River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 245 Killing His Whole Family

Chapter 245 Killing His Whole Family

Laying Qingshuang flat on the bed, after taking off the skirt, Jiang Ling also took a breath when he saw that the snow-white and flat lower abdomen had a hideous wound.

Such a wound hurts just looking at it, but at that time she had the courage to block the knife.

At this time, it is not known whether her internal organs were injured.

Jiang Ling didn't dare to delay at all, took a peach from the Longevity Realm, crushed it into juice, and fed it to Qingshuang.

He also didn't have stitches on the wound.

Stitches will leave scars.

You can only pinch it with your hands to let the wound close by itself.

In order to save her from being tortured, Jiang Ling also took out a piece of the magical leaf obtained from Shanglin Tianyu, and melted it in Qingshuang's mouth.

Under the blessing of these two rare medicines, the shocking wound really closed at a speed visible to the flesh.

Even the process of scab forming is omitted, the skin tissue is entangled with each other, and soon closes naturally and heals each other.

After a while, only a shallow white line remained at the original wound.

It was only at this moment that Jiang Ling put his hands on Qingshuang's flat belly, peeking into her internal organs with his spiritual thoughts.

It was only then that she realized that the knife really hurt her quite badly. Her liver was split in half, and her intestines were cut through two or three sections.

Thanks to the peaches from the Longevity Realm and the mysterious leaves from Shanglin Tianyu, under the blessing of the two, the effect is doubled, and the liver and intestines are gradually healing.

Probably as long as she is allowed to lie down for another hour or so, everything will be fine.

Outside the courtyard gate, at this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, and it was He Xiang who had returned.

She cried and went to the room, Jiang Ling's treatment has been completed, and the blanket has covered Qingshuang.

"Sir, Sister Qingshuang, how is she...?"

Jiang Ling stood up, rubbed her head, and booed with his fingers: "She's fine, she's asleep now, let her sleep for a while. You go to boil some water, wait for her to wake up later, probably It needs to be washed."


He Xiang wiped away her tears: "Sir, Sister Qingshuang, are you all right?"

Jiang Ling smiled: "You still don't believe in my medical skills?"

He Xiang nodded, she must believe in Mr.'s medical skills.

It's just that tonight's incident really scared her.

After Jiang Ling took her out of the room, he left the courtyard alone.

When he got to a slightly remote place outside, he took out the Qiankun bag, only loosened the mouth of the bag, and the three people who were stored inside were spit out one by one.

The three of them fell to the ground, full of panic, they chose their way and ran away.

And Jiang Ling drew out his iron sword, chased after the three of them, followed their legs and feet, and swung his sword horizontally.

With just one blow, three legs were cut off.

The three of them rolled to the ground, holding the broken leg and screaming in pain.

Jiang Ling walked up to them: "Whoever dares to yell again, I'll cut off his tongue."

The three of them were terrified, and their souls all trembled.

How could they have thought that Jiang Ling was such a ruthless character?

In the street before, the kill was unsuccessful, and the leader had three fingers cut off.

He failed to escape, and Jiang Ling put them all in cloth bags.

The three of them knew at that time that this person was not easy to mess with, not only was he skilled, but also possessed sorcery skills.

At that time, even if he felt extremely regretful, it seemed that it was too late.

Now that they were released from the bag, their first thought was naturally to run away.

Unfortunately, he couldn't escape after all.Each also lost a leg.

Under the threat of Jiangling,
At this time, the three of them gritted their teeth tightly, their gums were bleeding, and they didn't dare to make a sound.

Because they all know that this ruthless character is definitely not just for fun.

When chopping off their fingers and legs, it was all about doing it right away, so it must not be a joke now.

Jiang Ling: "You three, why do you want to kill me? You can't get angry at me because you can't buy fish?"

The leader of the three gritted his teeth and said: "To collect money and eliminate disasters for others, we just collect money to do things. You have broken three of my fingers and cut off one leg of each of my brothers. We accept this matter. The money we collect is It's all yours, how about letting it go?"

Jiang Ling: "Whose money did you take?"

The leader: "The state owns the state laws, and the industry has its own rules. All the money we collect can be given to you. But the person who paid the money, you don't need to ask again."

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Ling raised his sword and dropped it, and a head flew up.

The head of the leader was separated, and blood was sprayed all over the ground.

His two brothers were so frightened that they screamed and lost control in their crotches.

Jiang Ling: "If you don't say it, there will be no value left."

He put the iron sword on another person's neck: "Would you say it?"

The man was so frightened that his eyes were full of panic, "I said, I said, it's Duan... Duan Siyuan... Duan Duan."

Jiang Ling's face was gloomy: "Are you sure it's him?"

The man stammered, "Yes...yes, he...he gave us...30 taels of silver, and asked us to take your...life."

Jiang Ling: "It turns out that 30 taels can take my life!"

After speaking, he swung his sword again, and the second head flew into the sky again.

Blood was sprayed all over the place.

The last person left was so frightened that his teeth were chattering, and his body was covered in brother's blood: "Why...why...we have already said...why do you want to kill..."

Jiang Ling said indifferently: "Because he hurt someone who shouldn't be hurt."

"I...I didn't hurt that woman, don't kill me...don't kill me..."

Jiang Ling put the iron sword around his neck: "Want to live?"

The man nodded frantically, banging his head on the stone frequently: "Think... think... I think."

"If you want to live, you can discuss it."

Jiang Ling picked up his broken leg, grabbed his thigh, and took it back.

Ordinarily, if a leg is broken, how can you just pick it up?

But Jiang Ling took out a paper figurine from his body, and just stuck it on the broken leg, and the man's broken leg was really temporarily connected.

"You should know, I'm going to kill you, you can't run away."

"I know... I know... I won't run..."

"what's your name?"

"I...my name is Fan Mao."

Jiang Ling nodded, then picked up the two heads and pasted two paper figurines on them.

Then Fan Mao saw his two dead brothers standing up from the ground again, standing up "alively".

Jiang Ling picked up the knife for him, and handed it back to his hand: "I want you to do one thing, do it well, and let you live."

Fan Mao said with a trembling voice, "My... Daxian, please tell me..."

Jiang Ling: "Whoever asked you to kill me, you will bring your two brothers back to kill me."

Fan Mao: "Kill... kill back?"

His two brothers stood beside him bloodied, their eyes glazed over, like zombies.

"Anyway, tonight, if the person who paid the money doesn't die, then you die. You choose yourself."

"I... I will kill."

Jiang Ling: "Remember, if you want to kill him, kill his whole family. I won't keep anyone. If you don't let him go, then you two brothers will definitely not let you go."

"I...I remember." Fan Mao knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing to him.


Fan Mao stood up nervously, and just as he took a step, his two "brothers" followed suit.

He takes two steps, and his brother also takes two steps, just like him.

He was panicked and afraid, thinking that if he couldn't do it tonight, he was afraid that he would really be killed by these two brothers.

Immediately, he gritted his teeth and went all out, and immediately ran on the dark road, looking for Duan's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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