River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 249 Let's Open Your Eyes

Chapter 249 Let's Open Your Eyes
Jiang Ling: "Wait a minute, you have to use people to give evidence. Where did someone die because of preserved fish pieces yesterday?"

Shopkeeper Xu said: "There were three people who suffered from abdominal pain because they ate cured fish pieces. Many people met with you at that time and started arguing with you, Mr. Xiaolang. In the end, Mr. Xiaolang forced them away by forceful means. I wonder if Mr. Xiao Lang still has an impression after I remind you?"

Jiang Ling chuckled: "All three of them are dead?"

Shopkeeper Xu: "Without exception, the work has been inspected, and he died from the poisonous poison. Three lives, you really shouldn't do this, Mr. Xiaolang."

Jiang Ling nodded: "Shopkeeper Xu, good trick."

Last night those three people extorted money, Jiang Ling only punished them slightly, and didn't care too much.

Unexpectedly, Fan Yuelou's side was decisive and straightforward, and directly killed the three people and used it to frame them.

If this is used against ordinary people, who can really stand up to it?
Three lives, just died like that, no wonder Qingshuang was terrified after hearing this.

Shopkeeper Xu: "Mr. Xu didn't understand what Mr. Xiao said. He was killed by Mr. Mr. Xu and has nothing to do with Mr. Xu. Today, Mr. Xu is just a good person and a good deed. He is just showing you the way .”

The servants of the yamen were impatient with waiting: "Stop talking nonsense, let me go to the yamen first, and when you arrive at the yamen, you have something to say."

The iron shackles were about to be put on Jiang Ling's hands again.

At this time, Jiang Ling turned around and comforted Qingshuang: "Don't think too much, the death of those three people has nothing to do with us."

Qingshuang looked at him, and finally nodded firmly: "Yes."

Afterwards, just as the Yacha's iron chain was put on Jiangling's left hand, Jiangling took the golden silk from Qingshuang's hand with his right hand: "Before you want to take someone, let me remind you, you'd better keep your eyes open." Dog eyes see this clearly."

Shopkeeper Xu sat on the carriage with a smile on his face.

Ordinary civilians who dare to fight officials and gentry are courting death.

Officials and gentry can think of a hundred ways to kill a commoner.

As long as Jiang Ling is taken to the yamen today, there will be no accidents, and tomorrow morning, the secret recipe of [La Mei Fish Cubes] will be on the counter in Fan Yuelou.

At this time, seeing Jiang Ling take out a piece of silk, he couldn't help but sneer: "Three people were killed, and it's useless for you to take anything now. Besides, the silk in your hand is the color of the imperial family of heaven. As a commoner, dare to Using bright yellow is simply aggravating the crime. Ladies and gentlemen, hurry up and arrest people."

Before Jiang Ling could speak, the silk was snatched by a yamen servant.

Jiang Ling said: "Really? You can recognize the royal color of the Tian family. Since you recognize it, that's good. Why don't you take a look at what's written on it."

The yamen who had snatched the silk was also curious, so he spread the silk out, and when he opened it, he saw the six characters [the best taste in the world] written on it.

At first glance, these six words can't help but make people boo and laugh.

The best taste in the world?What a braggart!
The tone is loud.

But when they saw the seal behind those six characters, it was shopkeeper Xu who changed his face first.

Although he is just a shopkeeper, how can he be a shopkeeper in Fan Yuelou without some insight and vision?
The red seal was impressively printed with [Da Yong Cheng Tian].

This seal is clearly the seal of the current Holy Majesty.

In the entire Yong Dynasty, only the emperor can use this seal.

Shopkeeper Xu's tone trembled: "This is... written by His Majesty's personal pen? Impossible, how could His Majesty write such a thing?"

Jiang Ling smiled: "Perhaps you can ask where I was just now. I just came out of the palace and met you guys. I have to say that it is indeed fate."

Shopkeeper Xu's eyelids sank, looking from here along the main street, the straight direction is indeed the imperial city.

Is it...

The yamen servant who had snatched the silk was also carefully identified at this time, and he also recognized it, and was shocked.

Jiang Ling smiled and said to him, "Your Excellency is so brave to even snatch the imperial pen and autograph given by the present-day majesty."

The yamen servant turned blue with fright, and hastily returned the silk to Jiangling, "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, those who don't know are not guilty, I didn't mean to offend."

Jiang Ling took back the silk and said, "Even the majesty today has eaten cured fish cubes, and he even gave him the title of [No. [-] Delicacy in the World]. Now, you came to pollute me and poisoned three people to death? This matter, I think, the yamen side , should I check again?"

Several yamen servants looked at each other,
Here is the Royal Letter written by His Majesty, how dare they make a mistake?

Jiang Ling's ability to get this must show that his background is not soft.

Now that the gods are fighting, those younger brothers in the yamen dare not make their own decisions. At this time, they all put away their shackles, cupped their hands and said, "I'm sorry, but after thinking about it carefully, there are indeed many clues. Why don't we go back and talk to Xinjing first?" Master Zhao Yin ask, and after you understand it clearly, you will inform Young Master."

With a word of farewell, the yamen servants slipped away quickly.

After Jiang Ling returned the silk to Qingshuang, he asked the shopkeeper Xu with a smile: "The shopkeeper Xu said that if you miss the opportunity, you will never have it again. I agree with this sentence. I can't feel it for three months, and Fan Yuelou will definitely." The door is closed. What do you think of Shopkeeper Xu?"

Shopkeeper Xu's face turned ashen for a moment, he couldn't speak, got into the car, and let the servant drive away in a daze.

Jiang Ling turned around and said to Qingshuang: "Are you scared just now?"

Qingshuang nodded timidly: "When I heard that someone was killed, I was really scared."

Jiang Ling: "This is just a common method used by those rich and powerful, and with this silk in hand, if you had shown it to them earlier, they would not dare to make mistakes. After all, these words still hold a lot of weight in the capital. of."

Qingshuang: "Oh."

At this point, the two fell into a brief silence.

Qingshuang stood there for a while before saying again: "Then... I'll go back first."

Jiang Ling invited again: "Aren't you going to play with us?"

Qingshuang lowered her head and shook her lightly: "Young Master and He Xiang, let's go, Qingshuang wants to go back."

Just as she took two steps away, suddenly, she felt her wrist being grabbed by someone.

Jiang Ling picked her up and said, "I thought about it again. Going out for more walks is good for your health. Staying at home all the time is not good for you. Let's go together."

He Xiang watched from the side, giggled, and half covered her eyes: "Sister Qingshuang, don't look at me, I can't see anything,"

Her big eyes were obviously leaking between her fingers.

Qingshuang bit her lip, feeling ashamed and funny.

In the end, I couldn't hold back, and let out a snort.

Passively following behind Jiang Ling, but a trace of sweetness welled up in his heart.

"My lord... this is... on the street."

Shy, she looked at the people passing by on the street, and suddenly reminded her in a low voice.

In such an era, it is not appropriate for a man and a woman to kiss each other easily, and to gossip in the street.

Jiang Ling: "Then are you still going?"

Qingshuang lowered her head and smiled, and hummed lightly, "Qingshuang just go."

Only then did Jiang Ling let go of his hand, and took the two of them to see the spring shade of Qiongdao.

(End of this chapter)

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