Chapter 212

The paper figurine drove away Liu Yuanwai's master and servant, put down the latch and returned to the room.

In the dark, it saw Qingshuang lying on the bed still not moving, and convulsed and twitched.

This is clearly the heat cramps manifestation of a high fever.

This kind of situation usually only occurs in children, and it is rare for adults. It is probably because of Qingshuang's poor health that this symptom occurs.

Jiang Ling, who was far away in the small courtyard by the river, was connected with each other through the paper figurine, and after understanding the situation, he also left the door at this time.

In Miss Qingshuang's situation, if he didn't help her, she might burn until dawn and her life might be in danger.

After leaving the door, the courtyard is silent, He Xiang is sleeping next door, and has already fallen asleep.

He made no sound,

After leaving the yard, he went straight to Qingshuang's house.

When we got to her room, we first lit a candle, and then saw that her lips were dry, so I brought water and wanted to feed her some.

But Qingshuang was in a daze, her eyes didn't even open.

I put my finger on her neck and measured it. It was so hot that it was probably close to 42 degrees.

I had to take one of her handkerchiefs, soak it in cold water, and apply it to her forehead.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Ling emitted a ray of spiritual power from his own pool.

His spiritual power is cloudy and cold, so it's not a problem to use it to cool down a little at this time.

Spreading the spiritual power around Qingshuang's body, her heat cramps really subsided immediately.

After a while,
Qingshuang also gained some consciousness and opened her eyes.

But as soon as she opened her beautiful eyes, she saw one side of Jiang Ling's face close at hand.

—He was sitting at the table in the room, holding a bowl and pouring something like powder into it.

Seeing this scene for the first time, Qingshuang opened her mouth dryly: "Master Jiang...?"

Jiang Ling turned his head: "Are you awake? Just woke up, and took the medicine."

Stir the medicine powder in the bowl evenly, and he brought it over.

Qingshuang looked at the transparent liquid in the bowl with complicated eyes, but didn't reach out to take it.

Jiang Ling: "Are you afraid that I will poison you? Don't worry, this medicine will make you feel better. You won't feel dizzy anymore, and your limbs won't be so sore anymore."

Qingshuang opened her mouth and tried to sit up, but she couldn't.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Ling realized that she was physically exhausted and overheated.

So, I had no choice but to pick up a spoon, take a spoonful, and feed it to her mouth: "Come on, open your mouth."

Qingshuang bit her lip, her face full of embarrassment: "This... how to do it?"

She tried her best to come by herself, but in the end, she couldn't.

"You, don't be brave. If you didn't find out early, you would definitely die if you had a fever until dawn. Hurry up, open your mouth, I have to go back to sleep."

Qingshuang looked at the spoon next to her mouth, then at him, and finally opened her small mouth acceptingly, accepting.

After drinking a bowl of medicine, Jiang Ling took the handkerchief on her forehead and re-soaked it in water, and then spread it on her forehead again.

"Don't move around, take the medicine, it will take effect in about half an hour."

Sunshine didn't answer.
Instead, she stared at him blankly.

After a long time, she stuttered and asked, "Why did you come here in the middle of the night, sir?"

"Just now I heard some movement from your side outside. I came here to take a look and found out that something happened to your house. It's a coincidence."

"My lord, you should know that although Qingshuang came from Fireworks and Willow Lane, she is not a casual girl."

"I know."

"Why did the young master come here at night and say... he called him that?"

"What's your name?"

Qingshuang was too embarrassed to say: "Say it's Brother Qing."

"Did I say that?" Jiang Ling was taken aback.

After a little recollection, he remembered that this should be what Liu Yuanwai said.

Then he explained: "It's definitely not what I said. I came here to take a look when I heard something was going on in your house. Before me, two people had already sneaked away."

Qingshuang: "But Qingshuang only sees you here alone, young master."

Jiang Ling: "..."

This is, are you going to take the blame?
In fact, Qingshuang didn't mean to wrong him.

However, at the time when she was burning up, the lights in the room were not turned on.In a daze, she only heard someone break into her room.

At that time, she asked who it was, and the other party said it was her love brother.

She panicked and lost consciousness for a moment,

When she woke up again, what she saw was the scene in front of her.

Naturally, he regarded that person as Jiang Ling.

Jiang Ling: "It's really not me."

Tears welled up in Qingshuang's beautiful eyes: "Although the young master is kind enough to save me, but... he found a woman's boudoir at night, if this is known, how should Qingshuang behave?"

listen to her

Only then did Jiang Ling realize that,

Times are different, and people's viewpoints are also different.

He believes that human life is greater than the sky, and knowing that Qingshuang's condition is not good, he comes to the doctor for help.But in Qingshuang's heart, perhaps fame is better than life.

It is not only presumptuous for him to set foot in a woman's boudoir rashly, but also an offense.

Jiang Ling: "I... this..."

I didn't know what to say for a while.

Seeing that Qingshuang was still aggrieved and weeping, he sighed, thinking that maybe she would think about it tomorrow, and she should wonder who said those words.

Anyway, right now, he doesn't know how to persuade her, and the women's boudoir is not suitable for staying for a long time.

Then he put down a few packs of medicine on the table: "If you feel uncomfortable, you can mix it up with cold water and drink it yourself. Just one pack at a time, I... I'll go back first."

When he went out of the room, Qingshuang didn't make a sound, only weeping.

But when he was about to climb over the fence and go back,
Two figures approached in the alley, holding candles, one of them shouted loudly: "Who are you?"

Jiang Ling saw that these two people were not the two before.

But one old and one young.

An old woman and a young man.

As soon as they came over, they saw that Jiangling was about to jump over the fence. The young and strong man picked up a wooden stick and yelled at him: "Who are you? What are you doing?"

For some reason, at this moment, Jiang Ling actually felt a guilty conscience of being caught for cheating.

Maybe I don't know how to explain it.

Qingshuang couldn't explain it, let alone others?
Just as he was thinking about how to speak,
Qingshuang braced herself at the door of the room, and said to the outside: "Aunt Sun, Brother Zhuang, don't make things difficult for him."

Hearing this, the man named "Da Zhuang" became even more irritable, "Qing... Qingshuang, did he bully you?"

As he said that, he was going to capture Jiangling.

Qingshuang shouted at the door: "Brother Zhuang, don't make things difficult for him."

"But he..."

Da Zhuang was not angry, but was finally held back by the old woman beside him.

After they got out of the way, Jiang Ling was quite speechless, so he had to step over the fence and go home first.

As soon as he left, Aunt Sun and Da Zhuang asked Qingshuang what happened outside the fence.

Qingshuang cried and only shook her head, didn't say anything, just let them go back to rest earlier.

But Da Zhuang was worried, "He must have bullied you, didn't he?"

Qingshuang didn't respond, she just closed the door and fell silent.

Manly, he picked up a stick and wanted to chase someone.

But the old woman hurriedly stopped him: "Silly son, why are you going?"

Da Zhuang said: "The man touched in the middle of the night, he must have insulted Qingshuang, how can he be spared?"

The old woman lowered her voice and said: "Silly son, you should know that Qingshuang is a brothel girl, why not bully?"

Da Zhuang was displeased: "Mom, Qingshuang is not what you think, she is different from those girls."

"What's the difference? I know you like her, but she's used to seeing the world of flowers, and she probably doesn't like our family. Son, don't think about it. I saw the man who just left during the day. He lives Those who are in the courtyard by the river, you must know that the courtyard belongs to the General’s Mansion, and if this person can live there, he must be a related household or a yamen. You can’t afford to be offended, don’t offend.”

(End of this chapter)

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