the first place.

In ancient times, most of the wounds of gold were bandaged and ironed.

The bandaging method is to apply the gold sore medicine, and then wrap it tightly with gauze to keep the wound close together, so as to heal naturally.

The soldering iron method is to use an iron block to burn red and burn it directly on the wound, which can stop bleeding immediately and temporarily reduce inflammation and bacteria.

In military battles, this soldering iron method is a commonly used method.Although crude, it saves time and effort.

But no matter which method is used, it doesn't matter if there is no infection in the later stage. As long as the infection is infected, there must be no cure.

Right now, the patient's affected area has spread to the size of a fist. If left unchecked, he may die within a few days.

"What do you think about his situation?"

"Fortunately, I met me. If it was a few days later, it would be hard to save the gods when they came."

After the blood wound was stopped and the ointment was applied, Jiang Ling took out antibiotics and asked his family to feed him a few pills.

Touching his forehead again, it was extremely hot.He then fed some antipyretics.

In this case, whether oral antibiotics alone can suppress the inflammation depends on whether the fever will continue in the future.If the fever persists, intravenous fluids must be infused, and it has been suspended for a few days.

In short, people will not die, the big deal, Jiang Ling still has those little peaches on his body.

Those with a big belly once said that although the thumb peach cannot increase life, it is of great benefit to patients.

As long as one is given to this person, I am afraid that if he takes it this morning, he will be able to get out of bed at night.

"Okay, let's see how he is in a few hours."

Luo Qianhu: "That's all right?"

Jiang Ling: "We have to change his environment. If he still lives in this dark and damp place, it will be disadvantageous."

Luo Qianhu waved his hand: "What's the difficulty? If it doesn't work here, then move to my house."

If the word falls, it means moving as soon as it is said.

A group of soldiers came in, and then carried the man away from here.

Jiang Ling also followed, and lived in Luo Qianhu's house.

Today until noon,
The patient woke up, had a rare appetite, and ate something.

In the afternoon and night, the body fever disappeared, and the body gradually improved.

Jiang Ling checked with him a few times, and he was also amazed at the physique of these fighters, it was really amazing.

Perhaps they have never touched antibiotics, so the first time they use it, the effect is amazing.

on the second day,

The patient's spirit also recovered, and he was able to talk with his family without hindrance.

His family wept with joy, and their hanging heart finally let go.

Luo Qianhu was also overjoyed,
He witnessed with his own eyes that this soldier went from dying to being revived.

At this point, the address between him and Jiang Ling also began to change, from the previous "you" to "Doctor Jiang".Not young and young.

Jiang Ling was in his house and was treated as a distinguished guest.

By the third day, the patient recovered well and the wound began to scab.If you persist, you should be able to recover roughly in a few months or so.

the fourth day,
Jiang Ling wanted to leave Luo's house with He Xiang, but was detained by Luo Qianhu again.

Luo Qianhu even arranged a carriage and took him mysteriously, saying that he was going to take him to see a patient again.

"Don't leave, both of you. From now on in the capital, you can stay at my house. You can order women and servants as you like, and you can tell me what you want to eat. I, Luo Jinpeng, will never neglect you."

Jiang Ling said with a smile: "Your home will always be your home, and it will always be inconvenient to live here."

"What's so difficult about this? I'll take you to see a patient today. If you can cure him, then don't say anything. As far as this capital city is concerned, I will give you as much house as you want. I bought it."

When Jiang Ling heard it, his tone was not small: "Really?"

"Is this still false? No one in the entire capital knows, I, Luo Jinpeng, say that one is one, and it has always been a promise."

Jiang Ling: "Okay, then I will remember."

 It finally rained today, 40 degrees for a long time, so hot that people are burnt.While it’s cool, there’s more tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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