River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 225 Killing traitorous ministers and killing Beigou

Chapter 225 Killing traitorous ministers and killing Beigou
"Cai Xiang is really good at predicting things. I didn't expect these thieves to be so bold that they dared to come to Honglu Temple to make trouble. Today, we must let them come with their lives and come back with their lives."

Several officials followed Cai Yongning, seeing the crowds of soldiers in front of them, they couldn't help laughing.

"How many thieves are there?" Cai Yongning said calmly, playing with two jade walnuts in his hand.

An official said: "About thirty or so, not even one-third of the guards we hid in Honglu Temple, it's really a daydream for such a small number of people to dare to come and assassinate."

"Don't worry, Prime Minister Cai, none of these people will be able to leave."

Cai Yongning: "Keep alive, I want to know who is behind them."


After an official took the order, he went to deliver a message, but halfway through the run, he suddenly saw a huge pillar in front of him being rammed by someone.

In the first form [sweeping thousands of troops], the guards, crowded with people, were overturned to the ground like ants.

What's more, being hit by a pillar, his chest was sunken on the spot, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

There were also people whose heads were smashed out of their brains and died suddenly.

When this scene happened, not only the officers and soldiers were shocked, but even the rebels themselves seemed to be in shock.

Originally, they had become the fish in the urn, but under the great power of this colleague, the situation was reopened in an instant.

Seeing this, the leader gritted his teeth, and took advantage of the situation to launch a charge: "Kill the treacherous officials, punish Beigou!"

"Kill traitors, kill Beigou!"

The remaining [-] or so people were aggressive, and under the bravery of their comrades, they were as powerful as a bamboo, and within a quarter of an hour, they entered the two doors.

The faces of the officers and soldiers have changed, and no one can go straight to the front.

I was so scared that I fell back again and again.

Have they ever seen such a fierce man?

A pillar of five or six hundred catties can be manipulated like an arm, and no fancy moves are required. As long as it is swept left and right, no one will dare to approach it within three feet.

"Shoot the arrow and kill this beast!"

Some archers stepped forward, drew their bows and shot arrows, and the arrows rained like rain for a while.

The brave man was hit by several arrows, but his tiger eyes turned scarlet red.

With a yell, he grabbed the [-]-jin pillar and threw it at the group of archers.

The pillar fell from the sky, and with just one blow, dozens of officers and soldiers were crushed to death.

Then, the brave tiger rushed forward, spread his arms and clamped the heads of the two people. After shouting loudly, he forcibly pulled their heads off from their necks.

blood gushing,

It's all over the place.

This scene made everyone tremble and tremble with fear.

Seeing this, Cai Yongning and several other officials could not help but twitch their calves. They suddenly felt something bad, and hurriedly shouted: "Cai Xiang, let's go, let's go quickly, this place may not be safe."

Cai Yongning didn't take any risks, he turned around and left, but his expression suddenly became strange.

Such a brave person, mortals can't do it!
And this scene seemed familiar.

He had seen similar people on Tianxing Mountain in Linzhou County.

It can be called the enemy of all people!
Why, now that I'm in the capital, I met such a person again?

"Kill traitors, kill Beigou!"

With the brave men opening the way, the twenty or so people were unstoppable and had already rushed to the backyard.

Someone saw Cai Yongning from afar and shouted loudly: "Cai Gou is here, kill him first!"

A large number of officers and soldiers rushed out to intercept them: "Stop them, shoot them to death with arrows."

"Don't let them come over."

The officials were about to leave through the back door, calling for more guards at the top of their voices.

After all, there were more armors deployed today, and with a shout, hundreds of people gathered in the backyard.

For a moment, arrows rained down, shooting past.

Half of the more than twenty rebels fell down in an instant.

Seeing that the remaining half was about to die under the arrows, suddenly that brave man also rushed in.

He stepped forward quickly, facing the arrow, and was shot into a hedgehog, but he did not fall down.

Picking up two simple knives, with both knives in hand, it was like a meat grinder, and rushed into the crowd again.

Wherever he went, there were corpses in pieces, and the two simple knives sent sparks flying everywhere.

Dozens of heads were chopped off, even the blades were curled up.

Cai Yongning and others hurried away,
But the brave man suddenly seemed to be staring at them, and killed them in a straight line, and the corpses flew up in pieces.

In the end, he shot a simple knife, which pierced through the two officials.

Cai Yongning's face was pale, and his body was dripping with cold sweat. Seeing that the brave man was about to chase after him, he immediately closed the door after he went out.

Several officials were behind, all blocked.

After exiting the back door, he got on his horse and galloped away.

The brave man came to fight with a knife, and when he reached the door, the blood on his body was drained, and the yellow talisman on his body suddenly ignited and turned into ashes.

After he died, his body did not fall, but he still stood.

The surviving officers and soldiers in the backyard only dared to form a formation far away, and did not dare to approach easily.

In the end, the remaining seven rebels took this opportunity to go to the back door and hacked to death the few officials who hadn't escaped.

They panted violently,
"Caigou has already run away, so Beigou should have been arranged to leave long ago."

"It's a great pity that I lost so many brothers today and couldn't kill him."

"Right now, should I kill or keep?"

There are six people, all looking at the leader.

They dared to participate in the assassination tonight, and they had already risked their lives.

Right now, as long as the leader gives an order, even if they are to die here, there will be no complaints.

The leader, however, judged the situation and said: "It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. If the south gate guards come over, none of us will be able to leave. We brothers are all men, and we cannot die here in vain."


After yelling to go, they went to call the brave man.

The brave ones are called Huzi, and when the back door is opened, they call Huzi.

"Tiger, let's go."

But Huzi's blood has been shed, and the forty or fifty arrows on his body have long since passed away.

The leader went over and touched him, but as soon as he touched his body, he fell down.

Seeing this, the leader knew the situation, turned around and left.

And watching the tiger fall down, those officers and soldiers lost their fear and cheered up.

"Don't let these thieves run away, chase them!"

"The whole city is encircled and suppressed, and no one will be spared."

In Honglu Temple, the officers and soldiers searched everywhere, looking for the thief who might not be dead but had already gone into hiding.

Most of the people chased out of the temple and followed the trail of the seven people.

Those seven people ran to the river, at that time, the guards of the south gate had already arrived.It happened to form a two-sided attack with the officers and soldiers of Honglu Temple.

It should be noted that this is within the capital.

The chances of assassinating within the capital and escaping alive afterwards are extremely small.

Such a result, in fact, they themselves have already known it in their hearts.

"It looks like I can't escape."

"If you can't run away, you can't run away. At worst, you will die."

"Even if I'm dead, I'll have to bring in two more supporters. Although I failed to kill Cai Gou and Bei Gou tonight, I also hacked to death two dog officials with my own hands, which is considered a profit."

"Brothers, we will be brothers again in the next life, and hope that in the next life, we will never be bullied by that northern dog again in this magnificent world!"

Several people fisted together, tied their belts tightly, and prepared to fight for their lives.

But at this moment, a paper crane suddenly flew out of nowhere and hung above their heads.

The paper crane fluttered its wings and uttered the human words - "Don't worry, righteous men, if you want to leave alive, come with me."

After the paper crane spoke the human words, it flew forward slowly.

The seven people were startled and looked at each other.

A crane made of paper can fly and speak!

The leader suddenly thought of something: "Where is the expert helping you secretly? Please also tell us your name, we will thank you with life and death."

Zhihe said: "What do you say to thank you for life and death? You are so passionate, you can't bear to be buried here, and follow along, don't speak any more words. Words break the law, break the law and people die, remember! Remember!"

The seven looked at each other again, and finally chose to follow.

The paper crane flew in front, and suddenly passed in front of a group of officers and soldiers majestically.

The seven people were behind, hiding in the darkness, and dared not follow them out for a long time.

If they didn't leave, the paper crane stopped.

After hesitating for a while, the leader finally bravely stepped out of the darkness and appeared in front of the officers and soldiers.

The distance between them and the officers and soldiers is only six or seven feet.

However, with paper cranes leading the way, those officers and soldiers seemed to be blind, so they couldn't see them.

The seven of them walked under the moonlight together, and the officers and soldiers just passed by in a hurry without looking at them more.

The seven people were shocked and amazed, secretly happy in their hearts.

The leader put his finger up and kept silent, reminding everyone that he followed the paper crane for a few miles, and the paper crane disappeared in the dark.

At this time, the seven people also broke away from the encirclement and suppression, but they could not find the paper crane, so they had to disperse in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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