Chapter 243
The angry man pointed to the two with abdominal pain and said: "You want to stand up for them, right? My two brothers just ate this piece of fish, and their stomachache continued. This piece of fish must be unclean, or It was poisoned.

If you don't pay 200 taels of silver for today's matter, then let's go to the government and talk about it. "

Jiang Ling smiled slightly: "What are you using so many pretexts for? Blackmail is blackmail. Hurry up, it's nothing."

The flamboyant man chuckled: "You are rich, since you have no objection, then give me the money."

Jiang Ling asked He Xiang: "Did you bring any money with you?"

He Xiang handed over the basket: "I just sold it for 100 taels, and it's all here."

Looking at the basket full of silver ingots, Jiang Ling put the basket on the ground, "Since you want money, let them get it themselves."

Seeing that he was really so forthright, the brisk man immediately shouted, "It's only 100 taels, how can it be enough?"

Jiang Ling smiled and said, "Take the 100 taels and we'll talk about it."

The man immediately instructed the two brothers who were suffering from abdominal pain to get up and get the money.

These two pretended to be quite alike, ouching non-stop, getting up slowly, and were about to come over to get the money.

And Jiang Ling also added a sentence at this time: "If the abdominal pain is really caused by the fish pieces, even if I pay 200 taels, I have nothing to say. If you cheat, take me a tael of silver, and you will have an inch of intestines broken. You can take as much as you want."

The airy man chuckled, who is he scaring?

His two brothers' eyes lit up as soon as they touched the silver.

Regardless of Sanqi 21, just grab it in your hand vigorously.

But just as they grabbed the silver ingot in their hands, they suddenly felt a sharp pain in their abdomen, and they fell to the ground one after another.

His face turned pale from the pain, and he rolled over and over.

The airy man frowned, thinking that acting is enough, so why not?
But in addition to rolling over, the two of them also had cold sweat on their faces, their faces were distorted, and they took in more air and less air out.

It is obviously extremely painful.

Jiang Ling smiled and said: "Ill-gotten gains are not so easy to get. If you put down a couple of dollars, you will lose a penny of pain. You can figure it out yourself."

The two people who suffered severe abdominal pain were reluctant to let go of the money they got at first.

But as the pain in the abdomen was unbearable, after hearing Jiang Ling's words, they tried to loosen a handful of money.

Unexpectedly, after letting go of one hand, the severe pain in the abdomen really eased a lot.

When they returned all the money in their hands, the abdomen, even if it didn't hurt, didn't hurt.

For a moment, the two of them acted like a ghost. After putting down the money, they never dared to approach the basket again.

The angry man scolded them: "What are you doing? You don't want the money anymore? What are you going to do with it?"

The two looked at each other without speaking,

Although money is good, it is impossible to get this money.

Jiang Ling smiled and said, "If you want to take it, you can take it for them, and you can take as much as you can."

The airy man: "That's what you said."

He knelt directly on the ground, pocketed it with his clothes, and poured out all the silver ingots in the basket.

If you want him to take it, he will naturally take as much as he has, and he will not leave you a cent.

But just as he poured the silver into his pocket, suddenly, he screamed in pain, and he fell directly to the ground.Started to twitch.

sudden sharp pain,
It was like having dozens of knives cutting his intestines in his abdomen at the same time.


He howled and tossed and turned, worse than his two brothers.

Jiang Ling smiled beside him,

Qingshuang and Hexiang were surprised.

The man who had suffered before hurriedly shouted at this time: "Give back the money, this money is weird."

The irritable man couldn't bear it anymore, so he had to be obedient, and threw all the money back into the basket.

Strange to say,

After all the money was thrown out, the stabbing pain in his abdomen was gone.

The sluggish man felt terrified, hurriedly got up from the ground, and stepped back a few steps.

Jiang Ling looked at the three of them: "Do you want more? My family has a lot of money. If you want, you can come and get it at any time. It's the same sentence, you can take as much as you want."

The three of them looked at each other and swallowed wildly. How could they dare to ask for such weird money?
As soon as they pulled their legs, the three of them ran away in a flash.

The people watching the play were amazed.

Qingshuang was more than surprised, and seemed to want to ask, why is this so?

But after He Xiang was surprised for a while, her heart was suddenly stunned. When she looked at Jiang Ling again, she was full of admiration and admiration.

"Let's go, go back."

Jiang Ling held up his umbrella, the rain really started to fall now.

The two women followed him and held up umbrellas together.

Halfway home, Qingshuang couldn't help being curious and asked about what happened just now.

Hearing what she suspected, Jiang Ling smiled without saying a word.

He Xiang replied for him: "Sister Qingshuang, you don't know, Mr. is not only good at medicine, but also knows spells."


Speaking of spells, to hell with her that day, it was Jiang Ling who chased them away for her.

Thinking of this, she gradually came to a realization.

Then, she also informed Jiang Ling of the conditions proposed by the shopkeeper Fan Yuelou.

After hearing this, Jiang Ling asked her, "What do you think?"

Qingshuang thought for a while: "Originally I asked him, if we are allowed to continue to make the formula after selling it to them, then it's okay to sell it to them. After all, there are indeed many important people behind Fan Yuelou. Do not blame.

But the shopkeeper said that once it is sold, we are not allowed to do it again.This condition is a bit overbearing. "

Jiang Ling: "So you don't want to sell?"

Qingshuang wondered: "I don't want to sell it in my heart, but if I don't sell it, I'm afraid it will be troublesome in the future."

Jiang Ling nodded: "I also neglected the fact that a person is innocent and guilty. I thought that a mere piece of preserved meat fish is nothing, but in this era, it is indeed something that everyone can covet."

He has plenty of more valuable things here.

Therefore, he really didn't take the preserved fish nuggets seriously.

Jiang Ling: "Well, I'll accompany you out tomorrow, and if he wants to talk, just let him talk to me."

With Jiang Ling's words, Qingshuang felt at ease.

The next day, near noon.

Jiang Ling accompanied them to the street, and when they arrived near the teahouse, he saw that shopkeeper Xu had already been waiting there.

Seeing the second daughter, he asked for an answer.

Jiang Ling greeted him and asked him to talk to him directly.

Shopkeeper Xu looked him over: "It turns out that the cured meat fish pieces are made by Xiao Langjun?"

Jiang Ling smiled: "Master Xu, how much is the price?"

Shopkeeper Xu took out a bank note from his sleeve, with a hundred taels of silver written on it.

Jiang Ling: "100 taels? Didn't you say 500 taels yesterday?"

Shopkeeper Xu smiled: "Yesterday was yesterday, today the nobleman opened his mouth and only allowed a hundred taels. Maybe this is also called an opportunity. If you miss it, it will be gone. Today is also an opportunity. Maybe if you miss it, it will be gone tomorrow."

This is a bit of bullying and coercion.

Jiang Ling nodded: "If that's the case, then there's nothing to talk about."

Shopkeeper Xu: "Young Lord, won't you sell it?"

Jiang Ling didn't respond either.

Coincidentally, at this time, someone came to buy cured fish cubes, and when he saw shopkeeper Xu here, he also greeted him.

Qingshuang was about to sell him, but Jiang Ling stopped him, saying: "From now on, anyone who eats at Fan Yuelou will not sell him."

(End of this chapter)

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