River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 208 2 Scream

Chapter 208 Two Screams
Returning to the market, I saw that He Xiang was already waiting in front of a tea shed.

Seeing Jiang Ling coming, she happily called out Mr.

"Buy ready?"

"Well, Luo Qianhu called a lot of people to help, and then it was done."

The main reason is that there are not many things to buy, and it only costs two people.

"The things have been sent back, sir, and we can go back anytime."

"it is good."

Jiang Ling suddenly touched her forehead, and pushed a lock of hair from her forehead behind her ear.

He Xiang looked at the passers-by on the street, and couldn't help showing embarrassment: "Sir..."

Jiang Ling: "Did you buy something for yourself?"

He Xiangzhen lowered her head and shook her head gently.

Jiang Ling suddenly took all the hundreds of taels of silver bills he got from the general's mansion and gave her all of them: "Since you follow me, from now on, money and things will be in your hands."

"Oh." He Xiang put it away carefully.It's the same in every big family's house. When the son and daughter go out, the money is handed over to the most trusted servant girl.

Jiang Ling's ability to give her all the bank notes just showed his trust in his heart, and he couldn't help but secretly happy.

"Now that we've arrived at the market, I might as well buy some jewelry with you. If a girl's home doesn't have jewelry, it will always look a little lacking."

He Xiang hesitated to speak, wanted to tell Jiang Ling not to spend money for her, but also thought that if she didn't dress up with jewelry, and sometimes went out with her, she might lose face to her husband.Dilemma.

"Let's go."

Jiang Ling walked away, and He Xiang, who was in a daze, had to follow behind.

When she arrived at the jewelry shop, she asked He Xiang to choose by herself. After looking at it for a long time, she only chose a brass bracelet.

Gold, silver, even if you don't dare to look at it more.

"That's it?"

Looking at the brass bracelet, Jiang Ling was very dissatisfied.The material is average, the shape is ugly, and the workmanship is poor.

I went to look at the most expensive jewelry, but regardless of gold or silver, they all looked very simple.

He also suddenly realized that the craftsmanship of this era is not as exquisite as that of later generations?

Just give up and don't buy anymore.

To be honest, if that kind of jewelry is worn on his body, he doesn't think there will be any beauty, but it will reduce the beauty.

Young girls aged sixteen or seventeen should wear delicate and beautiful clothes.

Suddenly, he thought that when he met Qingshuang that day, Qingshuang had given him a hairpin when he was parting.

He casually threw the hairpin into the Qiankun bag.

Thinking of it now, he took it out of the bag.

Compared with the jewelry in the jewelry store, this hairpin immediately seemed to stand out with its exquisiteness.

Originally, Jiang Ling felt that this hairpin was just average, but after comparing it, he immediately felt that the craftsmanship of this hairpin was quite good.

When He Xiang saw the hairpin, her eyes lit up, with joy written in her eyes, but she didn't dare to say much.

"Do you like it?" Jiang Ling waved the hairpin in front of her eyes.

He Xiang bit her lip, but still didn't dare to speak.

Jiang Ling directly inserted the hairpin into her hair: "Here, the jewelry here is too poor. I'll get you a beautiful set when I get back."

He Xiang's cheeks were flushed, and her heart felt like a deer bumping. She wanted to say thank you, but she stammered: "Thank you...thank... sir."

When the two of them returned from the market, it seemed that earth-shaking changes had taken place in the small riverside courtyard.

Luo Jinpeng's work is indeed reliable,
Almost all the servants in the family were called to clean up the old house inside and out.

Even the window paper was repasted.

After arranging the purchased furniture, the atmosphere of home will be created immediately.

After sending away the helpers, Jiang Ling and He Xiang allocated a house.

There are seven or eight rooms in the house, and one room for each of them is enough.

After choosing the room, He Xiang was busy filling the bedding and making the bed.

At the same time, many things still need to be stored and placed, all of which are handled by her.

Jiang Ling was in the room, fiddling with scrolls and drawing jewelry for her.

Taking blood sand to grind ink, and using goose feathers as a front, he couldn't stop painting once. In order not to waste the ground blood sand ink, he painted a plate of ink before giving up.

After all these things were painted, I just blew them away in one breath, and everything came true, falling out of the painting, and gathered on the table, shining with fluorescent light.

Jewelry wrapping hairpins, earrings, necklaces, rings and bracelets, a set of five, a total of seven sets.

'These jewellery, lotus fragrance should be like. '

Originally, he wanted to give it all to He Xiang, but he thought that with her temperament, if she gave so much at once, it might scare her.

So he put away six sets and kept one set.

He called He Xiang to come in, wanting to surprise her.

But she was talking anxiously outside, she forgot to buy something, and she was going to buy it.

Jiang Ling walked out of the room: "What did you forget?"

He Xiang bowed her head apologetically and said: "Sir, I... I only bought ingredients for soup, it's already noon, and there are no other ingredients available in the kitchen."

If he was in Duanfu, he would definitely be scolded.

But Jiang Ling said: "Soup is also fine, we just come back, so we don't need to make another trip. It's just around noon."

He Xiang also knew that Jiang Ling would not scold her, but the more she did so, the more ashamed she felt: "But when the market closes in the afternoon, there will be no ingredients to buy."

Unlike the supermarkets of later generations, the market at this time can still be purchased before noon.In the afternoon, the market is basically closed, and you can't buy it if you want to buy it.

Jiang Ling smiled slightly, looking at the river in front of the courtyard: "What's so difficult? Just leave the ingredients to me for dinner."

"Then... how about I make lotus seed soup for my husband now?"

Jiang Ling nodded: "Go, but I left some gifts for you on the table in my room, you can go and see if you like it first."


He Xiang entered the room, and when she saw the set of jewelry on the table, she was stunned.

It's not that she has never seen high-grade jewelry, after all, the Duan family is also a big family, and many of the old lady's clothes are high-grade and come from the palace.

But compared with the jewelry on this table, it is far inferior.

He Xiang held her face and opened her eyes wide.

Suddenly I heard Jiang Ling's voice from outside: "Don't refuse, you have to keep everything I gave you. If you like it, you can wear it all."

He Xiang was stunned for a long time, wiped off the red eyes, hummed lightly, and solemnly put away the jewelry one by one.

At this time, Jiang Ling went to the courtyard and cut a bamboo pole, put on the fishing line and hook he had used before, and started fishing at the door of his house.

Before it was time for a cup of tea, he would stock up one after another, and he would catch five or six big fish weighing four to five catties at a time.

'The resources of this era are really rich. '

There are too many fish, and it is not interesting to catch them.

Stop there and collect the fishing rod.

It's just that the fish is available, and the ingredients still need to be arranged.

Fortunately, there is a vegetable field not far away, where ginger and garlic grow.

Jiang Ling picked up a fish and went to the house next to the vegetable field to exchange some ginger and garlic.

But as soon as he arrived at the vegetable field, he saw a slender figure squatting in the grass, pulling out the ginger. As soon as he pulled it out, he also fell to the ground, covered in mud.

Jiang Ling couldn't help laughing: "Why don't you use a hoe?"

The figure trembled in fright, maybe he didn't expect that there was someone beside him, at first hearing his voice, he couldn't help screaming.

When the two looked at each other, the figure covered his face with his hands and screamed again.

(End of this chapter)

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