River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 221 Request from Honghe

Chapter 221 Request from Honghe
near noon,

Jiangling and Hexiang went to Qingshuang's residence.

Qingshuang came out from the back kitchen, greeted the two of them into the house, served tea, and went off on her own.

"Miss Qingshuang, do you want me to help you?" He Xiang offered to help.

"No need, Miss Hexiang is a guest, so there is no reason for you to do it. Just drink tea with Mr. Jiang and wait a while, it will be fine in a while."

Jiang Ling told her to sit down and wait.

In a flash, about half an hour passed.

Before the frost came out, there was the sound of tinkering in the back kitchen.

After another incense stick, Qingshuang came out of the back kitchen biting her lip, full of embarrassment.

Jiang Ling: "What's wrong?"

Qingshuang brushed her hair around her ears, and a few "black beards" appeared on her face for no reason: "Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, that... that, or, let's go to the restaurant."


Qingshuang lowered her head, but she was honest: "I... didn't get angry."

In recent days, because she has to live on her own, she has learned how to cook from Aunt Sun seriously, and she thinks she has learned one or two dishes.

However, she forgot that she only learned how to cook at that time, but she didn't learn how to make a fire.

She also tried various methods just now, and sometimes the fire was lit, but it went out again after a while.

After adding more firewood, when she went to wash the vegetables, the fire would still go out.

In short, she really felt as if she was too busy alone.

Jiang Ling couldn't help laughing when he heard that, He Xiang also covered his mouth and laughed.

"My lord, don't make fun of me." Qingshuang was full of shame.

Jiang Ling stood up and said, "There's no need to go to the restaurant, since Miss Mao'er didn't get angry, then I'll do it."

Qingshuang: "How does this make it happen, the young master is a guest, how can I let the young master make a move?"

Jiang Ling: "I'm not going to make a move. At noon today, we probably won't have anything to eat."

Qingshuang: "Yes...you can go to the restaurant."

Jiang Ling: "To be honest, the restaurant's dishes are not as good as mine." He rolled up his sleeves and went to the back kitchen without any explanation.

He Xiang also echoed at this time: "Yes, sir's craftsmanship is the best, Miss Qingshuang may learn a few things from him."

Qingshuang felt ashamed, so she had no choice but to follow to the kitchen.

I saw Jiang Ling squatting by the stove, first set up the firewood, and then stuffed it with something that kindled the fire.

After the fire was lit, the firewood burned easily.

"This fire is skillful. The middle must be hollowed out, and the firewood must be set up so that it can burn more and more vigorously. If you pile them all together and the stove lacks oxygen, the fire will burn naturally and then go out. "

There is a pot on the stove, and there is a large piece of meat in the pot.

Jiang Ling asked with a smile, "What kind of dish is this?"

Qingshuang faltered: "I... I learned from Aunt Sun, just... just boil it with water, put some salt and stuff it for a while, and then it can be eaten."

Ordinary people's cooking is extremely simple. Whether it is meat dishes or vegetarian dishes, the cooking methods are nothing more than boiling, steaming and deep-frying.

And frying is also very rare, because oil is scarce and expensive.

Jiang Ling fished out the meat, cut it into small pieces with a knife, fried the fat meat in a pan to get a layer of oil, and then deep-fried the small pieces of meat until the skin was golden.

And fry the sugar color with white sugar,

Add star anise, cinnamon and cumin.

Return to the pot and simmer. After half an hour, take out the pot and sprinkle with chopped green onion.A dish is considered complete.

Qingshuang stood aside and stared blankly, feeling like she had never seen such a dish before.

But it is full of color and fragrance, and it seems that it is indeed more attractive than the wine and food in restaurants.

"Have you learned?"

Those condiments just now were all brought by Jiangling.

In her kitchen, there is nothing but salt, sugar, ginger and garlic.

"I...learned...learned." She felt that she had learned it, but she didn't seem to have learned it.

Afterwards, Jiang Ling cooked three more dishes, which he thought were home-cooked dishes.

But in Qingshuang's view, they are all styles that have never been seen before.

In the end, he also cooked a haggis soup, and after serving it all out, four dishes and one soup were all done.

At the beginning, Qingshuang was serious about watching and studying in the kitchen, but when she saw behind, the more serious she was, the more confused she became.

In the end is to put the salt first, or put the salt last?

What else is stewed, what is fried, what is flavored...

She just thinks it is more difficult than learning the piano at the beginning.

After she came out and sat down, her mind was still in a mess, remembering and remembering, she probably only remembered the method of stir-frying vegetables, because that was the simplest.

"Miss Qingshuang, try it and see if my skills are better than restaurants?"

Qingshuang took a small slice, slowly, covering it with her hands, after tasting a small mouthful, her eyes suddenly lit up.

Jiang Ling asked with a smile, "How?"

Qingshuang took another piece of meat, and after tasting it, she was even more shocked.

She said in disbelief: "Young Master's craftsmanship is really good. Qingshuang thinks she has eaten all the dishes in all the restaurants in the capital, but none of them can compare with Young Master's craftsmanship."

He Xiang covered her mouth and smiled.

She was so amazed when she first tasted Jiangling's handicrafts, so much so that now, her mouth has also followed suit.

At this time, she looked at Qingshuang and leaned forward and back with a smile.

Qingshuang was puzzled: "Miss Hexiang, why are you laughing at me?"

He Xiang clutched her stomach, unable to speak out.

Jiang Ling said: "Because the cat girl is quite beautiful at this time."

Qingshuang was taken aback for a moment,
Cat girl?

Thinking of the first time Jiang Ling said she was a cat girl, it was in the vegetable field, when she accidentally smeared the mud stains on her face.

And now...

She suddenly got up, went back to the room, and looked in the mirror.

My God, it should be that when I was burning the fire before, I didn't pay attention, and my face was smeared black.Several black beards.

No wonder He Xiang has been laughing!
Qingshuang covered her face, feeling that she was too ashamed.

Water was fetched, and he quickly washed his face before returning to the dining table, his beautiful eyes glared at Jiang Ling with resentment: "My lord is a bad person."

Jiang Ling: "How can I be a bad person?"

Qingshuang: "It's no wonder that the young master was always laughing secretly before, so I knew that Qingshuang's face was stained with black charcoal, but he didn't say anything."

Jiang Ling laughed and said, "It's my fault, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

At this time, several policemen suddenly arrived outside the house.

Looking at his clothes, he seems to be a Honghe eunuch.

Qingshuang got up and asked them what happened.

Those few people were straightforward, so they asked her to go out to receive the invitation, saying that there was a banquet tonight, and they invited her to play the piano for fun.

Qingshuang apologized: "The little girl has left Yanyu Pavilion, you should hire someone else."

Playing the piano at the banquet to add to the fun, to put it bluntly, is to show one's face, show off, and if there is a big shot, you may have to stay with the room.

Qingshuang is now free, and of course she will not enter such an occasion again.

But the messenger snorted coldly and said, "You don't have to drink a toast? Do you know what the occasion is tonight? The reception for foreign guests is quite big. It's your honor to ask you to go. You have to go if you don't. Today If you don't come before midnight, you will bear the consequences."

Leaving the invitation card behind, the policemen left without waiting for her to say more.

(End of this chapter)

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