Chapter 223

Honglu Temple was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the lanterns had already been hung up before it was dark, which was very festive.

Whether it's entertaining foreign guests or routine etiquette, if you want to hold a banquet at Honglu Temple, the guards outside must be strict.

At this time, some ministers also came in twos and threes.

Like Qingshuang, she can't go through the door, but has to enter through the side door.

Besides her, there were many other women who were invited to perform tonight.

When Jiang Ling sent her to the side gate of Honglu Temple, a red carriage came windingly.When the car stopped, Pingting stepped out of the car with a charming woman.

She was wearing a white fairy dress, embellished with radiance.

With the help of the maid, Hu'er looked back, saw Qingshuang in the distance, and called her sister with a smile.

Qingshuang didn't feel close to her sister, she just nodded in response.

Jiang Ling: "With acquaintances, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Qingshuang: "That's Miss Miaoyu from Qingxiang Pavilion."

It turned out that she was Miaoyu.

Some people say that the oiran of the capital, Qingshuang's music, and Miaoyu's dance can be called double masterpieces.

Judging by her appearance, Ms. Miaoyu is indeed worthy of the name of an oiran dancer.

The waist is willow slender, the jade legs are long and slender, while being slender, the upper body is plump.At the white neckline, there seemed to be an unstoppable surge that was about to come out.

Compared with Qingshuang, she looks a lot more petty, probably because Qingshuang is too thin and can only be regarded as a skinny beauty.

Jiang Ling suddenly smiled: "Could it be that you don't get along with her?"

Qingshuang: "I used to belong to the Yanyu Pavilion, and she belonged to the Qingxiang Pavilion. They each belonged to each other. It's hard to say whether they are in harmony or not. They just know each other, and the friendship is not deep."

Speaking of which, there was a doorkeeper at the side door, probably impatient, and urged the performers to go in quickly.

Qingshuang thanked Jiang Ling and went to the entrance.

Jiang Ling called her, and handed her a short whistle cut from green bamboo by the river.

"Young master, this is..."

"Give it to you, won't you dislike it?"

Qingshuang smiled gently: "How come? Since it is a gift from the young master, Qingshuang should cherish it."

Jiang Ling: "If you are in trouble, just blow this whistle, and it may help you out."

Qingshuang nodded and thanked her, only then did she know his intentions.

After she turned around, Jiang Ling threw out a paper figurine, the paper figurine ran after Qingshuang, stuck to her skirt, followed her, and entered the side door together with the others.

Then, the side door was closed.

The place where Honglu Temple is located is also deserted, at such a time, there is almost no one on the street.

Just in front of Honglu Temple, 20 meters away on a memorial archway, Jiang Ling jumped up and lay down on it.

When he closed his eyes, the paper man who entered Honglu Temple with Qingshuang's skirt became his eyes and ears.

It can be seen that Qingshuang was first led into a room with Miaoyu and others,
Here, there are many exquisite costumes that can be changed.

Like Qingshuang, she is only wearing a plain skirt, which is not going to be a big show.

Although Miaoyu is pretty, but her attire is just casual on a flower boat. If she wears vulgar clothes at such diplomatic banquets, wouldn't it be ridiculed by foreigners?

Therefore, they all asked to choose a set of clothes here to change into.

Thus, Jiang Ling passively saw many naked bodies swaying in front of his eyes.

After a round of reading, the most expected one is indeed Miss Miaoyu.

But what surprised him the most was that after Qingshuang took off, her body was not too petty.

Although it is not as proud as Miaoyu, it is just right when it is slender.

After only two glances, Luo Qun covered the paper figurine, making Jiang Ling invisible.

When the paper figurines finally struggled out of the women's clothes, they were almost all changed.

At this time, Miaoyu looked at Qingshuang with a smile: "I heard that my sister is a free person now?"

Qingshuang responded softly: "En."

Miaoyu: "My sister is lucky. Yanyu Pavilion is willing to let her go. That is very good. And when my sister came, she seemed to be accompanied by someone. Could it be my sister's confidant?"

Qingshuang glanced at her, although Miaoyu's words seemed to be caring, but inside and outside the words, she still heard a kind of teasing inside.

The answer Miaoyu wants is probably that after she regains her freedom, she will not live well.

That's the only way she can be superior in her heart.

Qingshuang certainly wouldn't let her go her way, and said: "Yes, with the company of my beloved, even if I live a poorer life in the future, it will be ten times better than before. On the contrary, my younger sister, who spends every day in the Qingxiang Pavilion with others Hypocrisy, when will you meet a sincere person?"

After saying this, Miao Yu's complexion was not so good-looking.

Miaoyu: "My sister is drunk in love, but you have to be careful, don't be cheated of money and body and mind in the end. In the past, such cases are not uncommon."

Qingshuang fastened the bow on her chest, thinking of a certain figure in her mind, and said in a huff: "He... probably won't."

After changing clothes, I waited quietly in the side room.

It was about waiting for an hour before someone came to summon them to perform on stage in batches.

Qingshuang and Miaoyu were left at the end, and as the finale, they were asked to have a musical dance together tonight.

Jiangling's paper figurines were quietly pasted on Qingshuang's skirt again,
In the end, she also followed Qingshuang before entering the banquet hall.

In the banquet hall, officials sat together, there were dozens of people.Sit in two rows.

The performers, on the other hand, perform in the aisle of the atrium.

Jiang Ling looked at it, and felt that it was no different from the drinking games of later generations.Just eating and drinking.

Among those officials, Cai Yongning was also among them. He chatted happily with foreign envoys and laughed endlessly.

While drinking, he also explained the performance in the hall with foreign messengers.

There are six foreign envoys, and they seem to be quite satisfied with today's reception.

In Cai Yongning's commentary, their eyes were fixed on those beautiful women.

Such white skin and soft body are worthy of being a Central Plains woman, and they are much more delicate and beautiful than the desert grassland women in the North.

Cai Yongning saw what they were thinking, so he said to them: "If you like it, you can let it stay tonight. We don't have many other things in the Yong Dynasty, and we have as many beauties as we want. "

When the six messengers heard this, they immediately felt better.

It seems that after looking around, each of them pointed out the girl they were looking for.

Half an hour later, it was Qingshuang Miaoyu's turn to perform.

As the finale of the second daughter, as soon as they appeared, the eyes of many officials looked straight.

If the previous women were all beauties, then these two women could be considered fairies.

The figure is soft and graceful, and the face is clear and sweet.

As Qingshuang plays the qin, Miaoyu's clothes, feathers and sleeves spread out, like an elegant white crane, coming from the clouds.

Qingshuang sings, she dances.

The sound of the piano is soft and sublime, and the dance is gorgeous and ethereal.

Everyone enjoyed it, and there was no sound in the arena for a while.

Maybe it was because the two performed so well that they thought it was a song and let it go, but some officials called for another song.

Qingshuang and Miaoyu are little girls after all, and if officials don't tell them to stop, they will naturally not be able to stop.

So the tune is played again, and the dance moves again,
After playing three songs and three dances in succession, seeing that Miaoyu couldn't move anymore, she let the second daughter back down.

When they saw them off, the six envoys were still full of thoughts, and several people pointed to the backs of the two women: "These two women are not bad, quite good."

Cai Yongning smiled slightly: "Since it's good, then it should be arranged for the distinguished guests."

He clapped his hands, and someone immediately knew what to do next.

The envoy toasted happily: "Mr. Cai is indeed our best friend!"

(End of this chapter)

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