River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 258 A Woman's Heart

Chapter 258 A Woman's Heart

At the end of the second lunar month,
In the capital city to the north, the peach blossoms finally bloomed.

With the arrival of the southeast wind, the cold wave that had been lingering for a few days also quietly disappeared unconsciously.

In the air, you can already feel a tinge of warmth.

"Master Jiang, He Xiang said that you are leaving the capital tomorrow?"

Before leaving, and the cold and warm air intertwined in the past two days, there was a lot of rain.Jiang Ling also stayed in the yard to fish, catching as many fish as possible.

After finishing the rice shop in the morning, Sun Dazhuang came to the small courtyard by the river to be busy and diligent.

Jiang Ling: "Well, He Xiang has already contacted the convoy going south tomorrow. It has been a long time since I came to the capital, so I should leave."

Sun Dazhuang scratched his head, with a simple and honest face: "I don't know when to leave tomorrow, I... will send you off at that time."

Jiang Ling smiled and said, "You don't have to be polite."

Sun Dazhuang: "I want it, and I should. Speaking of it, I... feel very owed to the young master, and I have never dared to apologize in person. I am just afraid... afraid that the young master will not forgive me."

Jiang Ling: "What do you owe?"

Sun Dazhuang lowered his head and said with shame on his face: "When I didn't know you well, because of the misunderstanding that night, I... I went to the government office to sue you. Fortunately, the government didn't come to trouble you, if not, I must be guilty."

Jiang Ling smiled slightly, for this matter, he apologized in person.

"Can you tell me why you thought about going to the government to sue me?"

"I..." Sun Dazhuang was so ashamed that he couldn't contain himself. "At that time, I thought that the young master was a frivolous prodigal son, intending to tarnish Qingshuang. After returning home, I tossed and turned. Finally, I was so angry that I went to the government on impulse."

While talking, Sun Dazhuang looked at Jiang Ling's reaction. Seeing that Jiang Ling didn't seem angry, he confessed again: "Actually... I liked Qingshuang before. After she came back, I once thought that I might have a chance to get together with her. So... that's why I hated Young Master very much at that time."

Jiang Ling: "What about now?"

Sun Dazhuang: "Now I don't think so. You are kind and kind, but I am too small. And my mother is right, it is impossible for Qingshuang and me. She can only be in front of you. Such... that kind of different performance, and for me, they probably only regard me as an elder brother."

He smiled honestly: "After I saw this, somehow, my heart was no longer so entangled. Now I only treat Qingshuang as a younger sister, but I am happier."

Jiang Ling laughed and said: "There is a saying in Buddhism, those who hold on are more important than those who release it. Holding on to thousands of things makes it difficult to move forward; releasing all things is a great joy. How many people are obsessed with obsession, and it is difficult to give up even a little bit until death, but you can let go when you say let go. It’s kind of a buddhist relationship.”

Sun Dazhuang scratched his head and said with a smile: "I don't know what Buddha's fate is or not. I just think that the people close to me are good, that's the best."

Jiang Ling: "I have always known what you said, but I also know that your intentions are not bad, so I never blamed you."

Hearing what he said, Sun Dazhuang felt both surprised and ashamed, "Young Master Zhai has a kind heart, I... really feel ashamed."

Jiang Ling nodded: "I won't mention the past, if there are no accidents, we will set off at around [-] o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Okay," Sun Dazhuang said, "I will send you off when the time comes."

Jiang Ling: "After I leave, this courtyard may be taken back by the General's Mansion. If you like the things in the courtyard, you can move them back for your own use. If you don't move them, staying here is a waste."

Sun Dazhuang was stunned for a moment, but he did not refuse: "Okay."

For these two days, Qingshuang never showed up.

It's just the candlelight in her house, which is on every night, until very late.

another day,
The time to leave has finally come.

On this day, Jiang Ling and He Xiang came out of the courtyard.

At that time, the genius was polished, and the darkness was tight.

At the gate of the courtyard, Sun Dazhuang with a simple and honest face had already been waiting here.

He was carrying a basket, which was full of miscellaneous things.

When he saw Jiang Ling and He Xiang, he greeted them first, and then said that his mother had been ill for the past two days, so he didn't come to see them off.But last night, he specially sorted out two baskets of special products, and asked him to pick them up and give them to Jiangling today.

Jiang Ling kept smiling wryly, "Are you asking me to carry this load of things all the way south?"

Sun Dazhuang smiled foolishly: "They are all local specialties. They can be eaten on the road. Although they are not as delicious as the ones made by the young master, they are durable. They are the cheapest to satisfy your hunger when you are hungry."

Well, anyway, Jiangling has Qiankun bags, so it's okay to take these things with you.

While speaking, he glanced at Qingshuang's residence.

He Xiang has been looking over there,
But in the end, Qingshuang was nowhere to be seen.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Sun Dazhuang hesitated to speak, rummaged through the basket, took out a pair of shoes, and handed them to Jiang Ling: "Young Master Jiang, this is for you, Qingshuang made it herself."

When Jiang Ling received it, he saw it was a pair of cloth shoes with thousand-ply soles.

The shoes have fine stitches and exquisite workmanship, which obviously took a lot of effort and effort.

Jiang Ling smiled slightly: "She hasn't shown her face these days, so it's because of this thing?"

Sun Dazhuang sighed, and looked behind him a few times, not knowing what to say.

Jiang Ling suddenly yelled to a certain place in the darkness: "Everyone is here, why are you hiding?"

He Xiang froze for a moment, and opened his eyes wide.

But somewhere in the darkness, no one came out.

Jiang Ling said again: "If you don't come out, then I will leave?"

Somewhere in the darkness, there was still no movement.

Except for Jiang Ling, He Xiang and Sun Dazhuang didn't know that there was a girl leaning against the wall, holding the hem of her clothes with her hands, biting her lips tightly with her white teeth.

The moment Jiang Ling opened her mouth, she really had an urge to walk out obediently in her heart.

Even the right foot took a step,
But after all, she suppressed this thought, and took back that step.

When Jiang Ling said the second sentence, she closed her eyes, the corners of her eyes were wet, and it was hard to stop the soreness.

My heart felt so congested that it was almost hard to breathe.

Probably this farewell, I'm afraid it will be difficult to see each other again in this life?

"Let's go."

In front of the small courtyard by the river, Jiang Ling spoke the third sentence and shouted to set off.

Sun Dazhuang picked up the basket and walked ahead.

He Xiang followed behind, turning her head several times.

At this time, the sky revealed a touch of fish maw, and the pink clouds made two plum blossoms in the sky.

Listening to the footsteps outside the yard gradually receding, Qingshuang, who was hiding in the dark, finally felt uncomfortable. She squatted down in the corner, hugged her knees and wiped her tears.

Many years ago, when she was abandoned by her family, she had felt such heartache and discomfort.

The crying gradually became more and more difficult to stop.His sleeves were getting wet from crying.

After crying for an unknown amount of time, a handkerchief suddenly fell into her hands.

A voice from the side also suddenly rang out: "Hey, I told you to come out, but you didn't come out. Now you're crying like a child, don't say I bullied you."

Qingshuang's delicate body trembled when she heard it, she raised her head, looked at the source of the sound with her tearful eyes, but saw Jiang Ling squatting on the ground just like her.

I don't know how long I've been squatting here.

She hurriedly turned her head away, so as not to let him see her embarrassment.

Jiang Ling suddenly took her hand and stood up: "Let's go."

Qingshuang, who wiped away her tears, turned her head to look at him, her beautiful eyes were full of bewilderment.

Seeing that she was indifferent, Jiang Ling suddenly bent down, carried her directly on his shoulders, and said as he walked, "Since you don't want to go by yourself, then I have to carry you away."

Qingshuang's tender body trembled like an electric shock.

Being carried on her shoulders, she felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart for a moment, with mixed feelings of sourness and bitterness.

As soon as she opened her mouth, she couldn't help crying: "Mr... son... please let me down."

Jiang Ling didn't stop: "Why?"

Qingshuang cried again, but she didn't struggle anymore: "My lord, let Qingshuang keep some face, please?"

Jiang Ling: "Is it unseemly to be carried by me?"

Qingshuang cried and shook her head: "Qingshuang didn't want to suffer the pain of parting, that's why she didn't see her. Why do you have to do this, son, why..."

By the end, she was so weeping that she couldn't speak.

But Jiang Ling said: "Why do you want to say goodbye? Who wants to say goodbye to you?"

Qingshuang's eyes were blurred with tears: "My lord...what do you mean?"

Jiang Ling suddenly stopped,

At this time, a ray of morning light happened to shine on them.

He lowered his head, Qingshuang raised his head,
Looking at each other close to the chest.

Jiang Ling wiped her tears for her: "I have seen and touched your body, who else can you marry in this life besides me? Come with me."

When Qingshuang heard this, her delicate body trembled again.

He looked at Jiangling in disbelief, as if what he heard was so untrue.

Jiang Ling nodded again on her nose: "Don't think I'm dull, I know what you mean, I wanted to see if you dared to take that step, but in the end, I still need to carry you away."

Qingshuang: "Master..."

Jiang Ling: "Don't refuse."

In Qingshuang's heart, Qingshuang's domineering tone was like rushing into two deer.Jumping and jumping.

Qingshuang: "Young master... can you let Qingshuang down?"

Not only did Jiang Ling not let go, he even patted her on the buttocks: "Don't let go, you are so timid, I'm afraid if I let you go, you will run away again."

Qingshuang was ashamed, her cheeks were on fire: "Don't run away..."

Jiang Ling: "He Xiang has gone far, don't talk, we have to catch up with them."

Qingshuang's slender hair fluttered on Jiang Ling's chest.

She herself opened her bright eyes and stared fixedly at the man close by.

Suddenly, her hands hugged his waist tightly.

She also murmured in her heart: "Qingshuang will never run away again."

After leaving the district courtyard in Xicheng, there are several caravans in front of the post house, and they have started from here one after another.

Jiang Ling arrived here with Qingshuang on his back, and He Xiang was already waiting in the carriage.

Sun Dazhuang also moved the two baskets of special products to the carriage, holding a pole by himself, and stood aside with a silly smile.

"Young master, let the sun come down."

Seeing the smiling faces of those two, Qingshuang was even more on fire, begging Jiang Ling to let her down again.

This time Jiang Ling obeyed her and let her go.

Qingshuang stood still, but when she heard the giggles in the carriage, she hurriedly glanced over: "Don't laugh."

He Xiang covered her mouth and eyes again, revealing two big eyes from between her fingers as usual: "Sister Qingshuang, I didn't see anything."

Qingshuang wrinkled her nose,
When looking at Sun Dazhuang,
Sun Dazhuang, who was always dull, followed He Xiang's example, covered his eyes, and said with a smile, "I didn't see anything either."

Qingshuang stomped her feet: "Brother Zhuang, even you laugh at me!?"

Sun Dazhuang scratched his head and smiled, "Qingshuang, follow Mr. Jiang here, you have to take care of yourself."

Qingshuang has no family since she was a child, and the Sun family, as close neighbors, is like a relative.

Hearing this, I couldn't help crying.

Sun Dazhuang: "If you have free time in the future, you can come back again. I will look after your yard for you."

Qingshuang nodded, hummed, tears couldn't stop, and finally fell.

Sun Dazhuang has a simple and honest personality, and he couldn't stand this parting. Seeing Qingshuang's tears, he also wiped away the tears, and said to Jiang Ling: "Qingshuang has been weak since she was a child, Mr. Jiang, please take care of her more in the future."

Jiang Ling nodded.

Before I could say a few words, the team here also shouted to set off.

Jiang Ling helped Qingshuang into the carriage, parted the curtains, Qingshuang waved goodbye to Sun Dazhuang.

Sun Dazhuang is a big man, but he is crying like a child at this moment: "Qingshuang, you are free, you must come back and have a look."

"Hmm..." Qingshuang broke down in tears and could only nod her head in response.

Jiang Ling was the last one to get on the carriage. When the front of the convoy moved, the wheels on their side also slowly rolled.

Sun Dazhuang chased after him for a few steps, and waved goodbye with his hands up.

Jiang Ling suddenly remembered something, and said to him: "If there are any difficulties at home in the future, please go to my yard and help me clean the pond. Such difficulties may be solved."

On that day, the prime minister sent gold and silver, and he specially left a box and threw it in the pond.

Originally, I wanted to donate directly to Sun's mother and son, but I also thought that their family of good deeds has their own wealth, and sudden windfall may not be a good thing.

So I left these words, and if the family encounters difficulties in the future, it may be possible to solve the problem by going to get money.

Although Sun Dazhuang didn't know the meaning, he complied with Jiang Ling's orders.

"Don't worry, my lord, I will also help take care of your yard, so it won't be deserted."

The carriage gradually departs,

Sun Dazhuang gradually disappeared.

He Xiang looked out of the window, the rare sunny day, and felt very happy.

She is full of yearning and anticipation for where to go next after leaving the capital.

Sunshine also looked out the window,

After wiping away her tears, she looked at the sky of the capital with endless nostalgia.

Unlike He Xiang, she is a native of the capital after all.

Now, away from home.As the saying goes, when you are close to your hometown, you are timid. When you are away from your hometown, why is your love not timid?
Jiang Ling, who was sitting outside the carriage, also entered inside at this time, holding her hand: "If you have time later, you can come back."

Qingshuang hummed lightly, resting her head on his right shoulder.

The clouds in the sky were moving backwards, and the rows of buildings on the street gradually came to an end.

Qingshuang was thinking in her heart, father, mother, Shuang'er, someone wants it now.


The carriage went out of the west gate, making it easy for the official road to gallop south.

Most travelers will travel with caravans like Jiangling, because it will be safer and more convenient.

Recently, there have been thieves and bandits in the south, and Qingzhou and Xuzhou are not peaceful.

The caravan they took was accompanied by bodyguards, and the price for them was also the highest.

Jiangling didn't think about the destination of the south trip, he just thought that he just needed to go south, and he just went and saw.

As the official road goes away, the outline of the capital gradually becomes blurred.

Jiang Ling pinched the lifeline in his hand, thought about it, and finally pinched one into two, and it was broken...

 The chapters are combined into one, and the author has something to do at night, so they are combined.

(End of this chapter)

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