River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 207 Shadow Moon Villa

Chapter 207 Shadow Moon Villa
A spectator asked: "Old man, where does your rope lead to?"

The old man hissed and said: "Everyone, judges, please speak quietly, so as not to disturb the heavenly beings. This rope reaches the sky, so it will go up to the sky."

Although the spectators were amazed, they still had a bit of disbelief: "You say that the sky is the sky? How can you prove it?"

The old man then said: "There are buildings in Tianyu, 33 layers. My rope is the first layer. This sky is so rare. If you don't believe me, you can ask my little grandson to go up and get some fresh fruits from you." Come down. But the risk of this trip is huge, if you want fresh fruit, you will sell one fruit for a hundred taels, who wants to?"

The crowd of spectators immediately dispersed half of them.

"One piece of fruit sells for a hundred taels, you old man is probably poor and crazy?"

"The tricks of the rivers and lakes, dare to be so greedy, according to my expectation, there is nothing to watch. It's gone."

The old man doesn't stay with customers, and those who can afford the money and have such curiosity naturally haven't left yet.

And those who left were not the guests in his heart, even if they stayed, it would be useless.

At this time, he glanced at the sky: "My spell is only for a cup of tea. If the time is up, it will be invalid. All spectators, if you want fresh fruits from the sky, please hurry up."

After all, it is the land of the capital, and there are still many rich people.

Two brocade men took out the banknotes at this time and said: "Go and get them. If you can really pick the fresh fruits in the sky, one fruit can cost a hundred taels, it's all right."

The old man took the bank note, smiled and gestured with his grandson.

The man in brocade said with a straight face: "But the ugly words are up front. If you can't get it, I will smash this stall. Don't let me see you again in this capital."

"Just don't worry about being a spectator."

The grandson of the old man, only eight or nine years old, his body is thin and small, but his hands and feet are slender and dexterous.

The old man signaled, he picked up the basket, jumped up, grabbed the rope, and quickly climbed to the sky.

Jiangling looked at each other with long eyes, and the rope towered into the sky, at least a thousand feet upwards.

The old man was able to throw the rope so high by raising his hand, it was indeed a bit tricky.

Moreover, this child's climbing rope movements are more sensitive than monkeys. In just a few breaths, he has already climbed into the air and is close to the clouds.

Looking at him now, it seems quite difficult.

After resting on the rope for a while, he climbed up again, and then disappeared into the clouds.

The spectators on the ground finally screamed.


"The child really disappeared, this... really climbed into the sky?"

After another moment,

Fruit fell from heaven.

The old man unfolded his robe and put it around underneath.

Two green jujubes fell out, really big and fresh.

All the spectators shouted again: "It's a jujube, a big jujube, this fruit is really a fresh fruit from the sky. On this ground, even if it is eaten by the nobles in the palace, it is not so good."

"Eat this, I'm afraid you can live forever?"

But the old man hurriedly raised his fingers and booed, telling the spectators not to speak loudly, for fear of frightening the heavenly beings.

The audience laughed and said: "The sky is so far away from the earth, so what's the point of saying a few words? If people in the sky can hear it, it would be strange."

While everyone was talking and laughing, in the clouds in the sky, the child showed his legs and was about to return home.

But just as he climbed down from the lower body, he suddenly screamed, his body seemed to be grabbed by something, and he was dragged into the cloud forcefully.

Then, the sky-reaching rope also broke from the middle and fell down.

The old man on the ground trembled when he saw it, and shouted out of his voice: "Xiaode!"

I yelled and no one answered,
In the end, only a piece of clothing fell out of the cloud layer, stained with blood.

The old man picked up the clothes and burst into tears, saying that his grandson had been captured by heaven and man, and he was afraid he might be gone.

All the spectators fell silent for a moment.
Looking at the sky, and then at the old man, I was in awe.Fearing that heaven and man would condemn them, they dispersed in a hurry.

Those two brocade-clothed men snatched Zao'er from the old man and ran away in a hurry.

The old man cried for a while, wiped away his tears, picked up the box by himself, and left from the busy city.

Jiang Ling only watched from a distance, seeing the whole process, both surprised and amazed.

It was only at this time that some clues were seen.

'What a great blindfold! '

Seeing the old man walking towards the river along Liuxiang, Jiang Ling followed lightly and followed him to the river.

In the shade of a tree, the old man put down the box and unlocked it.He suddenly smiled, and saw his grandson get out of the box.

"Grandpa, is my acting okay?"

"Xiaode is the best."

The old man patted his grandson's head and sighed suddenly, "But in the end, I have deceived most people, but I have not deceived Mr. Xiaolang. Mr. Xiaolang has followed all the way, but what advice do you have?"

It turned out that the old man had already discovered that Jiang Ling was following him.

But even so, he didn't shy away from anything.

It can be seen that he either has high skills, or he believes that Jiang Ling has no malicious intentions.

"I can't talk about advice, it's purely curious. I want to know how the old gentleman hides people's eyes and ears?"

If it wasn't for Jiang Ling's good sense ability to notice that the child's qi had never disappeared, then he would definitely be deceived by the sight just like those ordinary spectators.

The old man smiled faintly: "It's a small skill, I've said it, I'm afraid it will spoil the ears of the young man, so I don't mind."

After all, it is the ability to eat, how can you talk when you want to listen?

Jiang Ling said: "Don't get me wrong, I just want to know the name of this trick, not the spell itself."

The old man's smile suddenly faded, he stretched out his hand, slapped a wave into the river, and flew towards Jiangling.

When the waves first rose, they were only about the size of a pouring wave, but when they reached the air, they suddenly multiplied several times.

Flying to the top of Jiangling, it will be poured down.

Jiang Ling looked up, only smiled lightly, swung his sleeves, and the waves dissipated on the spot, turned into water mist, and floated over the river.

When the old man saw this, he understood in his heart: "He is a fellow, and since he is a fellow, he will not hide it. This old man's method is the [Dream Prayer Technique] of Shadow Moon Villa."

This sentence not only gave the name of the illusion, but also reported his own origin.

Most likely, he didn't know the depth of Jiangling, let alone whether it was an enemy or a friend, so he reported himself to his family, so that the other party would be afraid.

'Shadow Moon Villa? '

Jiang Ling still had an impression of this name, when he took the test in Yaotai, as one of the nine major forces, he had recruited many newcomers.

"As a cultivator, why bother to use such tricks to win money?" Jiang Ling asked.

People who practice Taoism get money quickly, but if they go astray, they get money even faster.

The old man smiled and said: "Practice the Tao, cultivate the Tao first, and then the Tao. Cultivating the Tao is not only cultivating the Tao, but also cultivating people. Human cultivation, six desires are difficult to fill, and three corpses are difficult to kill. Naturally, it should be returned to the world, and it will be tempered."

Jiang Ling nods his head when he hears this, he thinks the same as him, only after experiencing all kinds of tastes in the world can one's own state of mind improve.

The old man would rather play tricks than plunder, and the way he does is the right way.

After listening, he bowed to the old man, and retreated the same way.

The old man felt relieved when he saw that he had no malicious intentions.

At this moment, on the river, in a flower boat in the distance,
Amidst the quarrel, a woman suddenly jumped out of the window on the second floor and plunged into the water.Thousands of waves splashed.

Looking back, Jiang Ling saw the waves of water bursting, and the sound was faintly familiar.

(End of this chapter)

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