Chapter 247
The lotus fragrance was fetched and put in a wooden barrel.

He said earnestly, "Sister Qingshuang, do you want me to wash it for you?"

Qingshuang felt her face was burning, and her heart was pounding like a deer: "I... I can do it by myself, Hexiang, can you wait outside?"


He Xiang also knew that she was shy, so she secretly smiled and went out.

After she walked for a while, Qingshuang got down from the bed, her naked body made her feel ashamed even if no one was looking at her.

Facing the candlelight, she looked at her belly,
There is still a little pain, but at the wound site, there is only a very shallow white line, which is almost invisible if you don't pay attention.

The sword wound can be healed to such a degree in such a short period of time. I have to say that Jiang Ling's medical skills are really unpredictable.

While feeling emotional, Qingshuang looked at her fingers again.

'So, that time, was it really a dream? '

After wiping her body clean, she listened to He Xiang talking to Jiang Ling in the courtyard.

When He Xiang came over with the water, she also brought a set of clean clothes, and Qingshuang put on the clothes after washing, which was actually very suitable.

After she got dressed, He Xiang also came to the door and asked her, "Sister Qingshuang, have you finished washing?"

Qingshuang was ashamed to answer, so she just whispered back: "He Xiang, come in."

He Xiang happily ran in, and gave her a piece of jade pendant: "Mister made it, we each have one, and Mr. said, bring this with you, it will keep you safe."

Qingshuang took the jade pendant, and saw a mysterious rune engraved on one side, and the word [Qingshuang] engraved on the other side.

She held it in her arms and put it away carefully, "That must go to thank the young master."

He Xiang kept yawning, "Sister Qingshuang, Mister asked you to go to bed early, it's almost Yin hour, and Mister has also gone to rest."

Qingshuang opened her beautiful eyes: "Young Master, have you gone to rest?"

He Xiang replied: "Mr. tidied up another room before. After finishing this amulet, he went to rest."

Tidy up another room?
Qingshuang knew that Jiangling and Hexiang only had two rooms in the beginning, one for each master and servant.

And now, since Jiang Ling tidied another room, it means...

"Could it be that this room belongs to the young master?"

He Xiang nodded: "Yes, this is Mr.'s room."

Qingshuang had never entered Jiangling's room, so naturally she didn't know about it.

"Young master, will he give me his room?"

He Xiang: "Mr. said that you were injured and uncomfortable walking around, so you had to sleep in his place. Mr. also said that the premise is that sister Qingshuang doesn't dislike you."

Qingshuang lowered her head and said softly: "How could I dislike it?"

He Xiang giggled and said, "Actually, sir is also very clean. The bedding and sheets were changed only the day before yesterday."

Speaking of this, she said with a hint of resentment: "Speaking of which, I have never slept here."

Qingshuang was both ashamed and happy in her heart, shaking her braids: "Your husband didn't let you sleep here, probably because he was afraid that you would wet his bed."

He Xiang was embarrassed, and puffed her mouth: "I don't usually drool, but you, sister Qingshuang, don't wet your husband's bed tonight."

Qingshuang was startled by these words, and pinched He Xiang's face with heat all over her body: "You just wet the bed, you're talking nonsense."

He Xiang giggled, dodged and ran out of the room, "Sister Qingshuang, you can blow the lamp yourself later."


Qingshuang returned to the bed and sat down, touched the quilt and pillow again, and after blowing out the lamp, she returned to the quilt that still retained her own body temperature, sniffing the faint scent of saponins on the bed, closing her eyes, only feeling Extraordinarily down-to-earth.

The next day,

Qingshuang woke up early.

But rare, lazy on the bed, did not dare to go out.

Last night, she was in a daze, and she was still not very sober after waking up.But this morning, she, who has recovered everything, has recalled everything yesterday in her mind one, two, three, four times.

She remembered that she blocked Jiangling's sword at that time,

I still remember Jiang Ling holding her and running quickly all the way home,

I even remember that on the way home, she said something that she had hidden in her heart before, and she dared not say it anyway.

And Jiang Ling finally answered her, he admitted that he was the one who broke into her boudoir that night, and he was the one who said it was her "love brother".

Also, he was the one who took off her skirt last night.

It was still he who gave up the bed to her.

With all these thoughts in her head, she gradually became quite timid, so timid that she dared not walk out of the door of this room.

He didn't dare to see Jiang Ling, and he didn't know how to face him if he saw him.

It was almost three poles in the sun when He Xiang came to knock on her door.

"Sister Qingshuang, are you awake?"

Qingshuang went to open the door in a state of confusion.

Seeing that she was awake, He Xiang brought a bowl of lotus seed soup: "Mr. said, you have to eat on time to be healthy."

Qingshuang: "My lord... is he awake too?"

He Xiang: "Sir, I woke up long ago, and I woke up long ago. It was the sir who told you to sleep a little longer, so that I didn't come to disturb you. But it's almost the end of the hour. If you don't wake up, you will have to Laughed."

After eating the lotus seed soup, Qingshuang summoned up her courage and finally stepped out of the room.

When they got to the courtyard, they saw that Jiang Ling was teaching Sun Dazhuang how to bake fish.

When she met Jiang Ling, she bowed politely and said hello.

Jiang Ling also smiled and nodded with her,

Since Sun Dazhuang was also present, the two did not say much in the end.

"Brother Zhuang, you're here too."

Seeing her coming out of Jiangling's room, Sun Dazhuang became more and more certain of his previous guess.

After these two days of contact with Jiang Ling, he suddenly felt that Qingshuang would be fine if he followed Mr. Jiang.

When the attachment in his heart was let go, he felt particularly relaxed in his heart, scratched his head and said, "Yes, I just came here too, Mr. Jiang is good, teach me how to bake fish. I will go deliver the fish later."

Speaking of fish delivery, Qingshuang recalled the agreement with Liujia Restaurant yesterday: "'s time for me to fry fish nuggets too."

Jiang Ling looked at her: "Are you in good health?"

A peach from the Longevity Realm, a mysterious leaf from Shanglin Tianyu.Jiang Ling wasn't worried about her lack of strength, but only worried about the trauma in her heart, which was hard to recover from.

Qingshuang looked at him, her cheeks flushed quickly, and her heart beat faster: "Yes... yes."

Turning around, she ran to the back kitchen as if fleeing.

at the same time,

There was a sudden noise of gongs and drums outside, and it was very lively.

Jiang Ling asked curiously, "Why is it so lively today?"

Sun Dazhuang did know some news, "I got up in the morning and helped Mipu transport the food. I heard that it was a joint agreement. Today is not only to send the envoy of the North Kingdom back, but also to marry Princess Heyuan."

Jiang Ling: "Princess married? Hired a son-in-law?"

Sun Dazhuang shook his head: "No, asking for peace, in addition to ceding land and paying compensation, it is an old custom to send a princess to marry. It is sent to the north."

(End of this chapter)

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