Chapter 224
The girls returned to the dressing room, and after changing their clothes, they wanted to go back one after another.

At this time, there was already a curfew and no one was allowed to move around on the street.

But these women who attended the banquet were all allowed to pass temporarily by holding notes from Honglu Temple for special reasons.

Miaoyu was a little relieved: "Fortunately, I can go back."

After changing the clothes and skirts, when I went out, I saw that several women were being held back.

A master of ceremonies at Honglu Temple led four guards and held a book in his hand. Anyone who read his name would stay first.

The girls believed it, so they asked questions.

The master of ceremonies smiled and said: "Of course there is a reward. Anyone who can read their names will be the best performer tonight, and they should be rewarded. Those who can't read their names can take the note and go back first."

Hearing this, some people are happy while others are sad.

Those who are worried are those women whose names have not been pronounced.

For tonight's performance, let alone no pay, they are still hungry.

Those who are happy, three or four people, are rejoicing and complacent.

Qingshuang and Miaoyu went out together, but she didn't hear her name from the master of ceremonies, both of them looked at each other and smiled.

Rewards or no rewards, the two girls don't think much of it. The best result of such a performance is to end quickly and leave quickly.

The two girls were about to go to get the slips with those who couldn't read their names, when the master of ceremonies suddenly shouted: "Qingshuang, Miaoyu, you two are also on the list, come with them and follow me."

The two women looked at each other again, and both saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

That's right, even those women have chosen ones.As the leader of the flowers, the two of them will have a combination of piano and dance tonight, and their accomplishments should be far higher than theirs.

If you read their names, no matter what, the two of them will not be missing.

Following the master of ceremonies through a long courtyard, he stopped at the mansion. Afterwards, he read the name again and asked the woman who had read the name to wait in the room.

Miaoyu and Qingshuang are in the same room.

After entering the room, I saw that it should be a bedroom with a bed, which is very spacious.

The layout of the room is also extremely luxurious.

Miaoyu was curious, so she asked why she was waiting in this room?
The master of ceremonies also didn't explain: "I told you to wait, you just wait, no need to ask."

After speaking, he asked the guard to close the door.

Qingshuang wanted to resist, but the face of the master of ceremonies suddenly turned cold: "You two, are you going to make trouble?"

Qingshuang leaned forward and said: "So that adults can know that the little girl is sick, and it's time to go back and take medicine. The reward, the little girl will give up, okay?"

Miaoyu also said: "Miaoyu is not necessary, I just hope to go back soon."

The master of ceremonies sneered: "Go back? Why do you go back? You two will stay here tonight. When the messenger returns later, you should take care of me. If you neglect me, I will not spare you."

When Qingshuang heard it, sure enough, there is no good banquet, no good invitation.

These officials left them here to treat them as prostitutes and spend the night with the envoys from the northern kingdom.

At this time, the women in the other rooms may have discovered the clues belatedly.I also want to go out.

But the guards guarded the door, and when they saw anyone, they drew their knives and threatened them to go back.

"What are you pretending to be? You are all from brothels, and sleeping with men is what you should do. You must know that the envoys of the Northern Kingdom are honorable, if you can please them, you will be indispensable to the glory and wealth, but if you don't know the image, That will definitely not be fruitful for you. I will warn you one last time, if anyone dares to walk out of this door, there will be no eyes for swords and swords outside, and there will be blood."

Leaving these words behind, the master of ceremonies walked away in a huff.

Only a few guards were left standing outside, watching the door.

Qingshuang and Miaoyu had no choice but to go back to their room and sit.

Thinking that she would suffer such a result, Qingshuang couldn't help feeling sad.

In the final analysis, she is different from others. She has redeemed herself and regained her freedom, and she is no longer a prostitute.

But even if they are still in the dust, like their oirans, they are also geisha, with an innocent body, and they will not easily spend the night with others.

Now being forced, it is inevitable to feel sad.

Jiang Ling "sees" here, but he is not surprised.

He wanted to pick up Qingshuang, but suddenly, on the top of the archway, he saw twenty or thirty men in black approaching quietly in the night.

They are all armed with swords, sneaking around, and the direction they are going is Honglusier.

Honglu Temple entertained the foreign envoys this time in order to seek a peace oath, but if the foreign envoys were killed in Honglu Temple, the peace seeking might not be possible.

"Really Yishier!"

Jiang Ling sighed slightly, just now through the eyes of the paper figurine, he saw that the three fires on Cai Yongning's head were still vigorous, like the sun in full bloom.

This shows that it has become a fixed number for Dayong to seek peace with the North Kingdom.

Tonight, these righteous men may return without success, and even die here.

After all, there are quite a few guards at Honglu Temple at present, the Holy One attaches great importance to this peace, and specially sent elite soldiers to guard here.

Right now, outside Honglu Temple, although it looks cold, there are only six or eight soldiers, but inside, a lot of armor is hidden.

And this is near the south gate, once there is a commotion, the guards at the south gate can come to help with weapons in a very short time.

There are only 30 of these righteous men, and their strength is too little.If one strike fails, the entire army will be wiped out.

'It is unbearable to lose power and humiliate the country. Although Cai Yongning's luck is high, the luck of those envoys is normal. '

Jiang Ling didn't know who these people were, but he was willing to help them accomplish this great event.

'You risk your life to do this assassination, then let me help you! '

Jiang Ling took out two yellow talismans, shook his hand a little, and thick smoke rose from the talismans.

Just pointing at the mouth, blowing lightly, the ashes fell, and unexpectedly brought a gust of wind, which suddenly blew up.

"go with!"

The wind is blowing and the dust is flying.

The dead leaves on the street were scraped and danced wildly.

The guards at the gate of Honglu Temple were blinded by the wind.

Seeing this situation, the masked men who came stealthily made a decisive decision and made a gesture to the leader, and they rushed out of the darkness immediately.

The crossbow arrows were fired frequently, and the eight guards outside Honglu Temple all fell down in an instant.

one hit,
Everyone was overjoyed, and the leader shouted again: "Kill the country's thieves, kill the North Dog! Follow me to kill!"


Two or thirty people filed in and entered the main gate.

In just a moment, the Honglu Temple was ablaze with flames, and there was an endless stream of metal and iron clanging.

As soon as there was a slight noise, the armor hidden in the temple came out in formation.

Twenty or thirty righteous men will be crushed without even breaking through the second door.We are losing ground.

It was about to fall into a tight siege, and the whole army was wiped out.

In Jiang Ling's hand, the yellow talisman suddenly appeared again: "What if I can help you again?"

He chanted a mantra in his mouth [Xiang Wangyu, Overlord of Western Chu, shows his true power in chasing the stag, go! 】

Please recite the divine mantra, the yellow talisman flew away with the wind like a dead leaf, drifted past the main gate of Honglu Temple, and suddenly landed on a man who had injured his leg and planned to die with the enemy.

No one saw how the yellow talisman floated,
As soon as the yellow talisman was attached to his body, his whole body suddenly felt like an electric shock.

Then he raised his head to the sky and let out a deafening roar.

Everyone was surrounded, he shouted angrily, stepped forward, grabbed a pillar from the aisle, and uprooted it.

That pillar weighed hundreds of catties at least, and he pulled it out angrily, sweeping away thousands of troops, unstoppable!

With just one wave, more than ten armors were overturned to the ground.

Hard to open a way out.

(End of this chapter)

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