River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 244 It's me, it's all me

Chapter 244 It's me, it's all me
Shopkeeper Xu: "Xiao Langjun, what does this mean?"

Jiang Ling: "What I mean is that since Fan Yuelou is shameless, there is no need to reopen it."

Shopkeeper Xu sneered: "There's no need to open it again? You won't open it if you can't? Do you think it's just this cured fish?"

Fan Yuelou can be honored among the many restaurants in the capital, not because of a certain dish.

Shopkeeper Xu admitted that the cured fish cubes were indeed delicious, but it was ridiculous to dare to make such nonsense based on a single preserved fish cube.

Moreover, it is really stupid to dare to reject the nobleman's intentions so straightforwardly.

"Mr. Xiaolang is young and vigorous. A certain family can understand this matter. You can think about it for a few more days, but a certain family has also left the word here. I promised today that there are still a hundred taels of silver. After today, the chance will not come." no more."

Shopkeeper Xu flicked his sleeves and left.

Afterwards, many customers came to buy fish nuggets, but Jiangling still did not sell any of those from Fan Yuelou.

Afterwards, he even brought Hexiang and Qingshuang to six restaurants in the surrounding area.

Mention the exclusive offering,

Originally, these restaurants did not dare to compete with Fan Yuelou.

But Jiang Ling took the initiative to come to the door, this statement is different.

Thinking of the popularity of preserved fish nuggets in the past two days, there is no reason not to do the door-to-door business.

It should be known that there are dozens of restaurants in the entire capital, and Jiangling chose six of them to join for free.

It is promised that every day in the future, these six restaurants will supply ten catties of preserved fish pieces at the original price.

If other restaurants want to join in the future, not to mention the price increase, they have to pay the franchise service fee first.

After Jiangling's set of arguments, none of the six restaurants refused, and they readily agreed.

In fact, even if Jiang Ling didn't take the initiative to look for it, they would have thought of monopolizing the cured meat fish, but it was a pity that Fan Yuelou made the move first, and other restaurants could not compete due to their background.

Now Jiang Ling took the initiative to find it, although he found six restaurants, but after hearing about the fish nuggets, the price would increase, and other restaurants would have to pay a franchise service fee if they wanted to get the exclusive qualification.They naturally have no reason to refuse.

Ten catties of fish nuggets per day can definitely be sold out.It can even be sold at a higher price, because apart from the six of them, there is no other family that can sell it, so why not do it?
Qingshuang followed Jiang Ling blankly, and was taken aback by his series of operations.

Lian Hexiang is also ignorant, so the business can still do this?
After the agreement was finalized, Jiang Ling took the two of them home: "In the future, you don't have to sell on the street in the wind and rain, just let Sun Dazhuang specialize in delivery according to the locations of these six restaurants, and you can at most Just go ahead and collect the money.”

He Xiang's eyes were filled with admiration: "Sir, you are really powerful, you can think of such a way. Not only can you sell more, but it can also save a lot of time and effort."

Jiang Ling smiled.

Qingshuang was worried, "Young master, Qingshuang heard that behind Fan Yuelou, there are many high officials in the imperial court. Is it really okay to refuse this time?"

Jiang Ling said: "If there is any trouble, just let me do it. If they restrain themselves, they will pay it back. If they are too presumptuous, I will definitely make them pay a considerable price. The gain outweighs the loss. You don't have to be afraid of them."

"En." Qingshuang naturally did not doubt that he had such energy.

When passing the fork in the road, several people came to meet him suddenly, wanting to buy fish nuggets.

He Xiang smiled and said: "You guys are late, all of them are sold out today."

The three men looked regretful, and while sighing, they all suddenly showed a cold look.He dug his hand into his sleeve, and even pulled out a sharp knife.

Without saying a word, he struck out at the same time, the point of the knife pointed at Jiang Ling's vitals.


Qingshuang could see clearly from the side, and for a moment, without even thinking about it, she leaned forward and blocked it.

A man's sharp knife pierced her belly directly,
The blood soaked her skirt on the spot.

Jiang Ling sensed a murderous aura and fought back, but it was a step too late, seeing Qingshuang fell to the ground, he hastily hugged her half in his arms.

The man realized that he had killed the wrong person, so he drew his knife and stabbed Jiangling again.

He Xiang screamed in fright,

Jiang Ling pushed back, pulling He Xiang behind his back.

Facing the stabbing with three sharp knives, he kicked one away with one kick and pinched one between two fingers.He entered the white blade with his bare hands, grabbed the knife and passed his hand, and with a wave of his hand, he cut off the killer's three fingers.

When the man saw that the idea was sticking to his hands, he yelled and left.

Jiang Ling held Qingshuang in his arms, so it was inconvenient to chase her.

Seeing that the three were about to slip away, but suddenly he tore off a cloth bag from his body and shook it in his hand. The three killers were pulled back by a gust of wind, and finally were swept by the wind. The shadows were all swallowed up by the cloth bag.

He Xiang was still in shock, and suddenly saw that Qingshuang's abdomen was full of blood, and cried out of fright: "Sir... Sister Qingshuang was stabbed..."

Jiang Ling hurriedly hugged Qingshuang in his arms, and ran home, "He Xiang, follow by yourself."

"Yeah." He Xiang cried and ran home.

Jiang Ling drove like lightning all the way, and even asked Nie Qian to help Qingshuang stop the bleeding.

But even so, Qingshuang, who had a poor physique, also lost consciousness because of the severe pain.

Blood was also overflowing from her mouth, watching the surrounding scenery move back rapidly, her head rested on Jiang Ling's chest, even though her abdomen was in severe pain, she insisted on not making a sound.

Jiang Ling sighed, "Why are you so stupid?"

In fact, even if Qingshuang didn't block that knife, it wouldn't hurt him at all.

But at that moment, Qingshuang blocked it by herself without even thinking about it.

At this time, Qingshuang's face was pale, she had lost a lot of blood, and she was gradually feeling tired, but after hearing Jiang Ling's voice, she still forced a three-point smile.

The voice said weakly: "Young Master, Qingshuang...it hurts so much."

Jiang Ling: "I know it hurts, so don't block the knife indiscriminately from now on."

A tear flowed from the corner of Qingshuang's eyes: "Young master... Qingshuang this time...should...do not survive?"

Jiang Ling gritted his teeth and ran: "Talk less, it won't hurt so much, just bear with me, and you'll be fine when you get home."

Qingshuang's eyes gradually closed: "If I can die like this...it might be worth it..."

Jiang Ling: "What stupid things are you talking about? What's not dead?"

Qingshuang: "Left and right...Young Master doesn't like...Qingshuang, but if...Qingshuang is like this...dead...should the young master...remember it?"

Jiang Ling: "Don't talk nonsense, how can I look down on you?"

Qingshuang burst into tears, and her abdomen was in severe pain, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable every time she uttered a word.

But at this time, she also had more courage than ever before.

What I dared not say in my heart before, at this moment, I finally dare to say it: "My lord...do you still remember...the hairpin that Qingshuang gave you?"


Of course Jiang Ling remembered, but later, He Xiang liked it, so he gave it to He Xiang casually.

"I gave the hairpin to Hexiang. Although I gave it to her, it doesn't mean I look down on you."

Two lines of tears fell from Qingshuang's closed eyes. Hearing this, she forced herself to smile: "And...Young Master...you still remember what you said to Qingshuang...at that...night... ?”

That evening?

It was probably the night that Liu Yuanwai touched her boudoir at night.

Up to now, in her heart, she still believes that the person who went to her room that night was Jiang Ling.

Jiang Ling sighed slightly, and couldn't bear to make her sad, so he could only reply: "Okay, it was me that night, and it was me who said it was your love brother. You, hurry up and be obedient to me, save some energy, and stop talking."

At this time, he ran all the way, and finally approached the small courtyard by the river.

Qingshuang lay in his arms, silently listening to his last words, her small mouth moved twice, as if she had said something.

But Jiangling didn't hear clearly.

 Let me tell you about the role of Qingshuang.What does it mean to steal her heart and run away?The author doesn't write like that.

  Including Lin Yuewei, anyway, she is also the main wife in name, the author also said that she and Jiang Ling will meet again in the future.

  The plot has already been designed, and some readers should not take it out of context and say that the protagonist stole his heart and left.If so, the author wasted so much ink writing what they do.It can be said that any woman who has written a lot of pen and ink will not abandon it.With this explanation, it should be understood.

(End of this chapter)

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