Chapter 250
The next day.

The city of Kyoto is very lively again, because of the announcement of the imperial examination, from the morning, the city is full of voices.

Even if Jiangling lived on the banks of the Xihu River, he could still hear the commotion.

On the same day, a donkey came to the gate of Xiangfu.

A scruffy man, riding upside down on the back of a donkey, reeks of alcohol.

When the concierge of Xiang's mansion saw him coming, he greeted him with joy and presented him as a guest.

At noon,

Sun Dazhuang went to deliver food again, and after several days in a row, Fan Yuelou's business was indeed going from bad to worse because of the preserved meat and fish pieces.

Today, it is so cold that there are very few diners.

In the afternoon of this day, shopkeeper Xu personally came to the door to intercede, bringing a large sum of money as a present, lowered his posture, and begged Jiang Ling to spare him.

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling face with your hand, under the sincerity of shopkeeper Xu, Jiang Ling didn't push people too much.In order to prevent Qingshuang from being targeted in the future, Fan Yuelou was asked to pay a huge franchise fee. Since then, the supply of fish nuggets has changed from six to seven.

So far, harmony has made money, and all grievances and grievances have been wiped out.

In the afternoon, Qingshuang and Hexiang went to collect the bill again.When I came back, I bumped into a sloppy Taoist along the way.

He led the yellow donkey and sat under the gate of the archway,

When Qingshuang and Hexiang passed by here, he suddenly laughed and said: "You two girls are beautiful, and we are lucky to meet today. Why don't you let Pindao take a divination for you two?"

He Xiang didn't say a word, just took Qingshuang and left.

She kept in mind what her husband said, and talked less with inexplicable people outside.

But the Taoist's next words made her stop on her own initiative: "The girl on the left is lucky to get out of the mud and enter the lotus gate. It's just a pity that your sister is not so lucky. Now she is deep in Jiuyou, Suffering. It's truly deplorable."

He Xiang suddenly turned her head: "What did you say?"

The Taoist smiled lightly, and the yellow donkey lay down in front of him, and he stroked the mane of the donkey: "What the poor Taoist said, the little girl should understand in her heart, if she doesn't want to make her suffer, the poor Taoist may have a way. "

He Xiang was surprised,

This Taoist actually knew that she had an older sister, and also knew that her older sister was dead now.

Not to mention that her sister is now suffering in the underworld.

Hearing such words, she was naturally worried and wanted to ask the whole story.

"Is what the Taoist priest said true?"

Taoist: "Believe it or not, it's up to the girl. Your sister should be two years older than you. She died six or seven years ago, right?"

He Xiang was even more surprised: "You... how do you know?"

Taoist: "Girls don't have to worry about being greedy for money and lust. The poor have always acted according to fate. Today, I have a fate with you, and I will solve your troubles without charging a penny."

As he spoke, he took out a piece of scriptures from his body and spread them out on the ground.

When He Xiang looked at it, she saw densely packed and jumbled words, which she couldn't understand.

The Taoist: "This is a passage for salvation. If a girl wants to save sister Ling, she can write her name under the passage and burn it by the poor Taoist. In this way, your sister who is suffering may be liberated and enter the cycle of rebirth." .”

He Xiang heard that he didn't want money, and he said it so eloquently, she always thought of her as a sister, so without thinking about it, she took a pen and wrote her name on the scripture.

The Taoist nodded and snapped his fingers, and the scriptures burned up.

"So, sister Ling, it should be all right."

"Thank you sir."

The Taoist looked at Qingshuang again: "The girl on the right is trapped in her heart, just like the fallen leaves of autumn. It can be smooth, its leaves can be green, and its wishes will be fulfilled."

After hearing this sentence, He Xiang was confused.

But Qingshuang could hear it clearly.

The Taoist first said that he was trapped in the heart, and then he said that the fallen leaves of autumn are hard to remember.A heart, plus a green, isn't that love?
The Taoist vaguely pointed out that she was trapped by emotion!
He also said that this problem can also be followed.

Its wishes come true!

Qingshuang: "Master Daoist, is it really so magical?"

The Taoist chuckled: "Anyway, poor Taoists don't charge money. It's not magical. A girl will know it once she tries it."


Anyway, she didn't charge any money, Qingshuang saw that Hexiang had already tried it, and she didn't mind trying it, so she also picked up a pen and wrote her name under the scripture.

"Young lady can write well."

The Taoist gave a thumbs-up and pointed his fingers again, and the scriptures were immediately burned.

Say goodbye and go home

In front of the small courtyard by the river, Qingshuang parted ways with Hexiang.

It turned out that Qingshuang lived in a small courtyard by the river, and there was a reason for this.Now that the body is getting better, there is no abnormality, so it is not easy to stay here anymore.

When He Xiang arrived at the small courtyard by the river, when he saw Jiang Ling, he told him what had just happened.

Jiangling was surprised when he heard about it.

He also knows that there are many strangers in the world, maybe He Xiang and the others met a stranger before.

after nightfall,
Jiang Ling sat quietly in the room.

Silently peeping at the inner dantian, check where the two yin meet, a seed of yin qi begins to grow a root.

'Others have practiced so far, it is the intersection of the two yins that produces the yang bead, so that the yin and yang interact with each other, which can transform the heart lotus.But mine, like a lonely ghost, is a yin pearl.Others have the combination of two yin, but I can be regarded as the combination of three yin.It is really strange that it can also produce rhizomes. '

Regardless of whether it is the combination of the two yin or the combination of the three yin, as long as the seed takes root and germinates, and finally grows, it should also be able to reach the top of the three flowers.

When the night is ugly,

Gongs and drums suddenly come outside the house,

The gate of the courtyard was closed tightly, but the sound of gongs and drums entered directly, and reached Jiangling's room.

Jiang Ling woke up from the meditation, only to feel that the courtyard was gloomy, and it seemed to return from spring to winter in an instant.

Chilling wind.

The sound of gongs and drums came in a hurry, only stayed for a few seconds, and then left in a hurry.

Jiang Ling came out of the room, only to see the back of the far away.

They were a few pale-faced people, with red rouge painted on their faces, dancing and beating drums.Five steps and one turn around, with a smile on his face.

It's just that after leaving the courtyard gate, they didn't go to the main road, but only gradually walked in the soil on the side of the Naxi Moat.

Jiang Ling chased them out of the courtyard, and saw them carrying a sedan chair. There was a figure struggling in the sedan chair, but he couldn't make a sound.

In a blink of an eye, the sedan chair also disappeared into the soil.

Jiang Ling turned around and called out to He Xiang, but could not answer.

But at the same time, I heard the sound of gongs and drums from the other direction, and a sedan chair, carried by the ghosts, sank into the crack in the wall.

Jiang Ling sensed something was wrong,

Go back to the courtyard, enter Hexiang's boudoir, and see her sleeping soundly on the bed.

Called her name, but there was no answer, and no response at all.

Probing her forehead, she realized that her soul was empty, and the soul in her body had already been taken away by someone.

He quickly went out, arrived at Qingshuang's house, and entered her boudoir, only then did he know that her situation was the same as He Xiang's.

The same person is sleeping soundly, but the soul is gone.

This reminded him of what He Xiang said to him in the afternoon,
They will encounter this situation, maybe it has something to do with that sloppy Taoist.

Immediately, she took Qingshuang out of the room and brought her to the courtyard by the river, and put it together with Hexiang, and asked Nie Qian to look after her.

As for Jiangling, he went out of the courtyard again, found the hundred-year-old tree, and knocked on its trunk.

Under the trunk of the tree, a hole suddenly appeared, he stepped into it, and in a blink of an eye, the person disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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