River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 248 Weak Body

Chapter 248 Weak Body

Sun Dazhuang took the cured fish pieces to the street in a basket,

Jiang Ling followed with Qingshuang and Hexiang.

On the way, Sun Dazhuang and Jiang Ling introduced the main merchants in the west city.The rice shop where he often works is run by a master surnamed Guan, behind which there is a relationship with the Ministry of Household Affairs.

In addition to Master Guan, there are two most famous bosses in Xicheng, one surnamed Gu and the other surnamed Liu.

Boss Gu is in the tea brocade business.

Boss Liu is in the business of painting, calligraphy and rouge.

"The Wanglong rice shop is where I go to work. Every morning and evening, I only need to work for half an hour. I can get eighteen coins a day."

Eighteen characters a day, at the end of the month, the money you get is only half a penny.

But even so, Sun Dazhuang seemed very satisfied.

Because in addition to this job, he also has a craft of weaving bamboo baskets and baskets. In this way, the average monthly income can be close to the usual money. (Note: Some readers seem to have not figured it out yet. In fact, Yitongqian is equal to one tael of silver, and so it is.)
In such a background, some people are displaced, some are born to enjoy themselves, some hate injustice, and some are contented and happy.

No matter what it is, it is actually interpreting that all living beings are squandering for their own desires.

The gongs and drums on the street receded, and the procession to see off the relatives had already left the city.

The crowds they saw on the street were all despondent. As ordinary people, they could not change anything, but they could use their emotions to fight against their dissatisfaction with those in power.

Jiang Ling suddenly guessed, probably General Gu's family and Luo Jinpeng should be the most aggrieved and uncomfortable today?
But in any case, it didn't have much to do with him.

The rise and fall of dynasties has always been the law, and he is just passing by, not interested in changing anything with his own hands.

Sixty catties of fish nuggets were delivered to the restaurant, Qingshuang and He Xiang collected the bill, and in a blink of an eye they got 300 taels.

Seeing this, Sun Dazhuang admired Jiangling's methods.

If he carried this much money at the rice shop, he would carry it all his life and he would not be able to earn it.

However, he is not jealous, because he also knows how much money he can make, if it were him, he probably wouldn't be able to keep the secret recipe of the cured fish nuggets.

Although the overall mood in the capital was not good that day, it didn't hinder the arrival of dinner.

Because the six restaurants specialize in cured meat fish, they even put up a special sign today, and at noon, every one of them was doing very well.

In contrast, as the first floor of the capital, Fanyue Building, the business is obviously more than half cold today.

In the words of some customers - "Ever since I ate this cured fish nugget, I can't do without drinking. If I don't eat a few pieces, I always feel that even the wine has no taste."

Such words are not the voices of one or two people.

From craftsmanship to ingredients, preserved fish nuggets are far beyond the reach of this era.

The salt used is fine salt, not bitter coarse salt and slightly poisonous green salt, but also monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, and oil consumption. How can it be fresh?
Once you eat this, as long as you are a person with normal taste, if you eat the bland and meaningless boiled meat, it will taste the same as the wax, and it will be tasteless.

After delivering the goods, Jiang Ling took his two daughters to have a meal in one of the restaurants, and then went outside the imperial city to let them wait outside.

And he, under Qingshuang's and Hexiang's astonished gazes, went straight into the imperial city.

After half an hour,
It was that Eunuch Xu who respectfully sent him out of the palace last time.

Jiang Ling entered the palace with the [Nightmare Prayer Technique], and the guards couldn't see him at all.

The technique of Nightmare Prayer is an illusion, which affects people's vision, so they naturally regard him as air.

He went into the palace, found the current sage, and asked for a personal letter from the imperial pen.

[Future Maitreya Curse Movement] The method of speaking out will follow, and it is easy to get the imperial pen to write in person.

After leaving the palace, he handed the imperial pen to Qingshuang.

"With this, it will be difficult for anyone to snatch it from now on."

Qingshuang opened the golden satin curiously, and saw the six characters of "the most delicious taste in the world", and at the end, there was the inscription of today's majesty.

Seeing this, Qingshuang was extremely shocked.

"My lord... this... is this written by the sage's royal pen?"

Jiang Ling nodded: "I've thought about it carefully. To protect you with power, the greatest power is nothing more than the current emperor. Therefore, I asked for this book. With this personal letter written by the imperial pen, in the future, not to mention the Fan Yuelou, it will be the dignitary himself. , and you have to be in awe of these six characters."

He Xiang: "Sir, you are so amazing that you can actually get the emperor's personal letter."

Jiang Ling only said that the last time he had a doctor's visit with the Holy One, he felt a little passionate.

He Xiang: "With the personal letter written by the imperial pen, I don't have to worry about those sneaky things from now on. Sir, where shall we go to play today?"

Jiang Ling: "Before I came to the capital, I heard about the eight scenic spots in the capital. Now in spring, I can go to enjoy the spring shade of Qiongdao."

Qingshuang held the brocade and bowed her head in silence.

Jiang Ling said to her, "Miss Qingshuang will also go for a walk, okay?"

Qingshuang raised her head, exchanged a glance with him, finally bowed and said: "Thank you, Mr. Young Master, I... will not go, Young Master and He Xiang, let's go and have fun, I think... I will go back first."

Jiang Ling: "You are weak, it's okay to go back and rest."

They didn't stay together.

At the intersection, three minutes will be divided into lanes.

He Xiang watched Qingshuang leave, and suddenly muttered: "Sir, do you feel that Sister Qingshuang seems to have something on her mind?"

Jiang Ling smiled slightly: "How can I see that?"

He Xiang thought for a while, but in the end she didn't have enough vocabulary to describe it, so she just said: "Sir, if you just went with sister Liu Qingshuang, she probably wouldn't refuse."

Jiang Ling: "And you know?"

He Xiang replied seriously: "I feel...it should be."

Looking and watching, she suddenly saw Qingshuang going away, being stopped by a carriage.

Then, a group of men in yamen uniforms came in a hurry and yelled at her.

He Xiang was startled: "Sir, Sister Qingshuang is in trouble."

Jiang Ling frowned slightly: "Those who don't have eyes, they found them after all."

Then he took the lotus fragrance and hurriedly chased after him.

Those people didn't know what they said to Qingshuang, Qingshuang's face was pale at this time, and her expression was in a daze.

And the yamen servant, holding the shackles, was about to handcuff her with her.

Jiang Ling chased after him and stopped with a shout.

And pulled Qingshuang behind him: "Why do you want to use the shackles?"

Yacha frowned: "What are you? The Sa family enforces the law, you want to stop it? Do you want to rebel?"

In the nearby carriage, a middle-aged man came down with a bright smile: "Little Lang, you and I met again. Yesterday, I told you that if you miss the opportunity, you will never miss it. We met today, have you ever regretted it? "

Jiang Ling: "What do you regret?"

Shopkeeper Xu smiled and didn't say anything bluntly. He just said, "I heard that something happened to you. Yesterday someone ate sliced ​​fish with cured meat and died of abdominal pain. Now the government suspects that you poisoned the food and caused death. No, I'm also a good person and a good deed, I brought the messenger all the way to find you, and finally found you."

After saying this, shopkeeper Xu said to the servants: "Everyone, if you talk about responsibility, this young man is the main person in charge. Of course, the two people around him are also to blame. If you want to ask, All three of them should be taken away."

After hearing this, the yamen took out two sets of shackles to lock Jiangling and Hexiang.

 Thanks for the tip of [I have horns on my head,], well, I also know that you have a tail behind you.

(End of this chapter)

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