River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 240 Two Girls Night Chapter

Chapter 240
He Xiang brought Qingshuang back to the courtyard, remembering Jiang Ling's reminder, even when she reached the door, she didn't dare to look back.

Until Jiang Ling came back and said to Qingshuang: "It's alright, you won't see things you shouldn't see anymore."

With lingering fear in her heart, Qingshuang turned her head slowly, even though Jiang Ling had said so, she still didn't dare to look around: "My lord, did you also see that old lady?"

Jiang Ling nodded: "I have driven her away, you don't have to be afraid anymore."


Qingshuang lowered her head, looking at the late sky, her expression hesitated to speak.

Jiang Ling probably knew what she was thinking,
Sudden encounter with such a strange situation, she must not dare to go home tonight.Even when I went back, I couldn't sleep well all night.

Then he said: "It's already dark, if Miss Qingshuang doesn't dislike her, let's live with Hexiang tonight."

When Qingshuang heard this, she was overjoyed, but she still had a bit of shame on her face: "This... is this really okay?"

This was the first time for her to stay at someone else's house.

He Xiang was also very happy: "Very good, sister Qingshuang, you can stay here."

Jiang Ling smiled and said: "He Xiang is very courageous, if you sleep with her, you will probably not be afraid anymore."

Qingshuang giggled and should come down.

After that, they each went back to their rooms.

The lights in Jiangling's room were turned off after a while.

In the Lotus Fragrance Room, Qingshuang started whispering to her.

According to Qingshuang, it is early spring and the nights are cold.In big families, maidservants are usually required to warm the quilt, and it is not a problem to accompany the bed.

Then she asked, why didn't He Xiang warm Jiang Ling's quilt to accompany her in bed.As far as the maid is concerned, this is all her duty.

But when this matter was brought up, He Xiang felt a little aggrieved: "I mentioned it too, but Mister won't allow it."

Qingshuang was curious: "Why?"

He Xiang: "Mister said I'm still too young, I need to be two years older to be about the same."

Qingshuang: "Too small?"

It looks like a lotus fragrance, but it's not too small.

He Xiang: "I told you too..." She leaned close to Qingshuang's ear and whispered: "I told my husband that I've seen red, but he still doesn't allow it, he must make me grow two years older."

Feeling the airflow close to her ears, Qingshuang's cheeks flushed slightly: "Is it because you have other preferences?"

He Xiang shook her head and said: "The master said that my body has not yet fully grown, and it will be almost the same if I grow two years older. If I serve a man before my body has fully grown, it will cause great harm to my body."

Qingshuang was slightly taken aback: "That is to say, you have never accompanied the young master... to bed?"

He Xiang shook her head, and then she was overjoyed again: "It will be done in two years."

Qingshuang sighed with resentment: "Young master is considerate and considerate."

He Xiang giggled and said, "Mr. is fine."

Perhaps, as long as women get together, there will be endless topics to talk about.

Here at night, Hexiang and Qingshuang chatted from Youshi to Haishi.

Qingshuang and He Xiang talked about some interesting things about her in Yanyu Pavilion before, and He Xiang told her that she used to be a maid in Duan's family, including how she got here in Jiangling.

When the conversation got to the point where it started, the room was laughing and laughing.

It wasn't until the end of the child's hour that the two girls gradually calmed down, probably because of drowsiness, and they fell asleep separately.

the next morning,

The two women also got up early, made a pot of [La Mei Fish Nuggets], and were going to try it out on the street.

It was the first time to do this business, Jiang Ling was afraid that she would lose face, so he asked He Xiang to accompany her, carried her in a basket, and went to the street together.

After leaving the courtyard, they met Sun Dazhuang and Sun Auntie, mother and son, working in the vegetable field.

Qingshuang greeted her, then chatted and laughed with He Xiang and left.

Sun Dazhuang stared at Qingshuang's back foolishly, and finally heaved a long sigh.

Aunt Sun said: "You don't need to look any further. My mother has already said it. A woman like Qingshuang is used to seeing the world of flowers and flowers. How can she think of our farmer's family?"

Sun Dazhuang was silent, he actually delivered food to Qingshuang last night, but when he went, Qingshuang was not at home.

And this morning, he came to the vegetable field and saw Qingshuang come out of the courtyard by the river with his own eyes.

It is self-evident what it means to not return all night, but to go out from the small courtyard by the river in the morning.

Sun Dazhuang: "Mom, I know."

He picked up some vegetables in the vegetable field, and he suddenly carried them to the small yard by the river.

At that time, Jiangling also happened to come out, and the two ran into each other.

It was also a surprise that Jiang Ling saw Sun Dazhuang looking for him on his own initiative.

Before he could open his mouth, he saw Sun Dazhuang handing over several handfuls of green vegetables without saying a word.

Jiang Ling: "For me?"

Sun Dazhuang was probably not good at words, so he hummed.

"Then thank you very much." Jiang Ling did not refuse, and reciprocated, and also took two dried cured fish from the courtyard for him.

Sun Dazhuang didn't reach out to pick it up, "Qingshuang is selling this now, so I don't want it. I ate her fried fish cubes yesterday. I heard it was taught by Mr. Jiang. It's really delicious."

Seeing that he didn't accept it, Jiang Ling didn't force him to send it away either.

Then I heard him say: "Now that Qingshuang is with the young master, please ask the young master to treat her better. It's actually quite pitiful for her...to be alone."

Jiang Ling looked at him in surprise,

In fact, anyone can tell that Sun Dazhuang likes Qingshuang, but he and Qingshuang are indeed people from two worlds.

Now, judging by his appearance, he probably let it go.

It's just that he seems to have misunderstood.

But this is not necessarily a bad thing for Qingshuang.

Jiang Ling didn't explain, just smiled.

He also knew that Sun Dazhuang was an honest man at heart, so he didn't bother with him when he reported to the government last time.It was inevitable that people would misunderstand the situation that night.

He is willing to report to the government for Qingshuang, this kind of heart is rare.

After saying a few words, Sun Dazhuang took his leave and left.

Jiang Ling suddenly said, "I'm hiring you, do you want to do it?"

Sun Dazhuang looked back at him: "Mr. Jiang, what can I do to help? In fact, if there is something to do between neighbors, just let them know. It's nothing to do with a little effort."

Jiang Ling said: "Since you already know that Qingshuang is in the preserved fish business now, you should also know that as her business gets better and better in the future, the demand for preserved fish will also increase. She is probably too busy alone. Come. If you are willing to help, I promise you two taels of silver every month, how about it?"

Sun Dazhuang waved his hands and said, "Since we are helping Qingshuang, there is no need to talk about money. I watched Qingshuang grow up, and she is like my sister, so I should help her."

Jiang Ling: "One yard is worth one yard. If you don't charge money, it's hard to hire you. And two taels of silver a month, it shouldn't be too little."

Sun Dazhuang nodded: "I'm delivering goods to people in the city now. I've been busy for a month, and I've earned about the same amount of money. Mr. Jiang is willing to give two taels of silver, which is already doubled."

Jiang Ling: "Then it's settled?"

Sun Dazhuang: "Young Master Jiang, when do you need me to go to work?"

Jiang Ling: "Tomorrow."

After speaking, Jiang Ling put the green vegetables in the courtyard, and then parted ways with Sun Dazhuang at the intersection.

Sun Dazhuang watched him leave, and his heart was also complicated.

Looking at Jiang Ling's speech today, he is clearly a kind person, but when he thought of how he went to the government to sue him on impulse that day, he couldn't help but feel ashamed and uneasy.

 Thanks to [Lu Mingzhe] this new friend for the reward!Another chapter tonight!Author, come on!
(End of this chapter)

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