Chapter 238
After entering the palace for a while, I will return in a moment.

When Jiang Ling met the emperor, he was just a middle-aged man in his forties, and he was no different from ordinary people except that the fire of luck on his head was slightly stronger.

After meeting, Jiang Ling chatted with him a few words casually, then the emperor asked Eunuch Xu to send him out of the palace in person.

Jiang Ling didn't see a doctor, and he didn't know what to do, he just talked to the emperor - [The Holy One Became a Daughter of the Evil Duan's Family]!
Eunuch Xu didn't know why, but he still had to send Jiangling back to the small courtyard by the river according to the order.

He Xiang and Qingshuang waited for Jiang Ling's return, and were very curious about his trip.

But Jiang Ling's face was full of disappointment, and he said to them: "I thought that the current sage, since he is the supreme, should be different. When we met, he is just an ordinary man.

Then there is Liugong Fendai, I thought it should be a beautiful country, but I didn't expect that they are all ordinary women, and their colors combined are not as good as yours. "

He Xiang smiled and said: "Mr. must be joking. I don't know about others, but I have seen Mr. Duan. He has a graceful face and is very noble."

Jiang Ling just smiled and didn't explain.

The so-called face-to-face grace is just a big square face, although it is graceful, it has no sense of beauty in his eyes.

And this happens to be the standard for choosing a wife for a wealthy family in this era.

A small oval face like Qingshuang's is often called a foxy face, it can't be called graceful, and it can't be on the official stage.

All I can say is, "Extravagance can't be called beauty."

He Xiang: "Sir, what kind of beauty is it?"

Jiang Ling pointed to Qingshuang: "Miss Qingshuang is so beautiful."

When Qingshuang heard this, she lowered her head and blushed, and said in a timid voice, "My lord is joking."

But He Xiang booed from the side: "It turns out that Mr. likes sister Qingshuang."

Qingshuang was so ashamed that she could only turn around and hurried into the yard.

He Xiang giggled, and whispered: "Sir, sister Qingshuang seems to like you too."

Jiang Ling: "Don't be kidding, is the fish smoked?"

He Xiang nodded: "Sister Qingshuang is very diligent. She didn't know how to do anything at first, but she was willing to learn and do it, and now she can do it more quickly than me. It's just that her hands are hard, a good pair of hands playing the piano, Now there are injuries everywhere."

Jiang Ling: "Is she injured?"

He Xiang replied: "She cut her finger at home before, and I asked her to rest for a while, but she didn't listen, and she was poked by a fishbone a few times just now. It hurt so much that she shed tears and didn't say a word. "

Jiang Ling entered the yard, and saw Qingshuang was turning over the cured fish, piece by piece, meticulously.

And her hand was indeed injured in several places, and her right index finger was even wrapped in a silk scarf, which was stained red with blood.

Jiang Ling also suddenly realized, yes, those hands are playing the qin, how could they do such a job?

In fact, you don't have to do it yourself to bake cured fish, you can also hire someone to do it.

Immediately shouted: "Miss Qingshuang, take a rest."

Qingshuang smiled sweetly: "It will be over soon, after this time, it will probably be enough."

Seeing her not listening,

Jiang Ling had no choice but to walk over, took her hand, and took a closer look, there were no less than six wounds on the front and back of that white and slender palm.

Taking off the silk scarf on her right index finger, there was a half-inch wound, because she had been working all the time, the wound had turned white.

Seeing this, he dragged her into the room.

Qingshuang couldn't evade it, so she had to follow his domineering manner and follow him into the room.

After Jiang Ling asked her to sit down, he took out the medicine box, first disinfected it with iodophor, and then took a few pieces of band-aids and bandaged the wound with her.

Qingshuang watched him and herself taking the medicine in a daze, and suddenly asked in a daze: "My lord, why do you treat Qingshuang so well?"

Jiang Ling only said: "It's because I didn't think carefully, your hands are indeed two hands playing the piano, you shouldn't use them to do such rough work."

Qingshuang shook her head: "If you want to survive on your own, you have to use these hands. In fact, Qingshuang is not that delicate."

Jiang Ling said: "Then you don't have to do everything yourself. From now on, you and He Xiang don't have to do these things. Just hire someone to do them."

Qingshuang's beautiful eyes blinked, and her apricot head drooped slightly: "If you hire someone to do it, wouldn't Qingshuang be completely useless?"

Jiang Ling: "Who said it's useless? I'll open a cured fish shop in the future, and you can just be the female shopkeeper."

After the wound was bandaged, Qingshuang looked at her hands, then glanced at Jiang Ling's eyes, and said, "Do you treat all the girls like this?"

Jiang Ling: "Others are not as stupid as you. After so many injuries, they still don't know how to stop. You were just fine before, but if you get sick again because of the inflammation of the wound, you are the one to cry."

Qingshuang smiled thoughtfully, "It's actually quite good to be sick."

Jiang Ling heard this, and suddenly put his palm on her forehead.

Qingshuang was taken aback,
Jiang Ling said: "I don't even have a fever, why are you talking nonsense?"

Qingshuang chuckled, "It's not nonsense!"

Looking at each other deeply, she just smiled and said nothing.

When it was time to apply, Jiang Ling asked her to stay for dinner.

This time, Qingshuang gladly accepted.

after meal,

Jiangling asks Hexiang to send Qingshuang back.

He Xiang sent her to the door of the house, but just turned around, when she heard Qing Shuang screaming in the courtyard, looking at a certain place in the courtyard, frightened out of her wits.

He Xiang hurried over and asked her what surprised her.

Qingshuang held He Xiang's hand, didn't even dare to turn her head, only said that there was someone at the door of her room.


He Xiang looked at the door of her room, but the door was closed, and there was no one there: "No, there is no one. Sister Qingshuang probably misread."

Qingshuang heard it and turned her head in disbelief.Look towards the door of the room again.

As far as the eye can see,
She saw the old lady in black again, sitting there, smiling at her and waving at her.

Qingshuang was so frightened that she trembled all over, and screamed again, covering her eyes, not daring to look again.

Seeing her frightened like this, He Xiang hurriedly tried to comfort her.

Pushing open the courtyard door for her, looking inside: "There is really no one, Sister Qingshuang."

Qingshuang's voice trembled: "Just at the door of my room, there is an old lady in black."

He Xiang: "Really not."

Qingshuang turned her head again, but still saw the old lady in black at the door.At this moment, she still stood up and was about to walk this way.

Qingshuang was so frightened that her whole body went numb, she couldn't help but dragged He Xiang away from the courtyard gate.

He ran back to the courtyard by the river.

Seeing them go and come back, Jiang Ling laughed and asked why.

Sunshine is timid and silent,

He Xiang said strangely: "Sister Qingshuang said she saw an old lady in black at her house, and then she was frightened like this, but I didn't see anything."

While speaking, Qingshuang seemed to have sensed it, she turned her head suddenly, looked outside the courtyard gate, and there was another scream, she was so frightened that she hurriedly hid behind Jiang Ling.

He Xiang also looked outside the courtyard, but still saw nothing, with a dazed look on her face.

But when Jiang Ling also looked out of the courtyard gate, he also saw an old lady in black pacing forward, holding a cane and sneering.

He stretched out his hand from afar and swaggered towards this side.

(End of this chapter)

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