River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 209 Miss Lives Alone

Chapter 209 Miss Lives Alone

Seeing her so helpless, Jiang Ling smiled again: "Why, am I scary?"

"Jiang... Young Master Jiang!"

The woman couldn't believe it, and suddenly said "Aqiu" and sneezed, then quickly tidied up Luo Qun and stood up from the vegetable field.

Jiang Ling was also a little surprised, "Miss Qingshuang, why are you here?"

The oiran of the majestic Yanyu Pavilion should be the canary in the cage.

Usually pampered, used to in the room.But right now, it is rare to wear a plain skirt and go out to the vegetable field in person.

Just as Qingshuang was about to speak, she called out "Aqiu" again, her body was still shaking.

"Are you cold?"

"Well, it's okay to feel the wind and cold occasionally." Qingshuang responded politely, and just after finishing speaking, there was another "Aqiu".

"So when you pull out ginger, you want to make ginger soup to drive away the cold?"

"Yeah." She was quite embarrassed to be seen by Jiang Ling in embarrassment.

Seeing that she was suddenly covering her small mouth, Jiang Ling seemed to be unable to sneeze, so he teased her for a while, "Ah Qiu?"

Qingshuang was halfway through brewing, suddenly smiled and broke the defense, followed by "Aqiu", and finally hit it.

Jiang Ling: "Speaking of which, you planted this vegetable field?"

Qingshuang shook her head: "No, it was planted by Mrs. Sun's family in that household. Mrs. Sun is a very nice person. She knew that I was suffering from the cold, so she asked me to come to this vegetable field to pick some ginger and bring it home."

Jiang Ling: "Can you give me two slices? Exchange it with fish?"

Qingshuang looked at him strangely, and then asked: "Why is Young Master Jiang here? Still carrying a fish?"

Jiang Ling turned his head and pointed to the Linjiang courtyard about fifty steps away: "You just moved here, do you live here too?"

Qingshuang said in surprise: "That small courtyard seems to belong to the General's Mansion, Mr. Jiang, you..."

Jiang Ling smiled: "I helped them a little, so I gave this courtyard to me."

Qingshuang: "So that's the case, the little girl does live here, and it's not far from Mr. Jiang's house."

Jiang Ling: "Then we will be neighbors from now on."

Qingshuang smiled: "Master Jiang just said that he wanted to trade fish for ginger? Did you come here specifically to find ingredients?"

Jiang Ling: "That's right. I saw ginger and garlic from a distance, so I prepared to exchange them with fish. Of course, if you want to buy them with money, that's fine."

Qingshuang covered her mouth and smiled: "Mr. Jiang, you don't have to be so polite. Everyone in this area is very easy to get along with. Even if you pick a little ginger and garlic, you won't say anything. If you want it, the young lady will help you." Pick some, and the little girl will tell Aunt Sun later."

"That's a good thing, it's time to work."

Qingshuang: "You're welcome."

With that said, she was going to pull ginger and garlic.

Jiang Ling thought that when she pulled the ginger just now, she pulled herself to the ground, and suddenly smiled and walked through the fence: "Miss Qingshuang, you should wait outside, I will pull the ginger and garlic."

Qingshuang looked embarrassed, hummed softly, and retreated obediently.

Jiang Ling: "How much do you want?"

Qingshuang raised a white finger: "One piece is enough."

Jiang Ling dug out the ginger she had just pulled out with bare hands, and took two pieces of each: "Two pieces exactly, one for each of us, just right."

After picking three more garlic, I left the vegetable garden.

"I caught a lot of fish today. Since the ginger and garlic are in the girl's favor, I will give this fish to the girl."

Jiang Ling handed her the fish and ginger together.

Qingshuang took the ginger, but didn't dare to take the fish.

"Take it."

Sunshine shook her head.

"Is it dislike?"

Qingshuang shook her head again, then said with embarrassment, "Young Master, don't blame it, Qingshuang doesn't dislike it, but... just doesn't know how to deal with it."

Jiang Ling laughed, thinking he was right, a dignified oiran, who has learned piano, chess, calligraphy and painting since childhood, how could he do such a thing?
He suddenly pointed at ginger: "What about ginger soup? Can you cook it?"

Qingshuang looked a little flustered, bit her lip lightly, and hesitated for a while: "It should... yes."

"Then it won't happen."

Jiang Ling simply took back the ginger in her hand: "It's rare to meet again, you and I will be neighbors in the future, so why not let me cook for you, and I will also cook the fish tonight. You come to my yard to eat together, How are you?"

Qingshuang let out an "ah", followed by Ah Qiu again, and then she was a little nervous and at a loss.

Jiang Ling: "Inconvenient? If it's inconvenient, then I'll make ginger soup later, and I'll bring it to you?"

Seeing Jiang Ling's sincerity and pure eyes, Qingshuang asked, "Young Master Jiang, is this true for all girls?"

Jiang Ling said casually, "Then I don't have such leisure."

In his opinion, it is not a problem for them to have a meal with each other as neighbors.If it is not a neighbor, just waiting for leisure, then naturally it will not be the case.

Qingshuang heard what he said, and thought about it seriously: "So, Qingshuang will obey her orders at night."

Jiang Ling nodded: "Then I'll go back first!"

Qingshuang leaned forward and said, "My lord, go slowly."

"You don't have to be so polite. It's not good to be too far-sighted among neighbors." After Jiang Ling walked a few steps, he suddenly signaled to her: "By the way, go back and wipe your face, or you won't be Miss Qingshuang, but It's the cat girl."

Qingshuang touched her face ignorantly, only to realize that there seemed to be a lot of mud on her face.

It turned out that when he was frightened before, he covered his face and wiped the mud stains on his face.


Qingshuang screamed softly again, and hurriedly turned around.

She stood there for a long time, her heart was in a mess, and finally ran home in a hurry.

When she got home, she washed up a bit, looked in the mirror, and couldn't help laughing again when she thought of what happened just now.

It was only the second time, so he saw all the embarrassments. '

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside her room.

She leaned her head out of the room to look, and saw that it was Cailing, the maid.


Cailing saw her outside the fence covered with strelitzia, and greeted her.

"Cai Ling, why are you here?"

Sunshine came out and opened the door,
But just after opening the door, he saw not only Cailing standing outside, but beside Cailing, there was also a fat middle-aged man with a doctor.

As soon as she appeared, the middle-aged man said with a smile: "Today I heard that Miss Qingshuang fell into the water accidentally, so I specially invited the doctor to come over and take a look with the girl in case she would catch the cold."

Qingshuang's face was originally clear, but now it was covered with frost.

She ignored the man, and only said to Cailing: "Why are you here?"

"Miss..." Cailing was also embarrassed. She didn't want to come here by herself, but was entrusted by someone to bring others here.

Qingshuang: "I have left Yanyu Pavilion now, and I am no longer your miss."

Seeing that she was angry, Cailing hurriedly said: "Miss, don't be angry, Mr. Liu really wanted to treat you well, and when he found out that you had fallen into the water, he specially invited the doctor over. If you..."

"Shut up, if you are here for someone else, then leave as soon as possible."

Qingshuang said that she was about to close the door.

Cai Ling grabbed her hand and continued: "Miss, do you really think that you can live on your own after you leave the Misty Rain Pavilion? It is impossible for us women to live on our own for the rest of our lives. A reliance. Mr. Liu is sincerely treating you well, miss."

"Enough is enough, I don't want to see you again in the future. Please don't bother me again."

Qingshuang let go of Cailing's hand, closed the courtyard door without looking back, and went back to her room.

Seeing her determination, the maid Cailing seemed to know it already, and said to Liu Yuanwai: "Look, her temper is like this. Mom just said a few words to her this morning, and she really threw herself into the window." I jumped into the river. Mr. Liu, if you want to marry her, it will be difficult."

Liu Yuanwai did not give up: "Is there really no other way? If Miss Cailing can find a way to make me happy, I will be very thankful after that."

Cailing rolled her eyes, her heart fluttered.

She brought Liu Yuanwai here today, and she received a fortune.Liu Yuanwai is generous, and the price is two taels of silver, just to lead the way.

Cailing: "If it works, how can I thank Yuanwai Liu?"

Member Liu chuckled, heard the implication from the words, and suddenly stretched out five fingers: "50 taels, how about it?"

Cailing, as a maid, was only paid 50 taels a month in Yanyu Pavilion. When she heard that Liu Yuanwai was willing to take [-] taels as a thank you, she became excited.

He approached Mr. Liu and whispered into his ear: "If I remember correctly, Miss should live alone."

When Member Liu heard this, the fat on his face quickly turned into a pile of laughter.

He cupped his hands slightly, and he understood: "If that's the case, I'd like to thank Miss Cailing."

(End of this chapter)

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