River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 210 Sunny Shuang Boudoir

Chapter 210 Sunny Shuang Boudoir
The application time is near the end.

There was a knock on the door in the courtyard by the river.

He Xiang heard the sound and ran out, opened the door, and saw a brightly dressed woman standing outside.

She is tall and slender, with a delicate face, as if well-dressed.

He Xiang couldn't help thinking to herself, what a beautiful lady.

"Miss, which one are you looking for?"

"Hello, little girl Qingshuang, may I ask if Mr. Jiang is here?"

"Oh, you are the neighbor that Mr. said, please come in, Mr. is busy in the back kitchen."

"The back kitchen?" Qingshuang's expression was a little strange: "As the saying goes, a gentleman stays away from the kitchen, but Mr. Jiang actually cooks for himself?"

He Xiang shrugged and said with a smile: "Sir, it's a rotten Confucian's opinion to say that a gentleman stays away from the kitchen. People depend on food, so it's not a shame to cook by themselves."

Qingshuang suddenly remembered that when the two met for the first time, Jiang Ling could still produce spices on him, and immediately smiled and felt relieved.

As a woman, although she dare not criticize Confucianism, Mencius, Confucianism and Taoism, she also feels that Jiangling's mind is free and easy.

Qingshuang held the piano: "The girl belongs to Mr. Jiang...?"

He Xiang said calmly: "My name is He Xiang, I'm just Mr.'s maid. You don't have to be too polite, Miss Qingshuang."

Qingshuang nodded, looked at He Xiang, but felt that this little maid was beautiful, and if she was a few years older, she would definitely be a beautiful woman.

And in terms of clothes, He Xiang is dressed in brocade, decorated with gold and jade, such luxury is not something that ordinary maids can wear.

Either it means that she is highly valued by Jiang Ling, or she is simply a personal servant girl.

Either Jiang Ling came from a rich family, even an ordinary maid, and she is more expensive than ordinary girls.

Reading this, Qingshuang bowed her head slightly, and couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

"Miss Qingshuang, please come inside, don't stand outside the door and talk."

He Xiang invited her in and closed the door.Then lead the way in front and lead to the living room.

Qingshuang walked a few steps, looked at He Xiang's head, and suddenly stopped: "Miss He Xiang..."

"Huh? Girl Qingshuang, just call me Hexiang. I'm just a maid, so I can't afford to be so polite."

Even though she is a good student now, He Xiang always feels that being a maid is the only way to feel at ease.

Qingshuang pointed at her head: "The hairpin on your head..."

He Xiang tilted her head slightly, "Miss Qingshuang is talking about this hairpin?"

Qingshuang nodded: "It's unique, where did you buy it?"

He Xiang smiled sweetly, "I didn't buy it, it was a gift from my husband."

"Oh, that's how it is." Qingshuang lowered her head, an imperceptible sense of loss flashed in her eyes.

After taking a seat in the living room, He Xiang brought fragrant tea.

Not long after, Jiang Ling was seen coming out of the back kitchen with a large basin.

Seeing that Qingshuang had arrived, he also politely greeted her twice.

Qingshuang only responded with a chuckle and didn't say much.

"Knowing that Miss Qingshuang doesn't like spicy food, I made pickled fish tonight. I don't think any of you have tried this dish before."

He Xiang was in high spirits, looking forward to the pickled fish.Holding the bowl, like a cat waiting to be fed, with sparkling eyes.

But Qingshuang seemed to be out of her mind, and she responded twice when talking to her, and if she didn't speak, she didn't take the initiative to speak.

When Jiang Ling saw it, he thought it was caused by her cold and physical discomfort.

After a meal, He Xiang ate a big bowl, but it was not enough.But she only tasted it briefly, and let it go.

"Miss Qingshuang, but this fish doesn't suit your taste?"

"No, this fish tastes very good, and I have never eaten fish with such a taste. It's just that I always eat very little, so please don't blame me."

When the mood is lost, even the delicacies of mountains and seas are in the front, and the taste is the same as the wax.

At the same time, the naturalness and liveliness of He Xiang made her feel inferior.If it wasn't for etiquette, she just wanted to leave quickly.

"Miss Qingshuang also brought a piano, so tonight, do you want to play a song with us?"

Qingshuang said softly: "This piano is broken. I originally planned to take it for repairs, but he wasn't here, so I had to bring it here."

Jiang Ling: "So that's the case, then forget it."

After the lotus fragrance was also eaten, Qingshuang got up and said goodbye.

After all, it's a female neighbor, so it's fine to stay as a guest, if it's too late, it's not suitable to stay with each other.

Jiang Ling also offered to send her back.

But Qingshuang shook her head and said: "My lord, don't be too polite. You also said that if the neighbors are too far away, it will be bad. It's only a few steps for me to go there, so I don't need to see you off."

Jiang Ling: "It's also because there are only a few steps to go, so it doesn't hurt to see you off."

But Qingshuang refused again and again: "My lord, don't do this, it's getting late, if you go with him, people will see you, you may cause gossip, and your reputation may be bad."

After saying this, she bowed deeply in front of the door, and then went away holding the qin.

Hearing what she said, Jiang Ling couldn't force him to send him off, so he could only let her go.

After her back gradually disappeared, He Xiang suddenly said: "Sir, Miss Qingshuang seems to have something on her mind."

Jiang Ling: "You can see this?"

He Xiang nodded: "Only girls know girls best, and Mr. Qingshuang and Miss Qingshuang should be old acquaintances, right?"

Jiang Ling: "Does it count?"

Speaking of which, it was just chatting and laughing that night in Yanyu Pavilion.

Probably just acquaintances, not old acquaintances.

He Xiang: "Miss Qingshuang's complexion doesn't look very good."

Jiang Ling: "How can a sick person look better?"

As soon as he said this, he suddenly remembered something: "By the way, He Xiang, the ginger soup that I asked you to cook earlier, did you cook it well?"

He Xiang: "It's done. It's in the kitchen. It's just a meal. It's not suitable for drinking. Drink it before going to bed. It will be fine when you sweat. Sir, do you want to drink now?"

"Where is it that I want to drink, that soup is made for Miss Qingshuang. I asked her for some ginger and garlic in the afternoon. She doesn't know how to cook, so I made this ginger soup for her. Oh, I forgot just now. You And fetch it, I'll send it to her right now."


He Xiang hurried to the kitchen, and after a while, she came out with a small soup pot.

"Don't run around at home, I will go back as soon as I go."


Hexiang sent him to the door,

At this time, the sky was not completely dark, but there were some bright colors.

Jiang Ling went out and chased after him.

After only two hundred steps, she was just in front of Qingshuang's house, and she caught up with her.

Fortunately, she can't walk fast,

Otherwise, Jiang Ling really doesn't know where she lives.

"Miss Qingshuang, please wait a moment."

As soon as Qingshuang unlocked the door, she heard someone calling herself behind her.

Turning around, I saw Jiang Ling coming over.

She hurriedly retreated and stood aside, bowing slightly: "Young Master Jiang, what's the matter?"

Jiang Ling came over and handed the soup can: "Ginger Tang, I forgot to give it to you."

Qingshuang clenched her hands tightly, she was stunned for a moment, not knowing whether she should take it or not.

Jiang Ling suddenly smiled again: "That's right, you're holding the qin and it's inconvenient to take the soup, so I'll bring it in for you."

With that said, he walked into her house without hesitation.went inside.

Qingshuang panicked when she saw it, and quickly called him: "Young Master Jiang..."

A woman's boudoir is not allowed to let men in and out easily!
But amidst the shouts, Jiang Ling had already put the soup pot on the stone table in her front yard, turned around and walked out again.

"Drink ginger soup before going to bed, and say it's enough to sweat."

Jiang Ling gave an exhortation, then waved goodbye and left.

Qingshuang froze on the spot, watching his leaving back, and looking at the soup pot on the stone table in the yard, feeling confused.

Leaving the alley from Qingshuang's house, at the end of the alley, Jiangling came across a man in gray clothes and a cap looking out.

Seeing him coming, the gray-clothed cap hurriedly retracted his head, pretending to be wandering around.

Jiang Ling glanced at him and looked at him secretly.

'This man is sneaky, what is he trying to do? '

 Thanks to my new friend [Luochen I] for the two rewards, and the reward of [Life is like fog and dust], I just saw it today.

  There are indeed more and more new friends in this book.

(End of this chapter)

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