River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 226 Qingshuang, I'll Pick You Up

Chapter 226 Qingshuang, I'll Pick You Up
Jiang Ling lay on the gate of the archway, looking at the bright moon in the sky.

The officers and soldiers under him kept shuttling back and forth several times.

Although the foreign envoy left early to avoid danger tonight, the six officials of Honglu Temple were buried under the knife of the assassin.

This is not only a provocation to the court, but also a rebellion against the king's law.

At Xu time,
All major roads were blocked, especially in the area of ​​Honglu Temple, where many households were searched door-to-door by the officers and soldiers.

After Honglu Temple was tidied up, several carriages drove over.

The daughters of Qingshuang Miaoyu who were previously locked in the room were brought out by the master of ceremonies.

to the carriage,

I'm going to run away from here.

Most likely it will be sent to the foreign envoy again.

What happened tonight, on the woman's side, she couldn't be negligent, it spoiled the mood of the foreign envoy.

Seeing this, Jiang Ling sighed slightly.

With Qingshuang's stamina, when Yanyu Pavilion's mother asked her to marry Boss Ma, she would rather die than obey, even if she threw herself into the river, she would not accept it.

With such a temperament, one could imagine that if she was really sent to the envoy's room to be defiled by the envoy, in order to be innocent, she would die to prove her will.

Suddenly, he took out the scroll from his body, and only blew on a white crane.

Just like when he was in the Longevity Realm, the white crane fluttered out of the painting.

He jumped up and sat cross-legged on the white crane's back, ready to fly far away.

At that time, Qingshuang Miaoyu had just got into the carriage, and the driver was also a brave soldier.

The master of ceremonies led the way on horseback, and asked them to follow behind, heading for the northern city.

And Jiang Ling took the white crane and flew towards the west Huhe, only turned around and called out—【Come】!
The carriage that Qingshuang Miaoyu was riding in suddenly reversed direction and chased after him.

The two horses pulling the cart ran wildly.

The driver pulled the reins and shouted to stop, but how could the horse listen to him?

The more he stopped, the faster the horse ran.

"I'm blind, I told you to follow me, where are you going?"

The master of ceremonies chased after him: "Stop."

The driver looked innocent and flustered: "My lord, this horse is no longer in control. I can't hold it."

He tugged on the reins hard, and kicked in front of the two horses, almost flipping the cart over.

However, they still haven't stopped.

Soon, the carriage ran to the side of the west moat, near the small courtyard by the river.

Jiang Ling sat on the side of the road, drinking to the moon phase.

The carriage came to a stop two feet away in front of him.

The horse driver turned pale, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

He had no idea why the two horses suddenly went berserk and led him so far.

It stands to reason that these horses are the special cart horses for Honglu Temple, and they have always been docile and obedient.

It is rare for this to happen.

But he finally stopped. He was afraid that if the two horses went straight to the palace in the north city, it would be a serious crime of beheading.

But now, even though he has come to this remote place, it is not a big deal to go back the same way.


He pulled the rein to turn the horse.

But the horse stood still, shook his head, and just didn't move at the moment.

"Hey, it's really against you, two beasts, you treat us too well, don't you?"

The horseman raised his whip and whipped it down.

The whip crackled on the horse's rump.

Although the horse was in pain and frightened, he didn't move at the moment.

At this moment, Jiang Ling shouted to the carriage: "But Qingshuang is back?"

Qingshuang and Miaoyu in the carriage were pale at this time, they hadn't recovered from the fright of the horse running around.

Hearing this voice suddenly, Qingshuang recognized that it was Jiang Ling calling her, so she responded happily: "Young Master Jiang, it is Qingshuang."

Lifting the curtain, she revealed her face.

Looking outside, he was shocked again.

Under the clear moonlight, the surrounding environment is extremely familiar.

Isn't this... the small riverside courtyard by the Xihu River?

Why did the carriage run wild for a while, and finally arrived here?
Could it be that there are gods and Buddhas blessing in the dark?

"Since you're back, why don't you get out of the car? I've been waiting for you for a long time." Jiang Ling said.

"Oh." When Qingshuang saw him, she felt at ease.

When I got up, I had to open the curtain to go down.

But the driver refused, and blocked the way with a flick of the whip in his hand: "Go back to the car and sit down, who told you to get out of the car?"

Qingshuang: "Little brother, now that I'm home, let me get out of the car and go home."

Driver: "Go home? To what home? There are still arrangements tonight, and it's not your turn to go home yet."

He continued to pull the rein and drive the horse.

But the horse still didn't move, as if cast a holding spell, it remained motionless in place.

It only flicks its tail occasionally and hums from its nose, expressing its dissatisfaction with the whipping of the driver.

"Hey, you two beasts, I think you want to be slaughtered, don't you?"

He stood up and beat hard.

At this moment, the horse suddenly rushed forward a few meters. The inertia of the forward rush caught the driver off guard and rolled off the carriage.

Wait for the driver to get up from the ground,
I saw Jiang Ling walking towards the car,
When he got to the car, he said, "Come on down, I'll pick you up."

Qingshuang kept opening the curtain, her heart was warm and happy at this time, she gave a light "um" and wanted to go down.

The driver shouted angrily, and the whip in his hand whistled, and he swung it towards Jiangling.

"Where did you come from? You can also move the people in this car?"

Jiang Ling made a light move, and with a single grasp, he grabbed the whip.

Seeing that he dared to fight back, the driver immediately tried to pull back his whip.

He struggled to pull back both hands, but Jiang Ling was as stable as Mount Tai with only one hand, even if he was pulled, he couldn't move.

Suddenly, Jiang Ling let go of his hand, the driver couldn't hold back and fell backward.His head was bleeding.

With Jiang Ling's support, Qingshuang jumped off the carriage.

At this time, her heart was pounding like a deer,

Even though he knew that once he got out of this carriage, he might cause great trouble.

But if she didn't get out of the car, she could guess what would happen to her.

Since the big deal is death, why should we be afraid at this time?

"You are presumptuous, who are you? Do you know who they are?"

The horse drivers already knew that Jiangling was strong from the fight just now.

At this time, I dare not act recklessly, so I can only intimidate with words.

Jiang Ling didn't talk nonsense, just said: "Human, I'll take it. If you want someone from me, you can ask Cai Yongning to find me in person."

As soon as this remark came out, the people who drove the horse were shocked.

Even Qingshuang and Miaoyu were also surprised.

It should be noted that [Cai Yongning] is now the Prime Minister of the court, the majestic Cai Xiang, this person dares to call him by his name!
Miaoyu looked at Qingshuang in amazement, she was very curious about Jiang Ling's identity, but she was even more curious about why Qingshuang knew such a person.

Dare to challenge Cai Xiang, and call him by his first name, this person must have an extraordinary background.

Thinking of this, she suddenly got out of the car.

Thinking of dipping into the light of Qingshuang, to avoid tonight's calamity.

Jiang Ling only glanced at her, but didn't say anything.

Saving one is saving, saving two is also saving, there is no difference.

Just when Jiang Ling picked up Qingshuang and turned to leave, the two horses that had stood still before finally moved.

Instead of walking back, they roared and rushed forward again.

The driver was so anxious that he chased after him and shouted. Before leaving, he did not forget to take a few more glances at Jiangling.

This person, he wrote it down!
(End of this chapter)

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