River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 239 Go Forward, Mo Zhangtou

Chapter 239 Go Forward, Don't Look Back

Jiang Ling yelled at the door, and the sound wave spread like a lion's roar, and the old lady in black was like a paper lantern, shattered into pieces.

At the same time, Qingshuang was also screaming, holding her head as if she had a splitting headache.

At the moment when the old lady in black shattered, she let out a scream, and then fainted on the spot and fell to the ground.

"Sir, Sister Qingshuang has passed out." He Xiang hurriedly helped her up.

Jiang Ling only stared at the door,

After a while, the shattered old lady in black suddenly condensed again.

She was still laughing there, and walked towards the courtyard.

The Demon Suppressing Sword that Jiang Ling kept at home did not trigger any reaction at this time.

"In the street before, I already let you go, but now you come to the door by yourself, could it be that you want to ask for trouble?" Jiang Ling shouted at her.

This old lady in black was none other than the one he met on the road when he came back from Qingxiang Pavilion.

He Xiang looked around, she didn't know who Jiang Ling was talking to, she just felt that there was a sudden wind in the yard, and it was a bit cold.

The old lady in black smiled coldly, and said to Jiang Ling: "I didn't realize that at such a young age, your morality is profound. But no matter how advanced your morality is, there will always be weaknesses. Now, I have caught your weakness. If you If you want to do it, you can try it and see if I die first or this gentle and beautiful little girl dies first."

Just now, Jiangling let out a Buddhist lion's roar.It not only shook the old woman's soul, but also knocked out Qingshuang.

At this time, he looked closely, and could already see a yin line branching out from the old woman's body, and this yin line happened to lead Qingshuang's body.

It became one with Qingshuang.

Therefore, if the old woman was hurt, Qingshuang's side would also be equally affected.

Jiang Ling turned his head to look at Qingshuang, under his special eyes, he could see that the dark lines in her soul sea were all over and intricate.

The black-clothed old woman's technique is indeed cunning and complicated.

Jiang Ling: "What do you want?"

The old woman in black: "I just want to get back my things, return the phoenix-shaped jade pendant to me, and I will let this gentle and beautiful little girl go."

The phoenix-shaped jade pendant has now absorbed the golden meat mushroom and Nie Qian's soul, waiting to be born.

No matter what, it is impossible to return it to her.

Jiang Ling: "If you take the initiative to come out and leave here, I will let you go and pretend that this never happened."

The face of the old woman in black suddenly became ferocious: "Now that your weakness has been taken care of by me, what stupid things are you talking about?"

Jiang Ling's expression didn't change, he just said: "You can still survive if you come out on your own initiative, but if I drag you out, then you won't want to be promoted again."

The old woman in black sneered and said, "Okay, I'd like to see how you drag me out. My soul has turned into tens of thousands of soul threads, and is entwined with this girl. If you pull it forcefully, the first one who will lose her soul will be she."

Jiang Ling stretched out his hand to move, and the iron sword in the room suddenly flew over from the air.

He held it in his hand, and slashed at the silk thread in the air.

Once the thread is cut, it will be broken.
But one was broken, and a second one was born.

And when the first one broke, Qingshuang frowned in a coma, as if in extreme pain.

Only then did Jiang Ling know that the old woman was not exaggerating.

'If there is a strong separation, the first person who can't hold on will be Qingshuang. '

"I said you, why bother?" He suddenly sighed.

The old woman in black said sharply: "Return the phoenix-shaped jade pendant to me. If you don't return it, this girl will die within three days. Once she dies, the other little girl beside you will definitely not be able to escape."

Jiang Ling: "Let's not talk about returning it to you, you will still use it to harm others. Just because this thing is useful to me now, it is impossible for me to return it to you. Besides, you used the wrong means in front of me. The worst thing in my life The hater is the one who threatens me."

The old woman in black shouted angrily: "If you don't return, I will make her life worse than death."

The old woman yelled and pulled the silk thread. Even in a coma, Qingshuang was so painful that tears flowed, and her limbs were twitching.

He Xiang still didn't know who Jiang Ling was talking to at this time, but felt that the atmosphere was weird, and he was afraid that something unclean had come.

When she saw that something was wrong with Qingshuang, she hurriedly reported to Jiang Ling: "Sir, Sister Qingshuang, something is wrong, what should I do?"

With a cold face, Jiang Ling asked her to put down Qingshuang: "Go cook a pot of raw rice."


"Go quickly."


He Xiang ran to the back kitchen, Jiang Ling stretched out five fingers and pressed Qingshuang's head to relieve her pain.

It was getting dark, and it was near the end of the unitary hour, He Xiang hurried out of the back kitchen with a pot of raw rice: "Sir, the rice is ready."

Jiang Ling picked up Qingshuang and walked out of the courtyard, "Follow me."

"Oh!" He Xiang followed closely with a pot of rice in his hand.

The old woman in black at the standing door saw Jiang Ling coming out, his aura forcefully forced her to back away.

After Jiangling left the courtyard gate, he found a century-old cypress along the bank of the river.

Under the tree roots, he dumped a whole pot of raw rice cooked by Hexiang on the ground.

Then he muttered something in his mouth: "Eat my food, help my strength, folks in the village, don't make any complaints."

After reading a word, several heads suddenly protruded from the tree.

Either young or old.

They are either people who drowned in the river here, or people who died short-lived outside, living in the century-old cypresses.

At this time, like starving ghosts, they took advantage of the night to climb out of the trees one after another, grabbed the raw rice on the ground and gulped it down.

Jiang Ling suddenly covered the raw rice with the lid of the pot, and said lightly to the air: "Eat my rice, help me, Qingshuang will eventually be counted as you and other next-door descendants, how can she be allowed to suffer within three inches of her homeland?" bully?"

In other words, all the ghosts looked at each other, probably knowing what it meant, each stretched out a hand, and grabbed a handful of silk thread from Qingshuang's body.

The soul thread that was originally messy and covered with Qingshuang Soul Sea, was grasped by more than a dozen pairs of ghost hands like this, and soon saw Qingming.

Seeing that the time had come, Jiang Ling suddenly patted Qingshuang on the back of the head three times to wake her up.

Qingshuang was ignorant, just woke up, her eyes were full of bewilderment.

Jiang Ling spoke again, and said to He Xiang: "Help her back, go straight, don't look back."

Qingshuang heard Jiang Ling's voice behind her, and just about to turn her head, Jiang Ling pressed her head: "Don't turn your head, go back with He Xiang, don't turn your head."

Although He Xiang didn't see anything, she knew what Jiang Ling was capable of, and since she ordered it like this, she absolutely obeyed.

Get up in a hurry, support Qingshuang: "Sister Qingshuang, let's go."

Qingshuang faintly felt that something was wrong, but she was obedient in the end, and with He Xiang's support, she walked back to the courtyard.

As she walked, a lot of silk thread fell off her body, Jiang Ling even grabbed a handful of the main soul thread himself, and nailed the soul thread of the old woman in black to the cypress tree with peach wood nails.

The old woman in black screamed horribly and jumped up, wanting to go back to Qingshuang.

But on the hundred-year-old cypress tree, more than a dozen evil spirits grabbed her by the soul and refused to let her go.And Qingshuang didn't look back, and never gave her a chance to get up.

Just like that, Qingshuang entered the courtyard.Jiang Ling took out a yellow talisman and shot it somewhere in the air.

The yellow talisman landed on Yinfeng and burned on the spot.

"I've already said all the good things. This result is your own fault, no one else."

As the shrill ghostly screams changed from sharp to indistinct, the old woman in black was finally wiped out.

Only then did Jiang Ling dump all the raw rice in the pot by the tree roots, and said calmly: "Eat it, finish it, don't harm others, those who harm others will eventually harm themselves."

He looked back,

There were more than a dozen people under the tree roots, with black eye circles and skinny bones, grabbing food with bare hands, eating happily.

(End of this chapter)

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