River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 211 Raw Rice Cooked Mature Rice

Chapter 211 Raw Rice Cooked Mature Rice
As they passed each other, the man in the gray coat and hat walked a few steps and left at the corner of the intersection.

Jiang Ling stood there for a while.

After a while, I saw him poking his head out from the intersection ahead,

The two looked at each other, and he retracted his head again.

With his reaction like this, you don't need to guess to know that his mind is sneaky and there must be a purpose.

Jiang Ling involuntarily glanced at Qingshuang's gate,

Could it be for Qingshuang?
Thinking of this, he took out a paper figurine from his body, blew lightly, and the paper figurine jumped down from his palm, and then jumped up the fence of Qingshuang's house step by step.

Sitting quietly on the stamen of the Strelitzia orchid, looking around with two empty eyes.

After Jiang Ling left, it was time to make an appointment at Xu time, and it was completely quiet and late at night.

At this time, in the original street, a man with a fat head and big ears came to the corner with a lantern.

Beside him, a servant in a gray coat and a small hat smiled and said, "Master, Miss Qingshuang is indeed at home alone."

The fat-headed and big-eared person was Yuanwai Liu who had been here during the day. He also smiled, and then glanced at the lantern: "It's gone, let people find out, what should I do?"

The servant in the gray cap raised the lantern and blew it out, extinguishing the candle.

With the clear moonlight in the sky, the road ahead and the outline of the house are still vaguely visible.

"Sir, do you want me to go in and help?"

"I still need your help?"

Liu Yuanwai slapped him on the back of the head.

The servant chuckled: "The trick of cooking raw rice and cooked rice is really clever. Boss Ma doesn't have such guts, so he is destined to not be able to snatch the master."

"Just him, and compare with me? When I was playing with women, he didn't know where he was."

Member Liu came to the fence of Qingshuang's house with his stomach full, and said proudly: "To put it bluntly, Qingshuang is just a fireworks girl. If I hadn't liked her appearance and figure, I would treat her as a girl with her identity." A concubine is not even qualified. Now being found by Lao Tzu to sow seeds at night is considered her blessing."

"My lord said so."

The servant giggled and helped.

With his help, Liu Yuanwai stepped in with one foot, and then his whole body also groped in.

The fence wall is only one meter high, and there is no way to stop people from entering.

"Let me watch the wind go."

Liu Yuanwai gestured to the servant.

"Understood, master, just play to your heart's content."

The servant slipped away knowingly, looking for a hidden place to wait for the job to be done.

While their master and servant were talking, none of them noticed that the paper man turned his head 360 degrees on the fence wall, watching helplessly as Yuanwai Liu slipped into Qingshuang's small courtyard.

After the servants retreated, Liu Yuanwai tiptoed towards the boudoir.

Qingshuang's home has only a small yard and three bungalows.It is the most common kind of private house.

Before coming, he had already inquired from the maid, Cailing, that Qingshuang lived in the first room on the right.

He rubbed his hands, and the closer he got to the room, the more agitated he became.

Qingshuang, the oiran, he has liked for a long time, and also competed with others for a long time.

It's a pity that this little girl doesn't care about anyone,
The owner of the horse spent a lot of money to buy her, but she refused and threw herself into the river directly.

In the end, Boss Ma couldn't bear to see her disappear, so he had no choice but to give up and stop forcing her.

Regarding this, Liu Yuanwai also laughed at the prudence of Boss Ma, and at that time Yanyuge's mother let go.

Qingshuang disagrees, so why not tie her back and force her to agree?

For a woman like Qingshuang, once her body is taken by someone, her proud heart should be put down.

Anyway, Yuanwai Liu thinks so,

He has seen too many women like this.

Before she lost her body, she was all kinds of arrogant, but once she lost her virginity, she would want to live a good life with men.

In front of the door of Qingshuang's room, Mr. Liu skillfully took out a small knife, inserted it into the crack of the door, pressed it against the latch, and let it loosen little by little.

After only six or seven fiddles, there was a clang in the room, and the wooden bolt fell to the ground.

And the door was pushed open by Yuanwai Liu, and there was a creaking sound.

As soon as the door opened, he smiled and hurried in.

From the darkness, he accidentally kicked the foot of the table, and there was an ouch in pain.

In the room, Qingshuang seemed to be aware of it, so she asked who it was?
At this time, she was hot all over, and her head was already spinning like crazy.The cold air suffered during the day finally exploded at night.

Although she is weak, she had already started to have a fever when she came back from Jiangling's house.

Member Liu became more and more excited when he heard Qingshuang's voice.

Ignoring the pain in her feet, she laughed and said, "Who is it? Of course it's your love brother."

Following the sound, he groped towards the bed.

But at this moment, something seemed to be holding his trousers.

He took a step forward and fell to the ground when he couldn't stop his momentum.

Then, in the darkness, something lifted the latch and hurled itself at him.

Member Liu covered his head in pain,
At first I thought Qingshuang was beating him.

I feel that the more women resist, the stronger their desire to conquer.

But when he stood up again, he once again felt that someone was pulling his trousers, and hitting the middle of his legs with the latch.

Member Liu didn't check, suddenly clamped his legs, and gasped in pain.

After he squatted down, he could vaguely see a three-inch tall shadow by the door by the moonlight outside, and it was it that danced the door latch and hit him.

Suddenly seeing such a thing, Liu Yuanwai was startled: "What is it?"

As soon as he said that, the thing also laughed strangely, and replied to him: "I'm here to ask for your life."

Hearing this, Yuanwai Liu suddenly felt a hot stream of fright in his crotch.

Yelling, he shrank towards the corner of the wall.

"Ghosts... There are ghosts... There are ghosts... Er Bao, come and save me... Er Bao..."

Liu Yuanwai screamed heart-piercingly, crawled and rolled around the room, throwing whatever he caught.

The paper man chased him with the door latch. Like a dog, he quickly crawled around under the table, then ran out of the room with his tail between his legs, and slipped outside.

Servant Erbao heard the cry,

Also feel baffled.

The master and the Qingshuang girl are playing so hard, how can you call a ghost?
He followed the fence and came back again, but when he got here, he saw Liu Yuanwai scrambling and running out of it, and even wrestled several times in the yard before reaching the fence.

"Sir, please slow down."

Er Bao hurriedly supported him, pulled him across the fence, and walked out.

"There are ghosts... there are ghosts, let's go... let's go..."

Member Liu crossed the fence and ran quickly without looking back.

Erbao looked inexplicable, is there a ghost?Where did the ghost come from?
Just as he was looking in the direction of Qingshuang's boudoir, wanting to see what happened, the three-inch paper man chased out of the room, into the courtyard, and was running towards here holding a wooden stick.

The moonlight outside was clear, and the servant Erbao saw it clearly, and felt a chill down his spine for a moment.

"Old...Master, wait for me...wait for me..."

His scalp seemed to explode instantly, and he ran away.

After clearly running behind Yuanwai Liu, he caught up to Yuanwai Liu in a few blinks...

(End of this chapter)

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