River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 204 The woman in the red dress

Chapter 204 The woman in the red dress
The carriage drove to [General Jianwei's Mansion].

When Luo Qianhu got off the car, he was greeted by government soldiers.

And he didn't talk too much with the soldiers, he just dragged Jiangling inside.

Jiang Ling looked at this high gate compound, feeling a little emotional, the height and grandeur of this building, those left over from later generations really can't compare with it.

Moreover, in terms of rank, General Jianwei is only "from the first rank".

A Jianwei General's Mansion is so grand and mighty, so what would it be like if it were changed to the Prince's Mansion?

"Cousin, why are you here?"

As soon as he entered the hall, a woman in a long red dress came out with a maid, and happened to meet Luo Jinpeng.

Luo Jinpeng said: "It's my cousin, are you going out?"

"Well, go grab the medicine with daddy."

Luo Jinpeng: "This kind of errands are left to the servants to handle, why bother to go there?"

The woman in the red skirt shook her head: "It's better to do it myself, so I can feel more at ease."

Luo Jinpeng: "Then uncle's health has been better these few days?"

The woman in the red skirt neither nodded nor shook her head, she just lowered her head. Judging by her expression, it is probably not much better.

Luo Jinpeng immediately patted his chest and said, "It must be all right now, I specially brought a genius doctor here today, and asked him to have a diagnosis and treatment with my uncle, and the disease will surely be cured."

The woman in the red skirt glanced back a few times: "Since my cousin said that he brought a miracle doctor, what about the miracle doctor?"

Luo Jinpeng pointed to Jiangling: "Isn't this far away in the sky, but close in front of us?"

The woman in the red dress had seen Jiang Ling a long time ago and thought it was his follower.

"Cousin, don't make jokes. Daddy's health is not very good these days, so you can't joke. And now you are still worried about state affairs. If you have nothing else to do, you should go back earlier. A little while ago, Daddy heard that cousin you There was a conflict with Song Shilang's people, and he said nothing in the street. Dad is angry, if you go, you may be criticized."

The woman in the red skirt has a quiet and elegant temperament, and she speaks softly.

"I'm not kidding, your cousin, am I the kind of person who makes jokes?"

The woman in the red skirt bowed slightly: "I have to go get some medicine, cousin, if you don't listen, you will be criticized later, don't say I didn't remind you."

Luo Jinpeng directly stopped her: "Grab any medicine, don't grab it, what's the use of those medicines prescribed by quack doctors? It's been several years, if it works, it will be cured long ago."

"Cousin don't mess around."

"Who messed around? You know my soldier. He was hit by an arrow and almost died recently. Fortunately, I met Dr. Jiang. Don't look at him as young. His medical skills are very good. My Now under his diagnosis and treatment, the soldiers are alive and well.

After I was able to verify it myself, I brought him here to show my uncle, don't you think I'm joking.You should also know that besides you, I am the only person in the world who wishes uncle to recover the most.How could I joke about this? "

Seeing that Luo Jinpeng spoke seriously, the woman in the red skirt thought for a while, and looked Jiang Ling again.

"In that case, please come in, sir."

"Let's go, cousin, you lead the way." Luo Jinpeng urged the woman in the red skirt to go forward, probably because he was also afraid of being criticized.

There are only three courtyards in the General's Mansion, but each one is very spacious.There are probably nearly a hundred houses in the interior.

Straight into the study in the backyard,

The woman in the red skirt went to report first,

Then, there was the sound of tapping the table in the study.

"That bastard still dares to come to see me? Tell him to get out of here."

A violent voice shouted angrily.

Although the sound is loud, but there is not enough energy in the middle, just by hearing the sound, Jiangling can hear that the person's heart or heart may have old diseases.

Luo Jinpeng was excited outside, quietly backed away a few steps, and was about to run away.

At the door of the study room, a woman in a red dress poked her head out: "Cousin, Daddy called you in."

Luo Jinpeng waved his hand to her, signaling me not to go, okay?

The woman in the red skirt shook her head with a slight smile, and told him with gestures that it's okay if you don't go, if you run away, I won't spare you next time.

Luo Jinpeng bowed his head in mourning, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk.

Before leaving, he did not forget to pull Jiang Ling to the front.

But, even so, it is useless.

After Luo Jinpeng entered the study, Jiang Ling saw with his own eyes an old man whipping him several times with a stick.

If the other party hadn't gasped and coughed violently, he would not have given up easily.

The woman in the red skirt was busy supporting and patted the old man on the back.

Luo Jinpeng also said with a bitter face: "Uncle, if you want to hit me, you can do whatever you want after you recover. But right now, I have found a genius doctor to come over and let him take a look at the injury with you, how about it?"

The old man had already heard from the woman in the red skirt that this time Luo Jinpeng had found a young doctor.

But the old man has seen countless doctors in the past few years, and he can feel that his body is getting worse and worse, which is probably the case.

At this moment, he sighed and said: "I know about my body. I know you are filial, but you can avoid seeing a doctor. In the future, you must keep a low profile for me when you are in the army. The old man is still here. When the old man is gone, some people may let you go. Once the old man is gone someday, let's see who will let you?"

He put it mildly,
In fact, he didn't quite trust Jiang Ling's knowledge of medicine.

At such a young age, even if he knows medical skills, how good is he?
After many doctors diagnosed and treated him, they all said the same thing, and he was almost familiar with it.

Therefore, I didn't want to listen to nonsense again, so I declined directly.

"Uncle, just listen to me once. Doctor Jiang's medical skills are extraordinary. My soldiers were all healed by him."

But the old man didn't want to listen more, he waved his hand and said: "The old man will have guests to visit later, let's go down, since the little doctor is here, we can't let him go for nothing, Miaohan, when I send the little doctor out later , don’t forget the carriage fee.”

The woman in the red skirt nodded in response, then stretched out her hand to invite, and gave the order to evict the guest.

Luo Jinpeng was hesitant to say anything, and he didn't want to say much.He knew his uncle's temper. Once a decision was made, nine cows would not be able to pull it back.

If you try to persuade him, he will definitely lose his temper.

At this moment, Jiang Ling suddenly asked: "Does the old general feel difficult to breathe and his chest feels tight every time he is ugly at night?"

The woman in the red skirt looked surprised: "Doctor Jiang, how...how did you know?"

Jiang Ling opened his eyes and scanned the old man's body. He saw black energy lingering in his chest, it must be evil.

With such yin and evil by your side, you will meet with ugliness and ugliness every night.will intensify.

But just now when the old man made a slight move, he was panting and coughing sharply, so Jiang Ling broke his words.

Originally the old man didn't believe him, and he didn't want to meddle in his own business.

But after entering the mansion, he also vaguely guessed the identity of the old man.

'If my prediction is correct, this old man should be the late bloomer Gu Qifeng. '

That day, the little brother who drove the car belittled all the people in the court, and the only one who praised him was Gu Qifeng, the ancient general.

Because of his existence, Dayong Dynasty allowed foreigners to keep their own place for more than ten years and did not dare to set foot on the border.

Now, it is also because he is old and his old illnesses have relapsed, so the foreigners are about to make a move and want to go south again.

For such a national hero,
Jiang Ling felt that he could help as much as he could.

"Will the old general's condition worsen during the cold winter and rainy nights?"

The woman in the red dress became more and more surprised,

After hearing this, the old man couldn't help but look at him: "So what?"

Jiang Ling said: "Small problems, I can fix them."

(End of this chapter)

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