River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 228 Miaoyu: You can come and find me, son

Chapter 228 Miaoyu: You can come and find me, son

At the end of the Xu Dynasty, Jiangling returned from the sunny place.

I saw a team of [Iron Bull Guards] on the road, wearing armor and holding knives, coming and going here dozens of times.

They are all like headless chickens, unable to find a way out.

Jiang Ling brushed past them, but they didn't investigate at all.

Jiang Ling knew that these people were looking for him,

Such a big event happened tonight, and he dared to take the two oirans away from under Cai Xiang's nose.How can he give up easily when he is so exposed to his might?
In order to guard against this, Jiangling arranged the [Dream Prayer Art] at the intersection.

[Tie Niuwei] As soon as you step in here, you will immediately feel like a ghost hitting a wall, going back and forth on the road, repeatedly.

"In order for people to have a good night's sleep tonight, you should take some more walks."

Seeing that a single piece of sandalwood at the intersection was about to burn out, he took out another piece of sandalwood from the Qiankun bag, lit the half-foot long sandalwood, and inserted it at the intersection.

In this technique, if the incense is not burned out, it will not be broken.

If the fragrance is exhausted, these Tie Niuwei are afraid that their legs will become weak and their whole body will be weak.

The next day,

see rain.

Spring rain has no rules, but it comes as soon as it is said.There is a lot of extravagance, moistening things silently.

"Sir, outside the door, there is a Taoist asking to see you."

Probably at the end of Mao's time, He Xiang entered Jiangling's room and told each other softly.

Jiang Ling stretched his limbs and opened his eyes, "Do you have breakfast?"

He Xiang smiled: "There are."

He hurriedly brought over the prepared meat porridge from the back kitchen, and brought clean water to wash Jiang Ling first.

After Jiang Ling washed up and finished his breakfast, he asked the Taoist: "What kind of Taoist is outside?"

He Xiang roughly described him as a man in his forties, wearing a black and white robe.

Jiang Ling was not in a hurry, and after a short rest, he walked out.

After leaving the courtyard gate, I saw a man in a black and white Taoist robe leading a boy at the intersection, staring at the burnt incense ashes.

Seeing him coming out, the Taoist smiled slightly, and after cupping his hands slightly, he said: "Little friend, what kind of senior person lives here, can you introduce me?"

Jiang Ling is suspicious, master?

The Taoist pointed to the incense ashes on the ground and said: "That expert has a good method. He trapped a team of [Iron Bull Guards] here for a full night with only a mere magic technique. If the expert hadn't been merciful, I'm afraid this A team of people will never see the dawn today."

He is a sensible person, if Jiang Ling really had murderous intentions last night, that team of Tie Niu Wei would surely die.

Jiang Ling: "Did Mr. Cai ask you to come?"

The Taoist smiled slightly: "Little friend is really an old acquaintance of the master, so he guessed it right away. Speaking of which, the master behind the little friend is my elder?"

[Tie Niuwei] is one of the three imperial court's imperial guards, only three of them can be mobilized, except for the emperor and the crown prince, the only ones left are the prime ministers of the court.

[Tie Niuwei] Trapped here for a whole night, once the news comes back, he is a fool, and he should have guessed that there is something wrong here in Jiangling.

Cai Yongning is a suspicious person by nature,

After he knew this, he thought of the Tianxing Mountain back then, and the Honglu Temple last night. It seemed that Jiangling's shadow was mixed behind it.

So, he invited this Taoist priest to check whether it is true or false, and to explore the depth of this place by the way.

When Jiang Ling heard this person's question, he also smiled.

Most likely, this person also saw him as young, so he didn't put many suspicions on him.

Only when he relied on his own elders did he have such ability.

Since the other party wanted to think so, Jiang Ling didn't bother to deny it, he just said: "Your Excellency is so curious about my elder, is it true that if I don't have this elder, you will bully me to the end?"

The Taoist smiled lightly: "My little friend is too worried. In the final analysis, my little friend is also an old acquaintance of the prime minister, so how could he deceive you?"

Jiang Ling: "Old acquaintances? It's not good to be old acquaintances of Mr. Cai, you must know, he likes to shoot arrows behind the backs of old acquaintances."

The Taoist was taken aback for a moment: "My little friend, you are joking, Mr. Cai, what is the reason for this?"

Jiang Ling: "You can go back and tell Cai Yongning that I have never forgotten the arrow shot in the back on Tianxing Mountain. If he still comes to provoke me, I will definitely not keep him."

The Taoist narrowed his eyes, "My little friend has a strong evil spirit. Since your elder is a cultivator, you should not interfere in this worldly affairs. Doing so is against the harmony of heaven. If you create cause and effect, you may be wronging yourself and others. "

Jiang Ling sneered and said, "It's against the harmony of heaven? If it's really against the harmony of heaven, then who planted the needles on General Gu's body and the wine worms in his son's body?"

The Taoist opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Jiang Ling: "Don't be in a hurry to deny it. I don't want to care about the affairs of the court and factional disputes. The rise and fall of a dynasty has its own determinants, and I don't bother to care about it. The one-shot revenge on Tianxing Mountain , I will report after all.

He Cai Yongning is very lucky now, I can spare him for the time being.When he loses his luck, I will take revenge for this arrow.

However, if he doesn't know how to play, he still has to provoke him.Then, I will try my best to add karma to destroy him. "

The Taoist brows twitched twice: "Little friend, are you serious?"

Cai Yongning's fortune is now so strong that he is at the height of the sun, and Jiang Ling's ability to say this made the Taoist believe that there is an elder hidden in his yard.

And last night, the team of Iron Bull Guards was easily trapped here, and they didn't get out of the ghost wall after walking all night. This also shows that if that expert is really angry, he really has the ability to kill Cai Yongning.

Jiang Ling: "Do you think I'm joking?"

The Taoist stared at him for a while, and moved his hand behind his back.

Suddenly, a cloudy wind blew.

It's a wild ghost who wants to rush to Jiangling.

Also at this time, in the small courtyard behind Jiangling, an iron sword smelled evil spirits, and came without a move.

With a buzzing sound, strike through the air and slash!

With a ding, he sliced ​​off Jiangling's shoulder, pierced the wild ghost's heart with an arrow, and nailed it to the ground.

In an instant, the wild ghost turned into thick smoke and dissipated in place.

In Jiangling, the wind is calm and calm, and there is no fear or worry.

When the Taoist saw it, he was amazed, and looked at the small courtyard, feeling more and more awed.

Immediately, he took three steps back and bowed towards the small courtyard.

Afterwards, he said to Jiang Ling: "I will pass on the words of my little friend. I don't think it's surprising that there are so many disturbances."

After saying this, he was afraid that he would be blamed, so he hurried away with the boy.

After a while,
On the small road in front of the courtyard, under an oil-paper umbrella, a beautiful woman came gracefully and gracefully.

Jiang Ling was about to go back to the hospital, when he saw the beautiful woman, he met her eyes.

Ms. Miaoyu bowed her body from afar, and thanked Jianglingdao for their help last night.

Jiang Ling: "Miss Miaoyu, are you going back?"

Miaoyu couldn't take it in last night, she ate a lot, and finally she felt bloated and uncomfortable, and she met Qingshuang until midnight, so she woke up a little later.

At this time, she seemed to have thought of the embarrassment of last night, and her face was slightly embarrassed: "I have to go back, and I came here specially to talk to the young master."

While speaking, she took off a phoenix-shaped pendant from her body and presented it with both hands.

Jiang Ling: "Miss Miaoyu, what do you mean by that?"

Miaoyu: "It's just a small gift, it's not a respect, please accept it, so Miaoyu will feel better."

Jiang Ling didn't want to accept it at first, but when the wind-shaped pendant got closer, he suddenly felt a little bit of spiritual power fluctuating inside.

Obviously, this pendant should not be very simple.

Just took it.

Seeing that he had accepted it, Miaoyu immediately smiled like a flower, bowed her body again and said, "Miaoyu is going back now, if you have spare time in the future, young master, you can come to Qingxiang Pavilion, Miaoyu will definitely entertain you."

(End of this chapter)

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