Chapter 220

Legend has it that as long as the wine worm is soaked in clear water, it will be invisible after seven days. Its body is already gathered by the essence of wine, and after melting, the clear water will become a rare altar of fine wine.

For the father and son of the Gu family, first the general Gu Qifeng was given needles on his chest, and then his son Gu Hongce was infected with wine worms.

There is no doubt that behind this, there must be someone doing tricks.Let the Gu family never recover from a fall.

However, after saving people, Jiang Ling left without saying anything.

Such a simple conjecture, without him saying it, the Gu family would definitely understand it.

Back to Suzaku Avenue, the guards along the way have been withdrawn, and the welcoming ceremony is probably over.

He suddenly heard the commotion in front of him, looked around, and saw a group of women, accusing all of them.

Among them, there is a young woman, who is about to cry while holding the qin, but stops talking.

She wanted to open her mouth to tell the difference, but in terms of tongue, how could she beat those gossip women who had experienced many battles?

With just a few words, she was at a loss for words.

Coincidentally, this woman is none other than Miss Qingshuang.

Today she is wearing a plain dress.

Although not embellished, it is still a natural beauty.

Jiang Ling took the wine and walked over.

After pushing through the crowd, he greeted her.

Qingshuang didn't answer him this time, she just remained dumb and motionless.

When the woman next to her said this, she suddenly yelled: "Losing money, originally you were required to provide a small pension, but now you have to lose money."

Another woman also chimed in: "That's right, she is so pitiful, yet you still don't admit it, you are beautiful, but you are ugly at heart."

As the two women talked, they wanted to go up to pinch Qingshuang and tear her clothes.

And Qingshuang didn't know how to resist, just stood there stupidly, her eyes were full of mist.All wronged.

Jiang Ling hurriedly stopped the two women: "Auntie, what happened? Can you tell me?"

The woman said coldly: "What's the matter? Are you going to stand up for her?"

Qingshuang finally spoke at this time, her voice was quite choked, and she was full of grievances, holding back her throat: "How much is the compensation?"

The two women looked at each other, and then one of them raised two fingers: "200 taels, at least 200 taels."

Qingshuang took out the money bag from her body, counted it, and there was only three taels, "I only have three taels, 200 taels...can you allow some time?"

"Grace? People are already like this, do you want grace?"

"You are so cruel. It is impossible for you, the majestic oiran of Yanyu Pavilion, to fail to pay 200 taels. In my opinion, you just want to renege on your debt."

Qingshuang distinguished: "I am no longer from Yanyu Pavilion."

But other people are not interested in this.In the eyes of everyone, the name of Misty Rain Pavilion Oiran has long been branded on her body forever.

Even if there is a new oiran in the Misty Rain Pavilion,
But her, the label of the former oiran, cannot fade away easily.

Although no one said what happened here, after Jiang Ling observed for a while, he also found a lame old man sitting here.

He lay on the stool, moaning in pain.

On the side, some people whispered.Probably Qingshuang just passed by here and accidentally knocked down the old man.

After learning the truth, Jiang Ling thought, isn't this the ancient version of Porcelain?

The old man's leg seemed to have been broken for a few days. Even if he fell down just now, Qingshuang's body should not be blamed for the leg injury.

However, those two gossip women have too much mouth, so they made Qingshuang's argument wrong.

Under the watchful eyes of all the people, Qingshuang couldn't save her face, so she could only admit that she had given money.

"Give the money quickly, if you don't give the money, you don't want to leave today."

"If you bump into someone, don't pay, and go to the government, that's our reason."

The two women came up to pinch him again.

Jiang Ling suddenly took out the bank note: "You don't want to deceive others, I will pay for this money for her."

When the two women saw that someone was willing to give money, they didn't say anything.

But Qingshuang shook her head suddenly: "Young Master Jiang, there's no need, I appreciate your kindness."

She prevented Jiang Ling from giving the money, then glanced at the qin in her hand, and handed it to the two women with great reluctance: "This qin has been with me for five years, it is a famous work, and its value should be more than 200 taels I can't come up with the money now, so I take this piano as a deposit, how about it?"

The woman didn't recognize this: "Why do I want your piano?"

"What we want is money, not the qin. If we take him to cure a disease, should we also give Lang Zhong the qin? Just this qin, if you say it's worth 200 taels, is it 200 taels?"

Seeing that the dispute could not be resolved, Jiang Ling suddenly took the Qin from Qingshuang's hand, and then handed 200 taels of silver bills to the two women.

"Give me the violin and you guys the money, is that all right?"

After the woman took the money, of course she had no objection.

It's just that Qingshuang looked at Jiangling, but finally hesitated to speak.

It seemed that she didn't want to owe Jiang Ling any more favors, but right now, it seemed that she had to owe this favor too.

Sighing a little, she finally said thank you.

When the people around dispersed, Jiang Ling suddenly asked her: "The old man's leg injury should not be caused by you, why didn't you say a word?"

Qingshuang: "Indeed, I bumped into him unintentionally. The old man is quite pitiful. I should be somewhat responsible."

Jiang Ling smiled, with such a kind heart, who would they bully if they don't bully you?
Even if you are responsible, it is impossible to pay 200 taels.In fact, it is too much to give two taels of silver.

He handed the qin to Qingshuang again,

Qingshuang shook her head but didn't answer: "Since the young master gave Qingshuang 200 taels, it should be mortgaged to the young master. When Qingshuang has money, he can redeem it with the young master."

Jiang Ling: "That's fine."

I had to keep it first.

"Now do you want to go back?"



Qingshuang hesitated for a while, and finally nodded.

After walking for a few steps, Jiang Ling tried to explain again: "Miss Qingshuang, last night..."

Before she finished speaking, Qingshuang said: "I already know that Mr. Jiang did not say that."

Oh?Jiang Ling was surprised, did she remember?

It's good to think about it, otherwise it's always bad to take the blame for others.

"Speaking of which, Qingshuang was able to recover thanks to Mr. Jiang's rescue."

"You don't have to be polite about this, it should be between neighbors."

Qingshuang kept her head down, but it wasn't because she thought of something.

Seeing that Jiang Ling didn't want to admit it, she simply cooperated with him. If she didn't let go, it would be embarrassing after all.

After walking for a while, she bought some meat and vegetables on the way.

"It's almost noon, thank you Mr. Jiang for making several rescues. Why don't you let the little girl be the host at noon today, and invite Mr. Jiang and Miss He Xiang to the house for a meal, how about it?"

I owe favors several times, and if I don't pay them back, I will always worry about them.

If she thanked her with other things, Qingshuang couldn't think of what else she could give.

After much deliberation, I happened to have learned a few home-cooked dishes from Aunt Sun recently, or I can thank you for this.

Although it is not grand, but it is also a sincere.

And she not only invited Jiangling, but also Hexiang, for lunch, it should not cause gossip.

Jiang Ling: "That's good, I can try Miss Qingshuang's handicraft."

 The previous chapters have been blocked. The editor may not be at work today. He has been calling for help since the morning, but there is still no response. The author can only publish the later chapters first.To save everyone from waiting.

(End of this chapter)

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